The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular
session on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal
Complex Bob Andrews Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz,
Texas. Those present were as follows:
Dave Britton,
1345 Birchwood Cr.
Darren Partrick,
Rainbow Play Systems
Kris Roberson,
Don McCrary & Assoc.
Wade McGinnis,
Corridor Properties,Ltd.
#1 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Evans called the October 14, 1997
regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Public Hearing and Regular Session of September 23, 1997.
Chairman Evans stated a revised copy of the minutes were enclosed
in the Commissioner's packets with all the corrections.
Pia Jarman stated that on page 10, agenda item #15, paragraph 1,
the last line should read property owners lot "23" and not lot
Tony Moreno stated he had not had a chance to look over the revised
corrections but assumed it had been corrected. Ernie Evans stated
this is correct, the tapes had been reviewed and the comments from
the speakers had been added plus all other corrections made. Ernie
Evans stated the bulk of corrections were in item #12 which is page
8 and 9.
Gary Wallace moved to approve the minutes of the public hearing and
regular session of Sept. 23, 1997 as corrected and amended. Tony
Moreno seconded the motion which carried as follows:
Ayes: Pia Jarman, Gary Wallace, Keith Van Dine, Tony Moreno, Ernie
Abstention: David Richmond
Chairman Evans stated the final plats approved for the month of
September are as follows:Taco Bell, Berry Creek Subdivision Unit 2.
Pia Jarman stated the BOA met on Oct. 6, 1997. The item
requesting a variance of 3.4' in the Greenshire Subdivision
encroaching into the building setback of 50' because of the overlay
district was approved. The second item of one bathroom versus two
bathrooms became a moot point. Since the Commission's last meeting
when this request was recommended for disapproval, City Staff found
in the Southern Building Code an exception to this requirement
which allows an establishment of so many sq. ft. and type of
business, to be allowed one bathroom instead of having to have two.
#5 Citizens' Input Other Than Agenda Items:
There were none.
Christine Preston
Park. (PC #341-97)
for Final Replat Approval of Schertz Business
Steve Simonson stated the items that were requested at the last
meeting have been corrected. The flood plain designation and the
AICUZ information have been added. The property owner of the
vacant lots on each side of the property is the Schertz Foundation.
Pia Jarman asked that since the CPS statement and note were deleted
because it's GVEC, should we have a GVEC statement? Steve Simonson
stated this is not required.
Ernie Evans stated that in the checklist on item v.: of two public
accesses to existing public streets, he could not recall covering
this issue previously and having taken care of this issue. Steve
Simonson stated this issue was approved by the Commission in 1984
or 1985 when this subdivision was built. The same requirement for
the depth of a cul-de-sac was in effect then and the Commission
approved the request for a single entrance. Pia Jarman stated she
was not on the Commission at the time and asked what the rationale
for the single entrance was. Steve Simonson stated he did not
Chairman Evans as.d "Is this an item that . duly recorded in
1984?" Steve Simonson stated he would check the actual date but it
was approved by the Commission back in the time frame of the middle
80's as a variance, and the check list will be kept on file if the
question ever comes up.
Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from Jim & Christine
Preston for Final Replat approval of Schertz Business Park. Keith
Van Dine seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Properties, Ltd. for Multi-Use Sign on IH 35/FM 3009/Corridor Loop
Rd. (PC #342-97)
Steve Simonson stated that following the meeting of Sept. 23, 1997
he discussed this issue with Mr. Wade McGinnis at some length. He
resubmitted the request omitting the two berm signs and the 65'
sign in lieu of the original 70' sign. He also questioned Mr.
McGinnis on paragraph four (4) of their letter which is an interior
30' sign request, whether it creates a problem if this request was
a "no go"? This request would be impossible to grant because in
effect this would be doubling up the free standing signs that are
normally authorized. Mr. Wade McGuinns stated deleting paragraph
four from the request would not be a problem. This being the case
Mr. Simonson is recommending that the Commission consider items
one, two and three of the request.
Gary Wallace asked "Is the site described in paragraph one (1),
parallel or perpendicular to the signage on IH35". Steve Simonson
stated to be effective and to be seen from IH 35, the signage would
have to be perpendicular.
Pia Jarman stated that the Commission should consider items two (2)
and three (3) as requests that can be approved with a motion, item
one is a variance request. For housekeeping purposes the request
should be dealt in two separate actions. Steve Simonson stated
that in effect the requests are all variances, the 65'and the 18.7'
signs will be three signs in one. The monument sign is not a
variance but in combination with the other two requests makes the
request a variance.
Ernie Evans stated that he would like to know the rationale of why
the sign needs to be 65'?
