The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on
Tuesday September 28, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews
Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as
Ernie Evans, Chairman
David Richmond, Vice-Chairman
Tony Moreno
Gary Wallace
Keith Van Dine
Joyce Briscoe
George Maxfield
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Steve Simonson,
Asst. City Manager!
Planning Coordinator
Mary Ybarra, Planning &
Recording Secretary
Commissioners Absent
Others Present
Elmer Singleton,
1616 Yucca Park
Maureen Goodrich,
733 Twin Branch
Debbie Perrone,
City of Schertz Inspection
#1 Call to Order:
Chairman Evans called the September 28,1999 meeting to order.
Approval of Minutes:
Regular session of September 14, 1999.
Chairman Evans asked if there are any correction or additions to the minutes of
September 14, 1999?
Joyce Briscoe stated that on page six, last paragraph in the second line "time and
period" is reversed. It should read "period of time", and replace the word "build" with
"built". On the same line place a "period" after the word land, and start a new
sentence... "Is there anyway that the etc.... and a question mark after the word "started".
On page seven, -second paragraph delete the word "asked" with "stated" after Joyce
Briscoe's name. Place a period after the word "erected" and capitalize the word "what".
David Richmond stated that on page fourteen second line, place a "period" after "IH35,
delete "is the only place that" and capitalize "construction".
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Gary Wallace and seconded by Keith
Van Dine to approval the minutes of September 14, 1999, as corrected. With a vote
being called, the vote was as follows:
Ayes: Ernie Evans, David Richmond, Joyce Briscoe, Gary Wallace, Keith Van Dine and
. Tony Moreno.
Abstention: George Maxfield.
#3 Status of Final Plats:
Ernie Evans reported that A-AAA Mini Storage Subdivision and Woodbridge Subdivision
Unit 1 were finalized.
#4 BOA Actions:
George Maxfield reported that the Board of Adjustment met on September 27, 1999 and
approved the special exception request from A-AAA Mini Storage facility to allow a
manager/living quarters in a (GB) general business area.
#5 Citizen's Input Other Than Agenda Items:
There were none.
#6 Consider and Make Recommendation: Request from Elmer J. Singleton,
1616 Yucca Park , Greenshire Park Unit 8, for a Special Exception to the Zoning
Ordinance for a rear yard setback from 20' to 16' for construction of a patio. (BOA #129-
Steve Simonson explained that the request is pretty straightforward. The patio will
encroach 4 feet into the rear yard setback of 20'. There would be no utilities or
easements affected.
At this time Chairman Ernie Evans asked for any questions or concerns. With no further
discussion, a motion was made by David Richmond and seconded by Joyce Briscoe to
forward to the Board of Adjustment recommending approval the request from Elmer J.
Singleton, 1616 Yucca Park, Greenshire Park Unit 8, for a Special Exception to the
Zoning Ordinance for a rear yard setback from 20' to 16' for construction of a patio. With
a vote being called, the motion was approved.
Ernie Evans informed Mr. Singleton that a letter would be sent notifying him of the date
and time the Board of Adjustment would take action on his request. Mr. Simonson
stated that at this time a meeting is not scheduled however, the earliest date would be
October 18, 1999.
Consider and Take Appropriate Action:
Temporary Bandit Sign Proposal.
Steve Simonson stated that comments-concerns from the inspection department are
part of the commissioner's packet. The planning department can address several of
these concerns. However, recommends that wording in "Appendix A" Sec. 28-152 of the
San Antonio ordinance be directed to "bandit signs on Schertz Parkway and FM 3009".
The ordinance is to apply only to bandit sians and the wording in certain areas of the
document need to be changed. One item that would need to be decided would be the
annual permit fee. What does the City want to charge?
With these changes, Mr. Simonson feels confident that the City could utilize the
document. Steve asked if the Commission wants to make changes to the administrative
penalties. Does the City want to be that generous? In addition, does the Planning and
Zoning Commission want to authorize the signage and leave the administrative
procedures such as decals, permits, etc to the Inspection Department? If this were the
case, it would have to be incorporated into the document.
