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February 8, 2000
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened In Regular Session on
Tuesday February 8, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews
Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as
Ernie Evans, Chairman
David Richmond, Vice-Chairman
Tony Moreno
Gary Wallace
Keith Van Dine, Secretary
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Steve Simonson,
Asst. City Manager/
Planning Coordinator
Mary Ybarra, Planning/
Recording Secretary
Commissioners Absent
Others Present
Joyce Briscoe (family related)
William W. Sommers,
4802 Cherry Tree, Cibolo
David F. Allen,
1300 Colony Dr.
#1 Call to Order:
Chairman Evans called the meeting of February 8, 2000 to order.
Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Evans informed the Commission that the minutes of January 25, 2000 were
not published and would not be available for review until our next scheduled meeting.
#3 Status of Final Plats:
There were none to report.
#4 BOA Actions:
Steve Simonson reported that the request from Kaufman & Broad for the Special
exception to the Zoning Ordinance at 1683 Fir Circle was tabled until further information
was provided; such as potential homebuyers are notified and they have had an
opportunity to respond. The next scheduled meeting will be February 14, 2000.
The Board of Adjustment also voted and selected James Hardin for the alternate
position to the Board of Adjustment. A recommendation of approval for a two-year term
was forward to the City Council for their consideration.
#5 Citizen's Input Other Than Agenda Items:
There were none present.
#6 Consider and Make Recommendation: On applicants: William W.
Sommers, David F. Allen and Marvin R. Wolgast to fill vacancy on the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
Ernie Evans welcomed the applicants David Allen and William Sommers. Marvin
Wolgast the third applicant was not present. Ernie thanked them for their interest and
desire to service as Commissioner for the City. Also, explained were the interview
procedures to both the Commissioners and applicants. The applicants were excused
and asked to step outside so the Commission could make their selection of questions.
At this time, Ernie Evans asked that each Commissioner select two questions to ask the
applicant. A list has been provided with a series of questions, however any other
question of chose could be asked.
The applicants were interviewed individually and each answered a series of questions
asked by each Commissioner. Each applicant was given the opportunity to address the
Commission with any questions they might have. Each applicant was excused and
thanked for their interest after the interview.
. At this time, the Commission voiced concern in reference to Mr. Sommers place of
residence. There was some question whether Mr. Sommers if selected would be able
to serve as Commissioner. The Commission believes that the applicant needs to reside
in the City in order to serve. Mr. Sommers at this time is living in Cibolo due to his home
being remodeled. The Commission asked that City Staff look into the legality and to
contact the city attorney for some guidance in this matter. The Commission asked that
Mr. Sommers be contacted and inquire as to the period of time before he will be
residing back in the City.
After in depth discussion, the Commission was in agreement that voting should be
tabled until such time that the issues discussed can be addressed.
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Keith Van Dine and seconded by
Gary Wallace to table the selection of the new candidate until the next scheduled
meeting. With a vote being called the vote was as follows:
Ayes: Ernie Evans, David Richmond, Gary Wallace and Keith Van Dine.
Abstention: Tony Moreno.
Motion was approved.
David Richmond asked that the third applicant Mr. Wolgast, be called, if he took the
time fill out the application he must be interested. We could find out why he was not
present this evening, and would like to see another candidate become available than
just the two present.
#7 General Discussion:
Tonv Moreno:
Tony had no comments.
. Keith Van Dine:
Keith mentioned that there are a lot of doublewide trailers going in out in his area,
traveling down FM1518 turn left on Ware Seguin Road you can see the placement of
pads for these homes.
Gary Wallace:
Gary commented on a new Reidel's sign at the intersection of Schertz Parkway and IH
35. Steve advised Gary that the sign was affixed before Schertz Parkway was built.
David Richmond:
David commented that Merwin Willman sends his regards. It was good to visit with him.
David commented on plans that Universal City has for Pat Booker Road has for traffic
. signals, etc.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie asked if the re-appointment of the two Commissioners get through City Council?
Ernie was advised that the re-appointments had been approved by City Council, they
were announced the "Herald" newspaper.
Ernie commented that Walgreen has started its development on FM3009 and Savannah
Dr. and believes city staff will have some residents voicing concern in regard to the
buffer zone. It seems there have been a few trees whacked off then what should have
Steve Simonson:
Steve commented that GVEC is saying that they need to put up three power poles at
the Walgreen location corner in order to run power. At this time we are working to see
. how we can get around this issue. Also we are working with TXDOT in getting the
signal put in at the corner. We also received a check from Walgreen for tree mitigation
in the sum of 52, 371.
Steve mentioned that a plan of a potential business out on FM 1518 was lost from
coming into the area because of the "Tree Ordinance". They just wanted to come in and
cut the whole area and put up a building. He was told of the City's Master Plan and how
he could deal with the tree migration, however he decided to cancel.
Steve commented that the engineer for the Bob Bomer development will be coming in
with plans for the next meeting. Steve stated that part of the request would be a
variance for the front of the property on IH35, to waive the placement of trees every 50'.
#11 Adjournment:
David Richmond moved to adjourn the meeting. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
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Chairman, Planning & Zonini'Commission
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Planning Secr~tary,:, City of Schertz