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The Schertz .Planning and ZGnirtg CommissiOn conVened in Regular Session on
, .
Tuesday November 14, 2000, at 7:00p;m. in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews
Conference Room, 1400 Schettz Parkway, SchertZ, Texas. 'Those present were as
Ernie Evans. Vice~fl
Keith VanDiAe,SeOretafy
Gat'y WaBaoe
Tony Moreno
Ken Greenwald, ex-offroio
.alYSTA1?F .
EconomicDeveJopment &
Reooming Secretary
Debbie Perrone, . Dove. Meadows
OanllYT~_. HighlandHorRes
louisT~.R~ Issue
Mark Roberts. Rdbert$ SQbd. .
'Richard ~,48,Gr'.~ Cr.
MGF~, 49$'Coverecl8lidge
~GoOO1lch' 733TWiA>Sraooh
Mike- J~ C'aypoQl, 435ArCbBJuff
Don&ChadiKiley,1228f>ove Mdws.
WilfiaRlB. Travis, 219 Switch Ole
#1 CaD to Order:
Chairman Richmond caftedtherneeting of November 14, 200010 order.
#2 Approval of Minutes: Minutes of October 26, 2000. The minutes of
September 12, 2000 were not published.
David Richmond stated that minutes of October 26, 2000 would be considered at this
time. Are there any corrections or additions to said minutes?
Chairman Richmond stated that Ernie Evans has reported minor corrections that have
been given to the recording secretary. Does anyone have anything else to report?
With none voiced, Keith Van Dine moved to approve the minutes of October 26, 2000
as amended. Tony Moreno seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the vote
was as follows:
Ayes: Ernie Evans, Tony Moreno, Keith Van Dine, Gary Wallace, Joyce Briscoe and
William Sommers.
Abstention: David Richmond.
#3 Status of Final Plats:
There were none to report.
#4 BOA Actions:
There was no report.
#5 Citizen's Input Other Than Agenda Items:
William B. Travis representing Travis Industries (Sandblasting & Industrial Painting
Contractors) out of San Antonio explained that he would like to fulfill a lifetime dream;
opening a indoor Abrasive, Blasting & Coating Facility on his 26 acres on Doerr Lane.
This property adjoins manufacturing facilities such as Intsel and Pro-Tec Manufacturing,
and this type of facility does not exist in the San Antonio area or elsewhere in central
At this time, Mr. Travis provided some background information on the family owned
business founded in 1886, which has been operating in San Antonio since the 1900's,
and happens to be the oldest painting contracting firm in the City of San Antonio.
Mr. Travis stated that he currently operates a sandblasting and painting facility in San
Antonio, which has been operating since 1979, and explained that he works closely with
TNRCC, and all governmental agencies involved with this type of business. The
purchase of the 26 acres was done to expand his business, and he believes that there
is a great need for this type of business. The location is excellent; adjacent to one of the
biggest steel suppliers and fabricators in the area, and behind Coronado Paint, a
company that my business deals with on a daily base. Mr. Travis added that the
property having access to the IH35 corridor is ideal for delivery and shipping.
Mr. Travis also informed the Commission that there would not be any environmental
issues. The process does not use chemicals or liquid-cleaning agents, which eliminates
environmental concern. The facility cleans the steel product through a machine called a
Willabrator; the cleaning is done inside the machine, no dust or contaminates going into
the atmosphere, and painting would be done indoors.
Mr. Travis explained that the reason for his presentation this evening was to hopefully
receive approval and support from the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City of
Schertz. He would like to move out onto the 26-acre tract and start a working facility, as
early as possible this coming year however, the start would be an open-air sandblast
and paint facility. Hopefully, this would be for a very short period of time; as soon as a
customer base is established, the start of the actual (structure) facility would
commence. In all probability, the open-air facility would only be for approximately 12
months, because he believes within 12 months everything would be in line to break
ground on a structure quickly moving everything in doors.
At this time, Mr. Travis stated that he was prepared to answer any questions from the
Commission, and hopes the Commission might guide him as to how he may continue
with his plans.
