BOA 01-28-2008 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION DMSION 1400 SCHERTZ PARKWAY SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154-1634 (210) 619-1761, FAX (210) 619-1769 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MONDAY JANUARY 28, 2008 MINUTES The Schertz Board of Adjustment convened a public hearing on Monday, January 28, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, Building #4,1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Earl Hartzog, Chairman Joe Potempa -Vice James Harden Darlene Price Norman Slocum Donald McQueen (Alternate) Leonard Weinand (Alternate) William Sommers (Commissioner) Tony Wilenchik (Council Member) CITY STAFF Debbie Perrone-Recording Secretary Leonard Truitt-Director of Development Services OTHERS PRESENT Kimberly Graves, Walton Signs, 3419 E. Commerce, SA, TX 78220 Paul Blackburn, Property Owner, 8100 Broadway, SA, TX 78205 Brandon Driesbach, 1605 Canyon Oak, Schertz, TX #1. CALL TO ORDER. Earl Hamo2 called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. #2. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizen comments on items other than those listed on this agenda. None #3. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes for December 17, 2007 Mr. PotemDa motioned to approve the minutes for December 17, 2007. Ms. Price seconded the motion. Mr. Hartzo2 called for a vote. All in favor motion carried. ~ --------- #4. PUBLIC HEARING BOA 2008-001 To consider and act upon a v~riance reque.st to encroach il feet.Q. inches within the side yard to constru~ a 22 ~o~t.x 33 foot,In ground sWImming pool at 1605 Canyon Oak Lot 12, BlockJ, Oak Tratl SubdIVISIon. Apphcants are Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Driesbach. Mr. Potemoa motioned to approve the request. Mr. Harden seconded the motion. Mr. Hartzo2 called for a vote. All in favor motion carried. 5. B0A2008-002 A, B, C To consider and act upon a variance request for 3 multi-tenant freestanding signs each measuring 22 feet by 120 square feet located on comer ofFM 3009 and Elbel Road, Lots 1,2, and 3, Block 1, Blackburn Subdivision. Applicant is Schertz 3009 Ltd represented by Walton Signage Aoolicant with drew his application #5. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION: There were no individual items for consideration. #6. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION BY: Board of Adjustment: BOA Bylaws be placed on the next agenda Vice Chair- Joe Potempa is point of contact. Staff Comments: Nothing #7. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Hartzo2 adjourned the meeting at 6:43 p.m. ;DA.fJ~ Recording Secretary