MAY 13, 2003
.The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Public Hearing on May 13,2003 at 7:00 p.m. at
the Municipal Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
David Richmond, Chairman
Ernie Evans, Vice-Chairman
Keith Van Dine
Joyce Briscoe
William Sommers (arrived at item #8)
Clovis Haddock
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Leonard Truitt, Building Official
Misty Nichols, Recording Secretary
Amy Madison, Community Development
Gary Wallace
Robert Brockman, 4505 Grand Forest
George Montgomery, 112 Webster Drive
1. Call to Order: Chairman Richmond called the Public Hearing to order at 6:35 p.m.
Continuation of a Public Hearing from the April 8, 2003 Planning and Zoning Meeting to
receive citizen input on a request for a Specific Use Permit at 18711 IH 35N, to allow for three
(3) manufactured homes on the tract of land for the applicant and his family. The property is
currently zoned Manufacturing, Light Industry (M-l).
Applicant: Mr. George Smith
Chairman Richmond stated that staff has found issues that still need to be resolved with the owner and
requested a continuance of the public hearing. Following discussion, Mr. Evans moved continue the
Public Hearing to the June 10, 2003 Planning and Zoning meeting. Mr. Haddock seconded the motion.
Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
There being no one else present to speak, Chairman Richmond closed the Public Hearing.
3. The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission reconvened in a Regular Session. The Agenda is
as follows:
Chairman Richmond convened in Regular Session at 6:40 p.m.
the audience that the new meeting time will be 6:30 p.m.
He also informed the Commission and
Board of Adjustment Actions: The Board of Adjustment is scheduled to meet on Monday, June 2,
5. Approval of the Minutes: Consider and take action on approval of the Minutes from the August
13, 2002 and August 27,2002 Regular Meetings and the April 23, 2003 Special Meeting.
Chairman Richmond and the Commission noted changes to the above referenced minutes and asked staff
to amend. Mr. Truitt asked that in an effort to get current on the minutes, that they be brought forward at
a workshop meeting for the Commission's review.
Due to corrections needed, no action taken.
6. Status of Final Plat: The following plats have been filed in the County:
Forest Ridge, Unit 6
Wiederstein Road R-O-W
Replat: Jonas Wood, Unit 2, Block 9, Lots 22 and 23
7. Citizen Input other than Agenda Items:
Mr. Brockman was present and asked the Commission for some kind of visual aids for the audience to be
able to view the items on the agenda. Ms. Madison suggested that staffhave available the exhibits for the
persons interested.
Consider and take action on a request for a Specific Use Permit at 18711 IH 35N, to allow for
three (3) manufactured homes on a tract of land for the applicant and his family. The property
is currently zoned Manufacturing, Light Industry (M-l). This item was tabled at the April 8.
2003 Plannine: and Zonine: Meetine:.
Applicant: George Smith
Chairman Richmond stated that the public hearing for this item was continued as noted in the public
hearing portion of this meeting and that the item will remain tabled until the June 10, 2003 Planning and
Zoning meeting.
9. BOA194-03
Discuss and make recommendation for a variance to reduce the front yard setback from 30-feet
to 13.1 feet, Greenfield Village, Unit 2, Block 2, Lot 38, (112 Webster) for the construction of a
Applicant: George Montgomery
Mr. Truitt reviewed the request with the Commission and stated that the property is currently zoned R-l.
Ms. Briscoe asked the applicant about the covenants on this property and stated that a covered carport
may change the character of the neighborhood and affect property values. Mr. Montgomery stated that
the request was necessary due to having to remove an oversized tree that is damaging his driveway and
foundation. The tree has provided protective shade and if removed, a carport cover would be necessary to .
protect the value of his vehicles. He stated that a portion of his garage is being used for storage.
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Chairman Richmond voiced his concerns that the applicant must address the deed restrictions and
covenants even though there is not an active homeowner association. Mr. Truitt stated that the City does
. not enforce or monitor covenants or deed restrictions.
