The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a Public
Hearing on Tuesday, July 9, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal
Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Those present were as follows:
Cliff Johnson,
Rt. 1, Box 226
Tom Bolin, Don McCrary
McCrary & Associates
Jeffery Crouch,
410 Aero Ave.
Bob Wall, P.O Box 296
Chairwoman Pia Jarman called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00
p.m.. Pia Jarman explained the procedures to be followed at the
public hearing and thanked everyone for their concerned interest.
The City Council public hearing will be held July 16, 1996.
To Receive Citizen Input on a Request from
Cliff Johnson, to rezone approximately
30 acres on FM 1518 from RA (Residential/
Agriculture) to MH (Mobile Home Dwelling
District) . (ZC #134-96)
Steve Simonson stated that in accordance with the ordinance for a
public hearing on a request for a zoning change, all property
owners within the 200 foot radius were notified. There were nine
(9) letters sent; four (4) returned with the four (4) opposed.
The letter returned from Rast Iron Works expressed concern about
the noise the company would be making and the resultant complaints
it would have to deal with from the residents; one letter opposed
gave no reason; one letter was opposed due to there being no sewer
system; and one gentleman questioned why there is a request for
rezoning with a "for sale" sign on the property. He also asked
about the architectural and environmental statements for this area.
The answer is we are not at that point yet. He had gotten hold of
earlier measurements on the property with the acreage right but the
measurements wrong. This has been corrected with the Commission
having received the corrected copies. Other points made by him
were: why the west side of the road and not the east side? And
will this increase property taxes for the other residents in the
area? Will it be a traffic problem? And will the public school
taxes increase? Steve Simonson's replies to the above questions
were: the rezoning refers to the west side because that is the
side owned by Mr. Johnson; property taxes for other residents
should not be affected; it should cause no traffic problem, nor
should it affect the the school taxes. In summation, Steve stated
these are the only comments that were received. There were five
(5) people that did not choose to return any comments.
The Chairwoman reiterated that a total of nine (9) owners were
contacted with four (4) being opposed and five (5) not returning
any replies. Steve Simonson stated that was correct. The only two
(2) that gave any reason for opposing was Rast Iron Works: because
if it became a residential area the residents would complain about
the noise and the one about the lack of sewer system.
Keith Van Dine a resident of the area advised that this business is
usually working only during daytime hours. There are times when
they work in the evenings or weekends but this is very seldom.
Ernie Evans asked if the description of the property on the front
and back metes and bounds were correct? Steve Simonson stated that
the original map was wrong but it had been corrected.
Merwin Willman
stated his concern is where there will be two
on the property. Are they both going to be on FM
Pia Jarman stated with the frontage on FM 1518 being 362' Mr.
Johnson had mentioned possibly having safety lanes on the back of
the property.
Steve Simonson stated this is true, with a single entrance onto FM
1518. The safety lanes would be on the outer perimeters of the
property. The main road would come up the middle to a cul-de-sac
with access along the back to safety lanes for emergency access
front and back. This will have to be worked out. Steve Simonson
advised that the Fire Department has reviewed the plat. Their only
concern is that there has to be the proper number of fire hydrants
put in. Mr. Johnson has stated he will be working on this area.
When the platting is brought in, it will be discussed in detail.
There being no new information, Chairwoman Pia Jarman
Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m. Prior to adjournment
looking at the sign-in sheet stated that there were
present for the public hearing.
adjourned the
Pia Jarman,
no citizens
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular
session, after the Public Hearing, in the Municipal Complex
Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The agenda
was as follows:
Chairwoman Pia Jarman called the July 9, 1996 regular meeting to
order at 7:16 p.m.
15 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session June 25, 1996.
David Richmond stated on pages 7 and 8 Jim Bethke needs to be
changed to Jerry Bethke.
Merwin Willman moved to approve the June 25, 1996 Regular Session
minutes as corrected. Ernie Evans seconded the motion which
carried with a unanimous vote.
Pia Jarman stated Ashley Place Unit 2 replat was signed. Steve
Simonson stated this was a replat on certain lots due to scrivener
There were none.
to rezone approximately 30 acres on FM 1518
from RA (Residential/Agriculture) to MH (Mobile
Home Dwelling District). (ZC #134-96)
Keith Van Dine questioned if there should be a time limit put in
the motion for construction to begin.
Steve Simonson stated in the old ordinance it is not stated, but in
the new UDC there is a time limit. There would have to be a
contingency in the motion to that effect.
At this time Mr. Wall, representing Mr. and Mrs. Lu, arrived at
the meeting. He expressed surprise on finding out that he had
missed the public hearing and disappointment at not being able to
have any input. Pia Jarman explained that because there were no
citizens present for the public hearing, it had been a very short
one. She also explained that according to procedure, no comments
from citizens are received after the hearings are closed
officially. Mr. Wall was informed that he could still have an
input at the public hearing conducted by City Council on Tuesday,
July 16, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Steve
Simonson indicated by pointing that the Council Chambers are
"across the hall".
