The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a
hearing on Tuesday, November 12, 1996 at 7:00 p.m.
Municipal Complex Bob Andrews Conference Room, 1400
Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows:
in the
Sam Bledsoe,
MBC Engineers
Herb Rehmann, SC UC ISD
Doyle Woodman,
2107 Persimmon
Bob & Linda Pope
104 Mesquite Circle
John Caldwell,
Hal Lane
Randolph Brooks CU
John Friesenhahn
Randolph Brooks CU
John Kelly
Randolph Brooks CU
Trisha Pillsbury,
Pulte Homes
Cynthia Eichman,
Windy Meadow MHP
Greg Roberts,
Windy Meadow MHP
Darwin Peek, SC UC ISD
Bill Paschal, SC UC ISD
Henry Christopher,
Ware Heights
Ferdinand Girard,
Girard Signs
Byron Steele, SC UC ISD
Joe Veytia, Veytia Prop.
Ron Crepe, Veytia Prop.
Chairman Ernie Evans called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mr.
Evans explained the procedures to be followed at the public
hearing. The City Council public hearing on this item will be held
November 19, 1996.
To Receive Citizen Input on a Request
from John Caldwell to Rezone 17051N IH 35
Approximately 370' (of 825.91') from GB
(General Business) to M-1 (Manufacture
District Light). (ZC #137-96)
Chairman Evans asked for Staff input.
Steve Simonson advised that four (4) letters to the surrounding
property owners were sent. One was received back in favor of the
rezoning request. There is a letter from the property owner
advising that Mr. Caldwell has the authority to request rezoning
of the property.
John Caldwell was present at the meeting but had no other comments
to add at this time.
Merwin Willman mentioned it would be a good idea if there was a
name to this request to be able to identify the project.
John Caldwell stated the company is Firestone.
Steve Simonson stated a site plan will be required.
With no other comments, or questoins from the
discussion on the rezoning, Chairman Evans
Commissioners, or
closed the Public
Chairman Ernie Evans adjourned the Public Hearing at 7:05 p.m.
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a
session, after the public hearing, in the Municipal
Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Chairman Ernie Evans called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
Regular Session for October 22, 1996.
David Richmond
Session Minutes
moved to approve the October 22,
as written. Gary Wallace seconded
. which carried with a unanimous vote.
There were none at this time.
There were none.
to Rezone 17051 N IH 35 Approximately 370' (of
825.91) from GB (General Business) to M-1
(Manufacture District Light). (ZC #137-96)
Chairman Evans asked for any other staff input.
Steve Simonson stated he had no other additional input.
Merwin Willman moved to recommend approval to City Council and to
schedule for public hearing the request submitted by John Caldwell
to rezone 17051 N IH 35 approximately 370' (of 825.91) from GB
(General Business) to M-1 (Manufacture District Light). Tony
Moreno seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Meadow Mobile Home Park for a Blanket Carport
Authorization for the Entire Old Section of the
Mobile Home Park. (BOA #80-96)
Steve Simonson stated Merwin had reminded him that in his notes
there was an error that a blanket authorization was given to the
new part of Windy Meadow for carports. In checking over the
minutes, it was talked about across the board, but the only thing
authorized, was for Unit II. There is a sketch on how they would
like to do the carports on the existing 16 X 20 slabs.
Merwin Willman asked what type of material will be used.
Cindy Eichman stated they will be aluminum. Greg Roberts stated
there will be no wood. It will be anchored on all four sides with
posts concreted in the ground.
Ernie Evans asked how many units would be affected by this. Cindy
stated there are actually 216 usable sites. This excludes the ones
on Oak Street that have not been allowed to install carports.
Steve Simonson stated the request is for authority by the owners of
Windy Meadow to work it out with the residents of Windy Meadow so
they don't have to come in for permission one at a time. This
would still exempt Oak Street. There are some on Oak Street at
this time.
Gary Wallace asked why Oak Street was excluded? Steve stated he
has no answer to that. Oak Street is not a through street and
never will be it will have an emergency access breakaway gate only.
Steve Simonson mentioned that the Commission can at a later time
revisit why Oak Street was not authorized carports.
Merwin Willman recommended that the same restrictions that fall
under the R-2 for carports be the same for the mobile home park.
There are certain requirements under the R-2 district for carports
i.e. that the covers cannot extend beyond the driveway pad, all
sides must be completely open so as not to obstruct view, and it
maybe attached or detached. The requirements under the R-2 should
be followed in this case.