Mark Marquez stated that city staff has one concern; temporary facilities have a way of
becoming permanent. Mr. Marquez added that city staff suggested that Mr. Travis make
his presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and suggested that he ask for
a "date certain", which means if it is not done by this time, the facility is closed down. In
the meantime, Mr. Travis is going through the TNRCC permitting process; Mr. Marquez
asked Mr. Travis to give a report on the progress.
Mr. Travis explained that currently he is working with the TNRCC, and before any
activity on the property is possible, permits would have to be issued by TNRCC. Mr.
Travis added that he hasn't received an answer to date and has hired an engineer that
will submit all documentation to acquire an exemption to an open-air sandblast and
paint facility. All laws are to be followed enabling the facility to operate, and he is
expecting to hear from TNRCC around mid-December. Mr. Travis stated that he
assures the Commission that everything would be done to meet all the environmental
requirements for this type of activity.
Mr. William Sommers stated the he personally can vouch for Mr. Travis. He has known
him for 15 years and wants to state for the record that Mr. Travis hasn't retained, hired
him, nor does he work for Mr. Travis. Mr. Sommers added that Mr. Travis is a reliable
Gary Wallace asked if the facility would require any type of variance and was advised
by Ernie Evans that a variance is necessary because of the outdoor operation in the
area. Ernie added that the Commission may, if it so desires, place a time limit on
completion of the facility. Thus, if completion were not done within the time limit the
facility would close.
At this time, David Richmond thanked Mr. Travis for his presentation and commented
that obviously a lot of work has been done in preparation; particularly locating next to
major facilities that work hand in hand with this type of facility. In addition, David
Richmond suggested that as soon as permits have been issued by TNRCC, it would be
appropriate to request to be placed on the agenda for the Commission's consideration.
#6 Consider and Make Recommendation: On a request from MBC
Engineers for preliminary plat approval of Forest Ridge Subdivision Unit 4.
At this time, Mark Marquez stated that there are no incomplete items and the plat is
ready for consideration by the Commission.
David Richmond stated that this unit continues the development within the Forest Ridge
Ernie Evans asked if there were any islands in any of the cul-de-sacs within the
subdivision and was advised by Sam Bledsoe that there were none.
With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from MBC
Engineers for preliminary plat approval of Forest Ridge Subdivision Unit 4. Keith Van
Dine seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
#7 Consider and Make Recommendation: On a request from MBC
Engineers to rezone approximately 46.014 acres located on FM 3009 at Elbel Road and
FM78 from; Tract 1, 4.596 acres (R-1, Single Family Residential-80'x120'lots); Tract II,
15.33 acres, and Tract 111,26.385 acres (R-2, Single Family Residential-70'x120' lots) to
Tract 1, 4.596 acres; and Tract II, 15.33 acres (Neighborhood Services); and Tract III,
26.385 acres (R-4, Multi-Family Apt.).
At this time, there was no staff input.
David Richmond informed the Commission that item #7 was tabled at the September
. 26, 2000 meeting, and in order to discuss this issue it would have to be taken off the
With no further discussion, Tony Moreno moved to take off the table agenda item #7.
Gary Wallace seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
At this time, Mr. Louis Tsakiris introduced himself as one of the owners of said property
and stated he was available for questions from the Commission.
Chairman Richmond stated that due to this item having been discussed at a previous
meeting, he asked Mr. Tsakiris to open with comments.
Mr. Tsakiris stated that he wanted to apologize for not being available at the last
meeting along with Mr. Robert Copeland of MBC Engineers. In addition, Mr. Tsakiris
stated that it is his understanding that the Commission has concern with the proposed
multi-family tract, specifically with safety, railroad noise, traffic congestion and drainage.
Is this basically correct? Chairman Richmond replied yes.
Mr. Tsakiris stated that the drainage issue would be taken care of in development of the
property. The property is in the floodplain and at this time a drainage plan is in place
which takes care of this issue and gets the property out of the floodplain.
Mr. Tsakiris stated that it's his understanding that the issues (traffic, berm, etc)
mentioned would be addressed at the time of site plan submittal. At this point in time, he
can't honestly address and provide information on these issues. At this time, Mr.
Tsakiris asked that the Commission consider approval of the zoning issue with the
condition that certain issues would be considered and possibly approved in the site plan
approval process.
