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January 25, 2000
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on
Tuesday January 25, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews
Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as
David Richmond, Vice-Chairman
Tony Moreno
Gary Wallace
Joyce Briscoe
Steve Simonson,
Asst. City Manager/
Planning Coordinator
Mary Ybarra, Planning/
Recording Secretary
Others Present
Commissioners Absent
Ernie Evans (work related)
Keith Van Dine (work related)
Ken Greenwald (meeting conflict)
James E. Sheerin,
1004 Robert Derrick
Mike Cude,
M.W. Cude Engineers
Danny Tackett,
Highland Homes, Inc.
Fred & Beth Fried,
7407 Ben Crenshaw SA
Tim Pruski,
Continental Homes, Inc.
#1 Call to Order:
Vice Chairman Richmond called the January 25, 2000 meeting to order.
Approval of Minutes:
Regular session of January 11, 2000.
Vice Chairman Richmond asked if there are any corrections or additions to the minutes
of January 11, 2000?
David Richmond stated that on page five, -second paragraph, in the second sentence to
correct to the word "past" with the word "passed".
With no further corrections or additions, a motion was made by Tony Moreno and
seconded by Gary Wallace to approve the minutes of January 11, 2000, as corrected.
With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
#3 Status of Final Plats:
David Richmond reported that the following are final plats approved:
1. Sonic at Corridor Loop Rd.
2. Greenshire Subdivision Unit 9
3. Walgreen Subdivision
. 4. Main Street Business Park Subdivision
#4 BOA Actions:
Joyce reported that the Board has not met since their last scheduled meeting, however
a meeting has been scheduled for the 31st of January.
#5 Citizen's Input Other Than Agenda Items:
There were none present.
#6 Consider and Make Recommendation: Request from M.W. Cude
Engineers for final plat approval of Woodbridge Subdivision Unit 2.
Steve Simonson stated that the request is submission of a final plat with the corrections
deemed necessary by Ford Engineering (City Engineer). All items have been corrected
as requested.
At this time, David Richmond asked for any comments or questions.
David Richmond commented that the request is straightforward, all appropriate
signatures are placed, and all notes are correct.
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Tony Moreno and seconded by Gary
Wallace to approve the request from M.W. Cude Engineers for final plat approval of
Woodbridge Subdivision Unit 2. With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
#7 Consider and Make Recommendation: Request from Highland Homes-
Woodbridge Subdivision Unit 2 for a special exception to the zoning ordinance for
building setback variance from 50' along Schertz Parkway for the following:
(a) Block 24, lot 48, - 8' into the 50'
(b) Block 24, lot 49, - 18' into the 50'
(c) Block 24, lot 61, -6 into the 50'
(d) Block 24; lot 62, -into the 50'.
Steve Simonson stated that basically this is a straightforward request, the lots don't
accommodate the houses that the builder wants to build. Site plans, size of the house,
and how the house would be affected by the 50' building setback are part of the packet.
Lot 48, and 61, are not technical affected by the 50' building setback, their affected by
the 20' rear yard setback which are Board of Adjustment issues. With this considered,
the lots in questions then would be 49 and 62. At his time, Joyce Briscoe asked for
some explanation or history on how something like this happen.
Danny Tackett representing Highland Homes, Inc. homebuilder for the subdivision
stated that the when a developer develops a property anyone homebuilder may
purchase the development (Highland Homes, or another homebuilder), the developer
not having any idea of what size of home is built by the homebuilder. Highland Homes
. largest has a foundation size of 50' X 70', and of course the house size depends on the
buyer and house plan. Mr. Tackett mentioned that the house buyer of lot 49 actually
chose a smaller house plan of 50' x 53'. This happened since the submittal of the
variance. Mr. Tackett mentioned that another thing to consider is that when Highland
Homes wasn't aware of the requirement of a 50' building setback. However, the
building setback stills allows plenty of backyard area.
Gary Wallace stated that it was intended that the 50' building setback was to preserve
some type of esthetics along Schertz Parkway, not giving homeowners large backyards.
If the Commission waives the 25' variance, the Commission is not fulfilling the
commitment that's one person's opinion, stated Gary.
Steve Simonson stated that if the house on lot 49 were 53' in length, the encroachment
would only be one foot into the 50' building setback. It was agreed that the
encroachment of 1 foot versus 20 foot was something the Commission could live with.
. Steve Simonson suggested that the requests for lots 49 and 62 could be brought
forward individually, as the homebuilder receives the actual plan selected. The other
lots 48 and 61 fall under a different set of procedures, Steve added that he would be
happy to get with Highland Homes and explain the procedures and provide applications
to start the process.
Tony Moreno stated that personally he would like to review each lot on an individual
basis instead of giving the maximum 25'.
Danny Tackett asked that what affect would patios have to the 53' length of a
foundation? Steve Simonson stated that flat work (patios) don't count; however if it were
requested later to build on to the back of the house, that would be a Board of
Adjustment action.
Mr. Tackett stated that the homeowner or potential buyer would be notified of the City's
. requirement and explained that approval would have to be given by the City on any
variance request. David Richmond commented that in his opinion this is a good idea for
the lots that backup to Schertz Parkway.
Gary Wallace stated that it would be a good idea to tell these potential buyers of the
restrictions and that they might have automatic approval.
