The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public
hearing on Tuesday, April 22, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal
Complex Bob Andrews Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz,
Texas. Those present were as follows:
Juan Frail, NEH
Beth Renko,
510 Ashley Park
James Todd,
2500 Grove Park
Pam Millisor,
Carolina Crossing
Thuy Pham,
207 Remount
Anthony Uwakwe, SI-Nor
Don Holman
Albert White
Henry Kuehlem,
Ware Heights
David Morrison,
728 Wooded Trail
Kathleen Kilcrease,
500 Wayward Pass
Brett Bruchmiller,
Destiny Homes
Mike Ortman,
Destiny Homes
Tony Forchiman,
Destiny Homes
Greg San Marco
Don McCrary & Assoc.
Don McCrary
Henry Posadas
Landata Services
Kris Forchiome, GCR
Dick Heines, GCR
Mike Chauret,
Peco Construction
Bobby Theis
John Cramer, GCR
Charles Forbes
Ralph Brown,
Ware Heights
Henry Christopher
Ware Heights
Chairman Ernie Evans called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mr.
Evans explained the procedures to be followed at the public
hearing. The City Council public hearing on this item will be held
May 6, 1997.
To Receive Citizen Input on a Request
from Thuy T. Pham to Rezone 1.5 Acres on
FM 1518 from GB (General Business) to RA
(Residential/Agriculture). (ZC #140-97)
Chairman Evans asked for Staff input.
steve Simonson advised that two (2) letters to the surrounding
property owners were sent. There were no letters returned. This
property is adjacent to the east side of Randolph Air Force Base
fence. Steve stated he did receive a call today from a
representative for Randolph Air Force Base stating a letter is on
its way. The letter will probably express a concern about the
noise level in this area next to the fence, due to the fact that it
is in the 70 to 75 db level and if this is approved RAFB would like
to see a provision that any housing built would have to decrease
the noise level to a 65 db level.
Merwin Willman stated there is a requirement in the ordinance on
the noise level. Steve Simonson stated they were given this with
their application on the noise level.
With no comments,
discussion on the
or questions from the
rezoning, Chairman Evans
Commissioners, or
closed the Public
Chairman Ernie Evans adjourned the Public Hearing at 7:05 p.m.
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a
session, after the public hearing, in the Municipal
Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Chairman Ernie Evans called
the meeting to order
4It Regular Session for April 8, 1997.
Ernie Evans stated there is only one correction on page six to add
a sentence. Gary Wallace moved to approve the April 8, 1997
Regular Session Minutes as amended. Tony Moreno seconded the
motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
There were none.
There were none.
Chairman Evans stated he has received a request from one of the
representatives for item #23 on the agenda. They are asking to be
moved up on the agenda as they have a plane to catch to get back to
Houston. Ernie asked if there was a Commissioner that had a
problem with this item being moved up on the agenda? There were no
objections from the Commission. Ernie then asked if any person
scheduled to appear on the agenda tonight had a problem with this
item being moved up. There were no responses.
Tire Center for Variance to the Sign Ordinance.
(PC #315-97)
Steve Simonson stated this is a twofold request as they would like
an increase because of where the sign is located, below the grade
level of the IH 35 access road, from a 50' allowed sign height to a
75' sign height. The other request is to leave the existing
billboard on the premises until such time as the front property is
sold for commercial development.
David Richmond stated he looked at this sign in going and coming
from work. There is a grade level issue but it does not appear
that it would effect the sign even though there is a peak of the
hill on the access road north of this site. David doesn't feel
raising the sign 25' higher is going to help in that regard. There
is no reason why a 50' sign would not be adequate as they propose
with Bridgestone being at the top. It doesn't seem to David once
you get over the hill that the sign could not be seen. There
doesn't seem to be a need. There shouldn't be a problem leaving
the billboard sign now that it is painted.
Merwin Willman stated he agrees with David on the height of the
sign but he doesn't agree with leaving the billboard sign. This
will give them two free standing signs and could be an eyesore.
There is no future use for this sign once GRC puts in their own
Gary Wallace stated he would be interested in what GCR has to say.
