NOVEMBER 9, 2004
. The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened on November 9,2004 at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal
Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
David Richmond, Chainnan
Ernie Evans, Vice Chairman
Keith Van Dine, Secretary
Gary Wallace
Clovis Haddock
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Amy Madison, Community Development Director
Misty Nichols, Planning Technician
Jonette Ellis, Planning Technician
Torn Eaton, Code Enforcement Officer
William Sommers
Robert Brockman, 4505 Grand Forest
Rick McNealy, Vickrey & Associates
Lillian Bruce, 302 River Road
Coy Armstrong, Bury & Partners
Barbara Muzny, 11403 IH 10 East
Mike Dooley, Whitewing
Henry Christopher, 713 Contadora
Bill VandeBosch, Barshop & Oles
Gene Myers, Gem Signs
Mark Presner, Ballard & Braughton Engineers
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Chairman Richmond called the meeting order at 6:31 p.m. and opened the meeting for public hearings.
2. ZC2004-012
Public hearing to rezone 19.009:t acres from Residential Agricultural (RA) to General Business (GB).
The tract is located at the southwest corner of Ware Seguin Road and FM 1518.
Applicant: Henry Christopher, Jr.
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the applicant is requesting 19.098 acres be rezoned from
RA to GB. The property is situated near the southwest corner of FM 1518 and Ware Seguin Road. The
Comprehensive Land Plan calls for this property to be developed as commercial, stating that commercial
development should be concentrated at intersections and along major thoroughfares. There is approximately
538- feet of frontage along FM 1518 that the applicant does not own. It is not a part of this request and will
remain zoned RA. The applicant proposes an entrance approximately 1,000- feet south of Ware Seguin Road for
the Schertz Forest Subdivision. Ten letters of notification were mailed and staff received no responses. Ms.
Nichols also mentioned that the applicant was not present.
Ms. Bruce inquired about the types of business that would be allowed and whether it would affect her property.
. She also inquired about the use of mobile homes on the property. Ms. Madison stated that mobile homes would
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not be a permitted use in the GB district and mentioned the typical business allowed in the GB district. Mr.
Wallace stated that the permitted uses were listed in the Unified Development Code and asked Ms. Bruce to
obtain a copy from staff.
There was no one else present to speak on this request.
3. SUP2004-017
Public hearing to grant a specific use permit to allow a residential use in the General Business (GB)
District. The 49.341:t acre tract is located on IH 10 approximately 1,700-feet east of Gray town Road.
Applicant: Alan & Barbara Muzny
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that in April 2004, the Inspections Department issued a permit
for the construction of a residential home in the General Business District (GB). Upon discovery ofthis error,
the PlaIlliing Department advised the applicant to apply for a Specific Use Permit to allow a residence in the GB
district. The house has been constructed; a certificate of occupancy has not been granted. Ten letters of
notification were mailed and staff received no responses.
Mr. Armstrong and Ms. Muzny were present to address any questions from the Commission. Mr. Brockman
inquired about location of the property.
There was no one else present to speak for or against the request.
Public hearing to replat a portion of Lot 1, Block 1 ofthe Mark Roberts Subdivision and establish the
Guadalupe River Nursing and Rehabilitation Subdivision. The 4.884:t acre tract is located on FM
3009 approximately 356-feet north of Borgfeld Road. The property is zoned General Business (GB)
Applicant: Vickrey & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the
preliminary plat on 9/28/04. A replat is required now that the applicant has purchased the property for the
drainage easement from Mr. Roberts and Mr. Claypool. Due to Mr. Roberts' property being platted, this replat
was necessary. Please also note that the applicant has agreed to make the drainage improvements and construct
the masonry wall. The replat meets the requirements of the Unified Development Code and staff recommends
Mr. McNealy stated that the replat was necessary to plat the off-site drainage area acquired from Mr. Roberts.
Mr. Dooley voiced concerns regarding the eight-foot masonry fence, access to the property and drainage issues.
There was no one else present to speak for or against the request.
