11. Election-Calendar-TMCA 2024 TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Election Calendar For a City’s General Election on November 5, 2024 (last updated June 12, 2024) Abbreviations in the calendar are the same as those in the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual (6th edition) [M]. The most recent edition has a green cover. This calendar does not apply to all elections. For example, to prepare a calendar for a special election to fill a vacancy in office (even one on a uniform election date), see M §12.03; for a special election on a measure, see M §12.12. The basic runoff dates are included in this calendar but see the SOS calendar for more details. This calendar omits actions that vary from one city to another (for example, preparation of voting equipment). Each city secretary should use the chart at M §1.62 to create a personal election calendar. Always verify the latest version of this calendar on the TMCA’s website (under “publications”). Dates in column 1 are 2024 unless noted otherwise. Actions in column 2 relate to general elections (those in italics pertain to early voting). The city secretary typically takes the action, but deviations appear in column 3. Column 4 is a cross reference to the Elections Manual. “ED Interval” in column 5 indicates the time between the date of the action and election day. For example, the notation “-50 in the entry for September 16 means mandatory office hours begin the 50th day before election day; the notation “+10” in the entry for November 15 means that the LAST DAY for the presiding judge of the early voting ballot board to mail voters notices of rejected mail ballots is the 10th day after election day. An asterisk (*) in this column indicates the time stated is not required by statute. Not all due dates revolve around election day and are so noted. If a statutory date is moved because of a Saturday, Sunday, or state or national holiday [M §1.52(b); endnote 6], the resulting date is designated in column 1 with a note in the second column. The last column has been reserved to show completion of the action or event in column 2. A dashed line in the table between entries indicates separate events that fall on the same day. When reading the Election Code, the city secretary should remember to read the chapter and subchapter titles to determine if the section applies to cities. 2 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Mon. Nov. 6 2023 One-year deadline for posting certain candidacy and other information on the city’s website. Note: See endnote 1. -365 Mon. Jan. 1, 2024 FIRST DAY for application for ballot by mail (ABBM), annual ABBM, or Federal Postcard Application (FPCA). Note: The date does not move despite the New Year’s Day holiday. Period ends ED -11 days. City Secretary Voter 9.44(a) 1st day of the year Thur. June 20 LAST DAY to post notice on bulletin board of the filing period for the general election (SOS Form 2-1). City Secretary 2.13(d) -138 (30 days before 1st day to file) Sun. July 7 Recommended* period to obtain forms: candidate’s application for place on ballot, appointment of campaign treasurer (candidate and specific-purpose committee), report of contributions and expenditures (candidate-officeholder and specific-purpose committee), application for mail ballot, administrative forms, and precinct forms. City Secretary 5.31 *-121 July 7 to Mon. July 29 Recommended* period to review M §1.62 for possible action: Steps 1-5 (revising election precincts, designating polling places, changing method of voting, and contracting, if any) and Step 12 (establishing or changing terms of election judges). City Secretary and City Council 1.62 5.42 5.21 5.11 7.42 *-121 through *-99 Mon. July 15 LAST DAY for timely filing of semi-annual report of contributions and expenditures. City Secretary 3.12(b) 3.16 July 15 Sat. July 20 FIRST DAY for filing application for place on general election ballot (SOS Form 2- 49). Note: Filing for a general election may occur before the election is ordered (as opposed to a special election). Periods