Keith Van Dine moved to forward to city Council the request
submitted by Cliff Johnson to rezone approximately 30 acres on FM
1518 from RA (residential/Agriculture) to MH (Mobile Home Dwelling
District) with recommendation for approval from Planning and
Zoning. Such approval given with the proviso that platting be
submitted within six (6) months after the rezoning is adopted and
construction to begin within one (1) year of such official
rezoning. Tony Moreno seconded the motion which carried with a
unanimous vote.
McCrary, McCrary & Associates final
of Intermediate School #1. (PC #255-96)
Steve Simonson stated this is the final plat with all the
signatures that are required on the plat, easements, property ROW
and flood plain dates all corrected.
Merwin Willman
something that
water easement.
stated this being the final plat it is showing
was not on the preliminary plat. There is a 16'
Steve Simonson stated this is a water easement for the waterline
that crosses the property for fire lines. This is where the
waterline ties into the ROW. This ties into the City's utility
system. Tom Bolin stated the reason for this is to have the fire
hydrants closer to the school for safety reasons.
Steve Simonson stated across the street is Carolina Crossing which
is a gated community so the fire hydrants will be closed in. This
brings the fire hydrants closer to the school building.
Ernie Evans asked about the plans for Inglewood.
Tom Bolin stated this will be a full width 30' curb to curb 50' ROW
street with public access.
Merwin Willman moved to approve the final plat submitted by Don
McCrary, McCrary & Associates for the Intermediate School #1.
Keith Van Dine seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous
Crouch, 410 Aero Ave. for Special Exception to
the Zoning Ordinance for front yard setback.
(BOA #75-96)
Simonson stated the variance will be 4' 6" into the required
With the plans showing the front yard setback as 27' 6" he
like to extend his porch 7'. The porch is not quite so far
is the porch roof that will be encroaching, 4'6".
25' .
out, it
Jeffrey Crouch asked why was the distance originally set up so no
one can build into this region?
Steve Simonson stated the original building setback line was to
keep homes from encroaching farther and farther closer to the
street; for safety reasons; line of sight, and streetscape.
Merwin Willman moved to forward to the BOA for its consideration
the request submitted by Jeffrey Crouch, 410 Aero Ave. for Special
Exception to the Zoning Ordinance for front yard setback. Ernie
Evans seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Steve Simonson stated there were some changes made, with the
biggest changes being made in the sign ordinance. He asked the
Commission to please read the sign ordinance very carefully as
there is a lot of rewording. This will not change what has been
set up as far as statistics, size of signs etc. The changes were
on how we control for example "abandoned signs" with much more
specific wording. Most all references to political signs have been
taken out, leaving only four references which are minor. A lot of
the rewriting was geared to making this document a much more
defendable section in our ordinance than what has been in the past.
Many-. ...of the front areas were also changed. Most of it was making
the wording stronger, more precise and clearer. If there is any
specific area in question let Steve know and he will explain what
was changed.
Steve Simonson stated this is a document that has been reworded but
it does not change in essence what the Commission submitted in the
first document. The intent has not been changed.
Steve Simonson stated he would like to publicly commend Denise
before the Commission. Between doing the UDC, getting out packets,
and other various duties she has done a great job.
David Richmond stated there will always be an exception, however,
since we have an example that we may be confronted with ten years
from now, how will the new UDC deal with Woody's sign. Is there
any recourse as long as that owner owns the sign and continues to
advertise for Woody's.
Ernie Evans stated on page 95 in the new UDC it is covered.
After some discussion the Commission decided to schedule public
hearings for the Unified Development Code (UDC).
Merwin Willman moved to establish August 13,
hearings on the UDC. Keith Van Dine seconded
carried with a unanimous vote.
1996 for public
the motion, which
tl2 CONSIDER AND DISCUSS: Report on Comprehensive Plan
Pia Jarman stated that there had been two meetings. By having done
so much excellent work already Ernie Evans has assumed the job of
project officer. From Pia's viewpoint, this project is exciting
because it involves some real planning for the future. Although it
may not all happen, it is the opportunity for a Planning and Zoning
wish list, as it were, of things that we would like to see the city
have, such as green belts, parks etc. Having a map of the City
reflecting the Commission's thinking on what is to be where, would
take the Commission from having to react to development and other
Steve Simonson described the technicalities of the "how to". At
the next meeting there will be maps of the City with an overhead
projector with various colored markers. Changes and corrections
will be made. Each person working on the plan will have the same
map. Once we all agree, then we can color our own maps.
Everything will be agreed to as an overall starting point. This
will be a general development map.
Merwin Willman commented that there should be a plan before the
maps are looked at and marked. Such a plan should state where we
are going and how to get there.
Pia Jarman said Steve brought up the map issue because that is what
the Committee had agreed on and requested Steve to do.