Ernie Evans stated he also would be interested in if GCR owns the
4It billboard sign.
John Caldwell stated he would like to thank everyone for allowing
this item to be changed on the agenda. John stated he is not the
owner of the sign but he is the authorized agent to represent
Ernest Wagner. The sign was part of the deal and GCR paid dearly
for the sign. Mr. Wagner had stated the billboard sign is a
licensed billboard sign by the state of Texas with the City of
Schertz. What we would like to do is paint the sign and leave it
blank. The front property at some time is going to be subdivided
for two lots, up front and they would like to reserve this for the
future user. As far as the pole sign we have asked for 75'. The
new pylon sign will be at the western edge of the property.
Amending our request we would like to have a sign of 50' tall
against the roadway.
Ernie Evans asked are you going to subdivide the property and keep
the roadway in the middle. John Caldwell stated the roadway down
the middle will be abandoned. Ernie asked if the access to the GRC
building will be from the property side of the existing old gravel
road. John stated the existing old gravel road is currently being
negotiated with Mr. Simonson and Mr. Parnes of the Morton
Companies to build a 30' road with a future 42' ROW.
Steve Simonson stated the road they are talking about will be a
future city road 42' wide with curb and gutter on one side and open
on the other.
Ernie Evans stated with the future property in the front being
subdivided, there is going to be the potential need for signage for
these businesses.
John Caldwell stated the businesses would come in on their own for
the signage.
Gary Wallace asked if a real value could be put on the sign?
Caldwell stated not tonight. All they are asking is for the
to stay in place we are not going to use it to advertise.
would give Mr. Wagner the opportunity to use it at a later
The way things are it will eventually come down.
Ernie Evans stated if you don't own the sign, then
ownes the property and sign could then use it
billboard like those that run up and down IH 35.
stated not without the City's approval.
Mr. Wagner who
as any other
John Caldwell
John Caldwell stated Mr. Wagner is the property owner he is
leasing the property to Bridgestone GCR Truck Tire Center.
Ernie Evans asked what the purpose was of putting the Bridgestone
pylon sign at the exit side of the drive. John Caldwell stated
this is the way they would like it to follow to the entrance from
west to east.
David Richmond asked for clarification on the proposal of the pylon
sign in lieu of the 75'? John Caldwell stated in lieu of the 75'
height differential that would allow the difference between the
base of the sign and the actual crown of the road which is about 7
or 8 feet.
David Richmond stated 50' above the crown of the road?
Caldwell stated "yes".
Gary Wallace asked if there was any reason why we need to address
the billboard? Ernie Evans stated it is already part of the
submittal. There are some options that can be used to address the
steve Simonson stated this is still one whole piece of property and
it has to be addressed as this would allow two free standing signs
no matter who owns what.
Ernie Evans stated in the UDC it states one free standing sign.
Ernie Evans reiterated what David Richmond had commented that David
would be against this variance for the sign, also in discussion it
was talked about going from the 75' as requested to maybe something
like 57' as an example so as to compromise the situation. The
additional sign on the property should we table, approve, or deny
Merwin Willman asked what would be the purpose of tabling? Ernie
stated he did not see a purpose in tabling.
John Caldwell stated the reason the billboard was on the request
was they were wanting to keep the sign but not to use it.
Gary Wallace asked if the request could be modified? Ernie Evans
stated any modifications would have to be in the motion.
Merwin Willman stated we could approve the height and disapprove
the existing billboard sign.
Merwin Willman moved to approve the request from GCR Truck Tire
Center for variance to the Sign Ordinance for the pylon sign at a
height of 50' plus the height of the crown of the road
approximately 7', and disapprove the request to retain the existing
billboard sign. Gary Wallace seconded the motion which carried as
AYES: Ernie Evans, David Richmond, Merwin Willman, Gary Wallace.
OPPOSED: Tony Moreno.
to Rezone 1.5 Acres on FM 1518 from GB (General
Business) to RA (Residential/Agriculture).