ends at 5 p.m., ED -78 days. City Secretary 2.13(a) -108 (30 days before filing deadline) July 20 FIRST DAY for filing declaration of write-in candidacy (SOS Form 2-55). Note: Period ends at 5 p.m. ED -74 days. City Secretary 2.18(b) -108 3 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Thur. July 25 to LAST DAY Mon. Aug. 19 Recommended* period and statutory deadline for ordering a general election (SOS Form 1-2). Note: There is no statutory “first day;” avoid confusion and wait until after the prior election and runoff. Sometimes the phrase “calling election” is used. The deadline may be different for a special election on a measure. See endnote 2 for mock student elections. Home-rule cities see endnote 3. Cities contracting should informally notify their contracting partners as soon as possible. Mayor 6.03 *-103 through -78 Wed. Aug. 7 LAST DAY for small city in small county to apply for exception to accessibility requirements (SOS Form 16-1). City Secretary 5.25(c)(3) -90 Fri. Aug. 16 midnight Death and ballot preparation: If a candidate dies on or before this date, the City Secretary MUST remove the candidate’s name from ballot. Note: If a candidate dies after this date but on or before the filing deadline, see endnote 4. City Secretary 6.23(c) -81 (day before the 2nd day before filing deadline (3rd day)) Mon. Aug. 19 LAST DAY for ordering a general (SOS Form 1-2) or special election (SOS Form 1-8) for the uniform date in Nov. of an even-numbered year. Note: See endnote 2 for mock student elections. Home-rule cities see endnote 3. Mayor 6.03 12.03(e)(2) -78 4 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Aug. 19 5 p.m. LAST DAY for filing application for place on a general election ballot (SOS Form 2- 49). Note: City Secretary’s office should stay open until 5 p.m. Mailed applications are filed on receipt. For deceased candidates, see endnote 4. If no candidate has filed by this deadline, it is not extended in Nov. of even-numbered years. For special elections to fill a vacancy in Nov. of even-numbered years, see the 75th day. A home-rule charter may not change this date. City Secretary 2.13(b) 2.14 6.23(c) -78 Aug. 19 Recommended* last day for notice designating election precincts and polling places. Note: These are likely to match the county’s locations in a November election. City Council 5.42(d) *-78 Aug. 19 Recommended* first day to provide 4- day notice of drawing to candidate. Note: Only written notice by mail is required 4 days before the drawing, but phone or email notice should follow the same timeline. Public notice must be posted (SOS Form 3-1) 72 hours before date of drawing. City Secretary 6.22(a)(2) *-78 Thur. Aug. 22 6 p.m. For a special election to fill a vacancy on Nov. 5, LAST DAY to file an application for place on the ballot (SOS Form 2-49) or a declaration of write-in candidacy (SOS Form 2-55). Note: This deadline only applies to such elections in Nov. of even- numbered years. City Secretary’s office should stay open until 6 p.m. Mailed applications are filed upon receipt. For deceased candidates, see endnote 4. City Secretary 12.03(f) -75 Aug. 22 Recommended* first day for preliminary work to appoint election judges. City Secretary 7.01 *-75 Aug. 22 Recommended* first day to post public’s 72-hour notice of drawing for order of names on ballot (SOS Form 3-1). City Secretary 6.22(a)(1) *-75 5 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Fri. Aug. 23 5 p.m. LAST DAY for a write-in candidate to declare candidacy in the general election (SOS Form 2-55). Note: City Secretary’s office should stay open until 5 p.m. Mailed applications are filed when received. For deceased candidates, see endnote 4. City Secretary 2.18(b) 2.18(c) -74 Sat. Aug. 24 Recommended* date to deliver the certification of unopposed candidates to city council if a candidate does not have an opponent in an election considered to be a separate election (SOS Form 13-1). City Secretary 6.12 *-73 Sun. Aug. 25 to Thur. Aug. 29 Recommended* period to conduct drawing for order of names on