David Richmond stated that in this OpiniOn, the Planning and Zoning Commission
should retain control. In view of developers seeking approval from the Planning and
Zoning Commission on development in the City, it is also appropriate for the developer
to request approval of signage. David commented that in his opinion issuing four
violations is somewhat generous and suggested only two violations should be allowed.
Ernie Evans stated that as a result from comments from the Commission, it is his
understanding that the Commission would like Steve to draft a document with changes
. discussed for the Commissions review and approval for changes to the UDC and
forward to the City Council.
At this time, Ken Greenwald stated that he had taken the liberty to hand out the bandit
sign document at a City Council workshop. In the discussion, a question was asked,
would a builder be authorized 10 signs per subdivision if the builder were building in
more than one subdivision. Steve Simonson stated that not on the same road, a set for
each road (e.i. Schertz Parkway or FM 3009), ten signs placed along the roadway and
two placed at the entrance, is the procedure at this time.
The Commission suggested that the administrative fee should be set at $50.00 and the
violations cut down from four to three. With no further discussion, a motion was made
by David Richmond and seconded by Tony Moreno to have the Planning Department
develop a bandit sign ordinance for presentation at the next meeting and for
consideration to forward to the City Council for approval. With a vote being called, the
. motion was approved.
General Discussion:
Tony Moreno:
Tony had no comments.
Keith Van Dine:
Keith had no comments.
Gary Wallace:
Gary had no comments.
Joyce Briscoe:
Joyce had no comments.
. Georae Maxfield:
George had no comments.
Ken Greenwald:
Ken reported that a water survey report was handed out at the City of Schertz/Seguin
Local Government Corporation meeting on Thursday the 22nd of September. Information
includes consumption data, water need through the year 2050, pipe line route, etc. Very
little environmental work needed and acquiring the easement necessary will be relative
easy to obtain. Estimated cost in the neighborhood of 40 million dollar which include
land acquisition, pumps, filters, etc. The estimated time to build is in the neighborhood
of 2 to 3 years. It is estimated that the water supply is through the year 2050 based on
projected population. The City of Schertz population; 50,000 to 51,000, Seguin
population; 58,000 to 59,000. Water can be supplied in the excess 110,0000 people.
The projected time for Bond election is November of 1999. The City is looking at
. breaking in down into three projects.
David Richmond:
David thanked Steve the TXDOT barricades have been taken down on the access road
off of IH 35. David asked Steve what was the status on Pulte's construction trailer?
Steve replied that Pulte would like to keep it up to the end of the year and have one
single construction site that would be kept up, clean and decent. The construction
trailer has been taken down at Woodland Oaks and they have no construction trailer at
Arroyo Verde.
David mentioned a newspaper article stating that Mr. Bomer is purchasing 20 acres of
land in Schertz for his Oldsmobile dealership. Steve stated that the 20 acres is on
Schertz Parkway. The acreage includes the trailer park and playground area. The
property starts the Schertz city limits up the Jahns property to the Lutheran Church
property and out to Schertz Parkway. David also mentioned that the dumping of dirt by
Cibolo at corner property next to Deer Creek across from the Schertz Funeral Home
could cause the water flow to change. Dumping has changed the level of the land more
than 6 feet, and heavy rain could have serious consequences for the new school. David
suggested that this be brought up at the City Council meeting, so we might find out what
are Cibolo's intentions.
Steve Simonson:
Steve stated that he hopes everyone is ready for the Conference In South Padre.
Everyone riding with him is to meet around noon.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie Evans mentioned that the meeting scheduled for next week Tuesday has been
changed to Thursday the 14th. This change will give the Commission the opportunity to
attend the Business Appreciation Dinner on Tuesday night.
David Richmond moved to adjourn the meeting. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
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Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission
Planning Secretary, City of Schertz