Pia Jarman asked if everyone is still in agreement to exclude Oak
Ernie Evans stated it is his feeling because Oak Street was
excluded in Unit 2 for the sake of continuity at this stage and
because there is no discussion in the minutes as to why Oak Street
was excluded, that for now we should exclude Oak Street. And as
Steve has mentioned revisit Oak Street at a later date so more
information can be obtained.
Pia Jarman moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend
to the BOA approval of the request from Windy Meadow Mobile Home
Park and grant a blanket carport authorization for the entire old
section of the mobile home park, provided that R-2 restrictions
pertaining to carports be observed and Oak Street be addressed at a
later time. Tony Moreno seconded the motion which carried with a
unanimous vote.
Homes for a Five Foot (5') Front Yard and a
Eight Foot (8') Rear Yard Setback for 2497
Mocine Elm. (BOA #81-96)
Steve Simonson stated this is on one of the lots that was discussed
before. Based upon the location in a short cul-de-sac, the
representative that is present from Pulte will be able to reiterate
why a smaller house will not work for this situation.
Tony Moreno asked the builder for the reasoning on why they are
asking for this request.
Trisha Pillsbury stated the house that they want to put on this lot
is one of the smallest houses that is being built in the Woodland
Oaks Subdivision. The homes in this area have an attached garage
concept. The homes that have an attached product make it almost
impossible to build a home within the variances that are
Tony Moreno questioned why this was not noticed by the engineers
. before the development of this lot.
Trisha Pillsbury stated on this particular lot there is no product
that will fit on this lot and there is no other way to make the
house fit on the lot.
Pia Jarman moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend
to BOA approval for the request submitted by Pulte Homes granting a
five foot (5') front yard variance (from 25' to 20') and a variance
of eight feet (8') for the back yard building setback (from 20' to
12') due to the configuration of the lot. Tony Moreno seconded the
motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
ISD for a Specific Use Permit for an
Intermediate School in Greenshire. (SUP 9-96)
(Tabled 8/27/96, 9/24/96 and 10/8/96)
Chairman Evans stated in order for this request to come before the
Commission it will need to be taken off the table prior to
discussion to open.
Merwin Willman moved to remove from the table the request from the
S.C. UC. ISD for a specific use permit for an Intermediate School
in Greenshire Subdivision. Keith Van Dine seconded the request
which carried with a unanimous vote.
Steve Simonson stated in the package provided, there are updated
letters from Mr. Brad Galo; Mr. Herb Rehmann; the City of
Cibolo and Captex. The letter from Captex, dated October 16, 1996
to Dr. Steele reiterates their position on the construction of the
road through their development to Woodland Oaks Drive.
Ernie Evans stated in the November 4, 1996 letter signed by Mr.
Galo directed to Dr. Steele there is a statement about the 30'
buffer zone between the new street and the Royal Oaks Subdivision
being done in conjunction with legal work required for the school
site and ROW.
Steve Simonson stated it is his understanding from that letter and
from previous discussions with Herb Rehmann and Mr. Galo, the road
will be shown as it is drawn on their plan with a 30' buffer that
will be either deeded over to or sold to the Homeowners behind
Royal Oaks; which will then become their property which they can
maintain; which will provide an additional 30' buffer from the
road to the existing property and the existing homes.
Pia Jarman stated the buffer zone is in Schertz. Steve Simonson
reiterated that is correct. There will be 30' of buffer zone in
Schertz and the rest of the property in Cibolo. Pia asked if this
would not cause problems later on. Steve Simonson stated that it
could but it would be up to the individuals as they are aware of
this situation.
Merwin Willman asked what if some of the individuals don't want to
buy the land?
Doyle Woodman stated that each of the homeowners have been
contacted along the 30' buffer zone and each of the homeowners have
agreed to buy their portion of the 30' buffer.
Pia Jarman asked, when this is recorded will it show that the
property is located in Schertz? Steve said "yes".
Ernie Evans asked if the citizens would pay taxes
Schertz? Steve Simonson stated that would be up
Council for the City of Schertz portion. It is
portion of property wether or not they deem this
taxing entity. The administrative costs maybe more
to Cibolo and
to the City
such a small
small strip a
than the taxing
Merwin Willman stated the way he reads the letter from Captex it
states what we have asked for by having the commitment on having
the road built from Green Valley all the way down.
