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JANUARY 28, 2003
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular session on January 28,2003 at 7:00
p.m. at the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Ernie Evans, Vice-Chairman
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Gary Wallace
William Sommers
Joyce Briscoe
Keith Van Dine
Ron Youngblood, City Planner
Misty Nichols, Recording Secretary
Amy Madison, Community Development
Leonard Truitt, Building Official
David Richmond, Chairman
Robert Brockman, 4505 Grand Forest
Preston & Debbie Shelton, Boy Scouts
Call To Order: Vice Chairman Evans called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes: No action was taken on this item due to the minutes not being prepared.
3. Status of Final Plats: No plats have been submitted for signatures.
4. BOA Actions: There is not a Board of Adjustment meeting scheduled at this time.
5. Citizens' Input Other than Agenda Items:
Mr. Robert Brockman was present to address the Commission and asked about the storage container on
Exchange Avenue. Mr. Truitt informed Mr. Brockman that the container is legally permitted to be in
place for a construction project at that location. He also stated that the permit is valid for six (6)
months, but it can be extended.
6. Consider and Take Appropriate Action: On the Tanglewood Master Plan. An 87-acre
tract located at the intersection of IH 35 and Eckhardt Rd. (PC# 558-03)
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January 28, 2003
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Mr. Youngblood reviewed the proposed master plan for Tang1ewood Park. He stated that the request
is for R-5 zoning with 423 residential lots. This plan shows a mix of R-6 and R-2 zoning. The .
applicant is requesting a variance for the reduction of the front yard setback to twenty (20) feet and
five (5) foot side yards. The plan includes the construction of Wiederstein Road. The project shows
6.2::t acres of parkland and trails system. The proposal also has designated 9 acres for commercial
development adjacent to IH 35.
Mr. Donald Griffin, Land Development Services, was present and stated that the primary homebuilder
at this time will be Classic Century Homes. He also stated that Eckhardt Road would be developed
along with the project. The open space, roadway islands, trail system and lakes will be maintained by
the homeowners association.
Roadway islands were discussed and Mr. Griffin stated that the islands would be markers identifying
each neighborhood within the subdivision and could calm traffic flow. Mr. Evans requested the
applicant provide details for the islands and a notation on the plat that the roadway islands would be
maintained by the homeowners association.
Mr. Sommers suggested traffic calming devises along the main thoroughfare. Mr. Griffin stated that it
was his intent to provide landscaped islands especially near the open spaces. Mr. Evans suggested the
front yard setback for this main thoroughfare should be at least twenty-five (25) feet to allow for a
longer driveway and for more visibility. Mr. Griffin concurred.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Sommers moved to approve the Master Plan subject to:
Front yard setback for lots facing the 60- foot main thoroughfare shall be twenty-five
(25) feet.
Side yard setback shall be seven and one half (7 Y2) feet.
Mr. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
7. Consider and Take Appropriate Action: On a request from Don McCrary for a scrivener
change and variance to the front building setback from 25 foot to 20 foot on the
previously approved plat of Wynn Brook Subdivision - Unit 3. (PC# 541-02)
Mr. Youngblood reviewed the request with the Commission and stated that the final plat shows
changes in lot lines with utility easement relocations. The applicant is also requesting a reduction in
the front yard setback to twenty (20) feet. The current zoning on this property is R-5.
Mr. Larry Aiken reviewed the development standards for R-5 zoning and stated that the Unified
Development Code calls for the front yard setback to be ten (10) feet and he is asking for twenty (20)
feet. He also addressed the cross access in Wynn Brook, Unit 4 at Silver Oak.
Mr. Evans stated that the variance should be listed on the notes.
Following review and discussion, Ms. Briscoe moved to approve:
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Scrivener changes as noted on the plat.
A variance granting the minimum front yard setback to be twenty (20) feet.
