09-14-1999 n/s
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on
Tuesday September 14, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews
Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as
Ernie Evans, Chairman
David Richmond, Vice-Chairman
Tony Moreno
Gary Wallace
Keith Van Dine
Joyce Briscoe
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Steve Simonson,
Asst. City Manager!
Planning Coordinator
Mary Ybarra, Planning &
Recording Secretary
Commissioners Absent
Others Present
George Maxfield (work related)
Robbie LaPorte,
Forum Construction
Don McCrary,
DMC, Inc.
Mike Lackey,
Debbie Perrone,
1236 Dove Meadows
#1 Call to Order:
Chairman Evans called the September 14,1999 meeting to order.
#2 Approval of Minutes: Regular session of August 24, 1999.
Chairman Evans asked if there are any correction or additions to the minutes of August
24, 1999?
Chairman Evans stated that there are several minor corrections too many to mention
which have been turned over to Mary Ybarra, recording secretary. The corrections are
basically minor such as typos, etc. not changing the content.
Joyce Briscoe mentioned that on page 10, "general discussion" in her comments,
second line of the statement, to correct the words "would" to "will".
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Tony Moreno and seconded by Gary
Wallace to approval the minutes of August 24, 1999, as corrected. With a vote being
called, the motion was approved.
#3 Status of Final Plats:
There were none.
#4 BOA Actions:
. Steve Simonson reported that the Board of Adjustment met on August 30, 1999 and
approved two special exception requests from Mr. & Mrs. Blackman, 308 Winburn and
Joan Stevens, 1517 Red Cedar Cove.
#5 Citizen's Input Other Than Agenda Items:
There were none.
#6 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Charles Plunkett,
A-AAA Mini Storage, Tri-County Business Park for a Special Exception to the Zoning
Ordinance to allow managers residence/living quarters in a (GB) General Business
area. (BOA #128-99)
Steve Simonson explained that in a General Business (GB) area a residence is not
allowed on the property unless there is a special exception or a specific permit issued.
In this case, this is joint use of the property, which would require a special exception of
. a Board of Adjustment action. The Planning & Zoning Commission has approved the
site plan and plat in the area. However, the formal request for the special exception has
to go through the proper channels to comply with the city's requirements.
Ernie Evans stated that in discussions on this issue it was decided that the formal
request on the special exception before the Commission is the proper way to handle it
in accordance to the Unified Development Code (UDC).
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Gary Wallace and seconded by Keith
Van Dine to forward to the Board of Adjustment recommending approval on the request
from Charles Plunkett, A-AAA Mini Storage, Tri-County Business Park for a Special
Exception to the Zoning Ordinance to allow managers residence/living quarters in a
(GB) General Business area. With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
#7 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Forum
Construction for site plan approval of New OfficelWarehouse, Lot 14, Schertz Business
. Park, Commercial Place. (PC #425-99)
Steve Simonson explained that the office/warehouse is considered a spec building, as
there is no tenant at this time. This being the case, it is not known what kind of sign, or if
there will be need for a dumpster or not. The layout of both the building and property are
shown. The handi-cap parking, size of the building and the area of the lot are shown on
the first sheet. The second sheet indicates the landscape information such as the
planting schedule, which meets the landscape ordinance. If the site plan were
approved, the tenant would comply with the zoning ordinance, which is "general
business" (GB). The sign would meet the requirements for a "general business" area,
and the dumpster if utilized would have to be screened.
David Richmond asked if there is a tenant prospect? Mr. LaPorte, representing Forum
Construction stated that at this time there are a few possible tenants interested however
these tenants are waiting to see what the building will look like. David voiced concern in
terms of the building being of spec nature. Mr. Simonson stated that all the
requirements have been met and it is not the first of its kind in the area.
Joyce Briscoe asked for clarification on a pre-engineered building? It was explained that
the building is designed off site and parts are brought in and erected on site. The
building will be metal with the front being masonry.
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Keith Van Dine and seconded by
Tony Moreno to approve the request from Forum Construction for site plan approval of
New OfficelWarehouse, Lot 14, Schertz Business Park, Commercial Place. With a vote
being called, the motion was approved.
#8 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Don McCrary &
Associates for Preliminary plat approval of Walgreens Subdivision, Savannah Drive/FM
3009. (PC #426-99).
Steve Simonson explained that the area that is being platted is Block 1, with two
different lots, lots one and two. The difference will be evident when the site plan is
presented. Several items will need to be corrected such as the City engineer signature
block, property owner to the south of the property is not labeled and topographical
information is not shown.
Ernie Evans asked for clarification on the site plan, would the site plan cover lots one
and two? Steve Simonson replied, yes.
