The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular
session on Tuesday, March 25, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal
Complex Bob Andrews Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz,
Texas. Those present were as follows:
Greg San Marco,
McCrary & Associates
Ed Laskowski,
Sprint Spectrum
Wade Hutson,
Sprint Spectrum
Brian Huddleston,
Continental Homes
Jack Rowan,
Friesenhahn Centre
James Russell, Landata
James Burrus,
Sprint Spectrum
Henry Pasadas,
Friensenhahn Centre
Chairman Ernie Evans called the March 25, 1997 regular meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m.
Public Hearing and Regular Session March 11, 1997.
Pia Jarman moved to approve the Public Hearing and Regular Session
minutes of March 11, 1997. Gary Wallace seconded the motion which
carried as follows:
AYES: Ernie Evans, Merwin Willman, Pia Jarman, Gary Wallace, Keith
Van Dine, and Tony Moreno.
ABSTAINED: David Richmond (Due to absence at said meeting).
Chairman Ernie Evans stated the mylars signed for the month of
March were: Northcliffe and Bluebonnet Silvas Subdivision.
There were none.
Request from Sprint
Exception to the Zoning
Regulation from 120' to
at Southwest Precast
Spectrum for Special
Ordinance for Height
190' for a Cell Tower
Property. (BOA #87-97)
Steve Simonson stated this is a very straight forward request. The
lease agreement is also provided from the owners of Southwest
Pia Jarman asked if the BOA would not require some type of back-up
on this; that the height is allowable according to the FAA.
stated in the recommendation to the
either we have received or have in
the request. The letter from the
end of the month.
we would
hands data
should be
Ernie Evans
indicate that
that supports
received by the
Ernie Evans stated on the example of the last documents that were
given to us at the last meeting, it shows on top of the tower it
has tower lighting and in parens it states "if required". Why
would this state "if required" and why would it not be required
with this height and this location?
James Burrus stated the FAA dictates the lighting. If the lighting
were to be different the FAA has to approve. If we were to do this
differently than what the FAA regulations are, we would have to
notify the FAA and record the lighting with them. The rule of
thumb is unless it is over 200' the FAA does not require it, unless
it is in proximity of an airport that would be affected.
Gary Wallace asked if this tower was not lighted? James Burrus
stated this tower is not lighted and it is not required by the FAA
to be lighted.
James Burrus stated the FAA looks at lighting very
because of the navigation issues with the planes.
guidelines that have to be followed on lighting.
There are
Ernie Evans stated not putting a light on this tower due to its
height with this being so close to other things i.e. Randolph
approach area and the other two things in the surrounding area,
does not seem realistic.
Pia Jarman asked if the AT & T site has a light?
stated not to his knowledge.
Ernie Evans
Gary Wallace stated he is concerned with the ultra lites that are
in the area.
James Burrus stated he is not opposed to the light. It would be an
additional expense but he would not be opposed to putting in lights
if this is a request that is important to the City of Schertz.
David Richmond stated not having been at the last meeting he did
read the minutes. Gary discussed limiting the number of towers.
David is also in agreement with this. In the motion that was made
a letter of offer to AT & T was requested, is this coming? Ernie
stated this will be discussed later.
Gary Wallace moved to forward to BOA with recommendation for
approval the request submitted by Sprint Spectrum for Special
Exception to the Zoning Ordinance for Height Regulation from 120'
to 190' for a Cell Tower at Southwest Precast property, contingent
upon the receipt of a document from FAA that indicates the
acceptability of the tower. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion
which carried as follows:
AYES: Merwin Willman, Pia Jarman, Gary Wallace, Keith Van Dine,
and Tony Moreno.
OPPOSED: Ernie Evans and David Richmond.
Spectrum, for Site Plan
Cell Tower. (PC #309-97)
Request from Sprint
Approval for Sprint
(Postponed 3-11-97)
Steve Simonson stated he informed Sprint that he would recommend to
Planning & Zoning not to act on this request at this meeting until
the BOA action has been taken and also the letter from the FAA has
been received. All the other documentation has been received as
far as the letter of offer for AT & T and a letter to Southwest
Precast offering use of the tower.
Ernie Evans stated unless there is any other discussion that needs
to take place this request should be tabled.
