0-Candidate Letter 2024COMMUNITY SCHHEIRTZ I SEVICE OPP RTUNITY July 1, 2024 Dear Prospective Candidate: Thank you for your consideration to offer your services to the citizens of Schertz by becoming a candidate for this year's municipal election. Your candidacy entails the obligation to comply with certain applicable state statutes and local ordinances. In an effort to assist you, I have prepared a "Candidate's Packet" with the necessary forms and pertinent instructions. I urge you to read this letter and the enclosed/attached material prior to filling out the specific forms. Filing for Schertz City Council Election begins July 20, 2024, and ends August 19, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. All candidates for office in the City of Schertz must meet all the qualifications to serve on the City Council as listed in Section 4.02 of the Charter as follows: 1. Must have reached the age of eighteen or older on the first day of the term of office applied for. 2. Be a registered voter of the City of Schertz. 3. Have been a resident of the City for at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the deadline for filing for an application for a place on the ballot. Please be aware that the terms of office for Councilmembers of Places 6 and 7 are up for re-election. The term of office for these three positions is three years and is from November 2024 to November 2027. With regards to election forms, please be aware that Section 254.036 of the Election Code requires that all forms regarding financial reporting be written in black ink or typed with black typewriter ribbon unless the report is a computer printout. If the report is a computer printout, the printout must conform to the same format and paper size as the form prescribed by the commission. Forms and information for the 2024 City of Schertz City General Election for City Officials are enclosed/attached, as well as on our website www.schertz.com. I have provided a quick -start guide "First steps for candidates running for a city office " for your use. The first two forms listed (1) and (2) are the documents you need to submit when you file for office. I cannot over emphasize the importance of adherin_ to the fmancial re ortin_, procedures. Campaign reports are considered open records and will be viewed as such bN• reporters and opponents alike. (1) One copy of an Application for a place on the City of Schertz General Election Ballot bilin Mal), together with Instruction Guide. The loyalty oath is included on this application and must be notarized. There are two notaries in my office to assist you if you need this service. 1400 Schertz Parkway Schertz, Texas 78154 1 210.619.1000 - COMMUNITY SCHHEIRTZ I SERVICE OPPORTUNITY (2) One copy of Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer by a Candidate norm CTA), together with Form CTA - Instruction Guide. The Form CTA should be filed in my office at the same time as the above application. Please note the statement that must be signed regarding the nepotism law. A summary of the nepotism law is in the CTA Instruction Guide. One copy of Amendment: A m ointment of a Campaign Treasurer bN a Candidate (Form ACTA) and Form ACTA — Instruction Guide. Use this form for changing information previously reported on Form CTA and for renewing your choice to report under the modified schedule. The information you, enter on this form will replace the information from your previous Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer by a Candidate form (CTA). The Application, the Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer and Code of Fair Campaign Practices listed forms must be filed in my office no earlier than 8:00 a.m., Monday, July 22, 2024 and no later than 5.00 p.m., Monday, August 19, 2024. There is a $25 filing fee. Each application must be carefully reviewed to determine whether it complies with the Election Code requirements as to content. Please file your application as soon as practicable to allow sufficient time for this review. (3) One copy of Candidate/Officeholder Campaign Finance Report Form C/OH), together with Form C/OH - Instruction Guide. The form C/OH is to be completed by the candidate or the candidate's campaign treasurer (but signed only by the candidate). This is to be filed in my office on the dates specified on the form and on the election calendar. Form C/OH-FR, Campaign/Officeholder Report: Designation of Final Report is the last page attached to Form C/OH. This form is to be filed when you are no longer receiving or spending political contributions. A complete Form CO/H (Candidate/Officeholder Campaign Finance Report) must be filed when you file the Designation of Final Report. The instructions on how to file the Final Report are in the Instruction Guide for Form C/OH. Also included is the Texas Ethics Commission guide Campaign Finance Guide for Candidates and officeholders who file with Local Filiny- Authorities. (4) One copy of Candidate/Officeholder Report of Unexpended Contributions Form C/OH-UCl and the Form C/OH-UC — Instruction Guide. The form C/OH-UC is for filing either an annual report of unexpended contributions or a report of the final disposition of unexpended contributions. (5) A copy of the Texas Ethics Commission's Code of Fair Campaign Practices Form CFCP (please also print — sign and bring with you) and Chapter 258, Election Code. This form may be signed voluntarily and is not mandatory. 1400 Schertz Parkway Schertz, Texas 78154 210.619.1000 -2- SCHHERTZ I OPPORTUNITY TUN (6) A copy of the Texas Ethics Commission 2023 Filing Schedule for Reports due in connection with Elections held on uniform Election Dates. In this schedule, you will find information regarding the November 5, 2024 election. Any questions on reporting procedures, contributions, or expenditures should be addressed to the Texas Ethics Commission at (800) 325-8506 or (512) 463-5800. (7) A copy of the Texas Ethics Commission's Political Advertising. What You Need to Know. (8) A copy of the Rules for Posting Campaign Signs fact sheet regarding political sign placement and time limits and a copy of the City of Schertz UDC Sec. 21.11.5 Exempted Signs. (9) A copy of the Election Calendar for a City's General Election on November 7 2023. This calendar provides dates for actions that are necessary for the general election of city offices to be held on November 7, 2023. (10) One copy of the City Charter (Or obtain off the City Website) (11) Standard Operating Procedures for Dealing with Political Signs in the Public ROW or on City Property (12) City Council Rules of Conduct Procedure (13) City Council Code of Ethics. It is your duty to become familiar with the laws applicable to campaigning for office. Regarding the filing of candidate/officeholder reports, the City Secretary is limited to accepting and filing the various applications, affidavits, and/or statements, and noting the date and time of filing thereon. Should you have any questions regarding reporting procedures, contributions, or expenditures, please call the Texas Ethics Commission at (800) 325-8506 or (512) 463-5800 or go online at www.ethics.state.tx.us. You may direct questions about election laws to the Secretary of State at (800) 252-8683 or (512) 463-5650, or go online at www.sos.state.tx.us . Please note that a copy of the current Texas Election Code is on file in my office, and you are more than welcome to stop by and review it during regular business hours. Groups or committees that are advertising or campaigning for a candidate or for/against a specific measure (propositions on the ballot) are called Specific Purpose Committees and must file specific forms (SPAC) with the City Secretary at different times throughout the year. These groups are required to appoint a campaign treasurer before accepting or expending any funds. 1400 Schertz Parkway Schertz, Texas 78154 210.619.1000 -3- COMMUNITY SCHIERTZ I SERVICE OPPORTUNITY The forms and instructions are in my office, and I will make them available to you or to your committee's representative upon request. If you prefer, you can download the forms yourself from the Texas Ethics Commission's website at www.ethics.state.tx.us. The City Secretary's office is open to assist you. Your interest in municipal government is appreciated, and I trust that this will be a positive and exciting experience for you and your supporters. If you have any concerns or if I may be of assistance, do not hesitate to contact me at 210.619.1030, via email at: sedmondson u-schertz.com by my office. Sincerely, Aeila*mondsof/RAC---'-" City Secretary 1400 Schertz Parkway Schertz, Texas 78154 210.619.1000 -4-