JULY 13, 2004
eThe Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened on July 13, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal
Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
David Richmond, Chainnan
Ernie Evans, Vice Chairman
Keith Van Dine, Secretary
Clovis Haddock
Joyce Briscoe
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Misty Nichols, Planning Technician
Jonette Ellis, Planning Technician
Tom Eaton, Code Enforcement Officer
Leonard Truitt, Building Official
Gary Wallace
William Sommers
Robert Brockman, 4505 Grand Forest
Lewis Westerman, Barshop & 01es
Bill VandenBosch, Barshop & 01es
Danny Watson, Barshop & 01es
Oscar Riddle, 1895 Harbach
Marcus N eundorf
David Adelman
Rudy Winkler
Ed McNew
Larry Aiken
Jim Hardy
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Chairman Richmond called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
2. ZC2004-007
Public Hearing on a request to rezone 655.5-r. acres from Pre-Development (PD) to
Residential/Agricultural (RA). The tract is situated in the Pedro San Miguel Survey No.
256, the J.F. Zepeda Survey No. 257 and the C.M. Gahagan Survey No. 258, in the City of
Schertz, Comal and Guadalupe counties.
Applicant: City of Schertz
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that on December 23, 2003 City Council annexed
this parcel of land, which placed this property in a Pre-Development (PD) zoning district. The
request is to zone the property to Residential/Agricultural (RA). Nineteen notices were mailed out
and one was returned undeliverable.
. Mr. Brockman inquired about where the property was located. He was shown a map indicating the area.
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Public Hearing for a specific use permit for Block 36, Lots 47-49, Aviation Heights (505
Winburn Avenue). The request is to allow for the operation of a business in a Residential-2
(R-2) District.
Applicant: Colleen Crain
Chairman Richmond stated that this public hearing was cancelled due to notification procedures and
would be conducted on July 27,2004 at 6:30 p.m.
There being no one else to speak, Chairman Richmond closed the public hearings.
5. Reconvene into Regular Session
Chairman Richmond reconvened the meeting into regular session at 6:35 p.m.
6. Citizen Input other than Agenda Items
Mr. Brockman inquired if the clock on the wall was correct because it seemed to be a little fast. Mr.
Richmond stated his watch read the same time as the clock on the wall.
7. Code Enforcement Issues
. Mr. Eaton reviewed the June 2004 code enforcement report. The Commission voiced their gratitude for
the removal of signs (126), but voiced their concerns for the following signs:
1. Container sign along IH 35. Will it be painted?
2. Eagle Homes sign on FM 78 at FM 3009.
3. Bracken Village signage at FM 3009 and railroad tracts at northern city limits.
4. Lutheran church sign on Schertz Parkway.
Mr. Truitt informed the Commission that he would follow-up on these items.
8. Board of Adjustment Actions:
The Board of Adjustment met on July 6, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. and approved a variance for Wilshire
9. Discuss and take appropriate action on approval of the minutes for the December 9, 2003
and June 22, 2004 Planning and Zoning meetings.
Following review, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2003 Planning
and Zoning meeting. Mr. Van Dine seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Richmond, Mr. Evans,
Mr. Haddock and Mr. Van Dine. Abstaining: Ms. Briscoe. Motion carried.
Following additional review, Ms. Briscoe moved to approve the minutes of the June 22, 2004 Planning
. and Zoning meeting. Mr. Van Dine seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
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Discuss and take appropriate action on a request to rezone 655.5-r. acres from Pre-
Development (PD) to Residential/Agricultural (RA). The tract is situated in the Pedro San
Miguel Survey No. 256, the J.F. Zepeda Survey No. 257 and the C.M. Gahagan Survey No.
258, in the City of Schertz, Comal and Guadalupe counties.
Applicant: City of Schertz
Mr. Evans inquired if the property extended to IH 35, and Ms. Nichols stated no, but the property adjacent
to IH 35 is currently zoned General Business. Mr. Evans also asked why staff was recommending an RA
zoning classification, and Councilman Greenwald stated that the land is currently being used as
residential/agricultural and that there are several working ranches on the property.
There being no further comments, Mr. Haddock moved to forward this item to City Council with a
recommendation for approval. Ms. Briscoe seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
11. PC2004-028
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for site plan approval of the Schertz Industrial
Park, Block 1, Lots 1 and 2. The 1.93-r. acre tract is located at the northeast corner of Bell North
Drive and Doerr Lane. The property is zoned Light Manufacturing (M-l).
Applicant: OBR Metal Fab, Inc.
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the 1.93 acre tract shows an 11,982 square foot
facility to house the office and warehouse for Texas Curb Cut. The applicant has been informed that the
property will be required to be rep1atted. The site plan meets the requirements of the Unified
. Development Code.
Ms. Briscoe stated she was pleased to see the cluster of trees and asked if it would be irrigated. Ms.