David Richmond stated this is the concern that the Commission has
had since June. The Commission precisely stated as recorded in the
minutes and in discussion very directly what the Commission would
like to see from the developers. We cannot as a group recommend to
City Council without a commitment from the developers that they
agree to construct a road from Dietz to Green Valley Road,
concurrent with the construction of the school. However, we have
yet to receive a letter from a developer that has said anything
similar to that. Mr. Galo comes pretty close as he does say he
would like to start construction about the same time the district
starts the construction of the school. The November 4th letter
from Mr. Galo probably meets our objective.
The letter from Captex dated, October 16th, states, they are
willing to extend the roadway if their development phase outpaces
the school's desires. This is a City concern. The developers
would be willing to dedicate the necessary roadway and allow the
school district to construct the balance of the roadway. This is
exactly where we were in June. We should not have to consider the
legal ramifications of whether the developer and the school board
agree to disagree after we debate this and pass it on to the City
Council for approval.
David asked if there was a representative from Captex. There was
no one present from Captex. David stated, at the last meeting
there was a representative from Captex who stated they would
guarantee to build the road but they have not said that in the
letter. This has been a principal concern that until there is a
commitment in paper from the developers to the school board to
allow for a second access for traffic to the school, that the road
will be completed at the same time the school is completed to
accept the traffic, then we really do not have a full package. The
language cannot be stretched in this particular letter from Captex
to suggest that they are really going to construct the road in that
manner. In fact in the August letter if you recall Captex stated
they would be willing to work with the school district to finalize
the alignment as they develop additional residential sections,
which could go on for ten years. This doesn't say that the road
will be constructed along with the school construction. Mr. Galo
has met the terms of the suggestions of the Commission as he has
committed to build the road from Green Valley to the end point of
the Greenshire property to connect with the Deer Creek property.
But we still do not have the commitment from the Deer Creek
developer to met this road. As has been pointed out we have
received a letter from the City of Cibolo that has assured the city
that the road will be built as the lots are built out. This has
nothing to do with the construction time of the school. The
developer will build the road as he sells the property. It is too
bad a representative from Captex is not available to answer the
question. If we could get a statement from Captex that they will
construct the road concurrent with the building of the school then
there would be a package.
Steve Simonson stated, he talked with the gentleman involved with
Captex today, concerning his letter, as Mr. Richmond called the
office to inquire about an updated letter. Mr. Blanton has made
it very clear that he intends to build the road along with the
selling of the property. The way things are selling today it will
be very close to the time of the school construction, but Mr.
Blanton cannot make a commitment to any time sooner. The letter
stands just the way it was written but the road will be built out
with no time table.
Merwin Willman stated on the October 16th letter it does answer the
question that the road will be built and if they complete their
development before the school the road will still be put in.
Bill Paschal stated the plans are for the school to open in the
fall of 1998 as they have not yet signed on the site.
David Richmond reiterated, as in previous discussions about the
importance of the road to the future of the City of Schertz because
growth is in that direction. It is imperative to have a commitment
to build the road in a timely fashion as there are all sorts of
contingencies. Without a bottom line commitment from the developer
to construct the road, the developer could go bankrupt or whatever
could happen, and the road would not be finished. And who will
complete the road? The main concern all along is we are concerned
about traffic. We have agreed to the siting of the school and also
agreed to having a second access to the school to fully complete
the neighborhood school concept which was proposed by the school
board. It is only reasonable to ask the two developers who are
trying to work closely with the school board to provide us with a
timely commitment. The last time Mr. Paschal made his
presentation, there were questions back and forth. A final
question from Dr. Peek was, what is it that the Commission is
requesting. It was stated at that time we needed a commitment from
the developers in writing to agree to complete the road concurrent
with the construction of the school. We have not gotten this.
What we have is an ambiguous open ended commitment by one of the
two developers to complete the road as the development is
completed; which could be any time.
Keith Van Dine stated he feels very comfortable with the letter of
October 16th as the gentleman is stating he is going to build the
road. He cannot put a time frame as it would be very hard to do
David Richmond said not if the letter states "concurrent with the
completion of the school". If the school is planning on opening in
the fall of 1998 the road needs to be complete from Dietz to Green
Valley by then. For the two developers to commit to do that is all
we have asked.
Gary Wallace asked if the school felt they had the commitment from
the Deer Creek developer?