(ZC #140-97)
Steve Simonson stated there were two letters sent to surrounding
property owners and no responses were received. A phone call
received from RAFB expressed concern pertinent to the db noise
level, as this residential land would be east of the fence line but
up against the RAFB property and within a high noise zone. The
property is currently zoned GB and the request is to zone 1.5 acres
of the back part of the property to RA. The RA is the general
zoning in the area.
Ernie Evans asked if there was any information on the septic system
requirements? Steve Simonson stated Bexar County stated it has to
be 1/2 acre lots and Bexar County does the inspections on the
septic systems. The size of the lots being shown for the purpose
of the property use. We are not platting those lots at this time,
if they are later to be sold then platting will be required at that
Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from Thuy T. Pham to
rezone 1.5 acres on FM 1518 from GB (General Business) to RA
(Residential/Agriculture) to City Council to schedule public
hearings with approval. Tony Moreno seconded the motion which
carried with a unanimous vote.
Kilcrease, 500 Wayward Pass
Exception to the Zoning Ordinance
Setback from 20' to 10' for a
(BOA #88-97)
from Daniel
for Special
for Rear Yard
Patio Cover.
Steve Simonson stated this is a straight forward request with the
existing house being 22' from the back property line. There is an
existing concrete patio and they are wanting to add to this causing
it to become a large part of the back yard of their house which is
not usable.
Ernie Evans stated the map that is provided shows a 22' distance,
if they use 10' this leaves 12' left over. Steve Simonson stated
Juan Frail stated there is an existing concrete slab that they do
not want to penetrate for load bearing as it will crack. There is
22' from the back of the home to the back fence line. We are
asking to allow 10' from the back fence line so there is sufficient
David Richmond stated the patio cover will not be supported by the
existing concrete slab. Juan Frail stated "no" it cannot as it
will crack. There is a need for load bearing poles and the
existing slab will not support them, so we need to pour additional
concrete to support the poles.
Ernie Evans asked what is the depth or the roof outline that will
cover the patio? Juan Frial stated the overall size of the patio
is going to be 10' from the existing home. There is an existing 8'
~ slab but it needs to go beyond this for the roof overhang.
Ernie Evans stated even though there is 12' difference after the
patio cover is up you are still asking for an additional 2'
variance. Juan Frail stated "yes" so that we can have the load
bearing poles beyond the 8' existing slab but not right at the 10'
point. This is a corner lot and they are losing alot of the back
yard due to the angles.
Merwin Willman moved to forward to the BOA with
request submitted by Daniel Kilcrease, 500 Wayward
Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance for Rear
from 20' to 10' for a patio cover. Gary Wallace
motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
approval the
Pass for a
Yard Setback
seconded the
Morrison, 728 Wooded Trail for a Special
Exception to the Zoning Ordinance for An
Accessory Building to Install a Swimming Pool.
(BOA #89-97)
Steve Simonson stated this is a standard BOA request as they are
wanting to install a pool within 5' of the home and a pool is
considered an accessory building. It states in the ordinance that
no accessory building maybe any closer than 10' to the main unit.
Gary Wallace moved to forward to BOA with approval the request
submitted by David Morrison, 728 Wooded Trail for a Special
Exception to the Zoning Ordinance for an Accessory Building to
install a Swimming Pool. Tony Moreno seconded the motion which
carried with a unanimous vote.
2500 Grove for a Special Exception to the
Zoning Ordinance for Side Yard Setback from 5'
to 3' and Rear Yard Setback from 20' to 7.5'
for a Gazebo. (BOA #90-97)
Steve Simonson stated in the drawings you will notice there is an
electrical easement and there is a letter from Bobby O'Neil that
states GVEC is not using this electrical easement and they don't
have a problem with this request. Mr. Todd's property backs up to
the existing cement drainage ROW that is between Woodland Oaks Unit
6A and Woodland Oaks Unit 4. It also is directly adjacent to the
existing park in Woodland Oaks. This will not be encroaching into
a neighbor's property either on the back or side yards.
