EDC 04-24-2008 SClHlJElRtlrZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REGULAR MINUTES OF THE APRIL 24, 2008 CITY OF SCHERTZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY STAFF CORPORATION George Antuna, Executive Director Carl Douglas, President Erin Matlock, Economic Development Specialist Steve White, Vice President George Logan, Parks & Recreation Director Mark Roberts Roy Richard James Jamison Arthur Jones THOSE ABSENT Others Present Anthony Vaticalos Robert Brockman, Citizen Jeff Jewell, Economic Development Amy Madison, M5 Consulting Specialist HallY Richburg, Citizen Shane Brownlow, RDO Manager 1. Call to order. President Douglas called the meeting to order at 11:30 am 2. Public comment. Mr. Brockman wanted everyone to be aware of the tree planting at City Hall tomorrow, April2S, 2008 at 9:00 am. CONSENT ITEMS (3-4): 3. Approval of meeting minutes dated March 27, 2008. Vice President White moved to approve the minutes of the March 27, 2008 Economic Development Corporation meeting with a correction to add on agenda item four: stating the sales tax is still holding strong at seventeen percent higher than last year. Director Jones seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous Vice President White stated item ten on the agenda has already been approved and is now before the board to review the claw back. Page I of 5 Schertz EDC Minutcs 04.24.08 SClHlJElRtlrZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4. Update of the monthly financial report from the City Finance Director. Mr. Galindo gave a briefing of the financial report stating that the March sales tax came in at $169,000, this amount is a little over projection for the year. A payment was made to Lowe's in the amount of $108,000 for infrastructure improvements. Director Richards informed the board about Tx Pools stating the value has dropped about twenty basis points. Board needs to monitor money if value drops below one dollar. Mr. Galindo stated the Finance Department monitors the investment accounts on a daily basis. Vice President White asked Mr. Galindo about the Enterprise Park Project, asking if the City was having trouble collecting the money back Mr. Antuna gave a briefing stating that he is working with Mr. Santoya to collect all monies due to the City. Vice President W'hite stated that the City will not exceed the money agreed to in the 380 agreement; all overage is the responsibility of the developer. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION: 5. Report, discussion, and appropriate action regarding: a. Request from the City of Schertz to purchase an outdoor stage and tent for park purposes. Erin Matlock gave a briefing on the request for an outdoor stage, stating that the City has rented the outdoor stage in the past at a cost of $11,000 - $14,000 per event. Mr. Logan stated that the stage could be a revenue avenue for the City, stating for example the La Quinta ground breaking could have benefited from the stage. Director Richard inquired who would receive the revenue; President Douglas stated that if the revenue paid for the initial investment by the Corporation he would be happy to give the revenue back to the City. President White inquired who would be the person responsible for rental of the stage. Mr. Logan stated that Erin Matlock or Sandy Bryant would be a good point of contact. Director Roberts asked where the money will come from. George stated that it could come out of Parks or HoteVMotel. President Douglas stated this would be more suitable for the Economic Development Corporation if money is available out of reserves, stating this would be a short term investment for the Corporation. Mr. Logan stated that he would like to come back with a presentation. Director Roberts asked about the liability of someone falling of the stage. Mr. Antuna stated that he will check with City Admin. Page 2 or 5 SchcI1Z EDC Minutes 04.24.08 SClHlJElRtlrZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Vice President White moved to have George Logan go out for bid on a request from the City of Schertz to purchase an outdoor stage not to exceed the amount of $76,700. Director Roberts seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous PUBLIC HEARING: 6. Discussion, direction and action on a request for a cash grant in the amount of $30,000 for La Quinta to help with Infrastructure on the property. Mr. Brockman asked will the restaurant pad need assistance also. Mr. Antuna stated "no". 7. Discussion, direction and action on a request from RDO Gohn Deere) for a cash grant up to $75,000 for septic improvements to the property. Ms. Madison gave a briefing stating the company would be moving from the Rittiman Road area to the City of Schertz. The request is for a cash grant for septic improvement to the property. Mr. Antuna stated that he met with board members Carl Douglas and Steve White to review request and came up with a recommendation of $38,858, stating some of the cost in the cost analysis would not be deemed as a necessary- expense for the septic tank Public Hearing: Mr. Brockman asked if the board has given cash grants before. Director stated "yes". Ms. Madison and Mr. Brownlow both thanked the board for their time and offer. President Douglas asked the board if they would like to pay the sewer connection at the time of hook-up. Director Richard stated "give the money now and we are done". Director Richard moved to approve a request for a cash grant to RDO (John Deere) in the amount of $38,858. Vice President White seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous 8. Closed Session in accordance with Texas Local Government Code, Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices), and 551.086 (Economic Development). In addition to the matters listed above, any matter scheduled for open session may be discussed in Closed Session, as deemed appropriate and authorized by law. Page 3 ofS Scheltz EDC Minutes 04.24.08 SClHlJElRtlrZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NONE 9. Items from the Executive Director. Mr. Antuna stated the next meeting date for the EDC would need to be either 1vfay 15 or J\1ay 29, 2008, stating that Jeff, Vice President White and himself would be in Las Vegas at the lesC Conference. Director Richard stated that he would like an update of the conference, so the next meeting date will be J\1ay29, 2008. Mr. Antuna stated that a couple of directors still need to take the open meetings act class. Mr. Antuna stated that Jeff Jewell is in class this week at the Business Credit Analysis course. Mr. Antuna stated that the three ED Seminars were received well and thanked Director Richard for his sponsorship of the classes. 10. Items from the President. President Douglas stated that he had two items for the next agenda: RFP (Request for proposal) for an attOrney for the Corporation and also to move the Corporation funds to a private funds manager. President Douglas stated that at the last Council Meeting it was decided that the Council Liaison would not be required to attend the regular meetings of any board or committee of the City. The Council Liaison will not be counted present or absent in all meetings. 11. Items from the Board Members. Director Jamison invited everyone to attend the SCUC ISD dinner to honor the top twenty graduates of the SCUC ISD. Tickets will be $30; anyone interested in attending should let Director Jamison know. 12. Announcements. None 13. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Director may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 14. Adjourn. President Douglas adjourns the meeting at 12:33 pm. Page 4 of 5 SchOltz EDC Minutes 04.24.08 SClHlJElRtlrZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 5 of5 SChCltz EDC Minutes 04.24.08