EDC 02-28-2008
Minutes of the
February 28, 2008
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT George Antuna, Executive Director
CORPORATION Jeff Jewell, Economic Development Specialist
Mark Roberts Erin Matlock, Economic Development Specialist
Roy Richard David Harris, Assistant City Manager
Steve White
James Jamison
Anthony Vaticalos
Jim Fowler, Counci1member
THOSE ABSENT Others Present
Carl Douglas, President Robert Brockman, Citizen
Arthur Jones Dr. Belinda Pustka, Superintendent SCUOSD
Mike Strube, Retail Coach
Harry Richburg, Citizen
Dan Pollard, Staubach Company
I James Rice, Pratt Industries
1. Call to order.
Vice President White called the meeting to order at 11:31 am.
2. Public comment.
Dr. Pustka gave a presentation on the state of the school for the year 06-07
Mr. Brockman stated that he had heard that the new apartment complex on FM 3009 was
Section Eight housing; Mr. Brockman suggested an article in the Herald would help clarify
the nunors.
Mike Strube gave a briefing of his proposal from The Retail Coach.
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3. Approval of meeting minutes dated January 24, 2008.
Director Jamison moved to approve the minutes of the January 24,2008 Economic
Development Corporation meeting. Director Richard seconded the motion. Motion
carried. Vote unanimous
4. Approval of the monthly financial report from the City Finance Director.
Mr. Santoya gave a briefing of the financial report, stating that a bond payment and the
Fairlield Inn Project are reflected on the report. Mr. Santoya stated that the report reflects
the balances of the projects that are supported by the EDG
5. Report, discussion, and appropriate action regarding:
a. Retail Coach Proposal for preparation of a detailed demographic, segmentation and
consumer spending analysis.
Jeff Jewell gave a briefing on the Retail Coach proposal asking the directors to consider this
proposal for the next fiscal year.
No action taken.
6. Discussion and direction on revisions to tax abatement guidelines.
Vice- President White stated that this is still a work in progress.
7. Discussion and direction on revised incentives application.
Vice- President White stated that this is still a work in progress.
8. Discussion, direction and action on Gtyadministration of 4B sales tax.
Vice President White asked Mr. Santoya some questions concerning the administration of
the 4 B sales tax:
Question: What does the board pay the City to administer the 4B sales tax?
Answer: $2,000 per year
Question: What is the cost of the annual audit?
Answer: $2,000 per year, this amount has not increased in years. The amount of the 4B
annual audit has increased considerably.
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9. Discussion, direction and action on a request for Walgreen's incentive.
This item was tabled until the March meeting.
10. Discussion, direction and action on a request for Pratt Industries.
Mr. Jewell gave a presentation regarding Pratt Industries request for an incentive. The
building that Pratt Industries has chosen already has a tax abatement on the property. Staff
recommends a cash grant in the amount of $54,315.00 for improvements to the property.
Director Vaticalos stated that a stipulation on the inventory should be considered in the
Director Richard moved to approve the request for Pratt Industries in the amount of
$54,315.00, with the stipulation that inventory will not fall below a certain amount.
Director Roberts seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous
11. Oosed Session in accordance with Texas Local Government Code, 551.072 (Deliberations
about Real Property). In addition to the matters listed above, any matter scheduled for open
session may be discussed in Oosed Session, as deemed appropriate and authorized by law.
No action taken.
12. Items from the Executive Director.
Mr. Antuna stated that he has been on a lecture circuit, stating that his most recent speaking
engagement was with the Randolph Realty Growth Council.
Mr. Antuna stated that Bexar County declared this week as Economic Development week
13. Items from the President.
Vice-President White stated that the request from President Douglas for $3,200 - $5,000 to
help advertise/promote the soccer event to be held in Cibolo was not needed the meet and
greet was moved to Helotes, Texas.
14. Items from the Board Members.
15. Announcements.
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16. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Director may inquire
about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual
information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be
limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting.
17. Adjourn.
Vice President White adjourns the meeting at 1:15 pm.
Secretary/Treasurer, James Jamison
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