ballot, prepare ballot format, and send it to the printer. Note: Notice of drawing (SOS Form 3-1) must be posted 72 hours before drawing. Ask candidates to proof their names and officers. City Secretary 6.22(b) 6.25 6.26 *-72 through *-68 Mon. Aug. 26 5 p.m. LAST DAY for omitting a general election candidate’s name from the ballot if the candidate withdraws (SOS Form 2-66) or is declared ineligible. Note: City Secretary’s office should stay open until 5 p.m. A withdrawal submitted after this date is valid if it is submitted before the ballots are prepared AND if the public notice of the logic and accuracy test has not been published. Per EC §145.092(e), EC §1.006 does not apply to withdrawal deadlines. City Secretary 2.31(b) 2.31(c) -71 Aug. 26 Recommended* first day to cancel (SOS Form 13-2). Note: Unopposed races must be cancelled if no opposed at-large race is on the ballot. City Council 6.13 *-71 Fri. Sept. 6 to Tues. Nov. 5 . Ethics Commission will defer an investigation of candidates until after election (or runoff) City Secretary Texas Ethics Commission 3.01(b)(2) -60 through ED or runoff 6 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Sept. 6 LAST DAY to deliver notice of the election to the county clerk and voter registrar of each county where the city is located. Note: This is not the publication or posting deadline. For counties with elections administrators, notice goes to them. City Council (City Secretary) 6.54(a) -60 Sept. 6 Recommended* day to contact the county clerk or elections administrator concerning availability of the initial list of voters who have submitted annual applications for ballot by mail (ABBM). City Secretary 9.43 *-60 Thur. Sept. 12 to Mon. Sept. 23 Recommended* period for appointing election judges (SOS Forms 4-15, 4-16, 4- 17) plus members of the EVBB (SOS Forms 4-19) and SVC (SOS Form 10-12, 10-13, 10-14). Note: Home-rule cities see endnote 3. The SVC cannot meet until ED – 20 days. The EVBB can meet any time after ballots are returned and no later than ED – 9 days. Mayor City Council Early Voting Clerk City Secretary 7.42(a)(2) 7.23-.24 7.33-.34 *-54 through *-43 Sun. Sept. 15 Recommended* date to print ballots that have been prepared earlier. City Secretary 6.25 *-51 Mon. Sept. 16 FIRST DAY for mandatory office hours. Note: City Secretary must keep office open for at least 3 hours a day during regular office hours on regular business days. Period ends ED +40 days. See endnote 6. City Secretary 6.80(a) -50 Sept. 16 LAST DAY for a challenge of a candidate application based on form, content, and procedure. City Secretary 2.16(d) -50 7 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Sat. Sept. 21 LAST DAY to mail ballots to FCPA voters and other voters who are eligible for early voting because they are voting from outside the United States. Note: If it is not possible to mail these ballots by this deadline, the City Secretary must notify SOS within 24 hours. SOS does not apply EC §1.006 to this deadline. Respond to FPCA applications received after this date within 7 days (the same as non-FPCA applications). Rosters must be posted to city website by 11 a.m. on the following day (SOS Forms 5-7 & 6-55). City Secretary 9.49(b) 9.81 -45 Sun. Oct. 6 Recommended* last day to request voter registrar to prepare lists of registered voters and furnish statement of residence forms to be used in conducting the election. City Secretary 4.34(a) *-30 Oct. 6 Recommended* day to begin posting the notice of voting order priority on the city’s website (SOS Form 7-38). City Secretary 10.23(c) *-30 Oct. 6 to Sat. Oct. 26 Period for publishing notice of election (SOS Form 1-14). Note: Must be published at least once; perhaps more for a special election on a measure. The city attorney may apply EC §1.006 to publication deadlines, but SOS does not. Home-rule cities see endnote 3. Mayor 6.52(a) -30 through -10 Mon. Oct. 7 5 p.m. or midnight LAST DAY for filing first report of campaign contributions and expenditures by opposed candidates and specific- purpose committees (commonly called the “30-day Report”) for the filing period of July 1 to Sept. 26, 2024. Note: Because the deadline falls on Sun., it moves to Mon. City Secretary’s office should stay open until 5 p.m. The deadline is extended to midnight for electronic filing. See endnote 5 for current threshold dollar amounts. City Secretary 3.13(b) -30 8 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Oct. 7 FIRST DAY to begin posting continuous notice if SVC meets on first available date (ED – 20 days). Note: The city council appoints (SOS Form 10-13) not later than 5 days after the City Secretary calls for appointment (SOS Forms 10-12). Post notice of appointment (SOS Form 10-14), notice of delivery (SOS Form 10-15), and notice of meeting (SOS Form 10-16). City Secretary 6.70(a) 7.33 7.34 -30 Oct. 7 LAST DAY for submitting voter registration application in time to vote at the election or for requesting transfer of registration in time to vote in new precinct not in the same county and territory. Note: Because the deadline falls on Sun., it moves to Mon. Registrar 4.07(f) 4.07(g) -30 Tues. Oct. 15 to Tues. Nov. 5 at midnight LAST DAY for posting notice of election (SOS Form 1-14) on the bulletin board used for posting notices of city council meetings and website. Note: Notice must include date of election, location of each polling place, and each candidate and measure on the ballot Note: For cities conducting special elections on measures, additional posting and publication requirements may apply. Home-rule cities see endnote 3. City Secretary 6.52(a) 12.15(e) -21 through ED Wed. Oct. 16 Type B cities: LAST DAY to post notice of election in 3 public places (SOS Form 1- 14). Note: EC §1.006 does not apply to this LGC deadline. City Secretary 6.52(b)(3) -20 Oct. 16 FIRST DAY SVC may begin work. Note: EC §1.006 does not apply to the starting date. EC §87.0271 requires SVC to inform voters of certain defects in the carrier envelope within 2 days of identification (SOS Forms 10-28 to 10-32). Signature Verification Committee 6.70(a) 6.72 -20 Oct. 16 LAST DAY for unregistered FPCA applicant to apply and be eligible to vote a full ballot. City Secretary 9.61(b) 9.68(a) -20 9 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Thur. Oct. 17 to Fri. Oct. 25 Period when unregistered FPCA applicants receive a federal ballot only. City Secretary 9.61 9.68 -19 to -11 Fri. Oct. 18 LAST DAY for conducting first test of automatic tabulating and DRE equipment to be used for early voting. Note: Notice for tabulating equipment must be published 48 hours before date of test (SOS Forms 15-1 to 15-8). Notice for DRE equipment must be published 48 hours before test begins. DREs cannot be used after Sept. 1, 2026 except by disabled voters. City Secretary 6.63(d) 6.64(c) 2 days before early voting in person starts Mon. Oct. 21 FIRST DAY for early voting by personal appearance. Note: Because the deadline falls on Sat., it moves to Mon. Rosters must be posted by 11 a.m. on the day after voting. Period ends ED – 4 days. If voting will be conducted on a Sat. or Sun., notice of same must be posted at least 72 hours before such voting begins. City Secretary 9.14 -17 Oct. 21 LAST DAY to accept an FPCA without a postmark and mail the voter a full ballot. Note: The voter only gets a federal ballot if checking “my intent to return is uncertain” or “my return is uncertain.” City Secretary 9.66(b) -15 Oct. 21 LAST DAY for notifying judges of duty to hold the election (SOS Form 4-17). Mayor 7.44(a) -15 Oct. 21 LAST DAY to challenge write-in candidate for form, content, and procedure. City Secretary 2.18(f) -15 10 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Thur. Oct. 24 FIRST DAY a voter who becomes sick, disabled, or confined due to childbirth on or after this date may apply for late (emergency) early voting ballot (SOS Form 5-32. Note: Period ends at 5 p.m. on ED. For uniform election dates, the calculation is ED – 12 days, but for other elections, the period starts the day before the last day to apply for a ballot by mail. Voter’s Agent & EVC 9.72(a) -12 Fri. Oct. 