Discussion continued with regard to the procedure for property owner or homeowner association
notification. Mr. Truitt stated that property owners within 200-feet are notified prior to the request going
to the Board of Adjustment. Ms. Briscoe asked that the letters be sent out for this request prior to the
Planning and Zoning Commission acting on this item.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to table this item in order for the applicant to
provide a rendering and for staff to notify adjacent property owners of the request. Mr. Sommers
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
10. PC570-03
Consider and take action on a request for a replat of Oak Trail, Unit 2A, Block 2, Lot 39 and
Block 3, Lot 10. This item was tabled at the April 22, 2003 Plannin2 and Zonin2 Meetin2.
Applicant: Don McCrary & Associates
Mr. Sommers moved to remove this item from the table for discussion and action. Mr. Haddock seconded
the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
Mr. Truitt reviewed the rep1at and stated that the corrections have been made. Mr. Evans stated that this
rep1at is being handled differently and that the lot number typically changes when the property is being
rep1atted. Mr. Don McCrary stated that this is a scrivener correction. Mr. McCrary also stated that the
. changes meet the requirements as outlined in the Texas Municipal Code.
Following review, Ms. Briscoe moved to approve the request. Mr. Haddock seconded the motion.
Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
11. SV9-03
Consider and take action on a request for a variance of the sign ordinance, Article IX, Section 8
of the Unified Development Code at 17331 IH 35 N., Tri-County Center to increase the size of a
directional sign. This item was tabled at the April 22, 2003 Plannin2 and Zonin2 Meetin2.
Applicant: G D Bar, F.L.P.
Mr. Sommers moved to remove this item from the table for discussion and action. Mr. Haddock seconded
the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
Mr. Truitt stated that this request was tabled due to the Commission requesting the number of tenants that
would be located on the sign and stated that the applicant has increased the size of the sign to 432 square
feet. The applicant is seeking a request for each panel to be 48 square feet for all nine (9) tenants.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request subject to the following:
1. Maximum height of the sign shall not exceed 50-feet.
2. Maximum square footage of the sign shall not exceed 432 square feet.
3. Maximum square footage of each tenant panel shall not exceed 48 square feet.
4. The sign shall be internally illuminated.
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Mr. Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
12. PC567-03
Consider and take action on a request for site plan approval of the Pecan Street Center which
includes four (4) office/retail/warehouse buildings on 2.139::t acres. The three lots are located on
the northwest corner of Oak Street and Pecan Street. This item was tabled at the April 22, 2003
Planning and Zoning Meeting.
Applicant: Neundorf Group
Mr. Sommers moved to remove this item from the table for discussion and action. Mr. Haddock
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
Mr. Truitt reviewed the request stating that the applicant has addressed the issues of concern from the
previous meeting which included the drainage and trees. Mr. Evans stated that there is one tree missing
on the site plan. Mr. Marcus Neundorfwas present and stated that a tree would be added to the plan. Mr.
Evans wanted it noted on the plan that the dumpster would be screened from view.
Following review and discussion, Ms. Briscoe moved to approve the request. Mr. Haddock seconded the
motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
Consider and take action on a request for final plat approval of Pecan Street Center. The plan
calls for three lots on 2.139::t acres located on the northwest corner of Oak Street and Pecan
Applicant: Neundorf Group
Mr. Truitt stated that the applicant has made all the corrections to the plat and recommends approval.
Mr. Evans stated that the sign detail should have been on the site plan. Following review and discussion,
Mr. Haddock moved to approve the request. Mr. Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote
14. PC571-03
Consider and take action on a request for site plan approval for the Isenhour Subdivision, Block
1, Lot 3. Two retail spaces containing 5,513::t square feet of space located on FM 3009,
approximately 330 feet south of Borgfeld Road.
Applicant: Hayden's Design Concepts
Mr. Truitt stated that the site plan had been previously approved, but the time limit has expired. The
applicant has made a change due to current requirement in the Unified Development Code. The change
added approximately 30-feet to the site plan for additional parking spaces.
