JUNE 22, 2004
. The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened on June 22, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal
Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Ernie Evans, Vice Chairman
Keith Van Dine, Secretary
Clovis Haddock
Joyce Briscoe
William Sommers
Gary Wallace
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Amy Madison, Community Development Director
Jonette Ellis, Planning Technician
David Richmond, Chairman
Robert Brockman, 4505 Grand Forest
George M. Ryan, 245 W. Josephine
Lewis Westerman, 900 Isom Road
William Vandenbosch, 900 Isom Road
Mike Cisneros, Wilshire Homes
Rick McNealy, Vickrey & Associates
Erika Jucknies, Continental Homes
Call to Order/Roll Call
Vice Chainnan Evans called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Citizen Input other than Agenda Items
Mr. Brockman stated that he had never heard of a "dojo" as noted in agenda item #6 and had to look it up
in the dictionary.
3. Board of Adjustment Actions:
The Board of Adjustment will meet on July 6, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. for the Wilshire Homes variance.
4. Discussion and review of the proposed preliminary plat and site plan for Hampton Inn
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that Corridor Hotel, L TD is acquiring a 2.344 acre site
to develop and operate a new four-story, 98 room Hampton Inn & Suites on IH 35 just east of FM 3009
and Corridor Loop. The amenities include a swimming pool, meeting room, exercise room, a business
center and extensive landscaping. She also stated this item will be on the July 13, 2004 agenda.
Mr. Westerman and Mr. Vandenbosch reviewed the proposed site plan with the Commission. Concerns
included: Signage, drainage, landscaping, private access easement, retaining wall, the 24-foot driveway
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access and parking spaces, including handicap spaces.
. Discussion only, no action taken.
5. BOA2004-005
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for an 8.5-inch encroachment of the 7.5-foot
side-building setback of Lot 4, Block 2 of Jonas Woods, Unit 3 (2497 Jane Addams Drive).
Applicant: Wilshire Homes
Mr. Sommers moved to remove this item from the table. Mr. Van Dine seconded the motion. Motion
carried. Vote unanimous.
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that the applicant is requesting a variance to encroach
8.5-inches into the 7.5-foot side yard setback for a 1 story, 2,720 square foot home. The applicant states
the request is due to the lot being irregularly shaped and the house will not fit between the setbacks. The
11,171 square foot lot narrows from 75-feet to 65-feet. The property is zoned R-2 with minimum lot
dimensions being 70 by 120.
Mr. Sommers asked if the house was under construction, and Mr. Cisneros stated that it was not. Mr.
Wallace inquired if there would be at least 15- feet between the two houses and Mr. Cisneros stated that
the adjacent house sits further back than 7.5-feet.
Following discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to forward this item to the Board of Adjustment with a
recommendation of approval. Mr. Van Dine seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Evans, Mr.
. Haddock, Mr. Van Dine, Ms. Briscoe and Mr. Wallace. Voting Nay: Mr. Sommers. Motion carried.
6. PC2004-025
Discuss and take appropriate action for site plan approval of Schertz Industrial Park, Block 1,
Lot 6. The 0.74-r. acre tract shows a 9,600 square foot facility for an office/warehouse/dojo space.
The property is zoned Manufacturing District-Light (M-l).
Applicant: John Haral
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that the 9,600 square foot facility is proposed to house
two businesses. One section of the building will be used for an office/warehouse, which is to be leased,
and the second for a dojo. The parking provided will be adequate for peak-hour use. As noted on the site
plan, any future signage will meet city requirements.
Mr. Evans voiced concerns that signs were getting approved in the park by staff that were not acceptable
to the Commission and stated that all site plans must have signage included.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request. Mr. Wallace seconded the
motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Evans, Mr. Haddock, Ms. Briscoe and Mr. Wallace. Voting Nay: Mr. Van
Dine and Mr. Sommers. Motion carried.
Discuss and take appropriate action for final plat approval of Savannah Bluff Subdivision. The
23.530-r. acre tract has 64 residential lots and is located approximately 595-feet west of Schertz
Parkway on Savannah Drive. The property is zoned Residential-2 (R-2).
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Applicant: Rosin-Johnson, Inc.
. Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the
preliminary plat on February 24,2004. The 23.5 acre tract shows 64 R-2 lots. Parkland fees are assessed
at $14,000.00. All trees being removed at this time are in the right-of-way.
Mr. Wallace indicated that the application check list was not completely checked, and Ms. Madison stated
the items not checked were not applicable. Mr. Evans noted that an eight foot wood fence would be
required between this property and the Paschal Elementary School. Ms. Briscoe inquired how many trees
would be lost and Mr. John Turner indicated that he is working with the City Engineer to minimize the
number of trees lost and would consider transplanting the larger trees.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to approve the request. Mr. Haddock seconded the
motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
8. SV2004-008
Discuss and take appropriate action for a variance to the Unified Development Code, Article IX
(Signs) for Samuel Clemens High School, 1001 Elbel Road. The request is a variance for an
electronic LED message sign.
Applicant: SCUC ISD
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that the applicant is requesting a 9.5 square foot LED
message sign to be placed on an existing 104 square foot sign at Samuel Clemens High School. The
applicant has been informed that electronic signs are prohibited, but would like to use the sign as message
. and announcement board.
Mr. Ryan, Texas Neon Signs, demonstrated the product and stated the sign would not flash, scroll or
blink. He indicated that the graduating class at Clemens had purchased the sign as a present to the school
and that the sign would match the school colors and enhance communication with the community. There
were several parents of graduating students in the audience who asked for the Commission's approval
stating that the students had worked very hard in raising the money to provide this gift.