25 later of noon or close of business LAST DAY to accept application for a ballot to be voted by mail, by 12 noon or close of business, whichever is later. Note: If the deadline falls on a Sat., Sun., or legal holiday, then personal delivery must be the first regular business day preceding that day. Originals are due 4 days after fax or email (except emailed FCPA). City Secretary 9.44(b)(1) 9.45(b-c) 9.68(a) -11 Oct. 25 LAST DAY to accept an FPCA. Note: The unregistered FPCA voter may only get a federal ballot, which may mean no ballot. City Secretary 9.61 9.68(a, c) -11 Oct. 25 LAST DAY for county clerk or elections administrator to deliver final list of voters that submitted an annual ABBM. City Secretary 9.43(a)(2) -11 Sat. Oct. 26 LAST DAY to publish notice of election. The city attorney may apply EC §1.006 to publication deadlines, but SOS does not. Home-rule cities see endnote 3. Mayor 6.52(a) -10 Mon. Oct. 28 If the EVBB has not yet met, it must do so by this date. Note: Because the deadline falls on a Sun., it moves to Mon. 24-hour notice must be posted for each delivery of voting materials made before election day (SOS Forms 10-3 & 10-4). The board may process the materials but may not count ballots until after the end of early voting by personal appearance. The board must provide notice of opportunity to cure certain defects in the carrier envelope within 2 days of identifying the deficiency (SOS Form 10-32). Early Voting Ballot Board 9.57(a)(2) 10.03 -9 11 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Oct. 28 5 p.m. or midnight LAST DAY for filing second report of campaign contributions and expenditures by 5 p.m. or midnight if filing electronically (commonly called the 8-Day Report) for the reporting period of Sept. 27 to Oct. 26. Note: See endnote 5. City Secretary 3.13(c) -8 Thur. Oct. 31 FIRST DAY for death in family to qualify for late (emergency) early voting (SOS Forms 5-28 & 5-29). Note: While the death occurs on or after the day before the last day of early voting by personal appearance, the application cannot be submitted until the day after early voting by personal appearance ends. Voting by this method ends close of business the day before election day City Secretary 9.73(a) -5 Fri. Nov. 1 LAST DAY of regular early voting by personal appearance. City Secretary 9.11(b) -4 Nov. 1 to Tues. Nov. 5 Once early voting by personal appearance is over until 7 p.m. on ED, early voting materials may be delivered to the EVBB for qualifying purposes if paper ballots are used or if automatically tabulated ballots are used at a central counting station. Note: Ballots may not be counted until election day unless the election is held jointly with a county of 100,000 or more. Post notice of delivery continuously 24 hours before each delivery (SOS Forms 10-3 & 10-4). Ensure that the counting equipment has been tested at least 48 hours before tabulation begins. City Secretary Early Voting Ballot Board 9.57(a)(1) 9.57(a)(3) -4 through close of polls Sat. Nov. 2 LAST DAY for conducting first test of automatic tabulating or DRE equipment to be used at a polling place. Note: To assure 48 hours before 7 a.m. of election day, test must be by 3rd day. Notice for tabulating equipment must be published 48 hours before date of test. City Secretary 6.64(b, c) 6.63(d) -3 12 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Nov. 2 to Mon. Nov. 4 Period to apply for late (emergency) early voting because of death in family (SOS Forms 5-28 & 5-29). Note: Requires absence from county on election day. Period ends the day before ED. City Secretary 9.73(a) -3 to -1 Sun. Nov. 3 Daylight savings time ends. _ _ 1st Sun. in Nov. Mon. Nov. 4 LAST DAY to deliver precinct list of registered voters, with the early voting voters marked, to presiding judges and recommended* date for delivery of supplies to presiding judges. City Secretary 9.82(e) -1 Nov. 4 One-year deadline to post certain information on the city’s website for the next general election to be held on Nov. 4, 2025. Note: See endnote 1. City Secretary 2.13(d)(2) next