Mr. Evans stated that the previous request had required the applicant to provide a deceleration lane on FM
3009 into the property. Mr. Truitt stated that a letter from TxDOT does not identifY a deceleration lane
into the property due to its proximity to the intersection. Mr. Evans voiced concerns for the safety of the
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citizens driving in Schertz and suggested the Commission not act on this item until a letter is received
from TxDOT stating their position.
. Mr. Schnelle was representing the property owner and stated that the applicant did receive a letter from
the TxDOT dated June 10, 2002 and stated that it does not address the need for a deceleration lane.
Mr. Truitt informed the Commission that placing a requirement on the applicant to install a deceleration
lane would require the applicant to purchase additional land due to the property involved in the
deceleration lane would be adjacent to his property.
The Commission requested Staff submit a request to TxDOT asking for review for the installation of a
deceleration lane for this site. Following review and discussion, Mr. Sommers moved to table the request
to receive documentation from TxDOT regarding a deceleration lane. Ms. Briscoe seconded the motion.
Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
15. PC550-03
Consider and take action on a request for a replat of Embrey/Tri-County Business Center, Unit-
2, Block 5, Lot 27. The purpose of the replat is to add a utility easement.
Applicant: Pape-Dawson Engineers
Mr. Truitt stated that this rep1at shows the addition of a 16-foot utility easement. Following review, Mr.
Haddock moved to approve the request. Ms. Briscoe seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote
16. Discussion and make recommendation to the applicant of a proposed replat and site plan for the
Benevest Subdivision. The tract contains 16.26:!:: acres with 20 lots. The proposed plan is
requesting a variance for the reduction of the front yard setbacks from 25-feet to IS-feet on four
Applicant: Don McCrary & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Truitt stated that the applicant has requested the Commission review the subdivision in order for the
applicant to address the Commission's concerns.
Mr. Evans asked the applicant what lots are being requested for a variance. Mr. Don McCrary stated that
the proposed reduction in front yard setback would affect lots 8, 9, 10 and 11. Mr. McCrary stated that
there has been a call for lots that will attract smaller businesses. He stated that the initial development
would begin with Lots 1,2 and 3 of Block 1 and Lots 1 and 2 of Block 2.
Mr. Frank Bennett was also present and stated that the request has been platted twice, but the plat has
expired. He presented site plans and renderings of the proposed development. He also stated that the
reason for the request for a variance is due to the curvature of the thoroughfare and allowing for a
comparable building size.
Mr. Evans voiced concerns of a large drainage easement and how it would be addressed. Mr. Evans
. inquired about a deceleration lane at FM 3009 and Campus Drive. He asked that the applicant follow-
through with TxDOT. He also stated that no building would be allowed in the 100-foot electrical
easement, which would affect Lots 5 and 6 on both blocks. Discussion continued regarding signage. The
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proposal calls for two (2) corner monument signs at the entrance at Tri County Parkway and Campus
Drive, a pylon sign at FM 3009 and Campus Drive and monument signs for each lot. Chairman
Richmond stated that an entrance sign is all that is needed at FM 3009 and Campus Drive. Staff stated .
that this would be an off-premise sign, which is not permitted, but could be considered as a
subdivision/neighborhood sign. It was suggested that the applicant provide a master landscape plan. The
applicant stated that the landscape would be installed in phases with an irrigation system which would be
controlled by an association.
Discussion only, no action taken.
17. Discussion and make recommendation to the applicant on a proposed preliminary plat for Live
Oak Place. The 14.5::t acre tract is located on the north side of Live Oak Road, containing 54
residential lots. The property is currently zoned R-2.
Applicant: Don McCrary & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Larry Aiken stated that he confirmed with staff that the current zoning is R-5 even though on the
zoning map it is reflected as R-2. He did state it is the intent of the applicant to request a zoning change
from R-5 to R-6. The proposed home builder would be MHI Homes (Plantation Homes). Mr. Aiken
addressed the issue of the 50-foot pipeline easement across the rear of Block 2. Concerns were voiced
about buildable area and the need for possible variance requests in the future. Mr. Aiken stated that only
two lots have a buildable area of only 50-feet. The proposed builder's smallest product requires a 45-foot
buildable area.