Wade McGinnis stated that after the prior P & Z meeting he met with
the representatives of Taco Cabana and the sign contractor and they
went out and placed a bucket truck on a portion of the property
that fronts IH 35 and hung a sheet of plywood at 50' and at 65',
and the problem they found is that the Taco Cabana's 65'
multi-tenantive sign would actually have a height of approximately
53' or 54' and because of the grade drop. The issue is visibility
for northbound traffic and also that the sign is much lower than
the Bill Miller's sign for southbound traffic. The rationale being
the sensitivity of visibility for both north and southbound
Ernie Evans stated he pulled off the Interstate on Schertz Parkway
and looped around the FM 3009 exit, and the Bill Miller's sign is
not visible from Schertz Parkway. It is not visible from FM 3009
until the top of the exit ramp. The Bill Miller's sign is a waste
because it does not attract northbound traffic.
Wade McGinnis stated the concern with restaurants specifically Taco
Cabana, is for traffic to see their signs from the freeway. There
are two issues for consideration: one, visibility from the
freeway, second, visibility for traffic that actually are potential
patrons. Chairman Evans commented that the Bill Miller's sign is
70' in height and it is not visible to north bound traffic from the
freeway. A sign would have to be 100' to be seem from the freeway.
Ernie Evans stated the request is for a free standing sign of 18.7'
on FM 3009 that will carry three tenants that exist on the corner
of FM 3009 and around to IH 35; a berm sign at the driveway of
Corridor Loop Road for each of the three businesses; a 65' pylon
type sign on the access road advertising each of the three tenants.
As suggested by Pia the request should be treated as two separate
actions in making motions. The Commission will be granting a
variance to the sign ordinance, a very large variance. We are not
just exceeding the height on the access road for the IH 35 sign, we
are in fact granting three free standing signs to each of the
businesses. The Commission needs to state in the motion for the
sign on FM 3009, that the sign for Taco Cabana is not a replacement
or addition, it exclusively replaces all previously approved
signage for Taco Cabana.
Pia Jarman stated that in the letter from Corridor Properties Ltd.
Taco Cabana is not mentioned specifically by name, the talk is
about tenants. Should it be mentioned or leave it as it is? Ernie
Evans commented the exclusion for Taco Cabana not having another
sign is a requirement because of the previous sign that is
approved. If the Commission grants three on the Taco Cabana
property then we take away their previously approved signage
Pia Jarman suggested if the Commission would like to further
discuss the larger sign on IH 35, the Commission could go ahead and
make a motion on the 3009 sign and the berm signs. Gary Wallace
asked if there is a better way to handle the request.
Wade McGinnis stated that the reason Taco Cabana is not mentioned
specifically in the letter, is because Taco Cabana does not have
ownership of the land at present.
Gary Wallace asked if we are making the request more difficult than
it needs to be.
David Richmond stated he agreed with Pia's suggestion, he, too, has
a problem with paragraph one, the sign being too high. Paragraphs
two and three are easily workable.
Keith Van Dine commented if the Commission starts granting
variances on signs, will the Commission be opening up a can of
worms? Ernie Evans commented" yes and no" and to justify his
statement in terms of the fact that a variance was granted, yes.
But as Mr. McGinnis stated at the last meeting, he understands
what will be approved for Corridor Loop Rd. is what he will be
granted, so he needs to negotiate now because he will not be able
to return and request another 65' pylon type sign. So trying to
look at it as a development area, and working the best possible,
goes with the intent of the sign oridiance. Does it meet with
toltality of the sign oridiance, no. Is it justifyable, because of
the situation, Ernie believes it is.
David Richmond stated that in the past the Commission has been
presented with requests for variances for height, size and the
numbers of signs allocated for a business. The Commission has
considered these requests on merits but have generally been very
consistent in disapproving requests for variances to height and
square footage of the sign face. The Commission needs to continue
to stay consistent. David added that the height variance on IH 35
bothers him the most because he feels it is not necessary, the
others are justifiable.
Gary Wallace asked are the rest of the signs in the area limited to
50'? Ernie Evans responded that all of the businesses along IH35
are limited to 50'. There are some exceptions in the area but
those were granted before his tenure.
4It Tony Moreno asked if the north side of the property is going to be
developed like the south side of the property? Maybe when other
businesses start to develop in the area a sign will be erected
announcing what is on the corner. Steve Simonson stated that the
type of businesses that request the specialized signs are in demand
of high visibility. What will be developing down the hill has
nothing to do with the retail trend and standard signage will be
authorized in this area.
Ernie Evans called for a motion on items in paragraph 2 and 3.
