DATE: 09/14/2020
Ken Bauer, Chris Bryan, Beverly Clarke, Carol Cyr, Patti Dilworth, Mireille
Ferdinand- Hercule, Dawn Figueras, Patti Paulson, Margaret Riley, Letticia Sever, Ruth
Tienor, Melissa Uhlhorn, Joanne Ward, Laura Wilson
1121*311MM 213MU 0 .
CALL TO ORDER: Patti Dilworth called the meeting to order at 6:29 pm.
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1. Minutes: Consideration andlor action regarding the approval of the minutes of
the 81312020 meeting.
- Ruth Tienor moved to accept the 8/3/2020 minutes as presented.
- Patti Paulson seconded the motion.
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Library Usagpg r St�atistic�s
volunteer hours listed are for the 3 volunteers working in the
- Magazines and papers are still being ordered and being used by
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5. Committee of Committees Advisory Board Update (if CCAB has met):
- There have been no recent meetings and meetings are on hold until
further notice.
1. A slate
• officers for the LAB was presented.
a. Patti Paulson - Chair
b. Dawn Figueras - Vice Chair
c. Laura Wilson - Treasurer
d. Joanne Ward - Bookstore manager
e. Chris Bryan - Secretary
Ruth Tienor moved to accept the slate of presented.
Carol Cyr seconded the motion.
The motion carried.
2. LAB was introduced to Mireille Ferdinand-Hercule and mutual introductions were
made of all present. LAB welcomes its newest member.
6. Items by the Library Board Members: Briefing and discussion on thefollowiri
Correspondence received by the Secretary: non4
- Ruth Tienor moved to adjourn the meeting.
- Patti Paulson seconded the motion.
- The motion carried.
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:37.
- The next meeting will be 10/5/2020, with the location to be determined.