Gary Wallace stated that by the documentation presented the tree affidavit deals with
only lot 1. Is this issue relevant to the plat or the site plan? Obviously, it's relevant to
one or the other. Ernie Evans stated that as far as he is concerned it is relevant to both.
Ernie Evans explained that clarification is needed, it's certainly an issue that needs to
be addressed. Does the Commission want to take action now or wait until the site plan
. is discussed? Gary Wallace stated that he doesn't understand the relevance to the
preliminary plat, however he understands the relevance to the site plan. The
Commission was in agreement that the plat is a separate issue and action should be
taken only on the plat, the site plan is another issue.
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Gary Wallace and seconded by Keith
Van Dine to approve the request Don McCrary & Associates for Preliminary plat
approval of Walgreens Subdivision, Savannah Drive/FM 3009. With a vote being called,
the motion was approved.
#9 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Don McCrary &
Associates for Site Plan approval of Walgreens, Savannah Drive/FM 3009. (PC #427-
Steve Simonson stated that clarification on the tree affidavit is necessary before any
further discussion is attempted. Since the site plan shows trees on both parts of lots one
. and two, has the mitigation included both lots.
Mr. McCrary stated that construction would take place on lot 1, however the tree survey
and mitigation was done on the entire property, lots one and two. The mitigation amount
covers the entire site. Two phases of construction: lot one the Walgreen facility, and at
this time there are no plans for lot two.
Ernie Evans stated that item #2 of the tree affidavit was checked off and that statement
is an incorrect statement. Trees both heritage and protected of 24" DBH or larger are to
be destroyed by the construction. Steve Simonson stated that the affidavit would be
meaningless if a tree preservation/removal application is done. Steve explained that the
affidavit is completed when no trees are involved or there are very few minor trees. In
this case that isn't the issue and there is no way the affidavit can be signed off.
Chairman Evans stated that if that is the case an item 3 should be added. David
. Richmond commented that he was in agreement, because he would like to see an
affidavit submitted from everyone. Steve Simonson asked if the Commission would like
for City Staff to work up an item 3, which would cover most circumstances or all. It was
agreed that City Staff do so.
Steve Simonson continued to explain that the first sheet is a layout of both buildings.
Dotted lines are indicating the deviation between the two lots. The freestanding sign
(pylon) is shown. The drives are shown along with the lighting information. The second
sheet is a very thorough well-laid out tree plan; showing which trees are not counted
inside the building footprint and trees out side the building footprint which have to be
counted. The last sheets show the Walgreen logos and how the signs would be set up
on the building and elevations are shown. The fourth item, is a request for a variance to
the 8' masonry fence abutting the residential area and a request for the height of the
sign, from 18.7' to 25'. Lastly, the tree inventory has been done explaining the trees
saved, trees removed in total inches, inches owed, based on the calculations of trees
saved the 25% minimum has been met. The amount is calculated on what is owned to
the City on mitigation fees"
David Richmond suggested that the Commission should discuss each item in the order
each item was briefed. At this time, David Richmond asked if construction is planned for
lot one, and is the Commission to assume that lot two would be left untouched.
Mike Lackey, representative for Walgreen explained that the parking lot area and base
pad would be prepared for phase two (lot 2) at the same time as the construction of lot
one. Site work would be done at the same time; clearing the pad, cutting it to sub-grade
and preparing it to rough grade, building would commence shortly afterward. It is
assumed that construction of building would be in the next six to twelve months.
Joyce Briscoe commented that the City doesn't have assurance that a building would be
built in that period of time. The City could be sitting with a cleared piece of land. Is there
any way that the lot could be left alone until a building can be started? No one ever
. knows what well happen in the future.
Mr. Lackey stated that part of the lot would be used for truck traffic and at least some of
the lot would need to be paved. The future building would not be part of Walgreen; it
most likely would be a retail office of some type owned by Walgreen. The building will
be built for Walgreen to lease.
Joyce Briscoe stated that currently there is a Savannah Square Subdivision sign
erected. What happens to the sign? Mr. Lackey stated that he has met with the
Homeowners Association and there are plans to work with them to protect the sign. If
the sign were in the way, the plan is to move it.
Ernie Evans voiced concern to grading the lot and leaving it. With winter coming it might
present drainage issues to some of the area. Mr. Lackey stated he understood the
concerns and asked if the issue could be addressed at the time that construction plans
were submitted outlining the limits of construction? This way it would require a separate
building permit for the site.
Steve Simonson stated that the site plan could be approved with the agreement that the
area would not be cleared and approval is given to the site plan layout. This would be
similar to what was approved for H E B; their site plan involved two places and did not
build the second section right away.