Gary Wallace moved to table the request submitted by Sprint
Spectrum, for Site Plan Approval for Sprint Cell Tower unit pending
receipt of all necessary documents. Tony Moreno seconded the
motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Field Services, for Preliminary Plat
For Friesenhahn Centre. (PC 312-97)
Steve Simonson stated this plat is for the corner of Live Oak and
FM 3009, the old Alamo Waste area. This is a partial plat of a 13+
acre tract. There are several items that need to be corrected:
the 100 year flood plain statement, there is a statement that San
Antonio requires for CPS, this is in fact in the GVEC service area;
the location map does not pinpoint the location; the building
setbacks of 50' on FM 3009; 25' building setback on Live Oak Road,
Roy Richards Drive should be Roy Richard Drive, Block 1 Lot 1; the
signature at the bottom of the right hand side shows a date of
1996, it needs to be checked for the right date; the county tax
records shows no school property taxes, this needs to be changed as
it has been on the record a very long time and there should be a
volume and page.
Ernie Evans asked if the ROW on Live Oak Road is correct. Steve
Simonson stated at this time he is checking on this with the Public
Works Department.
Pia Jarman moved to approve the preliminary plat of Friesenhahn
Centre submitted by Landata Field Services contingent upon the
following: include the 100 year flood plain statement; location
map to be pin pointed, correction to GVEC Service; inclusion of
building setbacks on FM 3009 and Live Oak Road and the block and
lot number; correction of Roy Richard Drive, school property
information updated, the ROW on Live Oak Road verified; and the
date of 1996 corrected. Gary Wallace seconded the motion which
carried as follows:
AYES: Ernie Evans, David Richmond, Merwin Willman, Pia Jarman,
Gary Wallace, and Tony Moreno.
OPPOSED: Keith Van Dine.
McCrary, McCrary & Associates for
Replat Dove Meadows Unit 4
(PC #308-97) (Disapproved 3-11-97)
from Don
Vacate and
Steve Simonson stated all of the items requested for the lots is
outlined, the items are listed under item #6, lots, drainage, and
easements have been added to a couple of areas with all of these
listed under the requirements, and the building setback of 20' and
rear yard setback of 15' as discussed at the last meeting.
Ernie Evans stated he has verified the lots under item #6 of the
notes, under the replat reestablished as discussed at the previous
meeting and they match what was discussed. Each of the easements
were not discussed individually at the meeting as we did with the
lots. This is a replat and will be final if approved.
Gary Wallace asked what was missing, as on the check list it states
Steve Simonson stated the owner's signature is but because this is
a replat the owner's signature is on the original.
Keith Van Dine moved to approve the request submitted by Don
McCrary, McCrary & Associates for Vacate and Replat Dove Meadows
Unit 4 Cul-de-sacs. Gary Wallace seconded the motion which carried
with a unanimous vote.
Continental Homes, for Bandit Signs
Carolina Crossing. (PC #311-97)
Steve Simonson stated this builder did not have
authorization to put up bandit signs and was putting
signs. They were stopped. This request is for Bandit
Schertz Parkway.
an approved
up bandit
Signs on
Merwin Willman stated he recommends disapproval of this request
because they are asking for bandit signs "within the City limits of
Brian Huddleston asked how should it read? Steve Simonson stated
for "Schertz Parkway" only. There are only two places bandit signs
are authorized that is FM 3009 and Schertz Parkway.
David Richmond mentioned the next time we get a letter it should be
Keith Van Dine asked why the signs where being put up without
approval? Brian Huddleston stated he had called the City of
Schertz for the protocol on signage. Brian was given the size
requirement and the total number of signs but no one told Brian he
had to have approval for a permit. When this was learned signage
was discontinued. Brian apologized for the confusion.
Merwin Willman moved to disapprove the request submitted by
Continental Homes for Bandit Signs for Carolina Crossing based upon
the request to place bandit signs in the City limits of Schertz.
Keith Van Dine seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous
#10 CONSIDER AND DISCUSS: Bandit/Development Signs.
Ernie Evans stated this is a continuing discussion from at least
the last two or three meetings.
Steve Simonson stated it might be appropriate to bring up that
Scott Felder was still putting out signs two weeks ago and again
last week end. There also were signs on FM 78 put out by
Buffington. Buffington has been given a warning. RAYCO had a sign
out on IH 35. This is still happening even after the letter sent
out by Steve. The developers are still in violation.