Tony Moreno moved to forward to BOA with approval the request
submitted by James Todd, 2500 Grove Park for a Special Exception to
the Zoning Ordinance for Side Yard Setback from 5' to 3' and Rear
Yard Setback from 20' to 7.5' for a gazebo. Gary Wallace seconded
the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
for a Specific Use Permit for a Material
Recovery Facility on FM 1518. (SUP #13-97)
Steve Simonson stated this is a request from a potential contractor
for Randolph Air Force Base on material recovery, this is a clean
recovery type of system. The representative from SI-Nor, Inc. can
explain what this operation will be doing. This is just a
temporary contract so it was recommended a SUP instead of rezoning
the property.
Wallace asked what the current zoning is on the property?
Simonson stated the current zoning on the property is GB and
Anthony Uwakwe stated the parcel is being used for recycling
because this is a new project with RAFB. There is going to be an
enclosed structure for the recycling material to be delivered then
the belt will run it through the facility warehouse where it will
be sorted. All this will be done 500' away from the roadway. This
will also be done in an enclosed area. There will be no trash
which is the primary concern. The whole 20 acres will not be used.
Gary Wallace stated when you sayan enclosed facility does this
mean there will be a roof over the building or just fenced.
Anthony Uwakwe stated the dump spot will be enclosed but open at
the top with no roof but the sorting line will be under a roof.
Gary Wallace asked how much stock piling will there be? Anthony
Uwakwe stated they have done one run at the base and there will be
about 20 cubic yards in a week. This will be processed as it is
brought in, there will be no storage, there will be no stock piles.
Tony Moreno asked about the structures. Anthony Uwakwe stated on
the sorting it is enclosed all around. On the dumping, which is
the first drop off for the trucks, the top would be open for the
Merwin Willman stated he would like to make a recommendation that
this be tabled until a site plan can be presented to the Commission
so we can see exactly what they have in mind to put in there. So
we may have a better idea on what the operation is and how it is
going to run. After the site plan is submitted we can determine if
there is any other information needed as stated in Article V 2.2 in
the UDC. This is something new and none of us are familar with
this type of operation. If there is a site plan it will show how
the operation is going to run.
Anthony Uwakwe stated the structures on the property will be two
buildings one without a roof and one with a roof, it will also be
enclosed on all four sides. This facility is like a chain with
four stations. Station one will be the unloading station, a
conveyer belt that moves to station two which is the sorting
station enclosed with the roof, station three is the pick up spot.
Don Holman stated this facility is only going to recycle cans,
bottles, and card board. They have a five year contract.
Merwin Willman stated it is our authority to request a site plan be
submitted if it is needed.
Ernie Evans stated a site plan will indicate where you
entering and exiting the property. This will also
location of the building on the property.
Gary Wallace stated his only concern is that he has never been on a
recycling site that has not been "junky." Gary agrees with Merwin
that a site plan needs to be submitted to show the location of the
building in relation to the roadway.
Merwin Willman stated the company must comply with all state and
federal guidelines.
Anthony Uwakwe stated they will be complying with the guidelines as
far as safety and health. "All we are going to be getting in this
facility is cans, and card board material and none of these are
hazardous material."
Merwin Willman
Specific Use
until a site
paragraph 2.2
carried with a
moved to table the request from SI-Nor Inc. for a
Permit for a Material Recovery Facility on FM 1518,
plan is submitted in accordance with Article XVI
in the UDC. Gary Wallace seconded the motion which
unanimous vote.
Homes Inc., for a Specific Use Permit for a
Realestate Office and Model Home on IH 35
Access. (SUP #14-97)
Steve Simonson stated the reason this is a request for a SUP is
because if this was going to be strictly used only for a realestate
office then this would not be before the Commission only a site
plan. But because it was reported to Steve that at some point in
time once Destiny Homes stops using the office they are going to
want to sell the house for residential use. Residential use is not
authorized in NS zoning. This is the same location where the REMAX
Office was going to be located.
as an
area as
Willman stated he has no objection to the house being used
office but Merwin has reservations on the later date of
this as a residence. This would not be compatible to the
this would be right in front of a MHS.
David Richmond stated this would be 50' off a heavy use
road. David agrees with Merwin 100% with the use of the
being used for a business but not for future residence.
