FEBRUARY 24, 2004
.The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened on February 24, 2004 at 6:31 p.m. at the
Municipal Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
David Richmond, Chairman
Ernie Evans, Vice Chairman
Keith Van Dine, Secretary (entered at 6:40 p.m.)
Joyce Briscoe
William Sommers
Clovis Haddock
Gary Wallace
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Amy Madison, Community Development Director
Misty Nichols, Planning Technician
Jonette Ellis, Planning Technician
Robert Brockman, 4505 Grand Forest
Robin Tutschke, 17460 IH 35 N
Susan Schaez1er, 19349 Old Wiederstein
Dan Schaez1er, 19349 Old Wiederstein
Lincoln Coderre, 19094 Old Wiederstein
Rick McNealy, 12540 Country Parkway
Erica Jucknies, Continental Homes
Matt Johnson, Pape-Dawson Engineers
Larry Aiken, Austin, Texas
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Chairman Richmond called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
2. Citizen Input other than Agenda Items
Ms. Robin Tutschke asked the Commission to re-address the following issues:
a) Main Street Overlay District
b) FM 3009 Overlay District
c) Updating the UDC
d) Getting the minutes updated
Chairman Richmond agreed with Ms. Tutschke and told the audience that all these items were top priority
with the Commission and Staff. He stated that Staff is juggling many issues and the review of the UDC
was being completed chapter by chapter.
Ms. Madison stated that the Commission had recently revised their priority list with the top three issues
being: 1) M-l zoning along IH 35 frontage 2) GB-2 on FM 3009 from IH 35 to city limits and 3) GB
zoning adjacent to residential to NS. She also stated that the Commission had recently recommended
approval to City Council on amending Articles I, III, IV, VI and XI of the UDC. Ms. Madison informed
. the Commission that the department is down one staff member and the interview process is underway.
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She stated that the minutes were top priority for the department.
Mr. Brockman addressed the Commission and stated that everyone was doing a great job.
Board of Adjustment Actions:
The Board of Adjustment will meet on March 8, 2004 on the Jeffrey Rehling variance request.
Approval of the Minutes: Consider and take action on approval of the minutes from the
November 13, 2003 Planning and Zoning meeting.
Following review, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2003 Planning and
Zoning meeting. Mr. Wallace seconded the Motion. Vote unanimous. Motion carried.
S. SV2004-002
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for a variance to Unified Development Code,
Article IX (Signs) for Wal-Mart Supercenter Subdivision, Block 1, Lot 7, located at the
northeast quadrant of FM 3009 and IH 35.
Applicant: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments stating the applicant is requesting the following:
Allowed by UDC
Requested by Applicant
Wall Sign 100 sq. ft. or 10% of frontage
10% of frontage = 2,772 sq. ft. 2,363.71 sq. ft. Yes
Free 1 sign is allowed at 2S0 sq. ft. 2 Signs
Standing SO-foot maximum height a) 672 square feet; SO-foot high Yes
Sign on b) 32 square feet; 20-foot high
Anchor 1 sign for every SO,OOO sq. ft. of 1 Sign at SOO square feet; SO-foot
Business shopping center at 200 sq. ft. each high No
SO-foot maximum height
Ms. Madison also stated that the anchor business sign would be located at FM 3009 and Time Trail, and
that future development on the outparce1s would be required to place their signs on this sign.
Mr. Matt Johnson, representing Wa1-Mart, presented the revised sign plan. He stated that Wa1-Mart
wants to be a good neighbor and that the signs are necessary for directional and visibility issues.
Mr. Richmond agreed that Wa1-Mart will impact the community in a positive way, but suggested the use
of the multi-tenant sign, as shown on FM 3009, to advertise the tire/lube center.
Mr. Wallace stated that the Commission's goal is to remove all billboard signs along IH 3S.
Ms. Briscoe stated that a questionnaire was presented to the Schertz citizens a few years ago and they
overwhelmingly stated that there were too many signs. Ms. Briscoe believes the Commission should be
more mindful of its citizens.
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Mr. Haddock stated that he didn't have a problem with the tenant sign on FM 3009, but all signs should
be placed where they are most functional.
Mr. Evans suggested the use of a second anchor sign along IH 35 and eliminate the billboard and
directional sign.
Mr. Richmond stated that the Commission was in general agreement that the wall sign and anchor sign
would be acceptable, but the billboard and directional sign would need to be re-addressed.
Mr. Evans suggested tabling the request for the applicant to revise the plan. Mr. Johnson asked the
Commission to deny the whole request.
Following review, Mr. Wallace moved to disapprove the request. Ms. Briscoe seconded the Motion.
Vote unanimous. Motion carried.
Agenda item 6 was moved to the end of the agenda due to the applicant not being present.