Ernie Evans stated Pia and Ernie had talked about this after the
previous meeting, that we had, in our "previous lifetimes"
discussed this issue at this table at a formal setting. Neither
one of them could remember when, where or how but Pia has done some
homework and has something that perhaps some of us should and could
be interested in.
Pia Jarman stated in going back to a letter of April 25, 1996 from
TXDOT telling all those who had bandit signs out, that they were in
violation of state regulations as far as placing bandit signs in
state ROW's are concerned. There after we had a discussions on it.
There was a discussion at the Planning and Zoning meeting on
5-14-96 which read "Consider and discuss bandit signs on FM 3009."
This was relative to the UDC which we were discussing editing etc.
at the time. Steve Simonson had asked if the Commission wanted
this in the ordinance and the UDC. "There has always been a state
ordinance on bandit signs and it has always been in our ordinance
also. In our ordinance it states unless you are authorized bandit
signs in the ROW you can not have any signs. The new sign
ordinance has been worked on and written and rewritten several
times. The way it will be in the UDC is that no signs will be
allowed in the ROW unless they belong there for specific reasons
i.e. safety, traffic control, etc. all other signs are banned.
This is after the political signs in the UDC but will also affect
bandit signs. This will also affect Schertz Parkway, the overlay
district will have to be amended." The Commission was in agreement
for Steve Simonson to delete the bandit sign portions as necessary
in the ordinance. There were other discussions but at this time
Pia doesn't have that information.
Ernie Evans stated last year during the review of the UDC this
situation was discussed after the letter from TXDOT was received by
the City and also by the developers. This was also about the same
time the balloon issue was discussed. These were things that were
discussed to change or recommended to change out of the UDC. It
appears to Ernie with the problems that we are having today, the
cost to the City to police this problem, we would be much better
off not having this problem and go back to state law and relinquish
on the state law all of our authority and not have to deal with it.
Ernie stated these are his thoughts as Mr. Truitt has made his
statement to us with his presentations and Mr. Truitt recommended
that if the developers needed this level of advertisement or wanted
it, then perhaps there is a way for them to pool and to get
together with a joint sign. In accordance with our sign ordinance
such signs could be placed in certain places on our major
thoroughfares; and this would be a way for this to be dealt with.
This would be a way for the inspection department to have some
control. As stated tonight by Steve even though he has sent
letters to the developers it is obvious that unless we want to
press the case and fight them, they are not willing to work with us
and cooperate with us on the use of bandit signs.
Merwin Willman stated technically the state could slap our hands
for having this in our ordinance. With the problems we are having
the best bet would be to eliminate them completely. When we do
decide to do this we need to make a recommendation to let City
Council know what we would like and have their input on how they
feel about this also.
Evans asked if this notice should be sent to City Council
to taking any action. Merwin stated it should be done before
them if they will concur with our action in this particular
Pia Jarman stated at our last meeting on this issue there was
builder that mentioned how the City is being very generous
letting them put up bandit signs, as they are illegal in
State's view.
David Richmond stated he is not sure if this is going to solve the
problem because if you recall, way back when in our "former
lifetimes" before we had taken any action in the ordinance. The
reliance was on TXDOT saying the state forbid it, signs were out
there anyway. The state cannot police the signs as we cannot even
get them to cut the grass. If we are going to have to fall back on
the state law we will have a much worse situation on FM 3009 and
Schertz Parkway than we have had to contend with. As we have said
and seen, developers are going to do what they jolly well want to.
Steve Simonson stated if the ordinance is changed however, then
Leonard can go out and say the City of Schertz forbids bandit
signs. no matter what the state law says, the state law backs us
up on the state roads. If bandit signs are completely taken out of
the ordinance which was talked about but at the last review. It
was left in but Steve doesn't remember why. Every builder has
signs on the highway. We have given extra authority for bandit
signs. The bandit signs are costing the City man hours as Mr.
Truitt has stated. It they are banned for any signs that are
found, the developer will be citated. In talking with many of the
builders, if they are all put on the same playing field, then it
will be equal. There is still going to be a fight with at least
two of the builders on this but we will deal with them.