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Gary Wallace and seconded by
Joyce Briscoe to disapprove the request from Highland Homes-Woodbridge Subdivision
Unit 2 for a special exception to the zoning ordinance for building setback variances
from 50' along Schertz Parkway for the following:
1. Block 24, lot 48, - 8' into the 50'
2. Block 24, lot 49, - 18' into the 50'
3. Block 24, lot 61, -6 into the 50'
4. Block 24; lot 62, -into the 50'.
With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
#8 Consider and Make Recommendation: Request from Continental Homes
of Texas, L.P. for final plat approval of Carolina Crossing Subdivision Unit 7.
Steve Simonson stated that all the requirements have been met for the final plat, and
the City Engineer has approved the construction plans for this unit The unit doesn't
backup to Schertz Parkway; it is the extension west of Schertz Parkway.
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Tony Moreno and seconded by Gary
Wallace to approve the request from Continental Homes of Texas, L.P. for final plat
approval of Carolina Crossing Subdivision Unit 7. With a vote being called, the motion
was approved.
#9 Consider and Discuss: Request from James &b Betsy Sheerin, 1004 Robert
. Derrick for proposed street name changes to Woodbridge Subdivision Unit 1 & 2.
Steve Simonson stated that this request is brought forward by a citizen request to
change the street names of the Woodbridge Subdivision on Schertz Parkway. The
request has been presented, as a discussion item in order to receive some feed back
from the Commission on how such a request should be handled. Steve mentioned that
notices would have to be sent to buyers, and Highland Homes, Inc. to receive formal
notification on their thoughts. Steve added that street names are part of the subdivision
and platting process that are heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission, which is
the reason this has been brought forth.
The Commission stated that they are in agreement with the proposed street name
changes to the subdivision, the names are a bit difficult to pronounce among other
Mr. Sheerin stated the he is employed with the Quality Improvement Branch of the Post
Office, and explained that the names create some problem, in which two or three names
. of streets are identical. The automated equipment sorts the mail and if identical names
are used, some of these names will be written in various forms that will create a mess
and you will have mail being forward to someone else.
Gary Wallace questioned that isn't it policy that developers have to submit street names
to the Post Office for approval? Mr. Sheerin replied, no.
Mr. Steve Simonson mentioned that he has been advised that developers do submit
street names to the San Antonio Perrin Beitel Post Office. The developers receive
approval for the street name submitted which are forwarded to Metro 911 to make sure
there is no duplication of these street names, at which time approval is given.
Mr. Sheerin stated that he was not aware of any department in the postal service
authorizing such requests and asked if city staff would provide him with a contact
person. Mr. Sheerin also wanted to mention that such street names would create
problems with emergency services trying to dispatch emergency vehicles to these
locations of identical street names.
Steve Simonson stated that if the Commission wants City Staff would contact the Texas
Highway Dept. and the local post office and get their input, and bring it forward as an
agenda item at our next scheduled meeting. Steve added that Highland Homes, Inc.
would also be informed and would have to submit their input. The item would come
back at the next meeting as a formal hearing or the Commission can make a decision
this evening. Steve added that what this means, since the first plat has been approved
and recorded, the developer would have to be involved.
Steve Simonson commented that he would try to gather all the information and bring
back the request at the next meeting. Mr. Sheerin mentioned that he had spoken with
Sharon Ricketts, Schertz Postmaster and she agrees that something needs to be done.
At this time, Danny Tackett stated that Highland Homes, Inc. would welcome the name
. change, they also have a hard time pronouncing the street names.
The Commission was in agreement that the request should be brought back as agenda
item in order for the Commission to take action on the request from Mr. & Mrs. Sheerin.
#10 General Discussion:
Tonv Moreno:
Tony commented that the FM78 Beautification Committee met for the first time last
night. It was mostly a brain storming session. Several issues were discussed, and of
course these are preliminary, the committee's goal is to make FM78 an attractive
roadway with such items as signs, landscaping, and an overlay district for FM78 was
mentioned. Tony mentioned that Maureen Goodrich the facilitator for the project would
be sending out a report to everyone on the committee.
Gary Wallace:
Gary Wallace asked that if anyone knew if any of the Universities such as Trinity, or
UTSA has Planning Programs, where students could be used to design such items as
landscape project. Gary was advised that Maureen is looking into some possible
assistance with certain schools and will keep the committee informed. Steve informed
the Commission that if assistance would become available there are some funds and
fund raisers that would help with cost. Steve added that if business owners are not
interested in the FM78 committee he doesn't have much sympathy for them. Hopefully a
lot of these issues can be addressed and a plan implemented because Maureen is only
with the City for a period of four-months, which started in January 2000 and ends
sometime in April 2000. Within this time frame we hope this committee can achieve and
have some participation from the businesses along FM78.
Jovce Briscoe:
Joyce asked if there had been a good turn out from business owners on FM78 and was
advised none were present.
Steve Simonson:
Steve commented that there is an enormous about of interest from developers for more
land for development in our city.
Steve mentioned that completion and opening for the Border Town facility is at the end
of February 2000.
David Richmond:
David mentioned the water problem at the Texaco Service Station, Atrium, and Denny's
. parking area is still existent. David also questioned what type of surface was to be used
on the FM78 roadway; will it be Asphalt or another type of material? David was advised
it would be an asphalt surface. David also questioned if there is any news with the new
Cibolo project along Green Valley Road, cutting a road onto Wiederstein Road and FM
1518. David was advised that a copy of the (master plan) of the new project would be
made available if he stopped by city hall.
#11 Adjournment:
Gary Wallace moved to adjourn the meeting. Joyce Briscoe seconded the motion. The
meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
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