Ernie Evans explained that the action taken by the Commission this evening would not
be approval of the zoning. It would be an approval to go forward with a public hearing in
order to discuss the rezoning issue. In further discussion, Ernie Evans mentioned that
he is well aware that neither site plan or construction plans are complete; however, he
would advise Mr. Tsakiris to be ready to answer some of these questions because the
public wants to know. He further stated that it would be a waste of time and money for
the City to go to the expense of holding a public hearing if citizens aren't going to be
informed. The questions that the Commission is asking are no different from questions,
which will be asked by the citizens of Schertz.
Mr. Tsakiris stated that one thing he doesn't want to do is misrepresent, and tell the
Commission that the development would provide certain things, then come back with
changes. He believes the Commission would have a greater feeling of distrust if this
occurred than telling the Commission that at this time it is not known exactly how these
issues would be addressed. Mr. Tsakiris added that as the development gets further
along, specifically the retail, which would be developed first, he will be ready to provide
answers. However, he can't honestly address the rest of the development at this time.
Mr. Tsakiris stated that his goal is to know in theory that this is where the Commission
would like to see this type of product built. If it is, he can work on the next step in terms
of exactly what the City would like to see built here.
David Richmond stated that the Commission is in agreement that the current zoning of
all of the area is inappropriate. Thus, the Commission was pleased to see a request for
some type of business zoning for tracts 1 and 2. At the time, however, the Commission
expressed concern over general business and was pleased that the decision was made
to change it to neighborhood services (NS). David added that the Commission felt the
area is best suited as NS given that this type of commercial zoning has been given
along FM3009. In addition, David Richmond added that as to the R-4 zoning, he was
one who expressed concerns with changing the R-2 zoning to R-4 on tract III. As much
as Schertz has a need for apartments, the question still remains "is this the right place"?
David added that he believes an apartment complex next to a very active railroad line is
an inappropriate place of any type of residential dwelling. He personally believes that all
. the area along FM3009 to the railroad tracks lends itself to Neighborhood Services
(NS), and suggested a Professional Complex of some type. The City of Schertz doesn't
have this type of commercial building and believes a complex of this type is needed in
the community.
Mr. Tsakiris explained that whoever develops the area will have millions of dollars worth
of investment. If he felt this type of development wouldn't work (multi-family), the risk
won't be taken. Mr. Tsakiris added that with the high cost of construction, anything that
is built as part of this development would be a nice project. Mr. Tsakiris stated that he
could assure the Commission that the apartment complex would have full amenities,
and would be a nice looking complex.
David Richmond reiterated that the Commission is only taking action to forward the
request to hold a public hearing. However, he is concerned that if the property received
approval for R-4 zoning (apartments) and for some reason the development doesn't get
off the ground, the City has a tract of land that has been rezoned R-4. Again, David
reiterated that he does not believe residential is an appropriate use for Tract III.
William Sommers asked how many units are planned for the apartment complex and
was advised by Mr. Tsakiris that there will be no more than 20 units. Again, Mr. Tsakiris
stated that these issues would be addressed in the site plan submittal (density, etc.),
and reiterated that at this time he doesn't have these answers.
Gary Wallace stated that he believes the area doesn't lend itself to R-2, and believes
that if a development is willing to invest money on R-4 zoning he would be willing to go
along. Gary further stated that he would rather have a nice office building, however, at
this time there is no one coming forward with money for an office complex.
Keith Van Dine stated that he agrees with Gary Wallace; this developer is willing to go
to the expense of market studies, etc. and they are supposed to be the experts.
David Richmond asked if Mr. Tsakiris will be prepared to answer at the public hearing
some of the questions brought up this evening. Mr. Tsakiris said those answers on such
issues or concerns as traffic, drainage, entry points, etc. would be available. However,
all other concerns would be addressed at the time of site plan submittal.
With no further discussion, Keith Van Dine moved to schedule a public hearing on the
request from MBC Engineers to rezone approximately 46.014 acres located on FM
3009 at Elbel Road and FM78 from; Tract 1, 4.596 acres (R-1, Single Family
Residential-80'x120'lots); Tract II, 15.33 acres; and Tract III, 26.385 acres (R-2, Single
Family Residential-70'x120' lots) to Tract 1, 4.596 acres and Tract II, 15.33 acres
(Neighborhood Services); and Tract III, 26.385 acres (R-4, Multi-Family Apt.). Tony
Moreno seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
#8 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: On a request from Highland
Homes, Inc. for a special exception to the zoning ordinance at 498 Covered Bridge,
Woodbridge Subdivision to encroach 6' into the 50' rear yard building setback.