Nichols stated that the site plan notes that the landscape areas will be irrigated. Mr. Evans asked why the
trees were clumped together, and Mr. Riddle stated to keep them out of the easements. Mr. Evans also
inquired about signage, and Mr. Riddle stated that the dimensions and design of the sign were still to be
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request. Mr. Van Dine seconded
the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
12. PC2004-026
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for preliminary plat approval of the Hampton
Inn Corridor Subdivision. The 2.642-r. acre tract is located at the southeast quadrant of IH 35
frontage road and Corridor Loop Road. The property is zoned General Business (GB).
Applicant: Corridor Hotel, L TD
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the 2.642 acre tract provides for an ingress/egress
private easement for access off of the IH 35 frontage road and a 16-foot water easement to service the
property. The plat meets the requirement of the Unified Development Code.
Mr. Evans inquired if the PID road would intersect with this private road, and Councilman Greenwald
. stated that they would not intersect. Mr. Evans also voiced concerns for the drainage issues and the
natural flow of water onto the adjacent property. Mr. Vandenbosch reviewed the drainage design.
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Following review, Mr. Van Dine moved to approve the request. Ms. Briscoe seconded the motion.
. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
13. PC2004-031
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for site plan approval of the Hampton Inn
Corridor Subdivision, Block 1, Lot 2. The 2.322-r. acre tract is located at the southeast quadrant
of IH 35 frontage road and Corridor Loop Road and shows a 56,495 square foot, 4-story hotel.
Applicant: Corridor Hotel, L TD
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the 2.322 acre site is for a four-story, 98 room,
101,154 square foot Hampton Inn & Suites on IH 35 just east of FM 3009 and Corridor Loop. The
amenities include a swimming pool, meeting room, exercise room, business center and extensive
landscaping. The 25-foot private access easement will service the property and remaining property
owned by Barshop & 01es. The fire marshal has approved the 24-foot drive around the facility in lieu of
the required 25-foot drive. Signage has yet to be determined and will be submitted for separate approval.
Mr. Evans voiced concerns regarding the future access to the adjacent lot. Mr. Vandenbosch stated that
the property would likely have access to Corridor Loop and the private access road. Mr. Richmond
complimented the applicant on an excellent landscape plan.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request. Mr. Van Dine seconded
the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for preliminary plat approval of the Norcon
Subdivision. The 1.170-r. acre tract is located on the IH 35 South frontage road, east of FM 1103
and contains 2 lots. The property is zoned General Business (GB).
Applicant: L.G. Norville
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the 1.170 acre tract shows two commercial lots
fronting IH 35, east of FM 1103. The plat meets the Unified Development Code requirements, but the
applicant was asked to add a note on the final plat noting that no structure will be placed on the property
line to allow for access. Mr. Neundorf agreed to place that item on the final plat.
Following review and discussion, Ms. Briscoe moved to approve the request subject to the additional
statement being added noting that no structures will be placed on the property line. Mr. Van Dine
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
15. PC2004-030
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for site plan approval of the Norcon
Subdivision. The 1.170-r. acre tract is located on the IH 35 South frontage road, east of FM 1103
and contains 2 lots. The property is zoned General Business (GB).
Applicant: L.G. Norville
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the plan shows two office/warehouse facilities
. containing 17,800 square feet of space. The site plan indicates a 40 square foot wall sign without
illumination, which is within the requirement ofthe sign ordinance. She also stated that the plan meets the
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Unified Development Code requirements.
. Mr. Richmond asked about the existing billboard adjacent to the property and if it would be a visual
problem to the site; Mr. Neundorf stated that it would not.
Mr. Evans voiced concerns that sign details were not submitted with the site plan, and Mr. Neundorf
stated that the exact details had not been determined.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request. Mr. Van Dine seconded
the motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Richmond, Mr. Haddock, Mr. Van Dine and Ms. Briscoe. Voting Nay: Mr.
Evans. Motion carried.
16. PC2004-032
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for master plan approval of the Cross County
Business Park. The 59.13-r. acre tract is located at the northwest corner of Doerr Lane and Tri-
County Parkway. The property is zoned Light Manufacturing (M-l).
Applicant: Cross & Company
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission visited the
site on June 30, 2004. The plan proposes four office/warehouse facilities totaling 920,000 square feet.
The parking required would be well over 920 automobile spaces. As discussed at the site visit, semi and
trailer parking have a greater demand than auto parking. The applicant has proposed that any additional
parking may be obtained on the 5.46 acre tract adjacent to the site. The applicant also proposes to extend
Associates Drive.
. Mr. Brockman inquired about the parking ordinance with regards to tractor/trailer parking spaces. Mr.
Evans stated that the Unified Development Code currently does not outline tractor/trailer parking for large
warehouse facilities, and that many times these large warehouses have little to no employees. The
Planning and Zoning Commission and staff are reviewing how to calculate the necessary parking.
Mr. Evans also voiced concerns for the drainage issues currently in this area and wanted the applicant to
be aware that a drainage plan would be required. Mr. Adelman stated that his engineers are currently
working on the drainage issues. Mr. Haddock asked if their intentions are to own the building or sell it,
and Mr. Adelman stated they plan on being a long-term owner.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request. Mr. Van Dine seconded
the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
17. SUP2004-015
Discuss and take appropriate action to call for a Public Hearing on a request for a Specific Use
Permit for the Nell Deane Subdivision, Block 3, Lot 7 to allow for an office/warehouse facility to
be located in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ). The property is zoned
General Business (GB).