Ernie Evans stated that if the Commission choose this option, this would allow the City
some control. The inspection department would control the building permit. This is
certainly an option that could be considered. The Commission could request that site
two be taken off the site plan. Obviously, a lot of work has gone into getting all of the
information as a unit and if the tree survey covers both lots the Commission should try
to treat this site plan as a unit. The approval of the site plan would allow a building
permit only to lot one up to the construction line, and nothing could be done to the
remainder of lot two until building plans were submitted for lot two. This would pre-
approve the site plan for the area and would not hold up development.
Steve Simonson stated that with two separate constructions plans submitted this would
insure the city control and alleviate problems. This would insure plans are part of our
files; the general constructions plan, conformed to the agreement reached.
At this time, Chairman Evans asked that the two-variance requests in a form of a letter
that are part of the packet, be discussed at this time. The first issue; sign height along
FM 3009; second issue, fence along the back of the property.
David Richmond stated concern with both issues. The City has established a maximum
height 18.7' and everyone has complied, the importance is to up hold the City's Unified
Development Code (UDC). On the fence issue, the UDC tries to insure that residential
backyards are protected, higher masonry fence affords a better sound barrier. The
existing privacy fence of 6' could possible be replaced with the higher masonry fence
and serve as one fence.
. Tony Moreno stated that he would like to hear from the developer as to the corporate
requirements in reference to the height variance and agrees with David Richmond on
the masonry fence issue.
Mike Lackey stated that the sign follows the corporate standards for Walgreen. Tony
Moreno asked if the sign were scaled down, is there a problem with visibility? Mr.
Lackey stated that the area planned for the sign has a low spot in the area, it's the
lowest point of the area. Discussion among the Commissioners established that visibility
is not a factor with the 18.7' sign, particularly given that there are considerably fewer
trees to block the sign.
Joyce Briscoe stated that she is opposed to any deviation in the height. The City has
established these requirements in order to maintain the integrity of FM 3009 and not
have FM 3009 resemble Walzem Road.
In view of the Commissions concerns, Mr. Lackey felt he could speak for Walgreen and
withdraw the request for the 25' sign and will comply with the sign at the required height
of 18.7', however they would like to keep the same sign profile. Steve Simonson
pointed out that the sign profile is 90' square feet and 7", with a reader board
underneath. The City has allowed reader boards as long as the sign stays at 90 square
feet, with corporate logos etc. that shouldn't be a problem if the height is adhered to
18.7'. Mr. Lackey pointed out that the upper cabinet sign is actually 88.9 square feet
and is under the requirement of 90 square feet.
Mr. Lackey pointed out that in the case of the masonry fence, if an 8' fence were
erected, light would be blocked off from shining unto the residents' yard right behind
Walgreen. Ernie Evans suggested talking to the Homeowners; they would be surprised
to know that mention of a masonry fence opposed to the existing wooden fence would
be acceptable to the homeowners. A masonry fence being more attractive than the
wooden fence, that with time would need repairs. As a result, he believes the residents
would probably go as far as to help take down the wooden fence and help put up a
masonry fence.
Ken Greenwald asked if the future tenant would be utilizing the same dumpster site and
was advised in all probability the same would be used. If not another dumpster site
would be placed for the future tenant.
Ernie Evans asked for clarification on what looked like an island dividing the traffic flow
onto Savannah and onto FM3009? Don McCrary stated that this issue has not been
worked out with TXDOT and at this time no final decision has been made. Does the
Commission have any comments on this issue? Mr. McCrary stated that there are
advantages both ways.
Ernie Evans commented that his only issue of concern would be to put turn lanes on FM
3009. Mr. McCrary stated that they are short as far as distance from the corner, which
. would present a problem. Ernie suggested that putting a turn lane of whatever distance
and width, without destroying anything would be an advantage. In regard to the
proposed light at the intersection of Savannah Drive, is it a factually statement that its
still a working issue? Steve Simonson stated that it was his understanding that
Walgreen would like the City's support in a form of a formal letter. Mr. Lackey stated
that it was his understanding that traffic counts are to be conducted on the 15th and 22nd
of September. The traffic counts are to be taken between the hours of 11 and 1 p.m.
and 3 and 7 p.m. Mr. Lackey stated that a letter supporting this request has been
obtained from the City, however he would like support from the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Mr. Simonson stated that would not be a problem, the Planning and
Zoning does and would forward a memo supporting the proposed light at Savannah
Ernie Evans asked if the 30" oak trees behind the building would be saved and was
advised the trees would not due to the roof canopy. They would be unable to save these
David Richmond asked that if it was necessary to have the Walgreen logo at the back of
the building facing the residential area. Is it really a need for the logo at the back of the
building and was advised it was not necessary.
Ernie Evans summarized the items discussed and advised the Commission that the
motion should include these items as outlined in our discussion. Ernie suggested that
the variance request and site plan be dealt with as two separate issues. The
Commission was in agreement however pointed out that the variance request should be
added to the agenda in order to take action on this issue.