Mark Marquez stated the request is simply a 6' encroachment that would be forwarded
to the Board of Adjustment for consideration.
Ernie Evans stated that one thing he disliked, is that it backs up to Schertz Parkway;
however, he does understand what the builder has done.
Joyce Briscoe stated that she believes this is the third request from Highland Homes
and was advised by Danny Tackett representing Highland Homes that this is the second
request along Schertz Parkway.
Gary Wallace asked if a two-or three-car garage was planned and was advised by
Danny Tackett that a two-car garage is planned.
With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to forward to the Board of Adjustment
recommending approval the request from Highland Homes, Inc. for a special exception
to the zoning ordinance at 498 Covered Bridge, Woodbridge Subdivision to encroach 6'
into the 50' rear yard building setback. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion. With a vote
being called, the vote was as follows:
Ayes: David Richmond, Gary Wallace, Tony Moreno, Keith Van Dine and Ernie Evans.
Opposed: William Sommers and Joyce Briscoe.
Motion was approved.
#9 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: On a request from Mark Roberts
for preliminary plat approval of Mark Roberts Subdivision, Borgfeld Road.
Mr. Marquez stated there are two items that are not part of the plat; topo lines, and lot
and block numbers are missing.
Ernie Evans stated that one of the property owners is also not indicated on the plat and
the signature blocks are still showing 1900 as the year.
With no further discussion, Tony Moreno moved to approve the request from Mark
Roberts for preliminary plat approval of Mark Roberts Subdivision, Borgfeld Road
contingent upon the noted corrections. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion. With a
vote being called, the motion was approved.
#10 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: On a request from Mark Roberts
for Site Plan Approval of Auto Collision Works, Borgfeld Road.
Mr. Marquez explained that there would be no mitigation of trees because there are
none. Also, the screening of the solid waste container is not necessary because it would
be placed at the rear out of view. In addition, a 6' fence is planned to separate Dove
Meadow Subdivision from the commercial area.
Mr. Roberts explained that the property adjacent to the Dove Meadows Subdivision
would not be developed at this time, so at this time a 6' privacy fence would be placed
at the back on the property line. The fencing used would be 100% privacy fencing. At
this time Mr. Roberts stated that he doesn't envision doing anything with the property
adjacent to Dove Meadows Subdivision. If at some later time he does, it would probably
be used for parking.
Mr. Roberts explained that basically the facility is a collision repair shop that would be
fenced (chain link). If any development occurs on the property adjacent to Dove
Meadows, he understands that an 8' masonry fence is necessary and plans to match
Dove Meadows' existing fence. Mr. Roberts also stated those cars waiting for repair
would be inside the perimeter of the facility. Mr. Roberts added that the square footage
of the building is 70 x700 feet.
Ernie Evans asked for a clarification on a 30' access easement off of Borgfeld Road. Mr.
Claypool advised that when the property was sold to Dutch Boy Cleaners, Payless Gas
Station, and Auto Collision Auto, that the 30' access easement was established so there
would be access to Borgfeld Road from the rear of the properties.
In brief discussion, the landscaping was found to be incorrect and not complying with
the tree ordinance. Mr. Roberts stated that the development would comply with the tree
ordinance and place the correct number of trees at the front of the property.
Mr. Roberts explained that the sign planned for the development is a lighted marquee,
which does not flash.
Joyce Briscoe asked how much noise is generated from the facility and was advised by
Mr. Roberts that the facility is not a noisy environment. The facility would be in operation
five and half days, and added that the facility would have office space with bays for the
repair operation.
Ernie Evans stated that there are several items not labeled such as, fence material,
building dimensions, complying to the tree ordinance of 4" DBH every 50',lighted sign
and lighting on building, which are necessary as part of the site plan submittal.