5. PC2004-056
Public hearing to replat Schertz Industrial Park, Block 2, Lots 1 and 2 and establish Schertz
Industrial Park, Block 2, Lot 1R. The purpose of the replat is to plat two lots into one. The property
is located at the southeast corner of Bell North Drive and Doerr Lane.
Applicant: OBR Metal Fab, Inc.
. Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that upon receipt of this application, staff initiated the public
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hearing by publishing and mailing the notice. Upon further review of the application, it was noted that the
applicant had supplied the incorrect lots to be replatted. Because this public hearing was published, it must be
conducted, but the request has been cancelled. This item was re-notified correctly and the public hearing will be
conducted at the November 23rd Planning and Zoning meeting.
There being no one else to speak for or against the request, Chairman Richmond closed the public hearings.
6. Reconvene into Regular Session
Chairman Richmond reconvened into Regular Session at 6:50 p.m.
7. Citizen Input other than Agenda Items
There was no one present to speak.
8. Board of Adjustment Actions: None at this time.
No action taken.
9. Code Enforcement Issues
Mr. Eaton reviewed the October 2004 Code Enforcement report and stated that 88 notices of compliance were
sent and 76 signs removed. The Commission thanked Mr. Eaton and the Building Inspections Department.
Discuss and take appropriate action to rezone 19.009:t acres from Residential Agricultural (RA) to
General Business (GB). The tract is located at the southwest corner of Ware Seguin Road and FM
Applicant: Henry Christopher, Jr.
Mr. Richmond asked the applicant, who was now present, what type of businesses would be attracted to this
location. Mr. Christopher stated most of the businesses would be neighborhood service in type, but he would
like to have professional office, retail, convenience store, etc. Mr. Evans asked about the primary entrance and
Mr. Christopher stated that Schertz Forest Drive would be the only entrance to the development off ofFM 1518.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to forward this item to City Council with a
recommendation of approval. Mr. Haddock seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
11. SUP2004-017
Discuss and take appropriate action to grant a specific use permit to allow a residential use in the
General Business (GB) District. The 49.341:t acre tract is located on IH 10 approximately 1,700-feet
east of Gray town Road.
Applicant: Alan & Barbara Muzny
Mr. Wallace asked if the entire 49 acre tract was zoned General Business, and Ms. Nichols stated that only the
property adjacent to the IH 10 frontage road was zoned GB. Mr. Evans stated that the application had several
exhibits that were different and asked which one was correct. Mr. Richmond asked where the house sits and
. how many acres would be included in the request. Ms. Madison stated that the City Attorney has reviewed the
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application and that it was modified for only the 5 acres where the house sits.
Following review and discussion, Mr. VanDine moved to forward this item to City Council with a
recommendation of approval for a specific use permit on only 5 acres. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion.
Voting Aye: Mr. Richmond, Mr. Haddock, Mr. Van Dine and Mr. Wallace. Voting Nay: Mr. Evans. Motion
12. PC2004-058
Discuss and take appropriate action to replat a portion of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Mark Roberts
Subdivision and establish the Guadalupe River Nursing and Rehabilitation Subdivision. The 4.884:t
acre tract is located at FM 3009 approximately 356-feet north of Borgfeld Road. The property is
zoned General Business (GB)
Applicant: Vickrey & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Richmond stated that all drainage easements will be owned and maintained by the applicant, and that access
to the property will be off ofFM 3009 and Silver Tree. Mr. Richmond stated that cut-through traffic would not
likely occur. Mr. McNealy stated that the applicant would construct a fence along the adjacent properties that
meets the Unified Development Code requirements and would be maintained by the applicant.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request. Mr. Van Dine seconded the
motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for revised final plat approval of the Hampton Inn
Corridor Subdivision. The 2.322:t acre tract is located at the southeast quadrant of IH 35 frontage
road and Corridor Loop Road. The property is zoned General Business (GB)
Applicant: Corridor Hotel, L TD
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that this item was withdrawn from the October 25, 2004
agenda in order for the applicant to meet with staff on a few issues. Those issues have been resolved. The plat
reflects the changes in the sanitary sewer easement. Staff recommends approval.