Bill Paschal stated he has not spoken with the man personally but
the staff has, and they have been told that the roadway will be
completed. Mr. Rehmann stated he spoke with the gentleman from
Captex today but not on this issue. They are moving ahead and they
have a plan.
Tony Moreno stated, with the opening of the school not happening
until the fall of 1998, it should be easier for the developer to
give a time table. In reading the letter there is no time table.
Pia Jarman stated, in the history of subdivisions, for example in
Savannah Square with different builders the road was not built out
immediately, just as in Woodland Oaks. The developers in question
may do it in one or two years, but there is no specific time given
except in the September letter, in which the City of Cibolo states
the road will be completed as soon as "lot purchases by the builder
warrants such activity".
Ernie Evans asked, in Mr. Blanton's letter in
paragraph, has the school considered what is mentioned
Paschal stated, not at the school board level, but the
not come up.
the second
there? Mr.
subject has
Bill Paschal stated he appreciated the Commissioners allowing the
board to come before the Commission and the School Board is very
impressed by the diligence of its work. It is the board's belief
that an agreement has been reached to allow the road to be built.
The documentation to support this maybe in question, but as a board
the Commission can be assured that the intent of the roadway
program and the school program are clear and achievable. As a
board, they made a dramatic change in their position, in that the
board achieved a level of understanding of what was presented to
the board at the last meeting. The school board felt comfortable
in making a huge position change because up until that meeting
there was no way that the school would consider building the road.
The Commission made it very clear why the road was needed. This
was carried back to the school board closed session and as a result
the board position changed. The board based the position on the
fact that they believe this will happen.
Dr. Peek stated, as mentioned, the opening date for the school has
had to slide a year which will create problems for the school.
"Realistically you need to be aware of this: the area is growing
and we definetely have to have a site for the year 1998. If there
is no site by the year 1998 we are going to have very substantial
space problems."
Bill Paschal stated buses will be on the roads at this time with
the whole purpose of the school being to relieve the congestion
that has already taken place. "We as a board believe the road and
the site adjacent will happen and so changed the board's position
on the funding of the road".
David Richmond stated, that reason is the same reason the
Commission is concerned. There is a definite need for the busses
to be out there and parents taking students to and from the school.
All the more reason that when you open the school in the fall of
1998 that the road is completed and we are not sitting here with
the school and Galo's road completed and stubbed out, and the Deer
Creek developer being 100' away, stating he still has 10 more lots
to sell and when they sell he will finish the road. Neither Cibolo
nor Schertz is going to step in then. The school district is not
going to step in either and the buses and parents with the students
will have to go all the way around and add to the congestion on FM
3009. This is a contingency that we have to be concerned about and
why a firm commitment needs to be made from the two developers.
There is one commitment but not a second one. We can sit here and
say two years seems like a long time away but there has been "down
times" in realestate before, developers gone bankrupt etc. Cities
and school districts do not step in to help out in these types of
situations, so we depend on the developers, in good faith, on their
commitment. There are two developers that are intent on completing
their subdivisions but it is equally important for this Commission
to have written commitment for the road and for City Council to
consider. It would be equally as important for the school district
to know that in fact when the school is completed there will be a
second route on opening day for traffic.
Steve Simonson stated one of the key notes is that the City of
Cibolo will require the developer as he develops to build the road.
When you have a City making a commitment, even though you do not
have a time table, there is a City's commitment that the road will
be built. The City is the one that controls the development.
Merwin Willman moved to recommend to City Council approval for the
request submitted from s.C. UC. ISD for a Specific Use Permit for
an Intermediate School in Greenshire Subdivision. Keith Van Dine
seconded the motion which carried as follows:
Merwin Willman Gary Wallace, Keith Van Dine, Tony Moreno
Ernie Evans, David Richmond, Pia Jarman.
Partners, Ltd. for a Specific
the Corner of Elbel and Schertz
Gated Retirement Community. (SUP
from Veytia
Use Permit on
Parkway for a
Steve Simonson stated there is no zoning category for this type of
development for this to fit into, as we no longer have a PUD. This
will be duplex and single mixed and similar to a condominium where
the residents will own the lot but the grounds will be maintained
by management. This is the reason for a SUP request because of the
different type of development. This is called a retirement
community not a low income development. The question was put to
the fire department about administering this area and Sycamore
Creek Apartments, as they are not proposing to bring Westchester
through. The Fire Chief stated the way this community is laid out,
there would be no problem in getting in to fight the fires.
