20240425 Minutes SEDC Board Reg MtgSCHIERTZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MINUTES Thursday, April 25, 2024 The City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) Board of Directors met for a Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday, April 25, 2024. at 6:00 p.m. at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex, Council Chambers Conference Room, Building No. 4, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. This was an open meeting, subject to the open meeting laws of the State of Texas. In accordance with provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code notice is hereby given that a Possible Quorum of the governing body of the City of Schertz, Texas may take place at this meeting. Call to Order 1. Roll call, recognition of visitors, and review of meeting instructions for effective Board interaction and public participation. Board President Sammi Morrill presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:01 p.m. Board of Directors Present: Sammi Morrill, Board President Henry Hayes, Board Secretary Donna Steward, Board Treasurer Mark Moody, Board Member Eryn McElroy, Board Member Reynaldo 'Ray" Chavez, Board Member Board of Directors Absent: Bill Dixon, Board Vice President Hearing of Residents Staff Present: Scott Wayman, Executive Director Ashley Ritchey, Business Engagement Manager Tracy Miller, Administrative Assistant Sarah Gonzalez, Assistant City Manager Others Present: James Walters, Finance Director Lauren Shrum, Parks and Recreation Director Tim Brown, Councilmember City Council EDC Liaison Kristy Taddonio, Mile Hi Foods Jonathan Cribbs, Mile Hi Foods Robert Mases, Mile Hi Foods Cody Mullins, Four Square Group Mike Falleroni, Ryan LLC Megan McNulty, Ryan LLC Liane Garrett, Madwomen Marketing 2. This time is set aside for any person who wishes to address the Board. Presentations should be limited to no more than 3 minutes. The presiding officer will call on those persons who have signed up to speak. 1. Brandee Zukowski, Chamber Leadership Core 2. Kaylin Mahar, Chamber Leadership Core They are members of the Chamber Leadership Core and were present to observe the meeting. Minutes 3. Approval of the minutes for the Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meeting held Thursday, March 28, 2024. (T.Miller) Board President Sammi Morrill asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meeting held on Thursday, March 28, 2024. Moved by Board Treasurer Donna Steward, seconded by Board Member Ray Chavez. AYE: Board President Sammi Morrill, Board Secretary Henry Hayes, Board Treasurer Donna Steward, Board Member Mark Moody, Board Member Eryn McElroy, Board Member Ray Chavez. Unanimous affirmative vote - Motion carries. Presentations 4. Staff briefing on SEDC monthly financial statement for the month of March 2024. (S.Wayman) James Walters, Finance Director provided a summary and overview of the SEDC Financial Statement for the month of March 2024. March 2024 sales tax received was $482,383.39, expenses were $66,174.95, a 2.5% decrease over the year prior. The 12 -month rolling average is 4.7 %. Notable expenditures include incentive payments to Ace Mart Restaurant and Sysco Corporation. Total Cash & Investment figure at the end of March was $35.6 million. 5. Presentation by CFO of Mile Hi San Antonio, LLC and Megan McNulty, Manager with Ryan. (S.Wayman) Scott Wayman, Executive Director introduced Megan McNulty and Mike Falleroni of Ryan, LLC and Kristy Taddonio CFO of Mile Hi Foods. Ms. Taddonio gave a brief overview of the company. Mile Hi Foods has had one core customer for the last 60 years. They are looking to expand in the City of Schertz in the next 24 months. Mr. Falleroni gave a brief overview of the Titan site they are looking at to move forward with the project in Schertz. They are considering two other sites but narrowing it down to Schertz. They are looking to have the project completed by 4th quarter of 2025. Board Member Ray Chavez inquired about employee training and their thoughts on the other locations they are looking at. Ms. Taddonio explained the in -house training process and they discussed the other locations they are interested in. Board Secretary Henry Hayes inquired about them requesting any compliance waivers or exceptions asked for with this project. Mr. Falleroni stated he does not anticipate needing any waivers. Board Treasurer Donna Steward inquired about tax abatement in addition to the incentive payment. Mr. Falleroni stated tax rebates will be requested. Public Hearing 6. Resolution 2024 -5 - Authorizing an Economic Development Performance Agreement between the City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation and Mile Hi San Antonio, LLC. (S.Wayman) Board President Sammi Morrill opened the public hearing at 6:30 p.m. No public comments were made. Board President Sammi Morrill closed the public hearing at 6:31 p.m. Discussion