11-05-2020 Workshop MinutesNortheast Partnership
' City of Cibolo
City Council Chambers
200 South Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
November 5, 2020
I. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum.
Mayor Williams called the workshop to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Introduction of those present and roll call.
Members_hresent were:
Mayor Walt Williams, New Berlin
Mayor Jeff Hunt, Santa Clara
Mayor Larry Thompson, Garden Ridge
Mayor Mary Dennis, City of Live Oak
Mayor Pro -Tem Joel Hicks, Cibolo
Mayor Stosh Boyle, Cibolo
Mayor Ralph Gutierrez, Schertz
Mayor Victor Contreras, Marion
Guests: City Secretary Brenda Dennis, Schertz
III. New Business:
1. Discussion and update regarding the preliminary results of the November 3,
2020 elections.
Each municipality represented gave an account and status of their preliminary
results of the November 3, 2020 election results unless they did not have an
election, or their elections are in May.
2. Discussion and action regarding cancelling the December 10, 2020 NEP
meeting due to lack of items and holiday time.
Councilman Joel Hicks with Cibolo made a motion to cancel the NEP Workshop
meeting on December 03, 2020, and the Regular NEP meeting on December 10,
2020, and Mayor Mary Dennis with Live Oak made the second. Motion Passed.
11 -5 -2020 Minutes
3. Discussion regarding the upcoming speaker presentations.
Mayor Walt Williams stated the speaker for next week will be Guadalupe County
Judge Kyle Kutscher. Mayor Stosh Boyle made mention he would like to provide
a plaque for Judge Kutscher at the November 12, 2020, Regular NEP meeting in
appreciation for his outstanding leadership.
Councilman Joel Hicks with Cibolo made a motion to purchase a plaque for Judge
Kyle Kutscher in appreciation for his outstanding leadership. Mayor Walt
Williams with New Berlin made the second. Motion passed.
IV. Items of interest by Member Cities.
Mayor Dennis stated there will be a reception for the elected officials sponsored by the Tri
County Chamber.
Mayor Ralph Gutierrez announced Schertz will be having their Christmas tree lighting
ceremony, the Holidazzle, and the Festival of Angels parade, as well as a New Year's
Mayor Jeff Hunt had no updates /announcements.
Mayor Victor Contreras announced they will have their Veterans Day Program in their
Veterans Park, a tree lighting ceremony, and then announced the marriage of his daughter.
Mayor Stosh Boyle announced he, Mayor Pro -Tem Hicks, and Mayor Gutierrez sat down
with the Texas American Indian Society to discuss a large Pow -Wow event in the area next
year around Thanksgiving to span three or four days. Mayor Boyle discussed possible
details and funding of the event. Mayor Boyle and Mayor Pro -Tem Hicks also announced
they will have their tree lighting ceremony and their Christmas Parade.
City Secretary Brenda Dennis announced Schertz will have the Selma - Cibolo - Schertz
Veterans Day Celebration at the Schertz Veterans Plaza.
Mayor Larry Thompson announced they are converting to AMI Automatic Metering
Infrastructure. This project was funded by their city with no need for bonds to fund the
project/system. Mayor made mention of their Trunk or Treat event that was a great success.
They will be providing the Veterans Day Celebration, an inaugural event at Davenport
High School, an Arbor Day event that includes an annual Park cleanup, and their Christmas
Tree lighting ceremony including a visit from Santa Claus.
V. Establish a Date, Time & Location of the next NEP Workshop Meeting. (Next up is
the City of Santa Clara) to host for December 3, 2020 — or if cancelled January 7,
11 -5 -2020 Minutes
Mayor Walt Williams stated the next city to host the Mayor's Workshop would be the City
of Santa Clara on January 7, 2021.
VI. Establish a date, time for the next regular meeting of NEP. November 12, 2020, and
next up December 10, 2020) — or if cancelled January14, 2021.
Next meeting will be scheduled for January 14, 2021. Santa Clara to provide door prizes.
Mayor Mary Dennis made the following additional announcements: Live Oak will be
having their free shred day at the Fire Station. She commented on their successful Trick or
Treat through the Park event. Mayor Dennis also announced she will be doing a Town
Hall with Senator Menendez next week on Zoom.
Mayor Walt Williams stated he would like NEP to come up with an agenda on what we
can do as a group with our legislators. Mayor Williams would like to see the executive
orders modified where cities get more input on how they run their city during an emergency
declaration. A brief discussion ensued.
Mayor Stosh Boyle asked for consideration of a letter of support from NEP for Cibolo to
extend the widening of FM 1103 from Steele High School to FM 78. A brief discussion
ensued. This item was asked to be placed on the January 7, 2021 agenda.
VII. Adjournment.
Mayor Williams adjourned the workshop at 7.03 p.m.
Mayor Walt Williams, NE Chairman
11 -5 -2020 Minutes