Nov. election (Nov. 4, 2025) – 365 days Nov. 4 Recommended* date for delivery of equipment to polling places. Note: The statutory deadline is 6 a.m. on election day. City Secretary 6.65(b) *-1 Nov. 4 Recommended* date to post notice of council meeting to canvass the returns if canvass will be on 3rd day after election. Note: Notice must be posted at least 72 hours before time of meeting. City Secretary 11.13 *-1 Tues. Nov. 5 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ELECTION DAY. Note: Early voting clerk’s office must remain open for early voting activities. Voting by sick or disabled voters may occur at the main early voting place where electronic voting systems are used at precinct polling place (SOS Form 6-57). City Secretary ch 10 10.13(c)(1) ED Nov. 5 Deliver early voting ballots, etc., to EVBB. Note: Second key to ballot box is delivered by chief of police or marshal. City Secretary Judge EVBB (sets time) 10.13(c)(1) 9.57(b)(1) ED 13 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Nov. 5 5 p.m. LAST HOUR for late applications for ballots (SOS Form 5-32) from voters who became ill or disabled on or after ED – 12 days. Note: Can still receive ballot until ED 7 p.m. City Secretary 9.72(b) ED Nov. 5 7 p.m. LAST HOUR for receiving ballots from voters who became ill or disabled ill or disabled on or after ED – 12 days. City Secretary 9.72(b) ED Nov. 5 7 p.m. LAST HOUR to receive mailed ballots with no postmark, except overseas and armed forces ballots and certain ballots placed for delivery before this deadline. Note: Check mailbox at 7 pm regardless of regular delivery schedule. See deadline ED +1 day. City Secretary 9.50(a) ED Nov. 5 after 7 p.m. Receive precinct records, voted ballots, etc. Note: Chief of police or marshal receives keys to ballot boxes containing voted ballots. City Secretary Mayor 10.13(c) 10.32(d) ED Nov. 5 after 7 p.m. Prepare unofficial tabulation of results. Note: Presiding judge must notify city secretary if counting will not be complete by 2 a.m. City Secretary 10.34 10.32(b) ED Wed. Nov. 6 5 p.m. LAST DAY to receive mailed ballots if the carrier envelope arrives before 5 p.m. and has a cancellation mark indicating it was placed for delivery at or before 7 p.m. local time for the place of election. Note: This deadline applies to voters who applied for a ballot by mail and cast a by- mail ballot from within the U.S. Check your mailbox at 5 p.m. City Secretary 9.50(a) +1 Nov. 6 LAST DAY to deliver provisional ballots to voter registrar of each county in which city is located. City Secretary 10.30(a)(2) +1 Nov. 8 to Sat. Nov. 16 Recommended* period to complete report of early votes cast for each candidate or measure, by election precinct. Note: must occur before canvass. City Secretary 11.04(b) *+3 through *+11 14 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Nov. 8 to Tues. Nov. 19 Period for official canvass. Note: ● TIMING: canvass may occur only if all FPCA and provisional ballots have been counted, and there are no deficiencies in mailed ballot carrier envelopes. ● PERIOD: 14 days in even Novembers, regardless of when EVBB meets. ● QUORUM: 2 but see runoff note. ● WINNER: cannot assume office (accept Type A cities) until canvass & oaths. ● PIA: images of voted ballots or cast vote records are publicly available the day after the canvass. See SOS Advisory 2024-20 for redaction guidance. ● RECOUNTS: petition is due 2 p.m. 1st day (expedited) or 5 p.m. 3rd day after canvass. ● RUNOFF (not a tie): order the runoff not later than 5 days after the canvass. It is recommended that the runoff be ordered and notice issued at the canvass meeting (which would require a normal quorum). Mayor (sets time) City Secretary (records results) City Council (takes action) 11.12 6.72 +3 through +14 Nov. 8 to Tues. Nov. 19 After canvass, recommended* period to issue certificates of election (SOS Form 23-1), official statement of elected officer (SOS Form 23-3), and oath of office (SOS Form 23-2). Note: If a recount is requested documents are not issued until after the recount. Mayor City Secretary 11.20 11.21 *+3 through *+14 Nov. 8 to Tues. Nov. 26 Period for partial manual count of electronically counted ballots. Note: This must begin no later than 72 hours after the polls close on ED and be completed by ED +21. City Secretary 11.31 +3 through +21 Mon. Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day (an Election Code holiday) _ _ - 15 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Nov. 11 Type A cites: FIRST DAY elected officials may qualify and assume duties of office. Note: LGC §22.006 states 5th day after election not counting Sun. The resulting day is the 6th day after. Officials may not take office until the canvass is complete unless the election was cancelled. EC §1.006 does not apply to LGC. Candidate with City Secretary 11.23(a) +6 Doesn’t move Tues. Nov. 12 LAST DAY to receive a ballot from military or non-military voters casting from outside the U.S. who submitted an ABBM, IF cancellation mark indicates ballot was placed for delivery by 7 p.m. on ED. Note: Because the deadline falls on Sun. and Mon. is Veteran’s Day, the deadline moves to Tues. EC §1.006. City Secretary 9.50(b)(1) 9.68 11.02 +5 Nov. 12 LAST DAY to receive an FPCA ballot from a member of the U.S. Armed Services, Merchant Marines, or a spouse or dependent of a member. Note: NO cancellation or receipt mark showing date placed for delivery is required on these ballots. Because the deadline falls on Veteran’s Day, it moves to Tues. EC §1.006. City Secretary 9.50(b)(2) 9.68 11.02 +6 Nov. 12 LAST DAY for a vote-by-mail voter to cure certain deficiencies in the carrier envelope. Note: Because the deadline falls on Veteran’s Day, it moves to Tues. EC §1.006. Voter 6.72 +6 Nov. 12 LAST DAY for provisional voter to present ID to voter registrar or execute required affidavit. Note: Because the deadline falls on Veteran’s Day, it moves to Tues. EC §1.006. Voter 11.01(d) 6.21(f) 9.26 +6 Thur. Nov. 14 to Wed. Dec. 4 Period to publish notice of the runoff election. Note: The runoff must be ordered first. See note for the canvass period. SOS does not apply EC §1.006. City Secretary 6.52(a) Runoff -30 to -10 16 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Fri. Nov. 15 LAST DAY for presiding judge of EVBB to mail notices of rejected mail ballots to voters (SOS Form 6-2). Judge of EVBB 11.03(a) +10 Nov. 15 LAST DAY for voter registrar to complete the review of provisional ballots. Note: The period is one day longer for elections in Nov. of even-numbered years Voter Register 10.30(d) +10 Mon. Nov. 18 to Fri. Nov. 29 Period during which notice of outcome of provisional ballots (SOS Form 9-9) must be mailed to voters. Note: EC §1.006 arguably does not apply to a timeframe set by rule, 1 TAC 81.176(e). Judge of EVBB 11.01(f) Varies, by 10th day after canvass Mon. Nov. 18 LAST DAY for the EVBB to convene for counting the provisional ballots or any mail ballots timely and properly received after ED. Note: This deadline applies only to November of even-numbered years. Early Voting Ballot Board 11.01(b) +13 Tues. Nov. 19 LAST DAY for conducting the official canvass of a Nov. election in even- numbered years. City Council 11.12 +14 Wed. Nov. 20 Election records must be available in an electronic format no later than this day, for a fee of not more than $50.00. City Secretary 11.70(c) +15 Tues. Nov. 26 LAST DAY for mailing results of manual count to secretary of state. City Secretary 11.31(c) +21 Fri. Nov. 29 LAST DAY to post notice of the runoff election. Note: SOS does not apply EC §1.006, and this day is a HOLIDAY. City Secretary 6.52 Runoff - 21 Mon. Dec. 2 FIRST DAY of early voting in person for the runoff. NOTE: Because the deadline falls on an impossible day, the day before a holiday, it is extended to Mon. EC §85.001(c). Voter 9.11 Runoff - 17 days Thur. Dec. 5 Type A cites: LAST DAY elected officials may qualify and assume duties of office; if they fail to qualify by this day, the office is considered vacant. Candidate with City Secretary 11.23(a) +30 Tues. Dec. 10 LAST DAY of early voting in