Mr. Sommers stated that the Commission had worked very hard on updating the Unified Development
Code and wishes to uphold the ordinance. He mentioned that the several LED signs currently in the City
were approved in error and should not have been approved. He also mentioned the most recently denied
request by Auto Collision for an LED sign that was appealed to City Council. City Council overturned the
Planning and Zoning's denial and approved the sign.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Sommers moved to disapprove the request. Mr. Van Dine
seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Evans, Mr. Haddock, Ms. Briscoe, Mr. Wallace and Mr.
Sommers. Voting Nay: Mr. Van Dine. Motion carried.
Discuss and take appropriate action for a variance to the Unified Development Code, Article IX
(Signs) for Norma J. Paschal Elementary School, 590 Savannah Drive. The request is a
variance for a monument sign.
Applicant: SCUC ISD
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Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that the Schertz Overlay District states that each
business may have one low profile type sign not to exceed a height of 18-feet, 7-inches and not to exceed
. 90 square feet in area. The applicant is requesting a monument sign measuring 3 Y2- foot high totaling 59
square feet. The Schertz Overlay District also states that all signs must meet the requirements outlined in
Article IX (Signs) of the Unified Development Code, of which the most restricting shall prevail. The sign
ordinance states the definition for a monuments sign may not exceed 4-feet by 6-feet or 24 total square
feet. The request is to grant a variance to allow for an additional 35 square footage of signage for a
monument sign.
Mr. Evans stated he was glad to see monument signs on Schertz Parkway in lieu of the pole signs.
Following review, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion.
Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
10. PC2004-024
Discuss and take appropriate action for a preliminary plat of Belmont Park Subdivision, Unit 2.
The 15.334-r. acre tract has 56 residential lots. The property is zoned Residential-5 (R-5)
Applicant: Vickrey & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Madison reviewed staff comments and stated that the preliminary plat shows the second unit for this
subdivision. Unit 2 provides paved access from IH 35. This access is one of two entrances from IH 35.
The second access road or the main collector (Belmont Parkway) will be required to be constructed or
bonded prior to approval of Unit 2. She also stated that the plan meets the Unified Development Code
. Mr. McNealy stated that this unit will tie into IH 35 and they are currently working on a driveway permit
with TxDOT. He also mentioned that utility work would begin on Old Wiederstein Road, and they are
attempting to have the work completed prior to the school year starting.
Mr. Evans inquired who is the current owner, and Ms. Jucknies stated that D.R. Horton is the owner and
that Continental Homes is a subsidiary of D.R. Horton. Mr. Evans also wanted to confirm that the
commercial property adjacent to Empire Maker would be required to have an 8-foot masonry fence and
there would be a I-foot non-access easement.
Ms. Susan Schaez1er stated that she is opposed to the plat and stated that the County has detennined not to
allow access onto Old Wiederstein Road for this property.
Mr. Lincoln Coderre asked that limits and restrictions be put in place to eliminate access onto Old
Wiederstein Road due to the road not being able to handle the traffic. Mr. Coderre also stated that
following his review of the traffic impact analysis (TIA) he believes it to be incorrect. He asked the
Commission to deny the request and to review the TIA, drainage issues and the tree mitigation.
Mr. Van Dine stated that the applicant has agreed to remove the construction traffic off Old Wiederstein
Road, and that any traffic on Old Wiederstein Road would be from other developments occurring in other
cities. All construction traffic for this development will enter from IH 35.
. Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request. Mr. Wallace seconded the
motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Evans, Mr. Haddock, Mr. Wallace and Mr. Sommers. Voting Nay: Mr. Van
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Dine and Ms. Briscoe. Motion carried.
e. Items by Commissioners and City Staff
Ms. Madison: Discussed a site visit for the Tri County Business Park scheduled for June 30, 2004 at
8:00 a.m.
Mr. Haddock: Inquired about traffic on the IH 35 frontage roads and asked if they would be one or two
way traffic. Ms. Madison stated that the City Manager had requested to TxDOT that the frontage roads
remain two-way. Mr. Haddock also asked about the time-line for the fire station at IH 35, and
Councilman Greenwald stated the bids came in too high and have been rejected. He stated that the
Council is looking into building the site to house the equipment and place a temporary mobile home for
the office/living quarters. The projected time for opening the facility would be November 2004.
Ms. Briscoe: Voiced her disappointment in City Council overturning the Planning and Zoning decision
on the LED sign for Auto Collision. She also stated that if staff makes a mistake by allowing a sign, the
City should pay for the sign to be removed.
Mr. Sommers: Also voiced his disappointment that the LED was approved for Auto Collision.
Mr. Evans: Mentioned that with recent rains, he had an opportunity to view the Bindsei1 tract and the
amount of water on the property. He advised staff to let the engineer know that the Commission has
concerns with drainage on the property. Mr. Evans also stated that the Lutheran church sign is still up on
Schertz Parkway and Nancy's Window signs are appearing all over town. Ms. Madison stated Mr. Truitt
. had contacted the church and owner of Nancy's Windows to apply for a permit. Ms. Madison also stated
that she has contacted the railroad about getting their right-of-way area mowed and remove the abandoned
signs. Mr. Evans informed the Commission that Chairman Richmond had sent an e-mail to the City
Manager stating the Commission's disappointment that the Unified Development Code was not upheld
regarding prohibited signs (LED signs).
12. Adjournment
There being no further business, Mr. Van Dine moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:39 p.m. Mr. Haddock
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
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Vice Chairman, P1annmg at} ZOnIng CommISSIOn
Planning and Zoning Commission
June 22, 2004
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