The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular
session on Tuesday, June 25, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal
Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Those present were as follows:
John & Sheri,
272 Green Valley Loop
Robert King,
2700 Kline Circle
Edward Workman,
2728 Poplar Grove
Jerry Bethke,
2901 Bent Tree
Doyle & Chung Woodman
2107 Persimmon Drive
Robert & Linda Pope
104 Mesquite Circle
W.P. Van, 2142 Persimmon
J.P. Pond
Jaskowiak, 104 Plum Cr.
Turek, 2613 Hidden Grove
John & Elizabeth
2164 Persimmon
Sam Bledsoe, MBC Eng.
Barry Sanditen,
3009 Partners, Ltd.
Greg San Marco,
Don McCrary & Assoc.
Mike Lancaster,
Lancaster Development
Herb Rehmann,
Brad Galo, Greenshire
Pat Lackey,
River City Engineers
Ron Schrandt,
Windy Meadow
Chairwoman Pia Jarman called the June 25, 1996 regular meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m.
Regular Session June 11, 1996.
Merwin Willman moved to approve the regular session minutes of June
11, 1996. Gary Wallace seconded the motion which carried with a
unanimous vote.
Chairwoman Pia Jarman stated at this time no plats have been
There were none.
for 8.61 Acres on Elbel Road and Schertz
Parkway. (Original Request from Joe Veytia)
. Pia Jarman stated this zoning request has been renewed six (6)
months, at a time this being the third time for an extension. Mr.
Veytia was not present at the meeting. Pia Jarman advised it is up
to the Commission to decided whether this request will be renewed
for another six (6) months or to deny the request. What is the
feeling of the Commission?
David Richmond stated with Mr. Veytia's lack of interest by
being here tonight, his recommendation would be not extend
renewal. If Mr. Veytia is still interested he can come
before the Commission and make another presentation.
Pia Jarman stated if we do not extend it, the property will have to
revert back to the original zoning of NS (Neighborhood Services).
Steve Simonson stated this is correct.
Ernie Evans stated he is in agreement with David. In the last
letter from Mr. Veytia he was at step four. This is the last step
per the letter, there being no change.
Gary Wallace asked if there was any percedent or any reason why we
should not extend?
Steve Simonson stated "yes" there is a precedent. There was a
property of 14 acres on Live Oak Road which had the same type of
time period put on it. When the people did not get the money
together and could not build within the specified time, the land
reverted back to the pre-existing zoning. This happened only about
. a couple of years ago.
steve Simonson mentioned he thought part of the original motion was
a sixth month zoning.
Councilman Ken Greenwald agreed if Mr. Veytia did not request
extension within the six month time frame, it would revert back to
the original zoning.
Gary Wallace asked Steve from the City's stand point is there
reasons to go one way or another?
Steve Simonson stated there were a lot of stipulations to the
rezoning approval. Westchester Boulevard would have been extended
to Elbel Road, there would have been a turn lane on Schertz Parkway
onto Elbel Road to augmentate the traffic in the area. With this
staying R-4 it would not be a good idea, because if it is sold to
someone else, the conditions would not be addressed to the new
Keith Van Dine asked if anyone knows why he is asking for
extension. Steve Simonson stated we don't know if Mr.
wants another extension or not. A letter was sent back
forwarding address.
with no
Merwin Willman moved that on the request on the extension for Joe
Veytia's property on Elbel Road and Schertz Parkway for 8.61 acres
that it be reverted back to the original states of NS (Neighborhood
Services). Keith Van Dine seconded the motion which carried with a
unanimous vote.
David Richmond asked if the motion could be amended to reflect that
Mr. Veytia failed to respond to the Planning and Zoning Commission
upon the expiration of his most recent sixth month extension,
rather than make it sound like the P & Z's arbitrary decision and
not Mr. Veytia's failure to respond to the City's request for his
sixth month extension which resulted in this action.
Pia Jarman amended the motion to, "At Mr. Veytia's failure to
respond to the notification by Planning and Zoning of the
expiration of his last extension of six months, this Commission
recommends that the zoning for the 8.61 acres on Elbel Road and
Schertz Parkway revert back to its original zoning of NS".
Merwin Willman agreed to amend the motion as stated. Another vote
was taken. The motion carried unanimously.
for the Revised Site Plan for Remax
Subdivision. (PC# 252-96C)
Steve Simonson stated there were several notes on the revised plan.