Brian Huddleston stated he is on the San Antoino's builder council
for the Northside and Northwest Homeowners Associations for the
bandit sign issue. They came upon a gentlemen's agreement about 45
days ago, with Howard Peek, on behalf of the City Council to allow
developers, with certain provisions for limited bandit signage. A
letter has been sent to the state through the legislature for a
proposal to rewrite the law on bandit signs. All the developers
present were in agreement with the gentlemen's agreement except one
of the builders, who stated they are not going to play and will do
what they want to do. The gentlemen's agreement with San Antonio
is for one bandit sign for every 200' and it cannot be within 5' of
one another. They are allowed in the City ROW to keep homeowners
from slashing them. This is some more information for
consideration and it looks like the state is favorable in rewriting
its portion as it relates to bandit signs.
Steve Simonson stated what part of what Howard Peek picked up on
was what Schertz' Ordinance had with the limited amount and days
for bandit signs going back to the 1980's. Based upon the
concentrated area that we have, in such a small area, basically
from IH 35 to Dietz Road with all of the building going on at this
time there is such a cluttered look. In looking at the
advertisements in any of the papers it shows the location of these
developments with maps.
Ernie Evans stated that we have limited the number as stated in the
UDC but it
see grounds
thought the
signs in the
doesn't work. After about a year of fighting this we
for removing the gentlemen's agreement, because we
gentlemen's agreement was there when we left bandit
UDC a year ago.
Keith Van Dine
at this time
stated there
violation most
asked how many developers we have working in
and are all of them in violation? Merwin
are twelve. Steve stated not all of them
of them are doing very well in complying.
are in
Keith Van Dine stated the ones that are trying to cooperate and
doing well are going to have to pay the price for the ones that are
not following the rules. Should we punish the developers that are
really trying to work with us because of the ones that aren't? The
ones that aren't following the rules should be the ones that we go
after. Is there a limit on the citations and the fines?
Steve Simonson stated he did not think there was a limit to the
number of citations but the fine cannot be more than $200.00. At
this time no one has been fined, just threatened.
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated as far as a citation goes, sure it
is a fine, but the builder doesn't care. He will just pass the
cost on to the price of the house.
Steve Simonson stated if this is the consensus of the Commission,
then the City will enforce it.
Merwin Willman stated he would like to know how much the fine is
and how high it can go. Steve stated he thought it was $200.00 per
Steve Simonson stated while the Commission is "thinking about what
you want in the ordinance and send something to City Council to get
their thoughts, Leonard is going to be given the authority to write
citations for signs where they are unauthorized." We will do our
job on the current ordinance.
Keith Van Dine stated he would like Steve for the next couple of
weekends to keep track of how many citations are written by the
inspection department.
Steve Simonson stated he will come back to the Commission at the
next meeting with how many citations have been written in the last
two weeks, tabulated by builder.
Merwin Willman stated he would like to go a step further and find
out how much we can charge for the fines on the signs.
Steve Simonson stated he would check on this.
Ernie Evans asked if the Commission would like a letter sent to
City Council on why the bandit signs are being eliminated and their
comments to this. The Commission was in agreement to such a letter
going to City Council requesting their input on bandit signs.
Merwin Willman moved to send a letter to City Council to
them of the intent of the P & z to delete bandit signs from
with an explanation and requesting their input. Pia
seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
the UDC
CONSIDER AND DISCUSS: Telecommunications
Ernie Evans stated this item has been discussed with Steve bringing
to the Commission information a couple of meetings ago. This was
discussed in length at the last meeting. At this time we have a
draft of an article for the UDC as we have discussed.
Pia Jarman commended the Chairman for coming up with this document.
Pia feels it is a much tougher one than the model we had from the
City of Arlington. This is excellent and Pia has a few things to
Steve Simonson stated it is almost going to be impossible to meet
this ordinance. The key to this ordinance is the falling distance.
Gary Wallace stated this ordinance may force other companies to use
the existing towers. Also if they need any modifications they can
come for a variance.
Mewin Willman stated that there should be some type of headings on
the sections. Also some of the terminology not commonly used needs
to be defined as needed in the section.
After some discussion between the Commissioners it was decided that
information on any restrictions in the Southern Building Code for
fencing, and size of lot will be investigated, and more information
will be brought back for consideration for this ordinance.