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for a preliminary plat of the Savannah Bluff
Subdivision, Unit 1. The 23.530:1: acre tract contains 64 single family lots. The property is
located on Savannah Drive adjacent to Paschal Elementary School. The property is zoned R-2.
Applicant: Rosin-Johnson, Inc.
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that the applicant needs to address a correction to the
rear building setback along Lots 1-24, Block 3.
Mr. Wallace asked the applicant ifthere would be signage and Mr. John Tinner stated there would not be
Mr. Richmond asked the applicant if Savannah Drive would just stub-out and if tree mitigation has been
discussed. The applicant stated that there would be a turn around at the end Savannah Drive that would
allow for traffic to turn around and that he was aware of the tree mitigation.
Mr. Evans inquired about the private parkland within the nO-foot right-of-way easement and the
applicant stated that the private park would be maintained by the homeowners association. Mr. Evans
stated that it needed to be noted on the plat.
Mr. Richmond stated that it needed to be noted that an 8-foot fence would be placed at the rear of the lots
adjacent to the school.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request subject to the following
notes being added to the plat:
a) Eight foot wood fencing will be placed at the rear of Lots 1-8 of Block 2.
b) A turn around will be provided at the end of Savannah Drive.
c) Private park will be maintained by the homeowners association
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d) Park fees will be assessed at $225.00 per lot.
e) Tree mitigation will be assessed.
Mr. Wallace seconded the Motion. Vote unanimous. Motion carried.
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for a preliminary plat of Schertz Forest, Unit
1. The 32.131:1: acre tract contains 13 single family lots. The property is located on Ware-Seguin
Road, west of FM 1518. The property is zoned RA.
Applicant: CEC Engineering
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that Ware-Seguin Road would not be built until the
third phase of the project. She stated this project would not generate high volumes of traffic along Ware-
Seguin Road.
Mr. Evans asked for a clarification of the 14- foot easement on Lot 5, Block 1. Mr. Bob Ellingson stated
that this is an existing easement along the current roadway alignment, but will be needed along the side of
the property once the road is realigned.
Mr. Van Dine voiced concerns that Ware-Seguin Road would not be constructed until the third phase and
suggested that there be language to enforce the construction of the roadway.
Following review, Mr. Wallace moved to approve the request subject to the following language being
added to the notes:
a) To ensure the future development and construction of Ware-Seguin Road and interior roadway, an
escrow fund or bond shall be established prior to construction of Unit Three.
Mr. Van Dine seconded the Motion. Vote unanimous. Motion carried.
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for a replat of Tri-County Business and
Industrial Park, Unit 3 Block 5: Lots 8, 9, 14, 16, 17, 18 and 26 to establish Block 5, Lot 28. The
tract contains 14.45 acres and is located on Assembly Circle.
Applicant: Pape-Dawson Engineers
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that the rep1at is to move a 16- foot utility easement.
Following review, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request. Ms. Briscoe seconded the Motion. Vote
unanimous. Motion carried.
10. PC2004-002
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for a preliminary plat of Belmont Park
Subdivision, Unit 1. The 41.97-r. acre tract contains 113 single family lots and 4 lots for park
space. The tract is located on Old Wiederstein Road approximately 5,000-feet east of Cibolo
Valley Drive (a.k.a. Wiederstein Road). The property is zoned R-5.
Applicant: Vickery & Associates
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that there would be one point of access off of Old
Wiederstein Road, but the applicant was providing an oversized intersection that would provide adequate
access. She did note that a second point of access off of IH 35 would be required prior to the
development of Unit 2. Ms. Madison also stated that the applicant had agreed to provide a one inch
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floating overlay along Old Wiederstein Road from the beginning of the development to the intersection of
Cibo1o Valley Drive. An interloca1 agreement with Guadalupe County provides for the construction
standards along Old Wiederstein Road to be built at the City's standards. Ms. Madison addressed a letter
from Larry Timmerman, County Road Administrator for Guadalupe County and stated there is no
evidence to show that there are safety issues per the original TIA conducted by Vickery & Associates.
The City Engineer is reviewing the report for safety considerations.
Ms. Susan Schaez1er addressed the letter from the County's road administrator and stated if the City of
Schertz wishes to develop the roadway, they would have to buy-out at least seven property owners. She
also voiced concerns for the trees that would have to be removed without being mitigated that are in the
30-foot right-of-way easement.
Mr. Don Schaez1er voiced the following concerns:
a) The plan does not provide access to IH 35 as it was shown on the Master Plan and should provide
a second point of access.
b) Excessive construction traffic would be on Old Wiederstein Road.
c) The location of the forced main appears to be on his property.
d) Destroying trees that are in the right-of-way.
Mr. Lincoln Coderre stated that the traffic along Old Wiederstein Road is already extremely bad with
heavy trucks. He suggested that construction traffic be diverted to enter the property along IH 35. Mr.