The site plan had to come back as it is 100% different than the
first site plan. This will be a single story building. They also
gave a copy of what the building will look like from floor level on
the inside. The only two caveats are the wooden fence still across
the back of the building from Irolia Drive to Cabana Drive, the
signage also will be in the approximately exact location of the
approved original sign for the two story building. It is not shown
but a note was made for the Commission. There also is a copy of
what the old plat looked like.
Pia Jarman asked on the note for the 8' fence that is hand written
if in the past we have not had the responsible person sign and date
the change or additon on one copy.
Steve Simonson stated "yes" the reason it was done this way is the
request was handled over the phone, in talking with S.G. & A
personnel before the site plan was seen by the Commission. This is
why it is the way it is today.
Pia Jarman requested the representative for this request, if he
could come forward and sign and date the addition on the copy of
the site plan for the record. Mr. Abe Gonzales came forward to
initial and date the 8' fence addition on the site plan.
Gary Wallace asked if there is a reason for the change? Abe
Gonzales stated they overbudgeted. Gary Wallace commented that is
too bad as the other building was so nice.
. Steve Simonson commented that this will have the Spanish tile roof
and will complement the La pasadita which is next to it.
David Richmond asked with this going from a two story building to a
one story, do they still feel they need a 32' sign? Will there
also be the same number of tenants in the building?
Steve Simonson stated the sign is in accordance with the ordinance.
Abe Gonzales stated they would like to keep the sign the same which
was approved at an earlier meeting; as far as the tenants, it is
not known how many there will be.
Merwin Willman stated there are three (3) entrances to the building
which are either for public or employee use. They are only showing
handicap parking in the front so if someone is to get to the back
of the building they are going to have to walk around or go through
the whole building. There should be some handicap parking in the
back for patrons.
Ernie Evans asked Steve what the code calls for on handicap
parking. Steve Simonson said normally for office space the number
of spaces they have is two (2) spaces. If the Commission feels
with the type of public building this is, that there needs to be
more than the two (2) handicap spaces then they will have to
recalculate the spaces and allow for more handicap spaces.
Abe Gonzales stated the entrances would be public as it is a public
building, if the Commission so wishes, they will provide for two
additional handicap parking spaces for the rear of the building.
David Richmond stated he is in agreement with Merwin, particularly
looking at the size of the layout of the building. With the future
lease area, the only way to get to that third of the building, is
the entrance from the back left, unless you come into the front
entrance and there should be at least one handicap space in the
back left corner.
Pia Jarman
one space
spaces one
asked Abe Gonzales if it would be possible to give up
on each side in the back of the building for handicap
Abe Gonzales stated if the Commission would like two
on each side in the back this will not be a problem.
Pia Jarman asked Mr. Gonzales to sign and date the site plan
indicating the two additional handicap parking spaces.
Merwin Willman moved to approve the revised site plan submitted by
S.G. & A for the Remax Subdivision with the amendments of two (2)
more handicap parking spaces, as well as the 8' wooden fence at the
rear of.. the property line. Tony Moreno seconded the motion, with
carried with a unanimous vote.
McCrary, McCrary & Associates for Final Plat
Dove Meadows Unit 4. (PC #256-96)
Steve Simonson stated this is the corrected plat with all the
owners signing off, the name on FM 3009 has been corrected to Roy
Richard. There is now a water easement shown.
Tony Moreno moved to approve the final plat submitted by Don
McCrary, McCrary & Associates for Dove Meadows Unit 4. Gary
Wallace seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Engineers, for a Specific Use Permit for an
Intermediate School in Greenshire Subdivision.
(SUP #7-96)
Steve Simonson stated the application fees for the Specific Use
Permit have been paid. Representatives for the school were present
to answer any questions. Before the meeting a letter was presented
from a concerned citizen in opposition to the school. This will
need to be part of the record. This is for a SUP permit which
would make it a recommendation from the Commission to City Council
with a Public Hearing being held by the City Council. Everyone
within 200' of said property either in Schertz City limits or
Cibolo will be notified. A SUP is put together different than
zoning to ensure what is said is going to be built there will be
built there. Whereas with zoning on residential and commercial,
many different types of uses could be put in. With the SUP this is
the only thing that can be built in the specified area.