Merwin Willman stated he would like to make a recommendation in the
UDC that the check lists be an appendix so we may add articles to
the UDC.
Steve Simonson stated he would have the traffic analysis impact
study for the next meeting for the Commission to review. It will
be included in the next packets for review for discussion for April
22, 1997 meeting.
Ernie Evans stated he would like for all the changes that the
Commission would like to the UDC go before the City Council as one
Tony Moreno:
. Tony Moreno stated he had no comments.
Keith Van Dine:
Keith Van Dine stated he has a problem with one of the items that
was voted on this evening. When a plat comes in with so many
mistakes and it is up to the Commission to correct their mistakes.
Keith feels before it comes to the Commission it should be sent
back to the engineer to have the changes made. The comments were
made by Steve that the engineers are given a check list to follow
and they need to follow the check list.
Keith Van Dine stated on the tower that has already been built
without any approvals, if the Commission were to deny the requests
would the City have to make them dismantle the tower. Steve
Simonson stated that "yes" they would have to dismantle the tower.
Gary Wallace:
Gary Wallace stated he had no comments.
Pia Jarman:
Pia Jarman requested that "all of you gentleman remember" Pia is a
little old lady. Next to Merwin, Pia is the second oldest member
of this Commission and she is confused. She thought the Commission
was in agreement that the final plat would be letter perfect that
everything that is required would be on the final plat. The
preliminary plat could be approved with contingencies. Last
meeting the Commission approved the final plat for Carolina
Crossing Unit 2. Going back to the January meeting, we had a
preliminary plat. Right after Steve made his comments Ernie "this
being part of a gated community the gate details will need to be
shown on the plat also". After discussion, Merwin Willman "moved
to approve the preliminary plat Carolina Crossing Unit 2 submitted
by Continental Homes contingent upon the submission of the gate
details, street names, etc." The gate detail was not on the plat.
Pia thought that the Commissioners had agreed that unless the final
plat had all the items requested it would not be approved. Are we
still sticking by the rule that unless everything is right on the
final plat it will be disapproved?
Keith Van Dine stated he would disagree on preliminary having so
many contingencies because it is like we are spoon feeding the
Ernie Evans stated it was agreed upon that each one of the
subdivisions would show the details on the gate on the plats.
was a requirement that we set up because we have not amended
section of the UDC.
Steve Simonson stated what the Commission originally wanted to see
on the plats was the islands, with the dimensions of the islands,
the distance for a car to turn around. To try and put a picture on
a plat that has nothing to do with the plat was something that was
brought up. If the Commission wants details of the gate which must
be provided to our police and fire according to the UDC ordinances,
it can be asked. To show a picture of a gate detail on the plat
will be hard to do.
Ernie Evans stated what was discussed was an aerial detail to show
the gate depth, width and dimensions, of how the gate structure,
island, and entry way is laid out. Looking at it at a horizontal
way it does not show all of the detail.
Steve Simonson stated this was on the Carolina plat. Pia Jarman
stated this goes back to her question on what was agreed upon.
Merwin Willman read from Section VI Paragraph 6 subparagraph 6.3.4
the master plan of a development. This is on the master plan and
not the plat as stated in the UDC under this section.
Gary Wallace stated this information is needed from a safety stand
point the turn around the depth etc. Gary is not sure where the
best place would be to show this information.
Steve Simonson stated on the plat it should show the islands, width
of the road the depth to the gate area and from this you should be
able to determine if you have the turn around or not. If more
detail is need on the islands or street width they can be provided.
Ernie Evans stated that this information needs to be on the plat
either in the notes or a description showing the width, depth, and
description of the gate detail. Either on the plat or master plan
with an aerial view of the gate, with the measurements to be seen
by looking at the depiction which will be provided.
Merwin Willman stated this is not in the ordinance. Until this is
done we cannot make the builder provide this. Ernie stated that it
is not yet in the UDC but we have made it very clear that we want
this included and we have asked for it.
Pia Jarman stated her question still has not been answered. The
consensus was that if we place certain contingencies on the
preliminary plat and a motion is passed to that effect, unless it
comes back with the contingencies then we don't approve it. do we
or do we not want to do that?