Pia Jarman moved that Corridor Properties, Ltd. be granted
approval for a variance from Article VII, Section 2.7 D and C of
the Schertz Unified Development Code for a 18.7' multi-user sign on
FM 3009. Subject sign shall be a low profile type and shall
contain up to three (3) users and its total surface area shall
contain no more than ninety (90) square feet of sign surface (each
side). This approval rescinds all previously approved signage for
Taco Cabana. This motion also includes the granting of Corridor
Properties request for three (3) monument/berm signs, that is one
(1) monument/berm sign per platted lot; such signs, each of 4'0"
by 4'0" in size, to be located on Corridor Loop Rd. Gary Wallace
seconded the motion.
David Richmond requested amending the motion to include sign face
size for the monument/berm signs to read 1'6" by 4' 0". There
being no objection by the originator of the motion or its seconder,
motion was amended to include this. It was moved by Pia Jarman,
seconded by Gary Wallace, amended by David Richmond that Corridor
Properties, Ltd. be granted approval for a variance from Article
VII, Section 2.7 D and C of the Schertz Unified Development Code
for a 18.7 multi-user sign on FM 3009. Subject sign shall be a low
profile type and shall contain up to three (3) users and its total
surface area shall contain no more than ninety (90) square feet of
sign surface (each side). This approval rescinds all previously
approved signage for the site. This motion also includes the
granting of Corridor Properties request for three (3) monument/berm
signs, sign face to be no more than 1'6" by 4'0", that is one (1)
monument/berm sign per platted loti such signs, each of 4'0" by
4'0" in size, to be located on Corridor Loop Road. Gary Wallace
seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Ernie Evans called for a discussion on item 1, which is a 65' sign
versus a 50' sign and 300 square feet versus 250 square feet of
sign face.
Pia Jarman asked if according to the ordinance a business which is
definitely on a corner of a major highway is allowed a free
standing sign on each side? Steve Simonson commented this is
correct. Pia added that there is a question of corner, which
business is not on a corner. The middle business obviously is not.
Steve stated that none of the businesses are on the corner, the
only business on a corner is Bill Miller. Pia Jarman stated this
would then be a huge variance.
Steve Simonson stated the Commission would not be granting the
variance for a corner, it would be granted as presented. The
request isn't for a corner its a specialized request for Corridor
Loop Rd. The topography will provide a challenge for development
of the property.
David Richmond asked how anyone requests indication of restaurants,
hotels etc. from the Texas Hwy. Dept. for their exit signs that
are on the interstate. Steve Simonson stated that at the moment
the City is looking into this option. David Richmond stated this
could be an alternative particularly to northbound traffic which
will always be an issue because of topography and the overpass
which renders the view difficulties. David Richmond stated that
the pylon sign will attract southbound traffic because it's on FM
3009 and because of the topography. Considering signage on FM
3009, to be seen with the topography of the land, it will create
problems with everyone trying to compete for higher signage.
Keith Van Dine moved to disapprove the request for the construction
of the 65' sign on IH 35. Pia Jarman seconded the motion which
carried as follows:
Ayes: Tony Moreno, David Richmond, Pia Jarman, Ernie Evans, Keith
Van Dine.
Abstained: Gary Wallace
Pia Jarman asked if for Item #4 a motion is needed for disposal of
this item. Ernie Evans commented it would be appropriate.
Ernie Evans asked if there is a discussion on item #4, which is the
optional 30' sign in the middle of Corridor Loop Rd.
There being no discussion nor objection from the petitioner, Pia
Jarman moved to deny Corridor Properties, Ltd. the request for the
option for a sign not to exceed 30' with no more then a 100 square
feet of sign face on the interior of the middle parcel. Tony
Moreno seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Partick for Specific Use Permit for Rainbow Play Systems to Display
Playground Equipment. (SUP #16-97)
Steve Simonson stated this request is for outdoor material
displayed for playground equipment. There is a booklet in the
packets showing the type of material that will be displayed. A
small portable office will also be on the lot. There are three
separate companies selling playground equipment in the area.
Ernie Evans asked if there is going to be a company beside a
company and basically, to the untrained eye, selling the same type
of equipment. Darren Patrick stated that their playground
equipment has a blue canopy that makes it unique to the other
equipment that has a wooden roof.
Gary Wallace moved to forward to City Council the request from
Darren Patrick for a Specific Use Permit for Rainbow Play Systems
to display playground equipment, recommending approval. Keith Van
Dine seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Britton, 1345 Birchwood Circle for Special Exception to the Zoning
Ordinance to encroach 2' into the platted utility easement. (BOA
Steve Simonson stated this is a request from the homeowner to place
a shed 2' into the 5' utility easement. It will be 3' from the
fence which is authorized for a sideyard in the ordinance. The
homeowner has a letter from G.V.E.C. stating they have no problem
with his encroaching into the easement.
Pia Jarman asked Steve Simonson that from his notes he stated
Mr. Britton has "almost all his letters"; which letters
missing? Steve Simonson stated that Paragon Cable was the
letter missing as stated in the letter from Mr. Britton.