Sam Bledsoe stated the school will be located between Green Valley
Road, Woodland Oaks, Royal Oaks Subdivision, Greenshire, and FM
3009. This is a 12-acre site and which represents about a year's
worth of work by people in Schertz, Cibolo, School District and the
developers from Greenshire, Woodland Oaks, and a number of other
people to get this site for the School District. The portion of
Greenshire will connect with a 60 ROW down to Deer Creek
Subdivision, connected up to Green Valley Road. This will have the
traffic going down these roads instead of FM 3009. The object is
to get a parallel thoroughfare through the subdivisions where
school buses and people taking children to school can travel up and
Herb Rehmann stated he represents the School District and about
5,000 youngsters of the district. This has taken about 18 months
of intensive researching, calling people, looking for land about 25
to 30 different pieces of property. This has been narrowed down to
about 13, in all those pieces of land this particular site was the
most superior. The land should have been bought about 2 1/2 years
ago. Instead what happened at that particular time is there was a
street that connected Greenshire and Deer Creek and somewhere down
the.. line there was a misunderstanding between the two cities and
the street was eliminated, which made it impossible to get the
children to the site that was selected. In talking back and forth
with the two cities, finally in November they agreed to meet with
the developers and they liked the idea of the street connecting
with Woodland Oaks. This plam grew into someone getting excited
stating there would be an overpass being put in at IH 35 with the
rest of information arising. The primary concern of the School
District is to get the children to the school site without having
to subject anyone having to go to FM 3009 with the high traffic
volume of a super duper highway. To put the intermediate school
into an area that would allow most of the children to be able to
walk to school and also an area that has a better setting, culture
as some of the children have never seen how some people live, is a
big improvement. In talking with the transportation supervisor
there will only be about seven buses, if the road does not go
through. This would be using Woodland Oaks Drive and back out.
The school will be used for fifth and sixth graders.
Ernie Evans asked what type of arrangements have been made in terms
of the road connecting Woodland Oaks and Green Valley?
Herb Rehmann advised there have been no arrangements.
Sam Bledsoe stated what is going to happen is the owner of the
property is going to dedicate a 60' ROW all the way through from
Green Valley Road to the end of Greenshire subdivision, which is
about 3.3 acres which will be there for when the road is going to
be built. We don't know when this will take place.
Ernie Evans asked what the plans are for Woodland Oaks Drive on
down? Sam Bledsoe stated the same situation: the ROW will be
dedicated but the road will not be built. The subdivision in
Greenshire will be isolated from the road. The road will just be a
connector from Woodland Oaks down to Deer Creek.
Ernie Evans questioned on which side of the road the greenbelt will
be located on the proposed 60' ROW? Sam Bledsoe showed that the
greenbelt is in the City limits of Schertz. The 60' ROW goes right
along the property line by the trees. The road has been pulled
over a little on to the school property which leaves the school
absorbing 30' of the road, which will leave a 30' buffer being the
Royal Oaks property. This will really make it a 90' ROW with the
separation of the school and Royal Oaks property.
Jerry Bethke asked Mr. Rehmann if the proposed elementary school
is part of the bond issue that was passed about a year ago.
Herb Rehmann stated this is one of the two intermediates.
Jerry Bethke asked why was this particular site selected for the
intermediate school?
Herb Rehmann stated primarily it would have good police protection,
good supply of water, and being able to tie on with CCMA sewer
lines. This is a good location with no drainage problems, it is in
the center with unlimited possibility of expansion, all of the
research has indicated it will head out to the North Cliff along IH
35 and be centrally located.
Jerry Bethke stated when this was pitched to the community and the
voters voted for it, the things that Mr. Rehmann has indicated
were never part of the bond issue as far as rational for the
schools. There were about four things the school board was
interested in: the neighborhood school concept, to promote family
convenience, enhance safety, and to reduce transportation costs.
The proposed location here, the demographic statistics do not
support this. Mr. Rehmann stated this area is growing and it will
be beneficial for the community.
Jerry Bethke stated in the original Greenshire, there are only two
families that have children that would be able to use the
facilities. "What you are doing is putting in a school where it is
going to generate a requirement of increase in bus transportation
which basically violates the school boards desire for a
neighborhood concept, so children will not have to be bussed to
school". This does not make sense, if there is a reason Mr.