David Richmond suggested adding the variance request to the agenda and not hold up
the process. Adding the variance request as item #9A to the agenda would allow the
Commission to take action.
In discussion among the Commission it was decided that if variance request was
submitted as part of a site plan, that it be on the agenda stating that there is a variance
At this time, David Richmond made a motion to add #9A to the agenda; to consider and
take appropriate action on a request from Don McCrary & Associates for a variance to
the sign ordinance to allow Walgreen a pylon sign to be 25' in height and the Unified
Development Code (UDC) requirement of a 8' masonry fence. Gary Wallace seconded
the motion. With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
At this time, David Richmond made a motion to approve item #9; the request from Don
McCrary & Associates for Site Plan approval of Walgreens, Savannah Drive/FM 3009
contingent upon the issuing of building plans submitted for lot one and that lot 2 is not
prepared for construction until a building permit issued and that sign logo be removed
from the south elevation (back of building) of the building and that the pylon sign height
. be reduced to comply to the UDC of 18.7'. Gary Wallace seconded the motion. With a
vote being called, the motion was approved.
#9A Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Don McCrary &
Associates for a variance request for Walgreen, Savannah Drive/FM 3009 to the sign
height and masonry fence.
At this time, a motion was made by Tony Moreno and seconded by Joyce Briscoe to
disapprove agenda item #9A. With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
#10 Consider and Take Appropriate Action:
City of Schertz.
Bandit Sign Permits within the
Steve Simonson stated that this issue is an ongoing concern both with the Planning
Department and Inspection Dept. The Inspection dept has researched this issue with
. other cities and what their policies are. I would like for the Commission to look over what
San Antonio is doing and put this issue as an agenda item at the next meeting. This
would allow the Commission to do nothing with the information or possibly work it up as
a revision to the Unified Development Code (UDC). The City needs to get a handle on
bandit signs. There are developers that follow the procedures and developers that push
the time limits very badly. Basically, the bandit sign issue was started here however it is
time as the development of FM 3009 and Schertz Parkway has come about that a hand
to given to Planning & Zoning and City Council who has maintained the integrity of
these roadways. It is important to note that when driving down these roadways you still
see the tree canopy. It's important that these roadways be cleared of large signage and
big cleared areas.
Steve Simonson suggested that the Commission take the time to look over the
information and that this issue be an agenda item at the next meeting as an action item.
Joyce Briscoe mentioned that Leonard Truitt the Inspection Official is asking for help
. and believes the City should help. Steve Simonson stated that he agrees, however,
would like the Commission to review the information because in reading the information
it is stating that the inspection department issue the permits. At this time the UDC
authorizes the Planning & Zoning Department to issue permits. There are a few items of
concern and suggest that the Commission look over these issues; does the Planning &
Zoning Dept. still want the authority of issuing permits, etc. Overall, it's a very good
policy however the City of Schertz in some areas works a bit different.
The Commission was in agreement to place the bandit sign issue as an agenda item at
the next scheduled meeting.
#11 General Discussion:
Tonv Moreno:
Tony had no comments.
Keith Van Dine:
Keith had no comments.
Gary Wallace:
Gary had no comments.
Jovce Briscoe:
Joyce mentioned that when Eckerd requested a variance on a masonry fence it was
given. Steve Simonson commented that if the Commission recalls, it was based upon
an existing masonry fence in place. The residents did not want another masonry fence.
Ken Greenwald:
Ken commented that Mr. Simonson needs to check the Vernon Texas Civil Status, any
agenda item need to be posted 72 hours. The Commission needs to be careful adding
. agenda items.
Ken reported that September 22 the Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation and
both City Councils in the City of Seguin council chambers. Presentation on the water
plan and approximate cost will be discussed, if anyone is interested in attending, he
believes the meeting is at 6:30 p.m.
Ken reported that a water sampling notice has been mailed out. This sampling is
another non-funded mandate costing approximately $3,600.
David Richmond:
David asked what was the status as to when Pulte will be moving their trailer. Steve
Simonson commented he would check with the inspection department. David
mentioned that Pulte was authorized to have the trailer, until the opening of a model and
. a model has been opened for sometime.
David asked Steve to check the west left turn lane on the access road opposite the
Diamond Shamrock as you exit off of IH35. Construction is complete however, this area
continues to have barricades. He believes someone has forgotten to remove the
Steve Simonson:
Steve reported that the contract with "Capital" has been signed with TXDOT, however,
there is no start date for the FM 78 project. The railroad ROW in Universal City has not
been obtained. TXDOT will not start any construction until all ROW is purchased. The
FM 78 project is on hold. The assistant engineer in the Seguin office, Terry McCoy is
actively working on this at this time.
#12 Adjournment:
David Richmond moved to adjourn the meeting. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission
Planning Secretary, City of Schertz