Applicant: RFW, Inc.
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the site is located in the AICUZ and requires a
. specific use pennit. The applicant shows a 4,800 square foot facility on the 0.5304 acre tract for an
office/warehouse facility. Ms. Nichols also stated that Mr. Winkler was present.
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Following review, Mr. Haddock moved to call for a public hearing to be conducted August 10,2004. Mr.
. Van Dine seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
IS. ZC2004-00S
Discuss and take appropriate action to call for a Public Hearing on a request to rezone I1.S67-r.
acres from General Business (GB) to Residential-5 (R-5). The property is located at the
northwest quadrant of Schertz Parkway and Live Oak Road.
Applicant: Hardy & Company, Inc.
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the applicant is requesting R-S zoning. The
surrounding property is zoned R-5 to the west and R-2 to the north. At a previous meeting, the
Commission asked the applicant to consider the newly adopted R-7 district.
Mr. Evans voiced his concerns regarding the flooding that occurs on this property and requested a
drainage study be conducted. Mr. McNew stated that the drainage would flow from the north side of the
property to the drainage swell adjacent to Schertz Parkway into the FEMA drainage ditch.
Mr. Richmond stated his concerns for zoning the property from GB to R-S. He suggested that the
applicant reconsider and leave at least a corner for commercial development. Mr. Aiken stated that it was
not economically feasible for the property to remain commercial due to the current market driving force
calling for residential development.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to call for a public hearing to be conducted August
. 10, 2004. Mr. Van Dine seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
19. PC2004-027
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for master plan approval of the Bindseil
Farms Additions. The 2S.5S-r. acre tract is located at the northwest quadrant of Schertz
Parkway and Live Oak Road and contains 142 single family lots developed at R-5 standards.
Applicant: Hardy & Company, Inc.
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the 28.S8 acre tract is subject to approval of zoning
the 11.867 acres to R-S. The plan shows 142 R-5 lots with the entire tract currently in the floodplain.
Once the FEMA drainage ditch is completed, a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) will take the property
out of the floodplain. The tract is serviced by one point of access until the second phase and when the
property to the north develops. Staff recommends the applicant work with surrounding property owners
and provide a master plan for the entire area for drainage and circulation issues. Staff has informed the
applicant that a median cut on Schertz Parkway will not be granted.
Mr. Evans voiced his concerns for the flooding on this property and noted that the plan indicates that
home slabs shall be a minimum of I-foot above 100 year floodplain. Mr. Evans stated that he would not
approve a plat until the LOMR was completed. He also asked the applicant to note that the 30-foot
pipeline easement would be maintained by the homeowners association and that no fencing will be placed
on the easement. Mr. Hardy agreed to the additions.
. Mr. Richmond stated that the Ackennan tract was zoned GB and R-2 and inquired how the tract would be
developed. Ms. Nichols stated that nothing had been submitted or reviewed by the Planning Department
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for the Ackennan tract.
Ms. Briscoe asked about the stacking distance for the Live Oak Road extension to Schertz Parkway, and
Mr. McNew stated there would be enough distance for approximately 12 cars. Mr. Evans also stated that
the entrance from Schertz Parkway may need a right turn lane and asked the applicant consider the option.
Ms. Briscoe agreed stating the intersection already is a problem.
Following discussion Mr. Van Dine moved to approve the request. The motion died due to a lack of a
Discussion continued with Mr. Evans stating the site has outstanding issues: drainage, one point of
access, traffic (the need for a TIA), lack of an overview of the whole area and an approved LOMR. Mr.
Truitt reminded the Commission that this was a Master Plan. A concept of the development, not a plat.
Mr. Bierschwa1e confirmed with the Commission that Ford Engineering is currently working on the
LOMR to be submitted to FEMA.
Following discussion, Mr. Van Dine moved to approve the request subject to:
1. Conducting a public hearing and approval of rezoning the property to Residential-5.
2. Receipt of a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) from FEMA.
Mr. Haddock seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
20. Items by Commissioners and City Staff
Ms. Nichols: Informed the Commission that Ms. Madison would be on vacation until July 19,2004.
Ms. Briscoe: Voiced concerns that City Council had approved the LED sign for Clemens High School
and asked for Council's direction. Councilman Greenwald stated he would provide a letter from City
Council recommending Planning and Zoning's consideration of a LED sign that is motionless.
Mr. Evans: Asked Mr. Truitt to investigate a house under construction along IH 35, just west of Pfeil
Road, that is being built in the General Business (GB) District. Mr. Truitt stated that he would follow up.
Councilman Greenwald: Stated that SSLGC would meet on Thursday, July 15th at 10:00 a.m. He also
infonned the Commission that the fire sub-station, along IH 35, was let and construction would begin
21. Adjournment
There being no further business, Mr. Van Dine moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Mr. Haddock
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
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Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
Planning and Zoning Commission
July 13, 2004
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