1972 Ord. No. 244B Bonds /- C?8::\AI\CE l\ur=i:C=Z=ZI~~..~ =SSLJ.t\~C2 07 $~50, (jO~ 'i "-'-r~'7 CH' S '-'-JkR77 ~L;"""" _ ~ ~""'"")~'I"ri'" -.,-"'\.r.l);') 0VEMT"'\," V...L.l..L ...... \...,,1J..J...-i. .LL-l:; .1.J-i.<I..\...:\U, ~.J....L,-L.L.....L.. .L.1.':"J..~,,-1J 11w.......... BO:-.TtS, SERIES 1972, 1; =:_.'..'::':-~=- FE3RUARY 1, 1972 r:~<E S Tr\ ~E OF TEXA S v ), x C0~K~=ES OF GUADALDPE AXlJ B2XAR x C:TY OF SCHERTZ r ~ 1 ON THIS, the 10th day of February, 1972, the City Council 0~ the City of Schertz, Texas, convened in regular session at L~e regular meeting place thereof in the City Hall, the ~eeting jein~ o;en to the public and notice of said meeting, giving the C~t2, p:ace and subject thereof, having been posted as prescribed ~j Ar~~cle 6252-17, Section 3A, V.A.T.C.S., with the foilowing ili2illters present and in attendance, to wit: DR. ROY W. RICP~RD VJA YOR ~~~~~= ~l. :'~-Y\~"~ ) ) \ ) ) ) A LDER..'1EN ~':'~2~:': =':;~T~ ~ l:J~: ~JEERT E. SChwARTZ ~LO~ R. CP~MELESS ~<RS. BOBBIE L. KOCH ~~d wi~h the following absent: Koym and Dunham cons:i n::. ting a quorum; and among other proceedings had were the rcllO\.Jing: Th~ Mayor introduced a proposed ordinance. The orainance W&S read in full. Alc2rman Koch IT.ace a mo-cion ,-uu,- any ru2-e requiring ordinances to be read more ~han one time or a~ more than o~e ~eeting be suspended, and that said ordinance be ?assed as an e~ergency measure. The motion was seconded by Alder~an Chambless and carried by the following vote: AYES: Aldermen If.;':/fi.., Schwartz, ChcHl'.bless, ~h~~, and Alderwoman Koch. NOES: None. Alderman nance be pass ed Chambless Schwartz made a motion tha~ ~he ordi- finally. The motion was seconded by Alderman and carried by the following vote: AYES: Aldermen Koym, Schwartz, Chambless, ~~33~m, and Alderwoman Koch. :\OES: None. The Mayor announced that the ordinance had been finally passed. The ORDINANCE is as follows: 3C:\fD i'\'"""Gl1BERS (\ ~,r;:- 1 . ) VLi...-'. LnCl.USlVe l''L.;TGRITY A~TOl}"~r: 1 :973 $ :,000 .L 2 i97!-' 1,GJ0 ') 1975 1,000 ..) 4 atlG ) 1976 2,000 ,- --~~ 7 :"977 2,000 0 U.Li..U 3 and 9 1978 2,000 lO and .L.L 1979 2,000 12 to 14 1980 3,000 :5 to 20 1981 6,000 22- to 26 1982 6,000 27 to 32 1983 6,000 33 to 39 1984 7,000 40 to 47 1985 8,000 48 to 55 1936 8,000 56 to 63 1987 8,000 6Lr to 73 1988 10,000 74 to 83 1989 10,000 84 -:::0 93 1990 10,000 94 to 103 2-991 10,000 104 to 114 1992 11,000 115 to 125 1993 11,000 126 to 137 1994 12,000 138 to 150 1995 13,000 ?~OVIDED, HOWEVER, that the City reserves the right to ~edeem :Jonds m.::n:uring in each of the ye<:lrs 1988 tht"ough 1995 of s.1id s~ries, in whole or any part the~eof, on June 1, 1987, or on a~y iuterest payment date thereafter, at the price of par and accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption, plus a pre- cium of 2-1/2% on all bonds called for redemption in the year 1987, such premium reducing 1/2 of 1% on each June 1 thereafter, -J:lti1 no premium is payable on June 1, 1992, or on any inter- est payment date thereafter; and PROVIDED, FURTHER, that at lease thirty (30) days prior to any interest paymenc date upon w~ich any of said bonds are to be redeemed, a notice of redemp- cion, signed by the City Secrecary (specifying the serial numbers a~d amount of bonds to be redeemed) shall have been filed with t~e Y~IN BANK & TRUST, San Antonio, Texas (the paying agent named ~~ each of said bonds), and should any bond or bonds not be pre- sented for redemption pursuant to such notice, the same shall cease to bear interest from and after the date so fixed for rcdcrnp tion. ~~EC'fION 3: That said bonds shall be3r interest L:LOm date to maturity at the following rates per annum: (a) Bonds maturing in each of the years 1973 through 1980 at 4-1/2%; (b) Bonds maturing in each of the years 1981 through 1984 at 5%; (c) Bonds maturing i~ eac~ or the years 1985 through 1987 at 5.3%; and (d) Bonds maLuring in each of the years 1988 through 1995 at 6.2%; s~cn ~nterest to be evide~ced by proper coupons attac~2d to each u~ said bonds, and said interest shall be payable on December 1, ~S72, and semiannually thereafter on June 1 and December 1 in each year. SECTION 4: That both principal or and interest on said bonds shal: be payable in lawrul money of the United States of America, w~thG~t exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder, at the Y~lN BANK & TRUST, San Antonio, Texas, upon presentation and s~rrender of bonds or proper coupons. SECTION 5: That the seal of said City may be impressed on each or said bonds or, in the alternative, a facsimile of such seal may be princed on the said bonds. 7~e bonds and interest coupons appurtenant thereto may be executed by the imprinted fac- simi:e signatures of the Mayor and C~ty Secretary of the City, a~d execution in such manner shall have the same effect as if s~ch bonds and coupons had cee2 signed by the Mayor and City Sc;crecary in person by their mc:.:1ual signatures. Inasmuch as SLCD bonds are required to be registered by the Comptroller of 2Lblic Accounts for the State 0= Texas, only his signature (or chat of a deputy designated in writing to act for the Comptroller) shall be required to be manually subscribed to such bonds in con~ecticn with his registration certificate to appear thereon, as hereinafter provided, all in accordance with the provisions 0= Article 7l7j-l, V.A.T.C.S. SECTIOR 6: That the form of said bonds shall be subs tan- ciallyas follows: "NO. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA $1,000 STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTIES OF GUADALUPE AND BEXAR CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, STREET IMPROVEME~~ BOND, SERIES 1972 The CITY OF SCHERTZ, a municipal corporation of ~h2 Scate 0= ~exas, acknowledges itself indebted to and, FOR VALUE RECEIVED, hereby promises to pay to bearer, the sum of ONE THOUSA~~ DOLLARS ~Sl,OOO), in lawful money of the United States of America, on the FIRST DAY OF JUNE) 19 , with interest thereon from the date iereof to maturity at the rate of PER CENTUM ( %) per annum) payable on December 1, 1972, and semiannually thereafter L.. ",,~-;:2 ::. end December 1 i:1 eacn year, and interest feLLing due v_" 0:: ')r:..or:o ulot\J.ri::y ll.ereof is "Jaya"0::"e or:1y u:)on vresentation - ~ L ~ ~;:d 3~rrender of the interesL coupons hereto attached as they s2vera::'iy oecome due. 3J~~ PRINCIPAL a? E.nc interest on this bond are hereby made ?~yaj~~ at th2 ~~IN BAXK & ~RUSL, San Anto~io, Texas, without 2^ch2~ge or co:lection charges ~o the owner or holder, and for ::>.e '"):::-o::.:)c ")ayment or this bond. and the intel:'es t thereon at . c . ~~tur~ty, the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Schertz, Texas, are hereby irrevocably pledged. ~HIS BOND is one of a series of One Hundred Fifty (150) seria: bonds, numbered consecuLively from One (1) through One ~undreG FifLY (150), each in denomination of One Thousand Jclla~s ($1,000), aggregating ONE HU~~RED FIFTY THOUSA~~ DOL- L;.~S ($150,000), issued for the purpose of constructing street improveilients in and for said City, under authority of the Con- s~itution and laws of the State of Texas and pursuant to an ordinance duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Scier::z, Texas, and duly recorded in the Minutes of said City Counci: . AS SPECIFIED in the ordinance hereinabove mentioned, the City reserves the right to redeem bonGS waturing in each of the years 1988 through 1995 of this series, in whole or any part ~h2reof, au June 1, 1987, or on any interest payment date there- a~ter, at the price of par and accrued interest to the date fixed for rede~p~ion, plus a premium of 2-1/2% on all bonds called for rcue~ption