Bethke will support it.
Herb Rehmann said that this does make sense. This will connect
with Deer Creek. Jerry Bethke asked how many children are there
per household. Herb Rehmann stated he does not have that
information right now. Jerry Bethke stated if you are going to be
putting a school there then you should have this information. Herb
Rehmann stated at the public hearing this information will be
available. The statistics clearly state if you are to take Dove
Meadows, Deer Creek, and Thistle Creek which are being built at
this time and put them together there will be the children to
attend the school. There is going to be between 1800 and 1900
homes going in.
Jerry Bethke stated it seems then that the school should be put in
the Thistle Creek or Deer Creek area where most of the young ones
are going to be. If you look at the Greenshire area most of the
homes are $175,000 to $200,000. A young family cannot afford a
home like this. By putting a school in the wrong area it is going
to generate a transportation cost.
Doyle Woodman stated being from the Royal Oaks area he would like
the Commission to table this item until the citizens get the
opportunity to go before the school board to voice their concerns.
The school community has stated it has taken them a year and a half
to make a decision so if the Commission will table this for two
weeks so the citizens may address the school board first. The
school board would be meeting after the public hearing by the City
Council as programmed now.
Another citizen asked if the Commission could table this item until
the citizens have gone before the school board with their concerns.
Pia Jarman stated in hearing the concerns of the citizens present,
it is only fair that the citizens have some time to put their
proposal together and as a group make a presentation to the school
board. The job here by the Commission is to make a recommendation
to City Council to set a public hearing. However, there is no
reason why the Commission cannot table this issue.
Brad Galo stated he had worked for a long time with the school.
Being personally against the school, at first for monetary reasons,
as he and his partners would not make any money and of course they
bought the land to build houses to make money. In having several
other subdivisions in Texas, every time they have put in a middle
school, it has been an enhancement to the area. If this was a
junior high or high school he would think differently especially in
the situation where it is going to be located. There is going to
be no after school activities at an intermediate school. There
will be traffic at 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. All of their builders are
for this and they have a lot of lots to sell in the future. They
would not be putting in something that would be detrimental to
their subdivision. There will be houses completely around the
school and they are 100% for this school site. There is not much
traffic that is going to be generated.
Pia Jarman stated what we are addressing is for the citizens to be
able to put together their side of the story. It has been
suggested that this issue be tabled until our next meeting.
Steve Simonson stated the reason this petition for a SUP was
presented is the school buying this land is contingent upon getting
the SUP.
David Richmond stated this is a significant decision that the
Commission and the City Council are being asked to consider.
Viewing this as a business from the business point this is going to
have significant present and future impact not only on the growth
of the City. Decisions like this can render changes in the growth
of the City. Projection growth can be changed by improper
decisions based on inadequate projections of growth. The
suggestions being made by the residents make good sense. As Mr.
Woodman mentioned the school board and the developer have had a lot
of time to consider this and a number of site proposals to settle
on. This would be appropriate for the school board to do. Also it
would be appropriate for this Commission to hear that in a formal
presentation, rather than a four hour meeting entertaining a lot of
question which would cover the same type of issues and be fairly
disjointed. Obviously the school board has a presentation that
they would like to make and it would be appropriate for us to hear
the presentation from the citizens as well as their having the
opportunity to present it to the school board. So that this
becomes another matter of record for the City Council to review
once the Commission makes the recommendation to City Council to
either approve or deny the request for SUP.
Merwin Willman stated this is the Commission's duty to determine if
this meets the requirement for the SUP. It is then up to the
A citizen advised the Commission that until a month ago no one knew
anything about the school. It was found out because of the workers
clearing the field.
Gary Wallace stated he has attended some school board meetings and
this has been a very volatile issue among the school board members.
It has been argued by the school board members and they have
considered several sites and arrived at this one primarily as FM
3009 is the divider, as about 50% of the children who will attend
this school live on the north side and 50% live on the south side.
This may not seem right but if you consider the size of the
district in itself, it means a lot of bussing and transportation
regardless of where the school goes.
Elizabeth Mesenburg asked with the school being situated with a
fence around it, and houses all around, how are the children in the
back going to get to the school? Brad Galo stated they would walk
on the sidewalks to the school.