Pia Jarman asked what will happen to Westchester? Steve Simonson
stated it will be a dead end.
Ernie Evans stated the small print states that Westchester will
have a break away gate.
Merwin Willman mentioned it has been years in the making to try and
get Westchester to be a through street but with this request it
will not happen. Merwin has mixed feelings about this.
Steve Simonson stated the representatives from Veytia are here to
answer the question on why Westchester will not be a through street
as they were informed the Commission would ask this question.
Gary Wallace stated with the congestion generated from the school
on Elbel Road, Westchester not going through will prevent more
Steve Simonson stated with the teenage gathering in the treed area,
the school has no problem with this request.
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated this could cause a very big problem
with blocking Westchester off as Westchester will be landlocked,
only one way in, one way out. About 12 years ago there was a
shooting in that area. Curtiss was made the command post and no
one could get in or out.
Joe Veytia stated this is a retirement subdivision on two busy
streets Schertz Parkway and Elbel Road. Bringing in Westchester
would make for another busy street, with more noise to contend
with. Being this is a retirement community, with the density being
lowered to under 6 units per acre, the traffic impact to the area
will be much diminished. Therefore justifying the removal of
Westchester. The project is still cooperating with the City in
looping the utilities. The developers have spoken to the Library
and Fire Department and have come up with an emergency brake-away
gate which comes from Westchester to provide for emergency access,
in case they are unable to get through the main gate. It would
impair the marketability of the property if it would be boardering
three major streets. The neighborhood probably would not want the
street to come through because essentially it will bring in a lot
of the high school children.
Ernie Evans asked in the pictures provided it shows
single family residences with the rest being duplexes?
stated this to be correct.
only three
Joe Veytia
Joe Veytia stated their goal is to offer single family homes in the
$90,000 to $120,000 range depending on the upgrades on the
individual units. Some of the difference being offered on the
property and homes already in this area, are there are no houses
that offer tile roofs, which these homes will have. The price
range is in a good price range. The streets will be provided with
a modified almost flat street to accommodate any handicapped
residents. There will be no sidewalks as such so they can put in
the walking trails. There is a product that is rubberized which
can be added to the asphalt, that gives a cushioned walk for
physical fitness people. The proposal is for a condominium type of
development but with the HOA managing the exteriors of the homes
and landscaping. The lots will actually be sold to the homeowner.
The reason for this, the word "condominium" has gotten a bad
reputation. If the City of Schertz will allow for this development
it will be governed like a condominium for the way the yards are
taken care of, but the land will be sold to the homeowners.
Joe Veytia stated retirees do not like big homeowners' dues so the
concept is to provide the essential amenities that retirees will
use but not such luxurious ones that the HOA dues will be high.
There are things they do not use but their neighbors do and they
may not get their money's worth. One of the proposals is a walking
trail, pool, and hot tub, there will be a club house that will
contain a lot of porches. The concept will be a great benefit for
the City of Schertz in this respect, one that will provide a larger
population for the retail area around Schertz Parkway and Elbel
Road. It will also be geared primarily towards retirees but it
will not be restricted to retirees but this will cause a lower
school impact. One of the reasons they went from multi-family to
retirees is because of some of the amenities that are close by:
library, churches, grocery store, bank, insurance company, dentist
and the Knights of Columbus. This population, as they get older
and lose their ability to drive, still will be able to walk to a
lot of the retail etcetera in the area. This concept is different.
They have been to a lot of developments looking into this type of
retirement concept. The population that travels through the
military bases in San Antonio often think San Antonio is a great
place to retire but when you actually come back to San Antonio the
retirement villages that do exist are for the wealthy retired.
This is the sector that we are trying to help establish a life
style. There will be a lot of xeroscaping, with restrictions on
the type of grass and the developers will be putting in all of the
Joe Veytia stated there will be 43 units: all single story with a
club house with a Mediterranean southwest look, and a no
maintenance exterior. Our concept is to keep the HOA dues low,
keep the utility costs as low as possible, because the population
we are trying to attract to this development is very cost conscious
and knows that with a fixed income they will be living with it for
the rest of their lives. They need to hedge themselves against
inflation costs and utility increases and tax increases. This
development in Schertz is a good development because of the low
cost of taxes, low crime area etc.
Merwin Willman stated the land will be owned by the homeowner but
the maintenance will be through the HOA. Joe Veytia stated this to
be correct. They will not be allowed to put up any fences other
than around the patio.