Ernie Evans stated there has to be a plan. There are issues that
need to be considered beyond where we are today. There are issues
that have to go into the comprehensive plan. Once we design areas
of the City with what we think the general land use will be for the
future, we have to be able to support it. There is a lot of
research and exploratory things that have to be done to figure out
if we can support such a comprehensive plan. These items need to
be identified as these will be the things that will dictate what we
do. The outline is to help us see what our future growth.
Tony Moreno:
Tony Moreno stated that the way in which we are going to come up
with the comprehensive plan is about the way a lot of the special
schools pick up on the research that they use. We have picked all
of the points they use and whichever way we go, as long as we keep
focused, we should come up with something good.
Keith Van Dine:
Keith Van Dine stated he had no comments.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie Evans noted they are now clearing for Carolina Crossing and
Savannah Drive now has utilities.
Merwin Willman:
Merwin Willman stated a few years ago Randolph personnel had
mentioned that they would supply us with a large map of the ACUIZ
area for our wall. As far as Merwin is aware of they never have.
Is there any way we can ask them for this map to see if they would
give us one.
Steve Simonson stated they never did give us a map.
mentioned that Randolph's maps are wrong and he would like
own City Engineers to do any overlay of our City with the
Their maps show what our City was like in 1965.
for our
Merwin Willman commented at the last meeting we tabled the request
for a SUP on the school site for Greenshire. Has there been any
more information? Steve Simonson stated there has been no new
Merwin Willman stated that at the last meeting Ernie Evans had
questioned the propriety of variances being a part of a rezoning
action. That the variance portion should perhaps go to the BOA
after the rezoning. To clarify this issue, Merwin, having
researched the matter, referred to Texas State Law, which states
that,. ..the primary function of the BOA is to deal administratively
with individual and neighborhood decision on a tract by tract
basis. The BOA can authorize variances to soften unduly harsh
impositions and restricting setbacks, etc. which may cause
individual property owners unnecessary hardship. So at the time a
petition is submitted to the P & Z and the submittor requests a
variance along with the rezoning or the P & Z imposes certain
variance conditions with the rezoning, it should be handled by P &
Z. It would be almost impossible to administratively keep track of
the rezoning contingencies otherwise.
Ernie Evans asked if we are annotating the variances on the plat,
do we have a formal record and will it be enforceable? The answer
is yes.
David Richmond:
David Richmond stated he appreciated the note from Steve on HEB and
he looks forward to a new site plan.
Steve Simonson stated the construction plans have already been
submitted to our inspection department. The site plan should be
available for our next meeting. There are going to be some unique
things. The one thing that stuck out was there are several covered
walkways coming in from the parking lot to the store, they will
have their own HEB pumps for gas. They have upped the size again
and they also have increased the expansion size. There is over
40,000 square feet of attached retail.
Pia Jarman:
Pia Jarman mentioned that at the entrance of Berry Creek it looks
as if they have cleared away a lot of the greenbelt which was to be
left alone.
Steve Simonson stated they have only scrubbed it. They
scrape it. It will grow back. He has informed them to
area grow back.
Ernie Evans commented that there also was a tree over
down out there. Ernie mentioned he did not see
originally in the pathway that they cut through for the
tree was back on the hill not up front by the driveway.
Councilman Ken Greenwald:
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated he attended the CRWA last evening.
The Supreme Court has made a decision on the Edwards Underground
Aquifer Authority, which is official as of the 28th of June. Mr.
Doug Miller is the Guadalupe and Comal County representative.
There will be an election in November and we are trying to get
information on how the seating is taking place. Water is going to
get tight. With x number of acreage of water after that there is
no more. Mr. Miller stated once everyone's pumping averaging
comes -in, if there is not enough water for everyone, everyone will
have to be cut. It is going to get extremely tight. We don't have
a time frame in as yet.
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated Bexar Metro Water District is still
working on getting their funding for a water on a 33" line from
Lake Dunlap to the City. This is long range construction. The
other problem is that the plant is already making two million
gallons a day. They are talking about where and how on expansion.
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated he was asked to pass along to the P
& Z by the Council that when the P & Z is doing requests for
rezoning etc. the Council is concerned that the P & Z is giving up
commercial land for residential use. In some areas there is the
200' to 250' frontage being left for commercial use i.e. IH 35 and
FM 3009. The rest behind it, if it should be residential, make it
residential. There still is a lot of area left for business and
Pia Jarman asked if the City Council is not happy with P
recommendations and wants the areas zoned business district
& z
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated "all they are asking is that the P
& Z look at a rezoning request when it comes in and ask if you
really feel it should be residential versus business zoning". Ken
Greenwald commented he has no problems as he knows for a fact that
the P & Z does take these considerations into account already.
Steve Simonson:
Steve Simonson stated he had no other comments.
Keith Van Dine moved to adjourn the meeting. David Richmond
seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
Chairwoman Pia Jarman adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is July 23" 1996 at 7:00 p.m.
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Planning See' etary
City of Schertz, Texas
an, Planning and Zoning Commission
Schertz, Texas