Ernie Evans stated he is in agreement with David Richmond.
David Richmond moved in view of the concerns registered tonight
regarding the request submitted by MBC Engineers for a SUP for an
intermediate school in Greenshire Subdivision, that in the best
interest of all parties and the City, that we table the request
until the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of July 23, 1996
to allow for further duscussion at the School Board meeting. Ernie
Evans seconded the motion which carried as follows:
AYES: Pia Jarman, David Richmond, Merwin Willman, Ernie Evans,
Gary Wallace, Keith Van Dine.
ABSTENTION: Tony Moreno.
to rezone approximately 10.37 acres between
Woodland Oaks Drive and Dimrock from NS
(Neighborhood Services) to R-6 (Single Family
Dwelling District Gated) (Tabled 5-28-96)
(ZC #133-96)
Pia Jarman stated this request had been tabled "until legal
interpretation from the City Attorney is received." She said that
in the updated copies of the UDC the Commissioners had received, as
of the meeting of June 11th, nothing had been changed to clarify
the issue of time limitations. However, in the latest master copy
of the UDC, returned to Steve Simonson by Michael Spain, City
Attorney, clarified the item in question as follows: "If a
petition for rezoning is denied by the City or the Planning and
Zoning Commission another petition for reclassification of the same
property or any portion thereof in the same zoning classification
shall.. not be filed within six months from the date of denial".
What we have asked for is for clarification of the wording
"reclassification". We now take this off the table, and address
this particular issue.
Merwin Willman asked why the attorneys changed it from six
instead of twelve. Steve Simonson stated in discussion with
they thought it was more equitable, but the lawyers said if
Commission feels it would like to leave it at twelve months
could be done.
Pia Jarman stated
the point is what was meant by the wording
This was why the legal reading was requested.
Ernie Evans stated we read from the current ordinance, does this
affect the UDC.
Pia Jarman stated the wording in the UDC is the same. This request
coming back in is not in the same zoning classification. This
request is not to approve or disapprove the request, we are going
to forward it to City Council requesting public hearings be set.
The decision of the Commission will then be on whether to forward
the request to City Councilor not.
Steve Simonson stated there is a letter from the Woodland Oaks
Homeowners Association concerning Mr. Lancaster's meeting with
them on June 7th concerning his proposal. The metes and bounds are
enclosed. There is a better drawing stating lot sizes, the depth
of the lots which has been changed and there has been a reduction
in the number of the lots, and additional material provided by Mr.
Pia Jarman stated on the HOA letter it mentions there is "no
objection to the development plan presented, please reference
attached copy dated June 7, 1996". Is this an exact copy of
one that we have? Mike Lancaster stated the one attached is
exact copy.
Ernie Evans requested clarification on the summary of the Woodland
Oaks letter the second paragraph last line, the statement
additional easement will be provided for masonry monument sign to
help improve the main entry appearance on Woodland Oaks Subdivision
on Woodland Oaks Drive".
Mike Lancaster stated when meeting with the HOA, it was brought up
with two existing signs on islands. It is in a discussion stage to
add monument signs in the wall to match. This subdivision is about
six or seven feet above the roadway so a sign could be put in an
embankment and would provide nice signage for both Dimrock and
Woodland Oaks Drive.
Ernie Evans asked Mike Lancaster to explain the 40' buffer and the
drainage to the existing fences and the fence being put up.
Mike .Lancaster stated the fence will be going against the NS
(Neighborhood Services) with a 6' privacy fence now at the back of
these homes. Instead of asphalt next to the fence there will be a
10' greenbelt area, 20' emergency easement that will be paved,
another 10' then the 6' masonry wall with the breakaway gates, and
screening from the road.
Gary Wallace asked if the emergency vehicles could make the
cul-de-sac at 90 degrees at the 20' bend easement.
Simonson stated this will be looked at in the construction
with the engineers making their recommendation.
Ernie Evans questioned if the variance in a zoning action should
not be removed and made as a separate action.
Merwin Willman stated in this particular case it is part of the
zoning just like in the past. If the variance is after the zoning
it would be handled by the BOA.
Ernie Evans asked about the calculations in terms to support
streets, lights etc. in the gated communities.
