LAB 02-04-2008
The LAB met on February 4, 2008 with the following members present:
Ruth Tienor Pattie Lovelady Laura Wilson Margaret Riley Simone Bailey
Neota Brady John Correu Carol Cyr Mary McAllister Melissa Uhlhorn
Nicki Stohr Gail Douglas
Guests: Bob Brockman Ramon Cook David Harris
Minutes: Pattie moved to accept the minutes, and Laura seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report: Mary moved to accept the report, and Neota seconded. Motion carried.
Citizen Comments: Question was asked as to the date of the groundbreaking.
Librarians' Reports:
. Stats were as follows:
circulation - 25,831 patrons - 14,908 computer usage - 2,209 info questions - 1,017
story time - 565
. Winter Reading Club has 112 children and 12 adults participating. The participants enjoyed
the program presented by John Correu and personnel from the police department.
. A 3 pm family story time has been held for the past 4 Saturdays. Attendance is 73. The High
School students have been successful with planning and facilitating this story time.
. City Council awarded O'Haver the bid for construction of the new library. The construction
project is not to exceed $6,497,423
. Melissa is looking at and testing circulation software by Polaris Library Systems. New
software is needed as the Athena software is out of date.
. The audio books on cassettes and other areas are being weeded. Some items are being put in
storage and others are placed in the bookstore for sale.
. The new public access computers are not installed. The city's technology department is
working on networking, etc.
. The AALS (Alamo Area Library System) spring meeting is March 14 in New Braunfels.
. Nicki has been appointed for a 3 year term on the Bluebonnet Awards Committee.
Community Services Director's Report:
. Does the board want to consider operating the concession stand at the pool this summer?
Council Liaison's Report: Mr. Carpenter is absent due to illness.
Committee Reports:
. 30th Anniversary Committee
. April- Library Week - give out pencils
. May - Children's Book Week - give out bookmarks
-- Request that City Council recognize the 30th anniversary at the June 3rd session
. June - Anniversary Celebration -- drawing for prizes -- Entries would be taken in the
bookstore. Possible prizes could be merchandise and/or credit in the bookstore.
. Bookstore - Bookstore volunteers will meet on the 15th for cash register training. A sidewalk
book sale will be held in April. Date has not been determined at this time.
Records Management Dept. Request for Minutes in Electronic Format
. Records Management is requesting all the past minutes (30 years). IT has scanners that can be
Request for Summer Reading Club Funds
. "Celebrate Reading" is the theme for the summer reading program. Nicki is requesting funds
for the program. Mary moved to allot up to $1500 for the summer reading program. Margaret
seconded. Motion passed.
Library Ground.,.Breaking Ceremony Planning
. Ground-breaking is scheduled for 9 am on February 29th. Invitations will go out soon.
Refreshments will be served in the library following the ceremony.
Items by Library Board members:
. Simone moved that the LAB pay the printing costs of the Children's Book Week bookmarks.
. Discussion held on how we recognize death of former board members. Mary moved that a card
be sent to the family from the LAB. Margaret seconded. Motion passed.
Mary made the motion to adjourn. Neota seconded. Motion carried.
The next LAB meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 3, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Ruth Tienor
Library Advisory Board Chairperson
.alance Forward
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