Mike Ortman
This is
this was
never intended to
to be a model home
be used as
only with
~ office.
Brett Bruchmiller stated this is a model home with it being used in
the future for an office only, not a residence. Once the model
home is no longer needed it will be strictly a real estate office.
Steve Simonson stated this is what was conveyed to him earlier that
it would be used as a residence. If this is not what is going to
happen then there is no reason for the SUP as it is zoned NS in
which realestate is allowed.
Gary Wallace moved to disapprove the request submitted by Destiny
Homes Inc., for a Specific Use Permit for a Real Estate Office and
Model Home on IH 35 Access. Tony Moreno seconded the motion which
carried with a unanimous vote.
Homes Inc., for Site Plan Approval for a
Realestate Office and Model Home. (PC #314-97)
Steve Simonson stated this is an elaborate site plan with colored
pictures. The information on the home builder was in the Northeast
Sun in an article. There is one thing that needs to be looked at
in conjunction with the site plan and that is the height of the
sign on Cabana Drive. The sign is authorized for the area. The
concern is if there is enough room to be able to see on-coming
traffic on the access road as far as sight distance. If the sign
is tall enough to be seen underneath it, then there will be no
problem. This is a 20' X 8'sign on 16' poles this leaves 8'
underneath and this may not be tall enough. This is at the corner
of Cabana Drive across from the Mexican Restaurant Las Pasadita,
which has a narrow turn around and limited parking.
Brett Bruchmiller stated the sign is proposed at 8' but we are
completely flexible on the sign and the location. Steve Simonson
stated it is an authorized sign but with it being on the corner the
visibility needs to be taken into consideration.
David Richmond stated he was concerned about the sign in
relationship to the La Pasadita sign, which is a small sign and not
much higher, set into their property, and would it be obstructed
from the access road. Steve stated in that case we would want the
sign moved to the other end of the property by Irolia Drive.
Ernie Evans asked what is the building setback? Steve Simonson
stated the building setback is 25' with parking going right up to
the property line.
Ernie Evans stated being that this is the site plan and we do
have the sign issue solved. This would make the site
incorrect. The site plan needs to be correct as this is
document that everyone goes by.
Merwin Willman moved to disapprove the Site Plan submitted by
Destiny Homes, Inc., for a Realestate Office and Model Home. Gary
Wallace seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
McCrary & Associates to Rezone Approximately
200 Acres Southeast of IH 35 and East of
Wederstein Road from RA (Residential/
Agriculture) and GB (General Business) to M-1
(Manufacture District Light) (ZC #141-97)
Steve Simonson stated this property is currently zoned RA and GB.
This property is from the Forbes Investment Group who already own
three other pieces of property along IH 35. The existing property
is zoned M-1 and they are requesting the remaining 200 acres be
zoned M-1 which has no homes or residences other than a farm on the
back end of the property. This will have an overpass once IH 35 is
expanded to Weiderstein Road.
Gary Wallace asked if the property southeast of this property is
Cibolo's? Steve stated that it is Cibolo's ETJ. This is all open
land around other than Bussey's Flea Market.
Merwin Willman moved to forward to City Council with approval the
request submitted by Don McCrary McCrary & Associates to Rezone
Approximately 200 Acres Southeast of IH 35 and East of Wederstein
Road from RA (Residential/Agriculture) and GB (General Business) to
M-1 (Manufacture District Light) to schedule Public Hearings. Tony
Moreno seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
McCrary & Associates to Rezone Approximately
59.19 Acres Northwest of IH 35 and East of FM
1103 from GB (General Business) to M-1
(Manufacture District Light). (ZC #144-97)
Steve Simonson stated this area is adjacent and concurrent
zoned land that is currently owned by the Forbes Group.
Council has received a request for annexation of this property
a public hearing to be scheduled with the annexation request
City Council.
Merwin Willman asked if there is any indication when the annexation
will take place? Steve stated it is in the process at this time.
