10-5-2020 LAB MinutesDATE: October S, 2020
Members Present:
Ken Bauer, Chris Bryan, Beverly Clarke, Carol Cyr, Patti Dilworth, Mireille
Ferdinand-Hercule, Dawn Figueras, Margaret Riley, Letticia Sever, Ruth Tienor, Melis
Uhlhorn, Laura Wilson I
Visitors: None
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Library usage an_statistics
- The library usage for August 2020 was presented and there were no
Literary operation and other items ofinteLrest
The library re-opening plan was presented.
The Library will reopen at 11 am on 10/6/2020.
Infrared temperature testing will be used.
Cleaning protocols have been established.
Remote computer help is being established.
Hours will be 11-6, Tuesday - Saturday.
Curbside service will continue of items. Curbside delivery of
printing will be discontinued.
All items being returned will be done so through exterior book
drop to enable quarantine of items.
Limited computers will. be available for use.
As for now there will be no in person programs, no use of study
rooms and meeting rooms, seating will be limited, no food and
drink consumption allowed, no donations are being accepted and
interactive features and toys, etc. will not be available.
as required for 5 and over.
- There is an opening for an alternate LAB member.
4. Bookstore Report: Committee reported on the following items:
General Operation.
- Joanne and was unable to attend the meeting.
- A general discussion was held about the bookstore.
The reopening date is still to be determined, maybe after the new year.
Donations are not being accepted.
Per Ruth "Ti nor, Joanne and has been contacting volunteers to gauge
their comfort level about returning.
5. Committee of Committees Advisory Board Update (if CCAB has met):
There have been no recent meetings and meetings are currently on hold.
6. Items by the Library Board Members: Briefing and discussion on thefollowi
items. I
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- Laura Wilson moved to adjourn the meetinN-
- Margaret Riley seconded the motion.
motion carried. I
meeting was adjourned at 6:53.
- The next meeting will be- 11/2/2020 in the Bluebonnet Room.
Patti Paulson, Chair
Chris Bryan, Secr ary