20250123 SEDC Board Reg MtgS(C1H11L1Rt FZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MINUTES Thursday, January 23, 2025 The City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) Board of Directors met for a Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday, January 23, 2025. at 6:00 p.m. at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex, Council Chambers Conference Room, Building No. 4, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. This was an open meeting, subject to the open meeting laws of the State of Texas. In accordance with provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code notice is hereby given that a Possible Quorum of the governing body of the City of Schertz, Texas may take place at this meeting. Call to Order 1. Roll call, recognition of visitors, and review of meeting instructions for effective Board interaction and public participation. Board President Sammi Morrill presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. Board of Directors Present: Sammi Morrill, Board President William 'Bill" Dixon, Vice President Donna Steward, Board Treasurer Mark Moody, Board Member Eryn McElroy, Board Member Reynaldo "Ray" Chavez, Board Member Hearing of Residents Staff Present: Scott Wayman, Executive Director Amy Madison, Deputy Director Ashley Ritchey, Business Engagement Manager Brian James, Deputy City Manager Others Present: Larry Busch, Public Works Director 2. This time is set aside for any person who wishes to address the Board. Presentations should be limited to no more than 3 minutes. The presiding officer will call on those persons who have signed up to speak. No residents signed up to speak. No comments were made. Minutes 3. Approval of the minutes for the Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meeting held Thursday, November 21, 2024 (T.Miller) Board President Sammi Morrill asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meeting held Thursday, November 21, 2024. Moved by Board Treasurer Donna Steward, seconded by Board Member Ray Chavez. AYE: Board President Sammi Morrill, Board Vice President Bill Dixon, Board Treasurer Donna Steward, Board Member Mark Moody, Board Member Eryn McElroy, Board Member Ray Chavez. Unanimous affirmative vote - Motion carries. Presentations 4. Staff briefing on SEDC monthly financial statement for the months of November and December 2024. (S.Wayman) Scott Wayman, Executive Director gave a brief overview of the SEDC Financial Statement for November 2024. November 2024 sales tax received was $630,089.46, expenses were $7,040.64, a 6% increase over the year prior. The 12 -month rolling average is 1.9% still trending up. Notable expenditures include a payment to Flyer View Group for a city wall map and payments to Citibank for conferences and monthly subscriptions. Total Cash & Investments figure at the end of November was $39,953,438.00. December 2024 sales tax received was $564,619.86, expenses were $46,891.65, a 5.3% increase over the year prior. The 12 -month rolling average is 2% still trending up. Notable expenditures include an incentive payment to Schertz Medical Building and new Hubspot software and set -up. Total Cash & Investments figure at the end of December was $40,624,799.39. Scott Wayman, Executive Director gave a brief overview of the Reserve Funds. 5. Presentation on updates to Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. (B.James /L.Busch) Brian James, Deputy City Manager gave an update on the Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. He gave a brief definition of impact fees and how they can be utilized. An impact fee is a charge or assessment against a new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the new development. Mr. James discussed how impact fees can only be used for new developments and non - existent developments. Impact fees may not be used for the repairs, operations, or maintenance of existing or new capital improvements or facility expansions. It may not be used to upgrade, update, expand, or replace existing capital improvements to serve existing developments to meet stricter safety, efficiency, environmental, or regulatory standards or to provide better service to existing developments. Mr. James discussed the current water impact fee of $2,934 and wastewater fee of $1,668 compared to the proposed water impact fee of $8,814 and wastewater impact fee of $5,556. The new water and wastewater impact fee rate applies to development platted after the effective date of this update, estimated to be March/April. If platted prior to that date the old rate fee will be paid. He also discussed the phase in process and how it applies to developments that are platted after the effective date of this update. Mr. James discussed the rate adoption and phase in process. Mr. James also responded to questions from board members regarding the impact fee process. 6. Staff briefing and update on SEDC Projects in progress. (S.Wayman) Scott Wayman, Executive Director gave a brief update on each of the active SEDC projects. • Caterpillar • Titan • Mile Hi • Schertz Station • Boom/Connect • Core 5 • Palapas Schertz • Schertz Soccer Lighting Board President Sammi Morrill recessed Open Session to Close Session at 7:40 p.m. Closed Session 7. Called in accordance with Section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code, Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations; Closed Meeting. The governmental body is not required to conduct an open meeting (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect. • Project E -99 • Project E -100 Start time: 7:41 p.m. End time: 8:00 p.m. Board President Sammi Morrill reconvened to Open Session at 8:00 p.m. Reconvene to Regular Session 8. Take any actions based on discussion held in closed session under Agenda Item No. 7. No action taken based on discussion in Closed Session. Requests and Announcements • Announcements by staff. • Offices Closed February 17, 2025 - Presidents' Day • Next Regular Board Meeting - February 27, 2025 • Resignation of Board Secretary Henry Hayes • Scott Wayman, Executive Director - Appointment of new Board Secretary • Requests by Board Members to place items on a future SEDC Board Meeting agenda. • Board Vice President Bill Dixon - Update on land purchase • Board President Sammi Morrill - Update on retail in Schertz Station Adjournment Board President Sammi Morrill asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Moved by Board Vice President Bill Dixon, seconded by Board Treasurer Donna Steward. AYE: Board President Sammi Morrill, Board Vice President Bill Dixon, Board Treasurer Donna Steward, Board Member Mark Moody, Board Member Eryn McElroy, Board Member Ray Chavez. Unanimous affirmative vote - Motion carries. Board President Sammi Morrill adjourned the meeting at 8:03 p.m. MINUTES PASSED AND APPROVED THIS .V. DAY —k6LA� 2025. `�ammi Morrill Board President Donna Steward Board Treasurer