Steve Simonson stated we do not have an engineering report on
of that nature. Before the public hearing this information
have to be available and confirmed with our engineering firm.
have only provided us with an estimate. Mr. Lancaster has
provided with a copy of the UDC stating what is needed.
Mike Lancaster stated if he could make it to a public hearing he
would like to get with the City Engineers and work with them on an
amount that they feel comfortable with and if a multiplier needs to
be put on this it is not a problem. He would like the Commission
and the City to be comfortable with a financially solvent and
buyable subdivision. There are some concerns because this is a
small subdivision and that it might fail, he would like to go above
and beyond the call of duty to ensure this is going to work.
Merwin Willman asked what the price range on the homes would be?
Mike Lancaster stated about the high 90's to about $115,000. Since
the lots have grown with the plan and the cul-de-sac he has had to
increase the lot price.
Ernie Evans asked what does Mr. Lancaster perceive the
construction for the homes will be that will be backing FM 3009?
Mike Lancaster stated the majority will be one story homes, due to
the size of the lots, and also to stay below the sight line of the
roadway. The majority of the trees are in the right places for a
Robert King spoke as a resident of Woodland Oaks on a personal view
point on this development. This developer has been the only one to
take the time to come to the homeowners first. He has talked with
the homeowners, gone before the HOA with a formal presentation. He
asked for their input and has talked with the neighbors behind the
subdivision asking for their input on this development after the
second modifications have come around. Mr. Lancaster has been in
very close contact with them to keep the residents updated. The
individual homeowners are very comfortable with this as the
developers are going to be saving trees between the residences and
FM 3009. The skyline will be saved and not just turned down if it
is commercial. If this property remains commercial who knows what
will be there. With this plan it is all laid out on what is going
to be going into this area. There is no problem with a privacy or
masonry fence. It will be a lot better than dumpsters behind the
existing privacy fences. Mr. King personally commended Mr.
Lancaster for doing what he is doing. As an individual and as a
board member on this special project, he said they are all for this
Edward Workman is president of the HOA at the present time, having
been the vice-president when Mr. King was the president. "We
appreciate Mr. Lancaster's approach. We have no problems at all
with the last plan that was submitted". Most people that he has
talked with, besides the board members of the Woodland Oaks
Subdivision, feel that this is a good direction. He hoped the
Commission will support Mr. Lancaster's efforts and put in a
quality residential single family dwelling in this area. They have
further been assured that the plans for the commercial development
if and when it happens will be the kind of things that will be
profitable and serviceable to the greater community.
Pia Jarman, on behalf of the Commission, thanked Mr. King and Mr.
Workman for attending the meeting and for presenting their views.
Mike Lancaster stated within the next 30 days, before the public
hearing for this request, he will be getting with the City Engineer
to make everyone comfortable with a small gated community.
Tony Moreno moved to forward to City Council the request from Mike
Lancaster to rezone approximately 10.37 acres between Woodland Oaks
Drive and Dimrock from NS (Neighborhood Services) to R-6 (Single
Family Dwelling District Gated) and request that public hearings be
scheduled. Gary Wallace seconded the motion which carried with a
unanimous vote.
Schrandt, for Final Plat Windy Meadow Unit 3.
(PC #266-96)
Steve Simonson stated when this plat was originally designed it was
one unit, but being the size it is, they have split it into two
units 3 and 4. Word has been received back from our Engeneering
firm on the drainage study submitted by Mr. Lackey and his firm.
Mr. Ford specifically wanted Mr. Lackey to be publicly commended
on the excellent job that he did. Not only on the 100 year, 25
year but the 2 year study on the storm surges, on how it is laid
out and. how the channel is going to work.
Merwin Willman asked under the notes, #1, the last sentence "the 6'
building setback will be observed all side divisions." What is
meant by side divisions?
Steve Simonson stated this is referring to the sideyard set backs.
Ernie Evans asked for clarification on the statement that starts
with "the State of Texas County of Guadalupe. It basically says
not all interior streets shall be private. Then in note #3 it
states all streets, drives, and lanes are hereby dedicated to
public utility easements.
Steve Simonson stated what they are showing you on #3 is all
private streets with all of these being private easements. Public
utilities are the things that the City retains i.e. the water and
the sewer. They don't own these. They own the streets.
Ernie Evans asked about the ROW on Maske Road if the additional ROW
has been dedicated with the width and depth.