Mr. Evans voiced concerns regarding the drainage area in the southwest portion of the property and stated
that the property owner has used the site as a landfill; dumping large rocks/bou1ders onto the site. Mr.
Aiken stated that geological samples are currently being tested. Mr. Evans also voiced concerns for two
(2) points of access to this proposed subdivision. Mr. Aiken stated that the property is land-locked, but he
has provided stub-outs to adjacent properties. Also, he has widened the entrance to 122-feet for
emergency access until the adjacent properties develop.
It was suggested by the Commission that the applicant visit with adjacent property owners prior to
submitting an application for rezoning.
Discussion only, no action taken.
18. SUP31-03
Discuss and review the application for a Specific Use Permit allowing development and use in
the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ), located at the northwest corner of Oak
Street and Pecan Street and call for a Public Hearing.
Applicant: Joel. T. Davis
Mr. Truitt stated that the applicant has not provided to the City the occupant's proposed use for this
proposed structure. There being no land use listed, the Commission withdrew the request for
Discuss and review the application for a Specific Use Permit allowing development and use in
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- ..
the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ), located at the northwest corner of Oak
Street and Pecan Street and call for a Public Hearing. Applicant: Franklin Moore
. Mr. Truitt stated that the applicant was requesting a specific use permit for a blasting equipment and
repair facility to be located in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) and asked the
Commission to call for a Public Hearing.
Mr. Evans requested staff prepare a letter indicating the noise zone in which the structure will be located.
He also asked the applicant the number of persons to be employed at this location. The applicant, Mr.
Franklin Moore, stated four.
Ms. Briscoe inquired about the flex space and storage areas. Mr. Moore stated that the flex space would
be office space. Mr. Moore also gave a brief description of his business. Following review and
discussion, Chairman Richmond called for a Public Hearing at the June 10, 2003 Planning and Zoning
20. ZC180-03
Discussion and make recommendation on amendments to the Unified Development Code,
Articles I and II.
Ms. Madison suggested this item be discussed at the Planning and Zoning Work Session scheduled for
May 14, 2003 at 6:00 p.m.
Items by Commissioners and City Staff.
Mr. Truitt spoke of the new computer software training being conducted this week and asked the
Commission if they would be able to conduct the monthly drive through the City the following week. The
Commission agreed to meet at Mr. Truitt's office on Wednesday, May 21,2003 at 11:30 a.m. to drive
through the City.
Mr. Haddock apologized for being late.
Ms. Briscoe stated that Security Service Credit Union had broken ground. She also asked Staff when the
rezoning of the properties along FM 3009 would begin. Staff stated that issues are being addressed.
Mr. Evans asked Mr. Truitt to inspect a banner sign at Jack in the Box. He also asked staff to report on
the fence/berm at the elementary schoo110cated adjacent to Schertz Parkway. Ms. Madison stated that
staffhad reviewed the issue regarding the school district placing a berm along Schertz Parkway and stated
that the Planning and Zoning Commission had approved a berm. Mr. Evans stated that he understood that
the Planning and Zoning Commission had approved a berm for the front corner of the property to hide the
parking lot and that the berm was not approved for the entire length of the property. Chairman Richmond
asked staff to bring forward the minutes of that meeting for the Commission to review.
Mr. Sommers asked if the Commission had changed the policy of placing action items on one agenda
. and planning items on the other agenda each month. Staff stated yes due to the number of items needing
to be addressed. Chairman Richmond noted this procedure is acceptable in order to get the Unified
Development Code updated.
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. '
Councilman Greenwald noted that the PID is in progress for the bonding and that a community forum
had been held for the public. Ms. Madison stated that the ballots received from the citizens at the forum .
were very favorable for the proposed public improvements (library and indoor/outdoor sports facility).
Ms. Madison said that she would bring forth those results at the next meeting. The next step for the PID
would be a feasibility study.
22. Adjournment.
There being no further business, Mr. Haddock moved to adjourn the Meeting at 9:25 p.m. Ms. Briscoe
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
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Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
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May 13,2003
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