Mr. VandeBosch stated the exhibit shows a 2.635 acre tract, which includes the egress/ingress easement, and he
would submit a corrected plat to staff.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to approve the request. Mr. Van Dine seconded the
motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
14. PC2004-057
Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for preliminary plat approval of the Associate Drive
Extension. The 2.075:t acre tract provides right-of-way for the extension of Associate Drive.
Applicant: Carter & Burgess, Inc.
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that this right-of-way plat shows the extension of Associate
Drive, a length of over 1,500- feet. The applicant has worked with staff and will provide a temporary turn-
around for emergency vehicles. This preliminary plat meets the Unified Development Code requirements and
staff recommends approval.
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Following review, Mr. Wallace moved to approve the request. Mr. Haddock seconded the motion. Motion
carried. Vote unanimous.
Discuss and take appropriate action for a variance to Unified Development Code, Article IX (Signs)
for Texas Tack and Trailer. The request is a variance to exceed the requirements for wall signs.
Applicant: Texas Tack and Trailer
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the site plan with signage was approved by the
Commission at their 1/13/04 meeting. The Commission approved a ISO-square foot pole sign 50-feet in height
and a 48-square foot wall sign. The applicant has modified his request and is asking for a variance for the
Logo wall sign 1 sign 100.8 square feet 50.8 square feet
50 square feet maximum
Service wall sign 1 sign 37 square feet 2nd sign
50 square feet maximum 37 square feet
Parts wall sign 1 sign 29.7 square feet 3rd sign
50 square feet maximum 29.7 square feet
Total Variance 2 additional wall signs
117.5 additional square
Mr. Myers stated that the approved pole sign would not be constructed at this time and that the applicant would
be phasing the signage. The first being the main logo sign, followed by the sales/service/parts sign. He stated
that the building looks plain and that the signage would give the business some visibility.
Mr. Richmond stated that signage was approved with the site plan and asked the applicant what was the
hardship. Mr. Myers stated visibility was the issue and that the larger logo sign would attract attention. Mr.
Haddock inquired if the logo sign was twice as big as previously approved, and Mr. Myers stated yes.
Mr. Wallace asked when the pole sign would be erected, and Mr. Myers stated that he didn't know. Mr.
Wallace asked staff if a variance could be partially approved, and Ms. Madison stated yes.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve a variance for the logo wall sign not to
exceed 100.8 square feet in total size. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. Mr.
Richmond stated that the other signage being requested was disapproved.
16. PC2004-055
Discuss and take appropriate action for site plan approval of Lot 6, Block 1 of the Wal-Mart
Supercenter. The 2.983:t acre tract is located at the southeast corner of FM 3009 and Four Oaks
Lane. The property is zoned Manufacturing District-Light (M-1).
Applicant: Ballard & Braughton Engineering
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that the site shows 25,438 square feet in retail/restaurant/bank
center. Staff has worked via maille-mail/phone with the applicant, and has tried to meet with the applicant in
person. The applicant has chosen not to meet with staff. The site plan does meet the Unified Development
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Code standards.
Mr. Presner, Ballard & Braughton Engineers, was present to address the Commission. Mr. Evans voiced
concerns regarding the symbols not being identified, and Mr. Presner stated that was an error that would be
corrected. Mr. Evans also stated that this tract only had one dumpster and that was inadequate for the site. Mr.
Presner stated that all four businesses would be sharing the dumpster. The Commission stated that a restaurant
would be required by the Building Official to have its own dumpster
Mr. Wallace voiced concerns about the trees, and Ms. Nichols stated that the trees have been distributed
throughout the site. Mr. Wallace read the ordinance and stated that the ordinance intended for the trees to be
along the street frontage.
Mr. Evans stated that the majority of the property is zoned M-l and voiced concerns about the uses allowed in
that district. Mr. Richmond stated that undesirable businesses could be allowed in this development. Mr.