Steve Simonson stated on the other plats it is indicated as 10' but
it will need to also be on this one.
Merwin Willman moved to approve the request submitted by Ron
Schrandt for final plat Windy Meadow Unit 3. Tony Moreno seconded
the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Schrandt, for Final Plat Windy Meadow Unit 4.
(PC #275-96)
Steve Simonson stated Jasmine Lane has been changed to Marigold
Lane due to the post office turning down the original name. The
approval from the Commission and the Fire Department on the length
of the cul-de-sac, (the original length of the cul-de-sac) was 592'
and it is now 620' this makes it 28' longer. In going back to the
Fire Department, they have no problem with this, as long as the
proper number of fire hydrants are put in. This item will be
checked during construction. The note for the owner to provide
access to the existing recreational park was what was required by
this Commission at the first meeting when the master plan was
Merwin Willman stated weren't they going to show where the access
was going to be?
Ron Schrandt stated it will be through the drainage channel in Unit
Pat Lackey stated the owner owns all of the property so this was
going to be handled as a construction detail.
~ony.Moreno moved to approve the request submitted by Ron Schrandt,
for final plat Windy Meadow Unit 4. Keith Van Dine seconded the
motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Engineers for 3009 Partners, Ltd. to rezone
approximately 121 acres (Barshop) on FM 3009
from PUD (Planned Unit Development), GB
(General Business), and M-l (Manufacture
District Light), to R-6 (Single Family Dwelling
District Gated). (ZC #135-96)
Steve Simonson stated the metes and bounds are included, along with
the names of the property owners within 200'. This is the rest of
the Barshop property. Mr. Willman has provided the Commission
with research on the original zoning of the property. It has
always been labeled on our zoning maps since before 1985 GB/Ml but
it is actually a PUD.
Sam Bledsoe stated this is a 121 acre tract that is right behind
the HEB site on IH 35. This is proposed to be a single family
development R-6 with a variance of 55 to 65'wide lots in some areas
and 55 to 60' in other areas. This is a development that backs up
to a lot of commercial property. One area is particularly covered
with trees so there are going to be two different types of homes in
this area. This will be similar to Greenshire with the larger
homes in the trees away from the commercial area and the smaller
lots with smaller homes abutting the commercial area. With this
concept this master plan was devised routing the main street
through to run along the tree line saving a lot of the trees to
serve as a dividing line for the larger homes and smaller homes.
There is an entry at FM 3009 with a 90' wide ROW coming in over a
culvert. This also includes a very large park area that spans out
and narrows with hiking trails. This park will be accessible to
the whole area. There is an area on the other side of the park
shown as open space at this time, but it is proposed to be single
family residential also. This will be a gated community with only
one ingress/egress from FM 3009. Wiederstein Road has also been
considered as an entry point. In the past there has been some
concern with the percentage of the lots. Looking at the other
gated developments in looking at this area, a better use of the
property would be to put the larger lots in one area and the
smaller lots in another. Even though we are calling them smaller
lots the lots are 55 to 60' wide by 120 deep with the average size
being about 6800 square feet, with none of them being less than the
6000 square feet. The treed area would be 65 to 70' with about
8700 square feet.
Steve Simonson asked what the provlslons are for the original
zoning approval for the buffer along Deer Haven and Mr. Froboese's
Sam Bledsoe stated the original zoning called for a 75' buffer zone
at the time when Barshop was looking at zoning this property
multi-use commercial. There was concern expressed on behalf of the
citizens that they would have to back up to this. The concession
was there would be a 75' buffer provided. Now that this property
is going to be zoned residential development it is not known if the
75' buffer still applies.
Merwin Willman stated he has one concern. For a long time for many
years it has been projected that Wiederstein Road would go straight
through to FM 3009 and eventually to FM 1103. There is no
provisions shown for Wiederstein Road to go through toFM 3009.
Wiederstein Road should be a public street.
Sam Bledsoe stated they may at some time have a connection to
Wiederstein Road. This is a fairly large development and another
access would be helpful. Wiederstein Road has a 60' ROW. The
overall concept with this as a gated community, it changes the
concept with Wiederstein Road as a major thoroughfare.
Merwin Willman stated this has been in the City thoroughfare
for years, why can't Wiederstein Road run straight through
subdivision as a local road with gates on both sides of it.
would be like Carolina Crossing is doing with Savannah Drive.
