July 25, 2000
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on
Tuesday July 25, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews
Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as
David Richmond, Vice Chairman
Gary Wallace
Tony Moreno
William Sommers
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Steve Simonson,
Asst. City Manager/
Planning Coordinator
Mary Ybarra, Planning &
Recording Secretary
Joyce Briscoe (vacation)
Ernie Evans (work related)
Keith Van Dine (work related)
Tim Fetter,
2508 Kline Circle
Troy Breeden,
108 Brush Trail
#1 Call to Order:
Vice-Chairman Richmond called the meeting of July 25, 2000 to order.
#2 Approval of Minutes: Public hearing session of June 13, 2000. The minutes
of July 11, 2000 were not published.
David Richmond asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes of June
David informed the Commission that he has made some minor corrections, which have
been turned over the recording secretary, these corrections weren't substantive.
With no further comments, Tony Moreno moved to approve the minutes as corrected.
Gary Wallace seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
#3 Status of Final Plats:
There were none to report.
#4 BOA Actions:
There was no report the BOA has not met.
. #5 Citizen's Input Other Than Agenda Items:
There were none.
#6 Consider and Make Recommendation: On a request from H 2 Auto, Inc.
/Troy Breeden for final plat approval of FM 3009 Laser Wash Subdivision, FM3009.
Steve Simonson stated that the corrections that were required have been placed; the
properties surrounding the development are clearly shown, 50-foot setback line, utility
easements, location map, and north arrow is correct. Mr. Simonson stated he had a
concern in regard with egress/ingress toward the back area of the Beck property.
However, Mr. Simonson explained that when Mr. Breeden submits the site plan, it will
show all exits onto FM 3009, not interfering with the Beck property access.
Ken Greenwald asked if a privacy fence would be required? Mr. Greenwald was
advised that the fence issue would be introduced with the submittal of the site plan. Mr.
Simonson explained that all-commercial development is required to place 8' masonry
fences, when abutting residential area.
With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from H 2 Auto,
Inc. /Troy Breeden for final plat approval of FM 3009 Laser Wash Subdivision, FM3009.
William Sommers seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the motion was
#7 Consider and Make Recommendation: On a request from Tim & Sheila
Fetter for Preliminary Plat Approval of Cardinal Point Subdivision, Ashley Oak Drive.
Steve Simonson stated that there are several items that need to be placed or corrected;
show Ashley Place Unit 4 lots, owner signature block specifying subdivision, and note
for parkland fees.
David Richmond asked if the development was going to have a homeowners
association (HOA)? Mr. Fetter replied no.
Steve Simonson mentioned that he, Mr. Fetter and Quantum Medical Center would be
getting together in the near future to discussion drainage issues in the area.
Steve Simonson informed the Commission that the development doesn't have a
problem with drainage, and explained that part of the water will drain to the back of the
property, and part would drain to the front. The drainage issue would not have any
impact on the surrounding properties.
With no further discussion, Tony Moreno moved to approve the request from Tim &
Sheila Fetter for Preliminary Plat Approval of Cardinal Point Subdivision, Ashley Oak
Drive contingent upon corrections, include note on parkland fees in the owners
statement and show Ashley Place lots. Gary Wallace seconded the motion. With a vote
. being called, the motion was approved.
#8 Consider and Take Appropriate Action:
Ordinance, Article IX, Section 3, Definitions.
On proposed changes to Sign
David Richmond stated that he was quite disappointed with the city attorney's response.
He had expected a lot more then what was received after a waiting period of two
months to response. However, that not withstanding everything questioned can be
easily answered.
At this time, David provided each Commissioner with a copy of his answers to concerns
addressed by in City attorney in regard to Article IX. David believes that he has made
reference to each "off premise sign" or conflicting information in the UDC, but quite likely
not to satisfy a legal point of view. However, David believes its quite a bit more
information for further review by the city attorney.
David Richmond stated he feels strongly in outlawing "off premise signs", and believes
amortization of existing signs shouldn't hold the City back. David suggests that a copy
of the proposed changes to the UDC be given to Mr. Spain (City Attorney), and
specifically address concerns in his letter of June 26, 2000 to Mr. Sweatt. David
suggested that the Commission invite Mr. Spain (City attorney) to join them in
discussion at the August 8th meeting, and see if the additional suggests have resolved
his questions of his letter dated June 26, 2000, except the issue of amortization and
what would be a reasonable compliance time. David believes the amortization issue is
something that the Commission can't handle, and should leave if up to the city's legal
Ken Greenwald informed the Commission that he asked that "off premise" sign issue be
placed on the agenda for tomorrow nights meeting, July 26, 2000. Ken stated that the
first thing that must be discussed is "How much does Council want to go with it"? Ken
stated that like Steve pointed out, this issue is being challenged, and before more work
is done, let's see if the Council wants to proceed, because the city will be the one to
take the heat.
In conclusion, David Richmond stated that initially the thrust to the change in the sign
ordinance is to eliminate and prevent new "off premise" signs, and come up with a
reasonable time for old signage to be removed that are not in compliance once the
Unified Development Code (UDC) changes.
With no further discussion, William Sommers moved that the Commission forward the
proposed responses Mr. Spain's letter on sigh ordinance Article IX, Sign Standards of
the UDC to City Council for their consideration at the meeting of July 26, 2000Tony
Moreno seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
#9 General Discussion:
Tonv Moreno:
Tony had no comments.
Gary Wallace:
Gary had no comments.
William Sommers:
William had no comments
Ken Greenwald:
Ken reported that the grand opening of the Schertz Public Safety Facilities would be
held August 6,2000 from 1-5 p.m.
Ken also reported that City Council has been informed that the water billing is straight.
Ken also reported the aquifer is down to 642. The City of Schertz is at Stage I, Water
Conservation, at stage II it becomes very sticky.
Steve Simonson:
Steve reported that three firms were interviewed for the Comprehensive Land Plan for
the city. The firms are all good firms. Steve stated that team members sitting in on the
interviews were David Richmond, Ernie Evans, Chief Smith, Mark Marquez and myself.
Steve reported that the firms were Richter & Associates, Corpus Christi, Dunkin, Sefko,
Dallas, and Wilbur Smith & Associates, Houston. Steve stated that the team
unanimously voted that Wilbur Smith & Associates be invited for an interview and
negotiate final dollars to be presented to City Council.
David Richmond:
David had no comments.
#10 Adjournment:
Gary Wallace moved to adjourn the meeting. William Sommers seconded the motion.
. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
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