Merwin Willman asked what size the lots will be? Joe Veytia stated
about 5 1/2 units per acre, with the lot size varying. The average
square footage of a house being about 1,400 square feet of living
area with a two car garage.
Joe Veytia brought a sample type of product that is new that is
used on the ground. It is a plastic grid with holes to plant grass
in, which can and does act as an emergency road fpr heavy
equipment. He stated he had showed the product to the Fire Chief
who was impressed with it.
Gary Wallace asked what would bringing Westchester through do to
the concept?
Joe Veytia stated it will injure the marketability and they do not
want to do this. Looking at it from an older couple's point of
view they don't want to be where there is going to be a lot of
noise. This will be a gated community surrounded by fencing of a
new type of material, wood encased in plastic.
Merwin Willman mentioned he would not like to see a solid type of
Ernie Evans stated the main concern he is hearing is the
continuance of Westchester through to Elbel. The rest of the
information will be discussed during the platting process.
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated this being proposed as an enclosed
community and wanting privacy, this development is near an
apartment complex that is two story which will be overlooking the
back yards of this development; there is a Library on one side and
a Fire Department that has training facilities also backing up to
this property. With all of these it is not going to be too quiet.
There are several considerations to take into account.
Pia Jarman stated a SUP goes before City Council for a public
hearing. Not knowing how the Council feels about Westchester not
going through, if this is part of the City's plan to have the road
go through, it would be putting in more traffic.
Ron Crepe stated in talking with the Fire Marshall he was impressed
with the emergency gate through the pathway. If there was a
problem with traffic, emergency personal would be able to use the
gate on Westchester.
Steve Simonson stated if the fire lane was delineated this could
probably be used as an emergency exit to the existing Westchester
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated on the Fourth of July, even though
it is a drainage ditch, it becomes a street to move traffic.
Ernie Evans stated the concept is beautiful but will it benefit the
City or the requirements it sustains in the long run, are
ultimately what we are trying to address. One of the things that
is a real issue is transportation. The lack thereof or providing
for it in the future, because it is only going to increase in our
City. This is an issue that cannot be given up whether we like or
don't like a development such as this.
Joe Veytia stated the main issue is traffic. As a compromise with
the property boarding Schertz Parkway and Elbel, based upon what
Joe has heard and seen, if Joe were to donate enough property along
Schertz Parkway a third turning lane could be created there. It is
Joe's belief that this would be a benefit to the City for reduction
of traffic congestion.
Tony Moreno moved to forward to City Council with our approval the
request submitted by Veytia Partners, Ltd. for a Specific Use
Permit on the Corner of Elbel and Schertz Parkway for a Gated
Retirement Community. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion which
carried as follows:
AYES: Ernie Evans, David Richmond, Merwin Willman, Pia Jarman,
Keith Van Dine, Tony Moreno.
NAYS: Gary Wallace.
Brooks Credit Union on FM 3009 for Site Plan
Approval. (PC #288-96)
Steve Simonson stated there is a combination of three different
sheets: the site plan, landscape plan, lighting and parking plan.
The signs which will be low profile and all the lighting are
indicated. There is a request as part of their over all site plan
that along the south side of their property, which is adjacent to
R-1 zoning, which is undeveloped, they be able to save the trees
and improve the landscaping by providing a living fence. This is a
variance from Article 9.3 in the UDC. The land next to them may
. some day become commercial property.
Ernie Evans asked if the existing barbed wire fence is in the
Randolph Brooks C.U. property line? John Friesenhahn stated it is
9 1/2 " beyond the property line.
David Richmond asked what the proposed lighting will resemble.
John Friesenhahn stated they will be on 20' aluminum poles either a
circular or square type fixture with a down light with shields to
prevent the lighting from going onto surrounding properties. There
has to be enough lighting around the building for security reasons.
Most of the lighting is around the building and the drive through
area. The lighting up towards FM 3009 is directed down towards the
Ernie Evans commented on the request for the variance for the berms
and the salvage of the existing trees. If there is only 5' of
distance on the side of the road and the existing property line to
the trees, how will the berm be built and what type of live fencing
will there be?
John Friesenhahn stated the landscaping is noted on the landscaping
plan. There will be about 4' of vegetation in height with the
growth in about two years going to another 4 feet. The berm will
be about 6 or 8 inches to have a little bit of sloping rolling type
in the soil to give a rolling effect.