Coderre did state that he would not provide right-of-way for the expansion of Old Wiederstein Road.
Ms. Briscoe asked staff to provide a copy of the interloca1 agreement with the County.
. Ms. Madison stated that the applicant first became aware of the County's letter today and that there had
been no discussion with County representatives that alluded to their comments voiced in the letter.
Mr. Richmond and Mr. Wallace both agreed that the Master Plan suggested that the development would
start with a collector off of IH 35. Mr. Rick McNealy stated that utilities for the project require the
development's first phase to be off Old Wiederstein Road.
Mr. Evans inquired about the tree mitigation and Ms. Madison stated the fees would be collected at the
time of final plat.
Following additional discussion, Ms. Erica Jucknies stated that Continental Homes would provide a "haul
road" off of IH 35 for all construction traffic to enter the site. It was agreed that the only construction
traffic allowed on Old Wiederstein Road would be for the construction of the utilities along Old
Wiederstein Road and the road improvements.
Mr. Richmond also stated there should be a note on the plat stating construction of the collector road will
be completed prior to Unit 2 being accepted.
Following additional discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request subject to the additional note
a) To ensure the future development and construction of the collector road, an escrow fund or bond
shall be established prior to construction of Unit 2.
Mr. Wallace seconded the Motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Richmond, Mr. Evans, Mr. Haddock, Ms. Briscoe
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and Mr. Wallace. Voting Nay: Mr. Van Dine. Mr. Sommers abstained from voting. Motion carried.
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for final plat approval of the Silver Thorn
Subdivision, Unit One. The 28.407:1: acre tract contains 128 single-family lots. The property is
located on Schertz Parkway approximately 200-feet south of Live Oak Road. The property is
zoned R-5.
Applicant: Don McCrary & Associates
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that the applicant is also requesting a variance to allow
the cul-de-sac to be a length of 635-feet and that the following items needed to be addressed:
a) Correction of the number oflots on page one.
b) Provide a list of street names for staff/county/post office review and approval.
Mr. Evans asked if the cul-de-sac would be permanent and if the lots were buildable. Ms. Nichols stated
that the City Engineer had reviewed the plat and that the lots met the minimum requirements. Mr. Evans
also stated that there was a misspelled word.
Mr. Larry Aiken stated that he has made attempts to purchase the Kramer property and that the owner has
chosen not to sell their property at this time. He did state that Ms. Kramer was agreeable to the land
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request subject to:
a) Correction of the number oflots being 128.
b) Provide a list of street names for staff/county/post office review and approval.
c) Correction of the spelling of "length" in the variance notes section.
Mr. Van Dine seconded the Motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Richmond, Mr. Haddock, Mr. Van Dine, Ms.
Briscoe, Mr. Wallace and Mr. Sommers. Voting Nay: Mr. Evans. Motion carried.
11. Discuss and take appropriate action on approval of 2004 Planning and Zoning meeting dates.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Van Dine moved to amend the Planning and Zoning meeting
calendar to reflect the following:
a) November 23,2004 and December 28,2004 shall be noted as "tentative" dates.
b) October 26,2004 meeting to be moved to October 25,2004.
Mr. Sommers seconded the Motion. Vote unanimous. Motion carried.
12. Discussion regarding location of an industrial park along the IH 10 corridor.
The Commission reviewed the areas along the IH 10 corridor to potentially provide for an industrial park
in the area. Ms. Madison stated that San Antonio River Authority is working to provide sewer to the area.
Water is currently available. Access along IH 10, Graytown, Scenic Lake Drive, FM 1604 and FM 1518
were reviewed. Ms. Madison also stated that the Comprehensive Land Plan Committee (CLP) was in the
process of reviewing the land plan and the master thoroughfare plan. It was suggested the Commission
tour the area. Mr. Richmond asked that this item be placed on the March 9th and 23rd meeting dates for
further discussion.
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13. Items by Commissioners and City Staff
Ms. Madison: Reviewed with the Commission the presentation she made to the Metropolitan Planning
Organization (MPO) regarding infrastructure development in the northeast quadrant.
Mr. Haddock: Stated that the IH 10 area needs the Commission's immediate action.
Ms. Briscoe: Asked that the minutes be brought up to date.
Mr. Van Dine: Requested that staff provide him a copy of the interloca1 agreement with Guadalupe
County. Ms. Madison stated she would provide the entire Commission with a copy.
Councilman Greenwald: Stated that City Council was planning a strategic planning session to be held
possibly March 23rd_24th.
Chairman Richmond: Asked that the record reflect that the Commission is available to the City Council
for any joint workshop. He also asked staff to provide a current activity report.
14. Adjournment
There being no further business, Ms. Briscoe moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:47 p.m. Mr. Haddock
seconded the Motion. Vote unanimous. Motion carried.
0wJ J? ~~l.
. Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
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