Items 7. Briefing and discussion on Demographics Information. (S.Wayman/A.Ritchey) Scott Wayman, Executive Director provided demographic information from the 4th quarter JobsEQ- Market Research: • Population • Economic • Educational Attainment • Housing • Social Board President Sammi Morrill provided comparison data on the percentage of people in San Antonio not having a high school diploma. Mr. Wayman also provided information for the 4 leading sociographics profiles from ESRI Tapestry Segmentation: • Workday Drive • Up and Coming Families • Old Residents and Newcomers • Down the Road • 25 percent of City of Schertz employees live in Schertz • Schertz Industries • Schertz Top Occupations 8. Briefing and discussion on Future Land Use. (S.Wayman) Scott Wayman, Executive Director gave an overview of our future land use industrial hub and regional corridor categories. He also discussed the areas we have available for development. 9. Briefing and discussion on the Talent Pipeline. (A.Ritchey) Ashley Ritchey, Business Engagement Manager gave an overview of the Talent Pipeline. She discussed workforce development and the different programs we are partnered with to facilitate acquiring skills and opportunities: • Job Fairs - Next Job Fair May 20, 2024 • Greater SATX • Workforce Solutions Alamo • TX FAME • Regional Workforce Effort • Colleges /Universities - UTSA, Alamo Colleges, NE Lakeview • Learning Center - Texas State Technical College • K -12 - Manufacturing Day, CTE, STEM 10. Briefmg and discussion on future funding of Parks Capital Improvement Plan(CIP). (S.Wayman) Scott Wayman, Executive Director discussed the Reserve Funding Model, SEDC Reserves, and the timing of CIP projects. Future funding strategies were examined, to include the next two years. This year the soccer field lights were proposed. No action taken at this time. 11. Resolution 20244 - Authorizing an amendment to the Economic Development Performance Agreement between the City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation and Closner Equipment Company, Inc. (S.Wayman) Board President Sammi Morrill asked for a motion to approve SEDC Resolution 2024 -4, a Resolution by the City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation, Texas authorizing an amendment to the Economic Development Performance Agreement between the City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation and Closner Equipment Company, Inc. Moved by Board Secretary Henry Hayes, seconded by Board Member Ray Chavez. AYE: Board President Sammi Morrill, Board Secretary Henry Hayes, Board Treasurer Donna Steward, Board Member Mark Moody, Board Member Eryn McElroy, Board Member Ray Chavez. Unanimous affinmative vote - Motion carries. Board President Sammi Morrill recessed Open Session to Closed Session at 7:45 p.m. Closed Session 12. Called in accordance with Section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code, Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations; Closed Meeting. The governmental body is not required to conduct an open meeting (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) the deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect. • Project E -94 Start time: 7:45 p.m. End time: 7:59 p.m. Board President Sammi Morrill reconvened to Open Session at 7:59 p.m. Reconvene to Regular Session 13. Take any actions based on discussion held in closed session under Agenda Item No. 12. Board President Sammi Morrill asked for a motion to approve Resolution 2024 -5 authorizing an Economic Development Performance Agreement between the City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation and Mile Hi San Antonio, LLC. Moved by Board Member Eryn McElroy, seconded by Board Member Ray Chavez. AYE: Board President Sammi Morrill, Board Secretary Henry Hayes, Board Treasurer Donna Steward, Board Member Mark Moody, Board Member Eryn McElroy, Board Member Ray Chavez. Unanimous affirmative vote - Motion carries. Requests and Announcements • Announcements by staff: • Next Regular Board Meeting - May 23, 2024 • Offices closed May 27, 2024 - Memorial Day • Requests by Board Members to place items on a future SEDC Board Meeting agenda. • SEDC Workshop date - Summer 2024 • Review Compensation Plan • City establishing a CIP • Parks Master Plan • Park Surveys • Updated Maps Adjournment Board President Sammi Morrill asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Moved by Board Treasurer Donna Steward, seconded by Board Member Mark Moody. AYE: Board President Sammi Morrill, Board Secretary Henry Hayes, Board Treasurer Donna Steward, Board Member Mark Moody, Board Member Eryn McElroy, Board Member Ray Chavez. Unanimous affirmative vote - Motion carries. Board President Sammi Morrill adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. MINUTES PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13 DAY rM =j 2024. li //�v X Sammi Morrill Henry . ayes Board President Board Secretary