Pia Jarman moved to forward to BOA for their action the request
from David P. Britton for Special Exception to the zoning
ordinance to encroach 2' into the platted utility easement,
recommending approval. Gary Wallace seconded the motion which
carried unanimously.
e e
Vacancy on the Commission.
The following had submitted applications for the position of
Commissioner: Ted Duigon, George Maxfield, Wilhelm H.
Nightingale, Joyce Briscoe and Kathy E. Hill. Mr. Wilhelm H.
Nightingale regretfully submitted a letter that at present he could
not endeavor to serve on the Commission, which reduced the number
of candidates to four (4). The Commissioners had the applications
in their packets for review.
#11 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Selection from Applicants of
New Commissioner.
All four candidates were interviewed by the Commissioners,
candidate was asked questions and all four candidates
qualified and presented themselves well at the interview.
The Commissioners ranked each candidate numerically, assigning one
(1) to four (4), points; four (4) being for the best qualified.
The forms were collected and given to the Planning Co-ordinator and
Council member. All the points assigned to each individual were
totalled and the one with the most points considered the top
candidate. The polling made Joyce Briscoe the highest ranking
candiate. Further discussion on the merits of the candidates, the
locality they represented and other pertinent data, as well as
impressions and thoughts of the Commissioners followed.
Ernie Evans stated a letter would be sent to Joyce Briscoe on the
Commission's decision and letters be sent thanking all applicants,
and mentioning to each of the other two candidates not already on
the BOA that the Commission would like to pass their names and
applications to the Board of Adjustment.
The Commission
Council that
recommended forwarding their decision
Joyce Briscoe be appointed as Commissioner.
Tony Moreno:
Had no comments.
Keith Van Dine:
Keith Van Dine stated he is impressed to see some youth involvement
in the candidates. "It's good to see some of our youth being
interested in the community."
Garv Wallace:
Gary Wallace commented on the discussion that had taken place in
Galveston on the task for City Staff to look at impact fees,
platting and variance fees, parkland, sales tax, surcharge fees
etc. as potential sources of sidewalk funding for our city.
Ernie Evans commented that the sidewalk funding is an issue but
that all of the City's filing fees in general, are relatively low
in comparison to surrounding areas.
Steve Simonson stated he had asked specifically at the last staff
meeting on Friday on this item and was advised it is very hard to
get an impact fee of this nature because of the cost. We need to
look into all avenues to help the situation along.
Pia Jarman:
Pia Jarman stated that after the Conference we usually share and
discuss some of the different sessions that were attended. "I
enjoyed the conference. Its location and some of the sessions were
excellent and impressive. The only bad thing was the weather.
When our agenda permits the time for us to share our newly gained
knowledge we need to do so."
David Richmond:
. David stated he hoped when he heard of heavy rains in south Texas
that no one attending the Conference was floating out to sea.
David commented on the great job Randolph Credit Union is doing on
the landscaping. The only thing missing in that area is a good
Ken Greenwald:
Ken commented on the copies of letters from City Council on the
approvals for Helen Gutierrez, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Hellums, as
well as the letter on the approval of the three Commissioners'
renewal of terms.
David Richmond asked what the Gutierrez' feeling was on the naming
of the Park instead of the street. Ken Greenwald commented the
family had no problem with the decision.
A tour of the city was taken by the Council and City Manager in
ways of funding sidewalks, walking trails etc. in the City. Many
of the problems the City has is kids and adults walking to work or
using skateboards in the middle of the roads.
Steve Simonson:
Had no comments.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie stated for the Commissioners that attended the Conference to
please turn in their form with receipts for reimbursement.
An outline
review. We
define the
land use.
on the Comprehensive Plan has been passed out for
need to schedule another Comprehensive Plan meeting to
Schermerville area in terms of colors for the map in
The handout on the guide to a city's development of goals
objectives by means of directing to allow flexibility, is
considering how to outline and make use of the Compo Plan.
that the law is in effect, and it does not affect anything, we
Commission need to get ready to go with the plan, with
exception that the law requires a statement on every planning
that shows land use, that it is not a zoning map.
as a
We need to take time after the Planning and Zoning
discuss various items in order to set up standards
to help
Ernie commented that according to the new laws, the term "replats"
is changed. A replat that changes any easements, metrics on an
existing plat is not a replat. We are going to learn to use the
terminology correctly in the motions and recording of the minutes.
When a plat is "vacated" in fact it is a vacate plat and platting
starts allover. Only when it is used to make minor clerical
corrections can it be a "replat".
The next P & Z meeting is Oct. 28, 1997. We will discuss having a
meeting on Nov. 11, 1997 due to it being a holiday.
David Richmond moved to adjourn the meeting. Pia Jarman seconded
the motion which carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at
9:25 p.m.
Planning Secretary, City of Schertz, Texas