10-01-2020 Workshop minutesNortheast Partnership
City of Marion
303 S. Center Street
Marion Texas 78124
October 1, 2020
I. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum.
Mayor Williams called the workshop to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Introduction of those present and roll call.
Members present were:
Mayor Walt Williams, New Berlin
Mayor Jeff Hunt, Santa Clara
Mayor Larry Thompson, Garden Ridge
Mayor Mary Dennis, City of Live Oak
Mayor Pro -Tern Joel Hicks, Cibolo
Mayor Ralph Gutierrez, Schertz
Mayor Victor Contreras, Marion
Guests: City Secretary Brenda Dennis, Schertz
III. New Business:
1. Discussion and possible action regarding recognizing our First Responders.
(Mayor Walt Williams)
Mayor Walt Williams stated that he would like to pose to the Mayor's the idea of taking
an additional 20% of NEP funds to be utilized to honor and recognized all first
responders of our cities. The money would be utilized to host a pizza luncheon, or
something similar. This is a great way to say Thank You to all our First Responders who
have been working diligently during the current events of COVID -19.
Mayor's present indicated this is a great idea and a motion was made by Mayor Ralph
Gutierrez, City of Schertz seconded by Mayor Larry Thompson, City of Garden Ridge
to provide each member city additional funds to be utilized to honor their cities first
responders. Motion passed
IV. Old Business:
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1. Update /status regarding the NEP City's COVID-19 Assistance checks and
distribution. (Mayor Walt Williams.
Mayor's present provided updates regarding their check distributions. Each
indicated that the response has been very well received. Mayor's present did
indicate that a possible article be written in the Herald regarding this and
photographs be submitted with the article. Mayor's present discussed the
differences in the numbers that are coming out, numbers are lagging coming out of
the state.
V. Items of interest by Member Cities.
Mayor Mary Dennis had a question about the recent changing of our name, in answer we
are not changing our charter at all — we are doing more than just economic development.
We are only changing the dba as the Northeast Partnership.
Mayor Dennis mentioned the recent passing previous Mayor Joe Painter and past president
of the EDC Corporation. He was very instrumental in the development of the City of Live
Oak, the Forum, hospital etc.
Mayor Thompson mentioned the recent distribution of checks to some of their businesses.
He stated that he has a pizzeria (Figlio's Pizzeria) that is having problems employing help.
He stated that their budget is complete.
Mayor Thompson stated the budget is complete and that they will have a meeting with the
Wildlife Commission to once again trap deer. Citizens against this will once again be
attending their meetings to voice their concerns.
Another item they have been involved with is keeping up with the COVID -19 case counts,
the Governors openings of more places and more activities. He and the other Mayors'
discussed what they are doing in their communities and what they are opening. They
discussed the numbers recently coming out that are misleading.
Mayor Gutierrez concurred, that the numbers are being skewed by the number of new
testing being made available. He stated that the pavilion has not been opened back up, but
it will be soon. He has no objections with the numbers being reported by the county.
Mayor Contreras stated he has been pushing to complete recent subdivision which
negotiations were blocked earlier. They are back in their newly remodeled City Hall
building. They have been able to remodel two buildings at less cost than renting the
portable building, which will be removed. Lastly, in 2 weeks he will be turning 65.
Mayor Walt Williams stated that they are still 0 property tax. They have had zero (0)
COVID-19 cases in their city. Businesses are closing down, bars included. Mayor Williams
stated he spoke regarding how TML can help our small cities, about how can we get a
10 -1 -2020 Minutes
message to our Judges, State Representatives and Governor that the Mayors of the small
cities should be able to be making their own decisions with regard to opening up businesses.
Mayor Gutierrez stated that the City of Converse sold us their old blocker engine as ours
was destroyed. He thanked the city. Budget is complete and we lowered it from last year,
also there are developers knocking at Schertz door to come develop.
Mayor Pro -Tem Hick — City of Cibolo stated that they too are having requests to reopen
certain areas, and the City is reminding them to continue with social distancing. The City
will be hosting their Holiday Parade the second Saturday in December— those interested in
participating to contact the city.
Joel indicated that they will be applying for a grant through AACOG (VW who is giving
away money) their city will use these to get rid of some of their old trucks. (he indicated
that cities are not applying for these grants — and that is what they are there for to be
utilized) There are several different grants you can apply for just go to AACOG look up
economic development workshop.series — they have one every week.
Mayor Victor Contreras stated that the room they are sitting in this evening used to be the
old Police Station. Tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. they will be having their re -grand opening.
They will be remodeling the old Fire Station #1 and turning it into a Community building.
Completed their budget, it was his first, kept the same tax rate as last year 4801. Mayor
Contreras stated things are going well in Marion, they are securing and completing the
GLO grants for the city as they have hired a grant writer. It will be submitted to the Council
Monday — 10 million dollars to install a Pixar sewer plant — elevated storage tank which
will hold 500,000 gallons and pipeline from Wagner station over to Marion. Their
percentage of the grant is 1%. Mayor Contreras also indicated that they are looking into
other grants to redo their parks. The City remains at no COVID -19 cases at this time with
7 recovered.
Mayor Hunt City of Santa Clara indicated they have the same tax rate as last year. They
are on track to secure their City Marshal. Mayor Hunt thanked the City of Marion for
referring a Reservist who wants to be a Marshal so that he can become a constable, but
also, he could go to Police Chief Academy /school. Mayor Hunt stated that he is setting up
all their policies — he comes with his own cars because he runs for TxDOT and will lease
them a vehicle temporarily. Hopefully by December the City will have someone running
around with lights on.
City Secretary Brenda Dennis stated that the City had one crew back from California who
assisted with the wildfires and that another one with our Fire Chief went out this week.
Mayor Gutierrez with City of Schertz stated that Southwest had chartered an airplane to
transport the over 150 Fire Fighters.
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Mayor Williams City of New Berlin stated that he will be the Mayor once again as no one
filed. He stated that all the roads except one in their city will be repaved for $32,000 with
the County doing the roads. The RD Housing development is going great.
VL Establish a Date, Time & Location of the next NEP Workshop Meeting. (Next up is
the City of New Berlin) to host for November 5, 2020.
Mayor Walt Williams stated that it would be the City of Cibolo since he switched with
VII. Establish a date, time for the next regular meeting of NEP.
Next meeting will be scheduled for November 12, 2020. City of Cibolo to provide door
VIII. Adjournment.
Mayor Williams adjourned the workshop at 7:03 p.m.
Mayor Walt Williams, NEP Chairman
10 -1 -2020 Minutes