in the year 1987, such prewium reducing 1/2 of 1% on e~ch June 1 thereafter, until no premium is payable on ~une 1, ~S92, or on any interest payment date thereafter; PROVLDED, nOWEV2R, that at least thirty (30) days prior to any interest payme~t date upon which any of said bonds are to be redeemed, a notice of redemption, signed by the City Secretary (specifying t~e serial numbers and amount oI bonds to be redeemed) shall have Deen filed with the MAIN BA~{ & TRUST, San Antonio, Texas; and should any bond or bonds not be presented Ior redemption pursuant to such notice, the same shall cease to bear interest from and after the date so fixed for redemption. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED A~~ REPRESENTED that the issuance of this bond and the series of which iL is a part is d~ly authorized by law and by authority expressly cO~I2rred at a~ election held for that purpose within said City; that all a~ts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and tn the issuance of this series of bonds and of this bond, have been properly done and performed and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; that s~ffi- cient and proper provision has been made for the levy and collec- tion of taxes which, when collected, shall be appropriated exclu- sively to the payment of this bond and the series of which it is & part, and to the payment of the interest coupons thereto annexed) as the same shall become due, and that the total indebtedness of the City of Schertz, Texas, including the entire series of bonds or which this is one, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. ~:.\ r':ESTIXONY T..JnE~:ZEO?) the Ci::y C.:J'U:.--..cL. or the Ci.:y of Schertz, =_:~~2, ~~ accords~ce wiz~ t~e ?rovisic2S cf Arti21e 717j-l, V.A.:.2.S., rias ca'Used t~2 sea: of sai~ Cicy to ~e i~?~essed or ~ ~a2si~i:e thereof to be pri~ted hereon, a~G t~is bond and its ~~?U~C2~ant coupons to be exec~ced with the im?ri~te~ facsimile s~gG~c"G~es of the Mayor and Cicy Secretary of said City; the date o~ t~is bond, in conrormity with the ordinance above rererred to, Jcinb ~h2 FIRST JAY OF ~EBRUARY, 1972. Mayor, City or Schertz, 7exas CCDN'::ERS IGNED : City Secretary, City of Schertz, Texas SECTION 7: That the form of interest coupons attached to each or said bonds shall be substantially as follows: :\0. ON THE FIRST DAY OF 19 $ *(un:ess the bond to which this coupon pertains has been properly 2a11ed for redemption in accordance with its terms,) the CITY OF SCRE~:Z, a municipal corporation o~ the State of Texas, hereby ?~omises to pay to bearer, at the K~IN BAm< & TRUST, San Antonio, 7exas, without exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder, the sum of DOLLARS ($ ), in lawful money of the United States of America, seid sum being months' interest due that day on "CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, STREET IMPROVD:ENT BOND, SERIES 1972," da t ed FebrJary 1, 1972. Bond No. City Secretary Mayor SECTION 8: That the following certificate shall be printed on the back of each bond: STATE OF TEXAS x y A 1 REGISTER NO. OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER I HEREBY CERTIFY that there is on file and of reco~d i~ my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State oi Texas :0 cne effect that this bond has been examined by him as required by law, and that he finds that it has been issued in conformity \]it~ the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon said City of Schertz, Texas, and said bond has this day been registered by me. *~O~E TO PRINTER: The expression In parentheses to ~e included unly in coupons maturing December 1, 1987 and subsequent, pertain- ing co optional bonds maturing in the years 1988 through 1995. ~.JIT0i--SSS r-iY 1-iAKD AND SRt.L OF OF?IC2 at Aus'::iD., Texas, Co~peroiier o~ ?