BOA 09-26-2005
The Schertz Board of Adjustment convened a public hearing on Monday, September 26, 2005 at
6:00 P.M. in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Earl Hartzog, Chairman
Ted Duigon, Vice Chairman
Joe Potempa
Kathy Hill
William Sommers, P&Z Commissioner (arrived
Leonard Truitt, Building Official
Debbie Perrone, Inspection Dept. Secretary
James C. Harden, Jr.
Robert Brockman, 1000 Elbel
Ray and Corey Keller, Keller Custom Signs, San
Antonio, TX
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Chairman Hartzog called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Citizen Comments
3. Consider and act upon approval of the August 22, 2005 Board of Adjustment Minutes.
Ms. Hill moved to approve the minutes with the corrections noted.
Mr. Potempa seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
4. Public Hearing
The Board of Adjustment held a public hearing related to variance requests within this agenda. The
public hearing will be opened to receive a report from staff, the applicant, and the adjoining property
owners affected by the applicant's request, and upon completion, the public hearing will be closed.
The Board will discuss and consider the application, and may request additional information from
staff or the applicant, if required. After deliberation, the Board will act on the applicant's request.
Hold a public hearing and consider and act upon a request for a sign variance to encroach into the
50' setback with the 77 square foot, with a height of no higher than 12' foot round mounted sign.
IBC Bank, 3800 FM 3009. Block: 2 Lot: 4 Arroyo Verde Subdivision, Zoning: Neighborhood
Applicant: Keller Custom Signs
Mr. Dui20n asked what the correct size of the IBC Bank sign is. The correct size of the sign is 77 square
Board of Adjustment - Minutes
September 26, 2005
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foot. Mr. Duigon asked why the sign company was coming forward and not the property owner.
Mr. Truitt advised the Board of Adjustment members that a representative of the property owner can
come before the board and that would be Keller Custom Signs.
Ms. Hill shared her concerns of the location of the sign in the drainage area and that the sign would be lit.
Mr. Keller explained to the members that the sign would be well above the drainage area and that the
electrical wiring would be in a conduit and would be run up through the base of the sign. Members were
satisfied with the explanation provided them.
Mr. Potempa asked what would happen if Texas Dept. of Transportation would want to widen FM 3009.
Mr. Truitt answered by advising the members that Texas Dept. of Transportation would have to buy
additional right of way.
Mr. Truitt also advised the members that the sign is the same size as the strip mall sign that is already in
Public Hearing closed 6: 15 p.m.
5. Consider and take action in Item BOA2005-003
Mr. Duigon made a motion to approve the sign variance to encroach into the 50' setback with the 77
square foot, with a height of no higher than 12sqauer foot mounted sign. IBC Bank, 3800 FM 3009.
Block: 2 Lot: 4 Arroyo Verde Subdivision, Zoning: Neighborhood Services.
Applicant: Keller Custom Signs
Mr. Potempa seconds the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous
6. Items by Commissioners and City Staff
Mr. Truitt advised the members that there would be a BOA meeting October 24, 2005 with four (4)
items on the agenda. Three of them being sign variances and one for a deck variance.
Members asked when fall clean up was, staff will provide that information at the next meeting.
7. Adjournment
Mr. Hartzog adjourned the meeting at 6:40 P.M.
Recording Secretary
Board of Adjustment - Minutes
September 26, 2005
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