Ernie Evans stated if you review your minutes we had this
discussion in November that we would not approve a final plat
unless the final plat was correct. This was a consensus of this
room. In the last month or two we have reiterated the importance
of the site plan and master plan, and that we should never approve
them if they are not correct. They should not be approved with
contingencies or corrections to be made at a later date. They
should be correct or be disapproved, as this document is the
overall guiding document and in some cases may outweigh somethings
that we may do later on in plats which we may have forgotten.
Ernie's answer to Pia's question and everyone else at the table
needs to answer her question is, as far as Ernie is concerned as an
individual of this Commission, Ernie is not for approving master
plans, site plans, or final plats that are not correct for whatever
Pia Jarman stated whatever we agree upon, we need to stick to it.
Ernie Evans stated the other question on the table is what Keith
mentioned: preliminary plats with excessive corrections. The
Commissioners when making a recommendation with contingencies
either have to feel it is the expert or have to lean on the City
staff and say they are the expert and if one is missed it was City
staff. Or perhaps when we say "with contingencies" we need to
reword that and say "as required by the UDC". The UDC is a
guidance for the builders to follow along with the documents
provided by either the inspection department, or the planning
department. If they cannot follow the document by using this
phraseology we have prevented ourselves from being the ultimate
authority on what mayor may not be wrong with the document. We
need consistency. We need to present the same view point to the
developer because if City staff is going to listen to this
Commission and it's is going to reiterate to the developers what
this Commission expects, we are going to make City staff out in a
very funny position, if we don't act on what staff has told the
developers. If they have told the developers that the Commission
is very strict on final plats and unless you get everything
corrected the Commission will not approve it. If the developer
comes in with it being right or wrong and we approve it, we didn't
make the City staff look very good. We put City staff in an
awkward postion defending the UDC and the actions the Commission
Keith Van Dine stated if the City staff reviews the plats and it
doesn't look right then it should not come before the Commission.
Why bring a developer in here if the plat is going to be turned
down. There are going to be times that things will get by as no
one is perfect. Keith asked Steve if the staff could handle this?
Ernie Evans asked if he could answer this question before Steve.
Steve stated "yes". Ernie stated having had the opportunity over
the last couple of months to hang around City Hall a lot, Ernie's
answer he would like to give is twofold. City staff is part of an
organization that has a side of it's business that is politics.
They have, in some cases, to appease or work both sides of the
fence. In defending the requirements of this city and the
ordinances, yet at the same time not over kill or discourage the
development activities that we so desperately want and desire in
our City. It would be Ernie's opinion in what he has seen, not
fact, there are going to be times where it is not going to be
expedient for City Staff to keep pushing the developers and
therefore it is up to this Commission to do their part. The answer
to the question from Ernie is: absolutely true 100%, we never
should see it if there is anything wrong with it. The other side
of the coin having seen politics, Ernie doesn't see if this is a
feasible expectation of this Commission. Ernie at this time
apologized to Steve for giving his answer to the question first.
Steve Simonson stated Ernie's answer was stated very well. You
have to remember when developers come to Steve it is his job to try
and assist them and point them into the right direction. Every
developer has been informed and so reiterated, to the Commission's
position within the last six months with this "drop dead no plat"
deal. Some of these plats, particularly on the one this evening,
if there are only perfect plats brought to the Commission, then the
Commission isn't going to learn anything and forget what to look
at. There maybe times that Steve may miss something, just like
anyone else may miss something. This is why Steve makes his
comments to the Commission in his notes. Any time there is a new
developer, your flags should go up because they don't know. Even
some of the old developers need to be watched from time to time.
It is not impossible for Steve to stop these things. But Steve
doesn't want to set Schertz up like it was in the 70's and early
80's. Basically we had a worse reputation than Austin. We are not
doing that at this time obviously, and this Commission has a good
reputation of working with people. If the Commission wants
preliminary plats cleaned up more, not come in as messy as this
one, this is not a problem.
Keith Van Dine stated he would put up with a preliminary plat
having a few items and the Commission putting contingencies but if
the Commission is going to do that, then when the final plat comes
in, like Pia has said, then it had better be correct.
Gary Wallace stated this is where we are at.
Steve Simonson stated what he looks at when there are some weird
plats is, if there is enough information on the plat so that at
least the Commission knows where the property is with some idea on
what is going on it.