David Richmond stated most of the berms around the property look to
be about 18 to 24 inches. John Friesenhahn stated this would be in
front of the property. Between the street and the property this
will be about 18 inches.
Ernie Evans stated if we allow the variance abutting the R-l there
should be a designated height.
Steve Simonson stated an eight foot fence across from a residential
area is required. This was brought up because the area at this
time is zoned R-l but undeveloped. The long range development of
the area may not stay R-1.
John Friesenhahn stated the reason for the four feet is there will
be ATM machines with 24 hour service. They are trying to prevent
anyone hiding in the area. This was the reason for a living fence
on the south side of the property and the landscaping being a low
Merwin Willman moved to approve the site plan submitted by Randolph
Brooks Credit Union on FM 3009 and to authorize a four foot living
fence along the south side of the property abutting the R-1 zoning.
Keith Van Dine seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous
Brooks Credit Union on FM 3009 for Preliminary
Plat. (PC #289-96)
Steve Simonson stated there is no block and lot number; the County
Commissioner's signature block will need to be deleted; the flood
plain information corrected and the 50' building setback and
landscaping note as required by the ordinance.
Keith Van Dine moved to approve the preliminary plat submitted by
Randolph Brooks Credit Union on FM 3009 to include the corrections:
the flood plain information; lot and block number, delete the
County Commissioner's information. Tony Moreno seconded the motion
which carried with a unanimous vote.
Engineers, Final Plat for Forest Ridge Unit 1.
(PC #285-96)
Steve Simonson stated the plat has all the corrected items that
were requested. The only item is the drainage ditch which will be
shown when the rest of the property is platted.
Sam Bledsoe stated block 1 will be the HEB site, Seguin State Bank,
McDonald's, and Diamond Shamrock. This will make the subdivision
start with block 2.
Steve Simonson stated, as a reminder, there was a question if
Barshop was going to go along with Weiderstein Road coming all the
way out as the developer of this property has to guarantee the
development of the road to his property line. There is a letter
from Barshop that is not concrete but we hold the hammer as far as
development if this is not answered at some point with the
development of Forest Ridge. The estate lots in Forest Ridge can
not be built until Weiderstein Road is built to FM 3009.
Ernie Evans asked about the size of the area that is going to be
dedicated for the park land and what is the distance from the power
lines to the fence area?
Sam Bledsoe stated it is 150' from the power lines to the back of
the lot from the center line. There will be about 17 acres of
greenbelt of which 5.2 is already in the utility easement with 9
acres outside the fence.
Ernie Evans asked what are the intentions for the west side of the
property? The reason for the questions is we still need to address
the parkland dedication fees issue.
Sam Bledsoe stated half of the property is trees with the rest
being open fields. This should not change the character of the
development because the greenbelt in the open area will take lower
effort on landscaping. The area in the trees will be left with the
under brush only being cleared out for hiking and biking trails.
Pia Jarman mentioned it is not 17 acres, it is 9.5 acres 5.2 is CPS
easement that cannot be used.
Steve Simonson stated it is 133 lots per acre of development.
Ernie Evans stated his only concern is as they develop that
something attractive happens with the west side of the development.
Sam Bledsoe stated the 25' drainage easement will be shown on the
filing of the final plat for HEB.
Gary Wallace moved to approve the final plat submitted by MBC
Engineers for Forest Ridge Unit 1; and in lieu of the parkland
fees the donation of the 9.5 acres of open greenbelt be dedicated
for public use. Pia Jarman seconded the motion which carried with
a unanimous vote.
Sign Co., to place a Billboard Sign on FM 3009.
(PC 3286-96)
Steve Simonson stated this sign is going to be located south of the
Boswell/Niemietz property on FM 3009 on the three existing poles
near the big power lines by the old closed land fill.
Mr. Girard stated the sign will be 10 X 10 on private property to
advertise the Berry Creek Subdivision. Prestige Homes does have
permission from the land owner to use the sign for the advertising
of this subdivision.
David Richmond stated we need to have a letter from the property
owner approving the use of this sign.
Steve Simonson stated a letter from the property owner can be
requested. The sign will fall under the temporary development
sign. This is mainly used for an on site sign but this type of
sign would fall under this.
Merwin Willman mentioned the letter doesn't give enough information
on what they are wanting to do.