Mr. Van Dine seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
8. Consider and Take Appropriate Action: On a request from Don McCrary for a final plat
with a variance to the front building, Wynn Brook Subdivision - Unit 4. This was a
tabled action from the 12 November 02 meeting. (PC #542-02)
Mr. Sommers moved to remove this item from the table for consideration. Mr. Van Dine seconded the
motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
Mr. Youngblood reviewed staff comments with the Commission and stated that the plat shows the
Silver Tree connection into the Oak Forest Subdivision. A traffic impact analysis was performed to
show the majority of the traffic using Green Valley Road. He also stated that the applicant is
requesting a reduction in the front yard setback to twenty (20) feet.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Van Dine moved to approve the final plat and granting the
following variance:
1. The minimum front yard setback shall be twenty (20) feet.
. Ms. Briscoe seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
9. Consider and Take Appropriate Action: On a request from Bury + Partners, Inc. for site
plan approval of Bank of America, located on IH 35 North access road, in the HEB
shopping center. (PC# 556-03)
Mr. Youngblood reviewed the site plan with the Commission and stated that the request did not
include a deceleration lane off the IH 35 Frontage Road. Correspondence with the TxDOT stated that
a deceleration lane is not required at this time.
Mr. Sommers voiced concerns that a deceleration lane not being provided and stated that the City can't
require the applicant to install the deceleration lane, but can ask the applicant to be cooperative and
install one.
Mr. Bill Schock, Bury & Partners, was present and addressed the Commission's concern for a
deceleration lane. He stated that TxDOT is reducing the number of driveway permits it is allowing and
suggested that if this project was a large development, then he would agree that a deceleration lane
would be needed. Mr. Schock stated that he doesn't believe there will be enough traffic to warrant a
deceleration lane.
Mr. Truitt stated that this is an issue between the developer and TxDOT and that the City can only
request TxDOT review the possibility of a deceleration lane. He also stated that staff participates and
initiates the communication between the developer and TxDOT.
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Mr. James Harden stated that TxDOT would prefer to work with the property owners and engineers .
instead of a multitude of people.
Mr. Wallace asked about the flagpole attached to the building. Mr. Truitt stated that the flag could be a
total of32 square feet and twenty-five (25) feet in height.
Following review, Mr. Wallace moved to approve the request. Mr. Van Dine seconded the motion.
Voting Aye: Mr. Wallace, Ms. Briscoe, Mr. Van Dine and Mr. Sommers. Voting Nay: Mr. Evans.
Motion carried.
10. Interviews for vacant Planning and Zoning Commissioner's position: Mr. Leon Jones,
Mr. James MacSorley, Mr. George McCollough, Mr. Bradford McMurray, and Mr.
James Harden Jr.
The Commission interviewed Leon Jones, Jr., James C. Harden, James MacSorley, George
McCollough, Jr. and Bradford McMurray to fill a vacancy on the Commission. Mrs. Hutton was not at
the meeting. These qualified citizens were asked questions regarding their credentials for being a
Planning and Zoning Commissioner.
Mr. Evans stated that Mr. MacSorley is an employee of the City of Schertz and asked if a City
employee could sit on the Commission. Mr. Evans asked staff to review the By-Laws.
No action taken.
11. Briefing/Discussion by Amy Madison on roles and responsibilities of Community
Ms. Amy Madison addressed the Commission on her role as Director of Community Development.
Ms. Madison stated that her responsibilities include management of the Planning and Zoning
Department, Building Inspections and the Economic Development Department.
Her current goals are:
a. Create good relationships between the City, the developer and the commission.
b. Update the procedure for reviewing and processing applications.
c. Meet with each Commissioner to get their views, goals and suggestions.
12. Items by Commissioners and City Planner:
Mr. Youngblood stated that the sign on the crane has been removed.
Mr. Wallace voiced concerns of debris on Green Valley Road and asked if the contractor could be
contacted to re-grade the road. .
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Councilman Greenwald stated that testing on the new water line has passed and the tentative date for
turning the water on is February 20, 2003. He also discussed possibilities of appointing volunteers for
a Bond Committee. He stated that City Council is looking at preliminary plans for an additional
emergency services building along IH 35. He also reminded the Commissioners to vote on Saturday,
February 1 st for the vacant council seat.
Mr. Evans spoke of the letter in packet regarding development at Forest Ridge.
13. Adjournment: There being no further business, Vice-Chairman Evans adjourned the meeting
at 10:00 p.m.
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Vice Chairman, P1arifiing and Zqning Commission
Planning & Zoning Minutes
January 28, 2003
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