Sam Bledsoe stated if both sides were gated most of the traffic
would be from the gated subdivision.
Barry Sanditen, as part owner of the proposed tract of land, stated
as a little bit of background in looking at the character of land
in looking at where the trees are, and the detriments a third of
the land is burdened with a fairly large utility easement. The
western part will be backed up to commercial. Instead of coming in
and trying as a straight shot to get as many lots as they could
they tried to add a little bit of character by added curvatures and
putting the larger lots in the green area, and the smaller lots
being where there aren't a lot of trees. "We are trying to give
two different product mixes, not both of which would be contained
in anyone unit as this would not work very well from a marketing
stand point. This would give everyone access to the street system
and sidewalks which would lead down to three parks with entry way
points". They would like to increase the buffer and they hope that
LCRA approves a hiking and biking trail that is being proposed to
be built the entire length of the utility easement both on the land
owned by them and LCRA. They have recognized that Wiederstein Road
does dead end but there also is a major thoroughfare 1200' west of
this. They are fleixible with any options that the Commission
would like to entertain if they still can have gated access. They
have been deed restricted for residential applications only. They
also cannot purchase the commercial frontage due to the price.
Realizing they want to get everyone access to the parks area they
would hate to break it up with a huge infrastructure right through
the middle.
Merwin Willman stated it looks like some thought was put in the
plan but not what the City has been trying to plan for years.
Barry Sandi ten stated he is willing to take any concideration the
Commission is willing to suggest. The road system referred to was
mentioned a few months ago by Mr. Simonson.
. Merwin Willman stated when the thoroughfare was designed, roads
weren't to go straight from point a to point b, they can meander
around as long as it gets to the points.
Gary Wallace asked in the lower left which is future development
why not bring Wiederstein down and across in this area. With the
utility lines in this area it may be more feasible.
Sam Bledsoe stated LCRA may be bringing in more utility lines in
this area.
Merwin Willman stated as a stipulation to the rezoning
state unless Wiederstein Road is a thoroughfare to FM
rezoning will not go through.
we could
3009 the
Barry Sandi ten stated if Wiederstein Road can be put in on the east
side of the high line angled down to FM 3009, he is in agreement.
Tony Moreno moved to forward to City Council to schedule for public
hearings the request submitted by MBC Engineers for 3009 Partners,
Ltd. to rezone approximately 121 acres (Barshop) on FM 3009 from
PUD (Planned Unite Development), GB (General Business), and M-l
(Manufacture District Light) to R-6 (Single Family Dwelling
District Gated), contingent upon the submission of a new site plan
to include the development of Wiederstein Road. Gary Wallace
seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Tony Moreno:
Tony Moreno stated he had no comments.
Keith Van Dine:
Keith Van Dine stated he had no comments.
Gary Wallace:
Gary Wallace stated he had no comments.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie Evans stated the surveyors were out yesterday laying out for
the HEB complex.
Steve Simonson stated that they will be submitting a new site plan
and plat with a new design.
Merwin Willman:
Merwin Willman stated the City Council authorized a moratorium for
90 days on all requests for gated communities and did not consider
a recommendation for an ordinance change for some reason. Since
then he has talked with Steve and has made a little change on it
and put this in the UDC. Steve feels the UDC should be available
by the 90 days. The one change is if the property is rezoned to
R-6 a suffix of "G" would be added to the zoning classification
meaning "gated".
David Richmond:
David Richmond stated he had no comments.
Pia Jarman:
Pia Jarman stated she had no comments.
Councilman Ken Greenwald:
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated the City Council did pass the
moratorium last night with a discussion tomorrow night. Because of
the information from the City Manager that the UDC was real close
to being final and with not having to have an extra public hearing
with the cost and all, it was decided not to go through an
ordinance change.
Steve Simonson:
Simonson stated the drainage document that was received
Meadow is one of best documents we have received. It
extremely well done. It not only includes the 100 year and 25 year
study, but the 2 year study as well.
Gary Wallace moved to adjourn the meeting. Keith Van Dine seconded
the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
Chairwoman Pia Jarman adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is July 9, 1996.
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Planning Secretary
City of Schertz, Texas
an, Planning and Zoning Commission