Debbie Perrone, resident of Dove Meadows, voiced concern to such items as noise,
traffic, lighted sign and stated that she would like the 8' masonry fence placed before
construction started because her home is behind this facility. Debbie Perrone also
stated that she has neighbors that have the same concern. It is her understanding that it
is part of the Unified Development Code that an 8' masonry fence is placed between
residential and commercial business, and the residents of Dove Meadows would like the
fence before construction begins.
David Richmond stated that in the past the Commission has seen requests where only
a portion of an area was being developed; the fence requirement would only apply to
the portion being developed. At a later time, when the area adjacent to Dove Meadows
is in a development stage, the Commission would require placement of the 8' masonry
fence. David Richmond stated that this has been done with previous developments.
David Richmond stated that since Mr. Roberts is not developing the portion adjacent to
Dove Meadows, he isn't sure the Commission can require Mr. Roberts to build the
masonry fence at this time.
Chairman Richmond explained that if and when any type of development is proposed
on the property adjacent to Dove Meadows, the Commission would guarantee the
masonry fence. However, if the portion is never developed the 8' masonry fence is not
Dove Meadows residents also voiced concerns with noise factors and would like to see
the masonry fence placed now and not a later date. Another concern voiced by Dove
Meadows residents was the lighted sign (18-foot) shining into their homes.
At this time, Mr. Roberts stated that he didn't have a problem building the 8' masonry
fence, however the fence would only fence half of the yards at this time. If the residents
would allow him a year, the fence would be built across the total of the four lots. The
existing fence would be removed and the masonry fence would follow along the
property line. David Richmond commented that this was a very generous offer,
particularly if note of this offer is placed as part of the site plan.
At this time, Ernie Evans stated that this agreement would have to be with the
Homeowners Association of Dove Meadows; however, if Mr. Roberts chooses to make
it part of the site plan, his intent must be in writing. Mr. Roberts stated that he didn't
have a problem with the suggestion.
With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to disapprove the request from Mark
Roberts for Site Plan Approval of Auto Collision Works, Borgfeld Road due to non-
compliance with tree ordinance, fence description, and incomplete signage information.
Keith Van Dine seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the motion was
#11 General Discussion:
Tony Moreno:
Tony commented that he had an excellent impression of the APA Conference in Dallas.
In his opinion it was well organized and very informative.
Tony reported that the Ashley Place Homeowners sign is still up in the subdivision. As
he recalls, the association canceled the request; he doesn't know if the association
would be requesting a variance to allow the sign. Tony commented that it's an illegal
sign that the Commission discussed at one previous meeting. Ernie Evans suggested
that it might be best for the Commission to wait until Mr. Simonson returns to further
discuss the Ashley Place signage.
In brief discussion, the Commission recalled that the signage request from the Ashley
. Place Homeowners Association (HOA) was tabled at a previous meeting. At the next P
& Z meeting the agenda item was cancelled by the association, thus the request must
be brought forth so the Commission may take action. It was decided by the Commission
to place the request by the Ashley Place HOA on the agenda at the next scheduled
Keith Van Dine:
Keith asked that if zoning requests are brought forward and approval is given does the
zoning revert to the previous zoning if development does not occur. Ernie Evans
advised that once zoning is changed, it couldn't revert unless there is submittal of a
rezoning. Keith asked if the Commission could impose a time limit on the zoning issue?
Keith commented that maybe the Commission should consider making it a standard
policy of imposing a time frame on zoning issues.
Keith commented Mr. Roberts was very cooperative in working with the Dove Meadows
residents, and asked that if Mr. Roberts were to make placement of the 8' masonry
fence part of the site plan, then he believes the site plan becomes a legal document
which would have to be enforced. Is this a correct assumption, and did Mr. Roberts
understand this part of the procedure? David Richmond stated that he believes Mr.
Roberts understood and is willing to make it part of the site plan.
Gary Wallace:
Gary had no comments
Joyce Briscoe:
Joyce commented that it is so nice to drive out along FM3009, and not see any bandit
signs. Joyce also mentioned that another look should be taken in regard to zoning in the
City. She was shocked to find out that the residents of Dove Meadows would have an
Auto Collision business behind their homes.
David Richmond asked if the Commission would like to discuss city zoning as an
agenda item? Gary Wallace said no because the Commission has tried and it's a bigger
issue than the Planning and Zoning Commission could handle. Councilman Greenwald
stated that a firm has been selected to take on the Comprehensive Plan for the city.
