Parks 03-19-2007
Notice of Meeting
Schertz Parks and Recreation Board
Buffalo Valley Youth Association
401 Oak Street
Schertz, TX 78154
Monday, March 19,2007
1. Call to Order
2. Citizens to be heard
3. Approval of minutes
4. Discussion and possible action on the Buffalo Valley Youth Association's contract.
5. Discussion and possible action on the Unified Development Code as it applies to
Parkland Dedication and a plan for dividing the City into park zones.
6. Discussion and possible action on a Texas Parks & Wildlife grant application.
7. Discussion and possible action on establishing a timetable as a working/planning
guide for the Parks and Recreation Board.
8. Items by members
9. Items by staff
10. Adjournment
ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT: Schertz Parks and Recreation Board meetings are
accessible to disabled person. To arrange for special assistance or an interpreter, call 658-7477,
ext. 1131 at least 48 hours in advance.