JULY 8, 2003
. The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened on July 8, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. at the Community
Center, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
David Richmond, Chairman
Ernie Evans, Vice-Chairman
Joyce Briscoe
Keith VanDine
Clovis Haddock
Gary Wallace
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Amy Madison, Community Development
Misty Nichols, Planning Technician
Jonette Ellis, Administrative Assistant
William Sommers
Robert Brockman, 4505 Grand Forest
R.B. Isenhour, 1198 Borgfeld
Thomas Flores, Flores & Company
Mark Oppelt, 122 Brees
David Fluker, 1060 E1bel Road
Steve Simonson, 1309 Chestnut
Call to Order/Roll Call
Chairman Richmond called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Board of Adjustment Actions:
There are no Board of Adjustment actions scheduled for July.
3. Approval of the Minutes: Consider and take action on approval of the minutes from the June
10,2003 and the June 24, 2003 Planning and Zoning meetings.
Following review, Mr. Van Dine moved to approve the minutes of the June 10,2003 Planning and Zoning
meeting. Mr. Haddock seconded the motion. Vote Aye: Chairman Richmond, Mr. Haddock, Mr. Van
Dine, Ms. Briscoe and Mr. Wallace. Abstaining: Mr. Evans.
Due to corrections needed, the Commission did not act on the June 24, 2003 Planning and Zoning
meeting minutes.
.4. Citizen Input other than Agenda Items
Mr. Brockman stated that he liked the new arrangement of the meeting room.
5. PC557-03
Consider and take action on a request for a preliminary plat of Nell Deane Subdivision. The
request is for 16 commercial lots on 20.695 acres located on FM 1518 approximately 131::t feet .
south of Commercial Place. This item was withdrawn for action at the February 11. 2003.
March 25. 2003 and May 27.2003 Planning and Zoning Meetings.
Applicant: MBC Engineers
Ms. Madison reviewed the status of this application and stated that the applicant has not complied with
TxDOT requirements. For administrative purposes, staff has recommended the applicant withdraw the
plat until issues can be addressed. Ms. Madison presented a faxed letter from the applicant received
7/8/03 asking for the item to be pulled until further notice. Ms. Nichols noted that the applicant has made
a second request to TxDOT and that on previous agendas, this item could not be considered due to no
Chairman Richmond suggested the applicant resubmit a preliminary plat request when the TxDOT issue
is resolved. Following preliminary plat approval, a final plat request could be submitted at the next
meeting. Mr. Evans voiced concerns about the curb cuts. Following review and discussion, Mr. Van
Dine moved to disapprove the request. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote
6. PC557-03
Consider and take action on a request for a final plat of Nell Deane Subdivision. The request is
for 16 commercial lots on 20.695 acres located on FM 1518 approximately 131::t feet south of
Commercial Place. This item was withdrawn from action at the May 27. 2003 Planning and .
Zoning Meeting.
Applicant: MBC Engineers
Based on the action for the preliminary plat, Mr. Van Dine moved to disapprove the request. Mr. Wallace
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
7. PC580-03
Consider and take action on a request for landscape plan approval for Savannah Elementary
School (aka Paschal Elementary School) located at 590 Savannah Drive.
Applicant: SCUC Independent School District
Ms. Madison reviewed the revised landscape pIan and noted the changes that comply with the Schertz
Parkway Overlay District. The changes include wrought iron replacing the chain-link fencing along
Schertz Parkway and the addition of berms along Schertz Parkway.
Mr. Mark Oppelt and Mr. David Fluker made a presentation showing photos ofthe site.
The Commission voiced concerns about the area showing a chain-link fence from the wrought iron
extending to the building. Chairman Richmond suggested the fencing be the same product. Ms. Briscoe
was concerned that the area labeled "hardtop" surface is to be play space not parking.
Mr. Evans asked about the statement "wall by other" along Schertz Parkway. Mr. Oppelt said that
statement is incorrect and that the notation needs to be removed from the plan. Mr. Evans also inquired
Planning & Zoning Minutes
July 8, 2003
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about the signage. Mr. Oppelt stated that there would be a one-sided 4' by 6' monument sign facing the
corner that will be lit.
Following review, Mr. Van Dine moved to approve the landscape plan subject to the following changes:
1. Notation of "wall by others" to be removed from the landscape plan.
2. 8-foot wrought iron fence to be extended from the hardtop surface area to the corner of the
building labeled on the site plan as Classroom Wing 2-4 and shall be noted on the landscape
Ms. Briscoe seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
8. PC518-02
Consider and take action on a request for a vacation of a portion of the Bradfute Subdivision,
Block 1, Lot 2 and a replat of the Isenhour Subdivision, Block 1, Lots 3 and 4. The Lot 3 is
located on FM 3009, approximately 330 feet south of Borgfeld Road and Lot 4 is located on
Borgfeld Road and contains 1.445::t acres.
Applicant: Flores & Company, Inc.
Ms. Madison reviewed the request with the Commission and stated that the rep1at addresses the private
sewer and GVEC easements.
Mr. Flores, Mr. Simonson and Mr. Isenhour were present to review the history of this property. The plat
approved prior to this had not been recorded due to circumstances that included the previous engineer
passing away prior to the plat being filed. Since the plat was never recorded in the County it becomes
null and void after one year. Therefore, the process was started over with this rep1at.
Mr. Evans voiced concerns about dimensions on the property; Mr. Flores stated that the previous plat's
measurements were taken from appraisal district maps, and that he had officially surveyed the property.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to approve the request. Mr. Van Dine seconded the
motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
9. ZC32-03
Consider and take action on a recommendation to amend the Unified Development Code,
Article I (General Provisions).
Applicant: City of Schertz
Ms. Madison stated that Article I of the Unified Development Code was ready for City Council's
Mr. Haddock pointed out a correction needed on page 4, Section 21-1-12, "thereunder" was spelled
There being no further discussion, Ms. Briscoe moved to forward this item with corrections to City
Council with a recommendation for approval. Mr. Van Dine seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote
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July 8, 2003
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10. Items by Commissioners and City Staff
Ms. Madison informed the Commission that the trees at Schertz Industrial Park have been measured and
she will be reviewing the requirements.
Mr. Wallace stated the need for a future agenda item on plans for an industrial park along IH 10. Ms.
Madison stated that the competition is fierce for suppliers for Toyota, due to suppliers considering not
relocating. Ms. Madison also mentioned that the Economic Development Commission had amended the
tax abatement ordinance to include sub-assembly.
Ms. Briscoe thanked Mr. Evans for his assistance repairing the Key Club's snow cone machine at the 4th
of July celebration.
Mr. Van Dine thanked Ms. Briscoe for the handouts she gave the Commissioners: "Open Meetings Act".
Mr. Evans asked staffto correct his e-mail address.
Councilman Greenwald was pleased about the 4th of July parade and celebration.
Chairman Richmond reminded the Commissioners of the Unified Development Code meeting
scheduled for Wednesday, July 9th at 6:00 p.m. He also asked if any Commissioners would like copies of
the approved Planning and Zoning minutes. Staff explained that the minutes would be available for
viewing on the City's web page. The Commissioners noted that they would prefer to access the
documents from the web page, except Mr. VanDine who does not have access to the internet. Chairman .
Richmond also asked staff to update the Commission on the PID at the next meeting.
11. Adjournment.
There being no further business, Mr. Van Dine moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m. Mr. Wallace
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
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Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
Planning & Zoning Minutes
July 8, 2003
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