Gary Wallace moved to forward with approval to City Council to
schedule for public hearings the request submitted by Don McCrary
McCrary & Associates to Rezone Approximately 59.19 Acres Northwest
of IH 35 and East of FM 1103 from GB (General Business) to M-1
(Manufacture District Light). Tony Moreno seconded the motion
which carried with a unanimous vote.
to Rezone Approximately 1 Acre North of
Freudenburg Road and East of Pfeil Road from RA
Business). (ZC #143-97)
Steve Simonson stated Mr. White owns this property and has had a
business in this area for many years. The City arbitrarily zoned
1-10 as business and took a line along 1-10 and stated 750' back
would be zoned GB and the remainder would be RA. Mr. Whites
property was cut so he is requesting the remainder of his property
to be GB.
Willman asked if Freudenburg Road is a private or
Steve Simonson stated this is still an open question.
Ernie Evans stated the adjacent property owners are not shown on
the request. Steve stated they will be shown when it is presented
at the public hearing.
Merwin Willman asked if the metes and bounds and a legal
description of the property would also be included?
Mr. White stated the metes and bounds had been mentioned but the
property as stated was arbitrarily zoned this way so there is no
metes and bounds previously or description of the land. The
request is just asking to continue with the property being zoned
GB. This is an on going business that has been operating since
1975. This is a 10 acre track we do have some deed papers that can
be submitted.
Merwin Willman stated when this is rezoned we have to
area is going to be rezoned and how do we identify it.
stated the remainder of the 10 acres.
Steve Simonson stated what you have in front of you is what is
recorded at Bexar County Court House. With there being no metes
and bounds, we will try and get a better drawing for the public
Merwin Willman moved to recommend with approval to City Council the
request submitted by Albert White to rezone Approximately 1 Acre
North of Freudenburg Road and East of Pfeil Road from RA
(Residential/Agriculture) to GB (General Business). Gary Wallace
seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Muery Services, Inc. for Final Plat Approval
Schertz Bank & Trust. (PC #279-96)
Steve Simonson stated the items that were requested
have been corrected, the lot and block numbers
building setback according to the BOA action are
surrounding property owners, and the flood plain
to be corrected
are included,
included, the
statement is
Tony Moreno moved to approve the final plat for Schertz Bank &
Trust submitted by George Muery Services, Inc. Gary Wallace
seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Services, for Final Plat Approval for
Friesenhahn Centre. (PC #312-97)
Steve Simonson stated this is signed with the appropriate
signatures, the 50' building setback, the remaining portion of the
land and school identified by volume and page number, the 25'
building setback, Live Oak Road with the 60' ROW dimensions.
Merwin Willman asked what this land was going to be used for?
Steve stated for a mortuary which is the discussed use but until
we see a site plan we are not sure.
Tony Moreno moved to approve the final plat for Friesenhahn Centre
submitted by Landata Services. Gary Wallace seconded the motion
which carried with a unanimous vote.
Properties, Inc., for Final Plat Approval for
Ware Heights. (PC #286-96)
Steve Simonson stated the front building setback has been
corrected, the 100 year flood plain information has been corrected,
parkland fees have been paid, the land owner has signed off on the
subdivision plat.
Merwin Willman stated the location of this subdivision is located
in between the two runways for RAFB located in the ACUIZ Zone and
the noise zone. With the high concentration of the population in
looking at this Merwin is leery developing in this particular area.
This would be in violation of the ACUIZ Zone. Steve stated it is
not in the ACUIZ Zone.
Steve Simonson stated other than the noise level this is single
lots on five acres. This would not be high density development.
Gary Wallace asked what is Zone 2? Ernie stated it is not in the
ACUIZ Zone 2 which is more noise hazardous building.
Merwin Willman stated he would tend to disagree if this is high
density or not. Maybe this is an individual opinion, according to
the ordinance of high density.
Steve Simonson stated there will be one unit per
density is five or more lots per acre in the current
acre. High
Tony Moreno moved to
submitted by Southeast
the motion which carried
approve the final plat for Ware
Properties, Inc. David Richmond
as follows:
AYES: Ernie Evans, David Richmond, Gary Wallace, Tony Moreno.
OPPOSED: Merwin Willman.