This firm would be looking at all these issues and finding solutions.
Joyce commented that the Commission should take a look at the city's overlay district
on FM3009 and Schertz Parkway and prohibit "LCD" signs because these signs are so
ugly. There are two along FM3009, Walgreen's and the Laser car wash.
Ernie Evans stated that the Laser car wash should not have such a sign. Gary Wallace
stated "open" and "closed" float across the lighted area. Ernie added that he doesn't'
recall this type of signage being on the site plan and suggested that it be reviewed for
William Sommers:
William commented that he has finally moved into his home, the remodeling is finally
Ken Greenwald:
Ken commented on the EAA report and on who would be getting water and how much.
Ken also reported on a meeting last weekend with the Seguin/Schertz Local
Government Corporation. The committee is ready to select the following:
1. Select water treatment plant equipment,
2. Prices on line, great deal on electricity from GVEC, dual feed on lines, and no
problem with power. The cost is in the neighborhood of $30 to $33 Million dollars to
run lines.
3. Initial engineering study showed a minimum of 39" line from Gonzales to Seguin and
33" line from Seguin to Schertz. The lines could be increased to 42" from Gonzales
to Seguin and 36" from Seguin to Schertz.
Ken reported that several calls from other interested parties along with two water
companies wanting to come on board have been received. These parties will be given
the opportunity, however now it will be more costly to them.
Ken also reported that additional leases have gone out to lease additional Edwards
Water to cover any water shortage for the next two years. There will be plenty to drink
and to bathe.
Mark Marquez:
Mark thanked the Commission for helping him get through the meeting this evening.
Mark also mentioned that he represents the Schertz Parkway Zone, and the board has
asked that the Planning and Zoning Commission be informed that the plan for the
Parkway is complete. The Board asks that the Planning and Zoning Commission take
into account drainage issues as further development continues along Schertz Parkway.
Mark commented that the county and school district have dropped off the project;
however, the Mayor is pretty adamant that the City of Schertz will build the road
(Schertz Parkway).
Mark also mentioned that he is 95% certain that the City will receive a grant from FEMA
to complete a drainage structure all the way on Schertz Parkway. When final, the Board
will approach the City for a go ahead to build.
Ernie Evans stated that all development that can be done up to this point has been
done. Ernie mentioned that there are only two or three remaining development
possibilities along Schertz Parkway.
Mark Marquez stated that the Schertz Parkway plan and design are ready and that he
could have them available at the next Planning and Zoning meeting if the Commission
so desires. Mark mentioned that the design includes sidewalk, walking path, sprinkled
landscaped center area, lighting on both sides, etc. Mark added that it's a $4 Million
Dollar project.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie wants to remind everyone that the Commission needs to be careful in words or
phraseology used at the table. The Commission is responsible for enforcing the city's
Unified Development Code (UDC). The UDC is the "Bible". If the UDC is wrong, these
issues can be corrected and addressed. There is no need for innuendoes or
disagreeing with the UDC. The Commission's responsibility is to enforce and follow the
checklist that is made available for review. The discussions are great and needed,
however caution is vital. We never know when someone will misinterpret a statement
and bring some type of action against the Commission. Ernie stated that stating
personal opinion or stating that the UDC shouldn't be written is this manner could result
in possible consequences.
David Richmond:
David stated that he apologized for missing the APA Conference and understood the
conference was very informative. However, he really enjoyed a very long vacation.
David stated that he was gone a total of 30 days and traveled to 16 states, including the
District of Columbia. He thoroughly enjoyed driving on roads that contained no
billboards. The scenery was magnificent with no billboard signage. David Richmond
stated that other states have dealt with "off premise" signage magnificently which brings
him back to resurrecting the "off premise sign issue". David stated that this issue is
something that has to be addressed with City Council to try and figure out how Schertz
can deal with the issue without giving the impression that Schertz is anti-business.
David stated that he would check with TXDOT to obtain information on signage along
Interstate Highways to advertise businesses. Blue information signs carry logos for
hotels, food and gas at highway intersections.
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#12 Adjournment:
Ernie Evans moved to adjourn the meeting. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion. The
meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
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Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission
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Planning Secretary, City of Schertz