Merwin Willman stated there has been a lot of discussion on
approval of preliminary and final plats in the UDC Section 8
Article XI Specifications Acceptance and Termination of Preliminary
Plats if everyone could please read this section on conditional
approval. After everyone has read this section maybe at the next
meeting we can discuss this and decide if it is needed or not.
Merwin Willman:
Merwin Willman stated on the pending list there is an item that he
would like to have removed. The 500' setback on Schertz Parkway
versus 150'. If you could remove this item, as lack of interest by
the Commission. Merwin stated he has mentioned this the last
couple of meetings and no one has taken an interest or commented.
There has been no discussion on this item so it should be deleted.
Ernie Evans stated the last couple of meetings, since this has been
added to the list, we have had some extreme long meetings and have
not had a chance to discuss this item.
Merwin Willman stated we have had time to talk about Schertz
Parkway being a three or four lane road. Also there is a meeting
scheduled with the TIF. This item also should be discussed with
them but the only concern has been the widening of Schertz Parkway.
This concern is only in Merwin's mind and no one else's apparently.
David Richmond:
David Richmond stated now that the HEB sign is up visible
approaching it from both directions on IH 35. David hopes that
neither HEB or McDonald's comes in and says the one can't be seen
because of the other. In David's mind they both can be seen just
fine even though one is shorter or taller than the other.
Steve Simonson stated he has asked the engineers when it was put up
and he was told that no they were not looking at the southbound
traffic they are looking at the northbound traffic and have no
problem with it.
Councilman Ken Greenwald:
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated this is the week that everything is
filed with the legislature. In the TML update there is a bill
being filed for every water utility being charged a $1.00 per meter
with the money going to TRNCC to provide alternative water sources.
Steve Simonson:
Steve Simonson stated he has been asked if the Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting on May 13th could be moved to the library for
the Schertz Miss Sweetheart Committee to utilize the Bob Andrews
Conference Room.
The Commission had a discussion but with there being no equipment
for taping at the library for the meeting, the Commission decided
not to change the meeting of May 13th to the library.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie Evans stated on April 1st, there is a Comp Plan meeting at
7:00 p.m., April 8th will be the Planning and Zoning Commission and
joint meeting with the TIF. This will be a short P & Z meeting
with four items so we may dispense with them quickly and then
continue with the joint meeting with TIF. This meeting was
scheduled originally for Monday, the 24th but the proper legal
documentation was not taken.
Ernie Evans stated Denise has typed the intial document on Schertz
Parkway that Pia had written with some additional information added
by Ernie. Steve has acquired the maps to use in the discussion for
the TIF meeting.
Ernie Evans stated there will be a Town meeting on April 15th and
he would like for all of us to be there. This is at our request
that this be accomplished because of the comp plan. Denise has
input data from 407 documents that have been received from the
surveys for calculations. Denise is now typing all of the comments
that were written by the citizens on the back page or written
throughout the survey.
Ernie Evans went through the pending list there are a few items
that need to be looked at as soon as possible.
Steve Simonson stated the question on 413 Mitchell for an auto
repair shop has been checked into. There seems to be no auto shop
at this time. The water question on Pfeil Road was a water leak.
Steve Simonson stated the New Urban News that was requested for
review has been received. If the Commission does decide to take
this, it will wipe out all of our money for this year for
subscriptions in the budget. The Commission at this time decided
to review the New Urban News and if there is a consensus then it
will be subscribed for next year's budget.
Gary Wallace stated he is concerned with Merwin requesting that
item on Schertz Parkway being deleted from the pending list.
this something that needs to be discussed with the TIF or is
something that we can act on our own?
Steve Simonson stated he cannot speak for Merwin but one of the
concerns that TIF has is that they came into existence that Schertz
Parkway would be a commercial road. Without saying anything to the
TIF we rezoned large sections of Schertz Parkway to residential.
The question that has come up is, are we going to consult with the
Steve Simonson stated the issue about the 500' versus the 150' for
Schertz Parkway is a separate issue and should be addressed at a
separate meeting and the Commission could mention to the TIF that
this Schertz Parkway issue is being addressed by the P & Z and we
would like to discuss this at a later time.
Keith Van Dine moved to adjourn the meeting. David Richmond
seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
Chairman Ernie Evans adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is April 8, 1997.
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Chairman, Planning and zoning Commission
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Planning Secretary &
City of Schertz, Texas