the runoff. Voter 9.44 Runoff -11 17 Date Action By or With Whom Taken M § ED Interval T Sat. Dec. 14 RUNOFF ELECTION DAY Voter 12.01(d) Set by SOS Sun. Dec. 15 LAST DAY of mandatory office hours. Note: SOS does not apply EC §1.006. City Secretary 6.80(a) +40 Sun. Jan. 5 2025 FIRST DAY for transfer of voted ballots from the locked ballot box to another secure container. Note: EC §1.006 does not apply to the first day. City Secretary 11.70(e) +61 Wed. Jan. 15, 2025 LAST DAY for timely filing of semiannual report of contributions and expenditures. City Secretary 3.12(b) Jan. 15 Tues. Sept. 8, 2026 LAST DAY of preservation period for ballots and other precinct election records of city election, except for candidate applications. Note: Because the deadline falls on Sun., it moves to Mon. City Secretary 11.71(c) day after +22 months Fri. Nov. 6, 2026 LAST DAY of preservation period for candidate applications and certain petitions. City Secretary 11.71(d) day after +2 years 18 Endnotes 1. The following information must be posted on a city ’s website [M §2.13(d)], if the city maintains a website [M §1.53]: (1) the city’s contact information, including a mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address; (2) each elected officer of the city; (3) the date and location of the next election for officers of the city; (4) the requirements and deadline for filing for candidacy of each elected office of the city for the next election (posted one year prior to the date of that election); (5) notice of city council meetings; and (6) minutes of city council meetings. A city with population of less than 5,000 located in a county with population of less than 25,000 does not have to post (5) and (6). [GC §2051.201]. 2. The city’s governing body may choose to conduct a mock student election under EC §276.007. The major steps taken for a general election should be taken for a student election. The student election may be held on the first day before the election, but results must not be published until after the polls close on election day. 3. Follow home-rule city’s charter provision, if any. 4. If a candidate on the ballot dies on or before the filing deadline, the City Secretary MAY choose to remove the candidate from the ballot, in which case, the filing deadline is extended 5 days. If that extended filing deadline for filing falls on a weekend or holiday, it moves to the next business day. Withdrawal deadlines after the extended filing deadlines will be impacted. 5. See Texas Ethics Commission rules [1 TAC §18.31] for the full list of threshold reporting dollar amounts, which typically change each January. The following is a summary of the most common ones [M Ch. 3]: Election Code § Threshold Description Original Amount 2023 Amount 2024 Amount 253.031(b) PAC: amount of contributions or expenditures permitted before appointment of treasurer is required. $500 $980 $1,050 254.036 Electronic Filing Exemption: amount at or below which a filer may qualify. $20,000 $30,820 $32,810 254.095 Local officeholders, contributions: amount over which reporting is required. $500 $1,010 $1,080 254.181 254.182 254.183 Candidate or specific-purpose PAC, modified reporting: contribution or expenditure amount at or below which filers may avoid pre-election reports. $500 $1,010 $1,080 19 6. Election Code holidays unless noted otherwise in italics: Remaining Holidays in 2024 Date Emancipation Day/Juneteenth June 19, 2024 Independence Day July 4, 2024 Lyndon Bains Johnson Day August 27, 2024 Labor Day (1st Monday in September) September 2, 2024 National Voter Registration Day September 17, 2024 Yom Kippur October 11, 2024 Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day (2d Monday in October) October 14, 2024 Veteran’s Day November 11, 2024 Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November) November 28, 2024 Friday after Thanksgiving November 29, 2024 Day before Christmas (not an Election Code holiday) December 24, 2024 Christmas Day December 25, 2024 Day after Christmas (not an Election Code holiday) December 26, 2024