Distributing for Site Plan
Subdivision. (PC #313-97)
Request from Theis
Approval in Vestal
Steve Simonson stated in the
notes on the site plan. On
shows the type of lighting.
check list there is annotations to the
the left hand side of the site plan it
This is going to be a 4600 square foot
Bobby Theis stated the entire building is going to be white rock.
They sell about 3,000 items to HEB i.e. housewares, dog supplies,
candy etc. There will be about 55 employees.
Merwin Willman moved to approve the Site Plan for Theis
Distributing in Vestal Subdivision. Gary Wallace seconded the
motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Continental Homes for Bandit Signs for
Crossing. (PC #311-97A)
Steve Simonson stated he has no comments. Continental Homes has
been very good in following the ordinance.
Merwin Willman asked how the bandit signs are going? Steve stated
there is a problem with the same people only.
Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from Continental Homes
for Bandit Signs for Carolina Crossing for the Schertz Parkway
Overlay District in accordance with the sign ordinance. Tony
Moreno seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
#24 CONSIDER AND DISCUSS: Traffic Impact Analysis.
Ernie Evans stated if this item could please be kept on the agenda
but delay it until the next meeting.
Steve Simonson handed out some additional information.
#25 CONSIDER AND DISCUSS: Telecommunications Antenna/Tower Site.
Ernie Evans stated this item will also need to be delayed until the
next meeting. The revisions have been worked out they need to be
given to Denise to work on them.
. Tony Moreno:
Tony Moreno stated he had no comments.
. Garv Wallace:
Gary Wallace stated he had no comments.
Merwin Willman:
Merwin Willman stated he had no comments.
David Richmond:
David Richmond asked who is responsible for the corner of Woodland
Oaks and FM 3009 in Greenshire who do not restore the area the way
it was with grass the hole has been dug and redug? Steve Simonson
stated the would check into this.
Councilman Ken Greenwald:
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated HB 1802 where they want to charge
$1.00 per meter the City Council has signed a petition with the
Austin office in opposition to this and also on the increase to the
sewer fees. Guadalupe County is wanting to start an underground
water district by cloud seeding. This was started by four ranchers
in far northeastern Guadalupe County in persuent with Chapter
46-49. If anyone would like a copy of the Code of Authority Ken
stated he would get it for them.
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated the City is in the process of
signing an interlocal agreement with Seguin and Guadalupe County
for the City of Schertz to take over a portion of the Animal
Control in the county.
Ernie Evans asked what portion of the county will the City be
responsible for? Councilman Ken Greenwald stated about 1/2 of the
county from this side of McQueeney. This will not included any of
the incorporated cities. This is not costing the City any money
the county is paying to expand the settler, buy a new vehicle and
hire another person.
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated Tim Swinney did a very good job at
the bond committee meeting last evening. There were alot of good
points that were brought up and discussed.
Steve Simonson:
Steve Simonson stated as we are working on a comprehensive plan
he'd like to hand out the latest information from the State on the
uses of a comp plan that he got off the internet.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie Evans stated what was suppose to happen at the town meeting
did not happen and it may not get any better at the next meeting.
Gary Wallace asked where we are at with the data on the survey?
Ernie Evans stated in terms of the data the generic overall
averages are done. The data is broken down into age group and
male/female. All the averages as far as the overall survey are
done. It is now in the process of complying sheets to be able to
look at it and understand how they ranked.
Gary Wallace stated this type of information would be very helpful
in projecting at the town meeting for people to see. Ernie stated
this is exactly what they are going to be used for but they need to
be cleaned up.
Ernie Evans stated he has paid to get someone to put all the charts
in color and hope to have them by the next meeting.
Ernie Evans
Dr. Steele.
stated the next comp plan meeting is April 29th with
P & Z meetings May 13th and May 27th.
David Richmond moved to adjourn the meeting. Gary Wallace seconded
the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
Chairman Ernie Evans adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is May 13, 1997 at 7:00 p.m.
Chairman, Planning and
city of Schertz, Texas
l/l'vLA;L.L ___ .. . {(/}t\.f<1
Planning Secretary
City of Schertz, Texas