~biic ACCOLn~s of the S1:2t2 o~ 72:~CiS s~c~=o~ 9: That to ?rov~de ror the paYwent o~ tne debe serv~c2 requirements on the said bonds, being (i) t~e interest o~~ s&id bo::ds and (ii) a SLlk-;~-:_2: ,,::,,'~d -+=o"~ 1~:'-''''~r r-::.c"'-.",'_.....~o.,., at --~ '-..J ~L4.J..J. .......L ....1..i.C-'- e "--'''~~...---' L.__ "-1. ;.'c:c:tu:.:::"ty 0;:- a sinking fund or 2% ("vhichever arr,ount:: s~-c&L, '02 g~eacer), there shall be and there is ~2reby levied f0r the c~rr~~t year and each succeeding year thereafter whil~ ~~id b~'--c:s o~ l'nterest thevoeon s'1a', ~ '~om~l'n ou.....ct"'.....,r'.:"'o. -c'"r "~.-Q~Q1 v....J.. ..L J.. ..L;.. ...L.-'- ....... \:.... a J.. L~ U.LJ..'-.....;._.<.l.o <....o.l...\...4- ~""'~JO".A..L. , a sufficient tax on each one hundred dollars; valuat::ion or taX- able ?roperty in said City, adequate to pay such cebe service requireQents, fULl allowance being made for delinquencies and cases of collection; said tax shall be assessed and col:ected each year and applied to the payment:: of the said debt service reqLirements, and the same shall not be diverted to any other ?urpose. The taxes so levied shall be paid in~o a fund known as nSPEC:AL STREET IHPROVL."iEt\'T BOND FUND, SERIES 1972,11 "\Thich is hereby established for the payment or the obligations herein 3~thc~izeG. The City Council hereby declares its PU~?oSC and ~~te~t to provide and levy a tax lega~ly and fully su~ficient for s~ch bonos, it having been determined that the existing and ~vailable taxing authority of the City ror such purpose is 3de- s~ate to permit a legally surficient tax in consideration of a~l o~her outstanding obligations. SEC~ION 10: That the Mayor of said City shall be and he is ~2reoy authorized to take and have charge of all necessa~y orders a~d records pending investigation by the Attorney General of the S~at::2 of Texas, and shall take and have charge and control of the bones herein authorized pending their approval by the Attorney General and their registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. SECTION 11: That the sale of the bonds herein authorized to TEXAS SECURITIES CORPORATION ~t ~ne price of par and accrued interest to date of c21ivery plus a premium of $ 500.00 is hereby confirmed. Delivery or the jGnds shall be made to said purchasers as soon as may b~ a~ter che adoption of this ordinance, upon payment therefor in accor- d~nce with the terms of sale. SSCTION 12: The purchasers' obligation to accc~).: UC:"::"VCl:Y O~ the bonds herein authorized is subject to their being furnished a riaa 1 opinion of Mess rs. Dumas, Huguenin, Boothman ar.c :-:o::rO'i-J, Attorneys, Dallas, Texas, approving such bonds as co their valid- icy, said opinion to be dated and delivered as of the dace of celivery and payment for such bonds. Printing or a true and correct copy of said opinion on the reverse side of each of suc~ bonds, with appropriate certificate pertaining thereto executed by facsimile signature of the City Secretary of the City or Schertz, Te~as, is hereby approved and authorized. SECTION 13: That the public importance of this measure and ~~e fac~ that it is to the best interest of the City to provide =L.IIG.S for the street improvements herein contemplated at the ~Grl~est possible date constitute and create an emergency and ~^:: ur:;ent public necessity, requiring that any rule providing Ear ordinances to be read more than one time or at more than o~e illeeting of the City Council be suspended, and requiring ~~at ~his ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency D2aslire, and such rules and provisions are accordingly suspended, a~d this ordinance is passed as an emergency measure, and shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 1(-l)1" day of ),("j,:'j~"M:_' 1972. Q ~.:. .v;) tlLAI(!;; Ve.t/;I{)o~.t Mayor, Ctty of Schertz, Texas A':'TEST: 0) ., _OJ ,/ ""J" / /' I:' I ~ r.