Presner stated that the deed restrictions imposed by W al- Mart would not allow that to happen. Mr. Richmond
asked for a copy ofthe restrictions. Ms. Madison stated that staff would be initiating a zoning to rezone the area
on FM 3009 from IH 35 to its northern city limits to a proposed GB-2 district.
The Commission also voiced concerns regarding screening for the restaurant drive-thru area, circulation within
the development, signage and firelanes.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request subject to a dumpster being
located for the proposed restaurant. Mr. Van Dine seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Haddock and Mr.
Van Dine. Voting Nay: Mr. Richmond, Mr. Evans and Mr. Wallace. Motion failed. The site plan was
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding zoning in Schertz
Ms. Madison stated that City Council had asked the Commission to review and make a recommendation
regarding the George Gutierrez tract currently being requested to be rezoned to General Business for a mini
warehouse facility. In keeping with the Commission's policies and practices, Neighborhood Services has been
the primary commercial zoning that has been allowed on FM 3009. Ms. Madison stated that she is currently
negotiating with the property owners to rezone the fronts of their properties to NS and the remainder stay as R-
Following review and discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to forward to City Council a recommendation to expand
the Neighborhood Services zoning along FM 3009 consistent with other Neighborhood Services zoning. Mr.
Haddock seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
Update and discussion of the Belmont Park development on Old Wieder stein Road.
Ms. Madison provided the Commission follow-up of development on Old Wiederstein Road. She stated that an
e-mail was sent to staff and the Commission from Ms. Susan Schaezler regarding the recent rains and that this
development was flooding her property. Ms. Madison stated that the City Engineer has reviewed the drainage
plans and that the water was retained and released appropriately. She also stated that the development has met
the requirement of the TCEQ. Mr. Wallace stated that he has seen heavy equipment on Old Wiederstein Road,
and Ms. Madison reminded the Commission that there is other development in the area which could be using
the road.
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EXECUTIVE SESSION: Called under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sub-Section
551.071. Discussion of applicants to fill a vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Mr. Richmond stated that the Commission did not go into executive session at its last meeting due to not having
full attendance by its entire membership. Mr. Van Dine stated that he would not want to go into executive
session without Mr. Sommers being present.
Following discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to go into Executive Session at 8:47 p.m. to deliberate filling a
vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Haddock seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Mr.
Richmond, Mr. Evans, Mr. Haddock and Mr. Wallace. Voting Nay: Mr. Van Dine. Motion carried.
20. Any action, if any, on Executive Session
The Commission reconvened into Regular Session at 9:14 p.m.
Mr. Richmond and Mr. Van Dine stated that everyone needs to be present to vote. Mr. Evans stated that he
would not be present at the next meeting, which could hold up this process for some time.
Mr. Wallace moved to vote on the top two candidates. Mr. Haddock seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Mr.
Evans, Mr. Haddock and Mr. Wallace. Voting Nay: Mr. Richmond and Mr. Van Dine. Motion carried.
Mr. Richmond called for a vote. Mr. Van Dine abstained from voting due to Mr. Sommers not being present.
Mr. Evans read the votes stating Ms. Robin Tutschke received three of the four votes.
. Following review, Mr. Van Dine moved to forward to City Council a recommendation to appoint Robin
Tutschke to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote
21. Items by Commissioners and City Staff
a. Sign Ordinance
Ms. Madison: Stated that staffis in the process of updating the sign ordinance and would like to establish a
committee to review the changes. She also stated that staffhad prepared a 2005 Planning and Zoning calendar
and asked the Commission to review for action at the next meeting.
Mr. Greenwald: With sorrow informed the Commission that Council Member Steve Simonson's son had
passed away and the Commission extended their condolences. He also stated that the City had received an
award at TML for the water system.
22. Adjournment
There being no further business, Mr. Haddock moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:31 p.m.
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. .-'--~.."..,~\~
Mr. Van Dine
. Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
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