{ L L. '" ~ef.. u: l. ~ , City Secretary, City of Schertz, T exa s (Ci ty Seal) CERTIFICATE OF CITY SECRETARY '-'--'1''' ~"",,""".J.. OF SCHERTZ I l f r I I '..:'EE Sl.'A TE OF TEXAS CCU~7IES OF GUADALUPE AND BEXAR I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of Schertz, 7ex&s, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true / /-":>....,, C'v - ( and correct copy of an ordinance authorizing issuance of $1-,75, goo. lICITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1972," dated February 1, 1972 (and Minutes pertaining to its adoption), passed by the City Council of said City the -1/ day of on it < ~) ;;, / t{ ,.} I >j , 1972, and which ordinance is of record in Book I ~ of the Minutes of said City Council. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the said ordinance was passed at a meeting held after written notice thereof stating the date, time and purpose had been posted at the City Hall on a bulletin board :ocated at a place convenient to the public, all in compliance witn the provisions of Article 6252-17, Section 3A, V.A.T.C.S. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name offi- cia~:y and affixed the seal of said City, this the . "x jt." day of J.J~..U ' 1972. .., // ..-) / r~> (r (~_ : ~;~ -<. A'~ , City Se~retary, City of Schertz, Texas (Cit.y Seal) GENERAL CERTIFICATE 'I'~:2 S':::'ATE OF TEXAS 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO~~IZS OF GUADALUPE A:\jv BEXAR C:'':Y OF SCHERTZ WE, the undersigned, Mayor and City Secretary-Treasurer, r23pec~ively, of the City of Schertz, Texas, DO HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: 1. That the following is a full and correct statement of ~~e ~ax-supported bond indebtedness of said City as of the date ~2reinbelow shown: lZ=-~l.d or Bonds Date Int. S2'Ner System Series 1962 6-1-62 3-3/4% 3-5/8% $ 5,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 10,000 Maturity Amount Outstandin.\?i 6-1-72 73 74/78 79/82 83/86 87/89 90/92 93/94 95/97 98/99 2000 2001 $265,000 TOTAL TAX-SUPPORTED INDEBTEDNESS.... ... .......... $265,00Q Sinking funds on hand to credit of above debt.... $ 4t,9~Y 2. That the following are the duly qualified and acting officers of said City: (DR.) ROY R. RICHARD RA YMOND G. KOYM ROBERT E. SCHWARTZ LEON R. CHAMBLESS JIMMIE V. DUNHAM (MRS.) BOBBIE L. KOCH ) ) ) ROBERT C. BUEKER MAYOR ALDERMAN ALDERMAN ALDERMAN ALDERMAN ALDERWOMAN CITY SECRETARY CITY TREASURER TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR 3. Said City is incorporated under the General Laws of the S::ate of Texas, and is operating under the aldermanic form of gover~ment, pursuant to Chapters 1 to 10, inclusive, of Title 28, Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and the seal of said City, this the /" ,"/ day of '," "'I ' 1972. Qi vii (C;:~\~~ i1a..;~1 Mayor /1 City of Schertz, Texas (City Seal) ,---) ~ p /, .-/-,'/.. 7? / /, t...~1 \.....( ::.. L (, . -~!. \--l_- ,r't' \. .,/ City Secretary-Treasurer, City of Schertz, Texas STA TEMENT OF TAXABLE VALUES -=;~~:2 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF SCHERTZ I 1 X X 1 I COUKTIES OF GUADALUPE Ai\1D BEXAR I, the undersigned, Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City of Schertz, Texas, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the assessed value of property for the purposes of taxation in said City of Schertz, Texas, as shown by the tax rolls of said City for the year 1971, w~ich have been duly approved and which is the latest official assessment of said City, is as follows: TOTAL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY.............$ 7,877,766. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, this the ~ ,. ,'./ day of ," , /. ' . . c. , " J , 1972. I ,//: if; t'(~ ~- Z):" /.' ,- Assessor and Collector of Taxes City of Schertz, Texas '('.;'-;-y Ceal) ,""....... u_