Mr. Girard stated it will be 10 X 10 on an existing structure and
showed a copy of such a sign.
Ernie Evans stated in not knowing what they want to do, we will
need to review the sign ordinance.
Gary Wallace stated if it meets the sign ordinance and a letter from
the owner is received then there would be no problem.
Keith Van Dine stated if a motion is made and it is contingent upon
receipt of a letter from the property owner this would clarify what
type of sign.
Steve Simonson stated in the motion it should state that a
that is authorized be put up and a letter from the land
advising it is authorized by him.
Gary Wallace moved to approve the request submitted by Girard Sign
Co. to place a billboard sign on FM 3009 for Berry Creek
Subdivision contingent upon its meeting the UDC and a letter is
received that it is acceptable by the landowner. Tony Moreno
seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote.
Southeast Suburban Properties Inc., for
Heights Subdivision Preliminary Plat.
(PC #286-96)
Steve Simonson stated the property is located on Ware Seguin Road
east located between the east and west runways. It is not deep
enough to impact APZ I or APZ II. It does take in a small portion
of the least noise area that we have, the DP area at the corner of
the property. The flood plain informaton will have to be changed,
the name of the Commission corrected to Schertz, the building
setback line along Ware Seguin Road shown; there are also
typographical errors. In talking with the Public Works Department
with the water line system which is a 16" water main, very close to
the water tank, will not pose a problem with this small of a
development. Also the parkland fees have not yet been paid.
Gary Wallace asked what is the proposed use? Steve Simonson stated
residential single family homes.
Ernie Evans asked if there is sewer in the area? Steve Simonson
stated no there is not.
Merwin Willman asked if the developer has been made aware of the
ACUIZ ordinance? Steve Simonson stated the only thing involved is
the noise reduction. They will have to sign off on this as part of
the ordinance.
Gary Wallace moved to approve the preliminary plat request
submitted by Southeast Suburban Properties Inc., for Ware Heights
Subdivision contingent upon the flood plain statement correction,
building setback notation, and correction of the typographical
errors. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion which carried with a
unanimous vote.
118 CONSIDER AND DISCUSS: Traffic Management Ordinance.
Chairman Ernie Evans suggested due to the length of
this item be delayed until the next meeting. The
the meeting
. Tony Moreno:
Tony Moreno stated he had no comments.
Keith Van Dine:
Keith Van Dine stated he had no comments.
Gary Wallace:
Gary Wallace stated he had no comments.
Pia Jarman:
Pia Jarman stated she had no comments.
Merwin Willman:
Merwin Willman stated along Schertz Parkway there is in GB (General
Business) a 500' setback. Back at one time there was some
discussion about doing away with a lot of the GB. This depth seems
to be too much and should probably be cut down to about 150'. The
reason for this cut back at this time would be that 500' is too
much. This is something to think about and make a recommendation
Merwin Willman mentioned that the back yard of 502 Curtiss is
starting to look like a junk yard and needs to be looked into.
David Richmond:
David Richmond stated he had no comments.
Councilman Ken Greenwald:
Councilman Ken Greenwald stated he hoped the Commissioners read the
letter from Mike Spain on the zoning issue that was asked for. You
can't change in the middle of the road.
Pia Jarman stated on FM 3009 the A.O.K. mini storage is doing
other things behind it. What exactly?
Steve Simonson stated the owner of A.O.K. does own all of the
property up to the ditch and they were told they may move their
fence outside of the platted area but they cannot build a building
outside of the platted area. The new area is still in the existing
platted area. The next time they expand they will have to replat,
the structure has to stay within the already platted area.
Councilman Ken Greenwald
Herald about Ashley Place
quite interesting. Rayco
the land to the HOA, and to
stated if you haven't read last weeks
and the power lines, it is going to be
sold the land to GVEC, Rayco also gave
the City.
Steve Simonson stated they did not give the land to the City. They
gave it to the HOA, which at this point is still Rayco. They did
not do so before the plat was recorded so the plat was recorded
without showing the easement. This is a dumb thing to do but it is
not illegal.
Steve Simonson stated in Unit III the 4.8 acres was labeled common
area when it was recorded. The engineer has been contacted and
advised to either provide another plat or an instrument of deed of
record or come up with the money. They have until November 20th.
Steve Simonson:
Steve Simonson stated he had no other comments.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie Evans stated in the back of the books there is a list of
pending actions that Merwin had asked we start. There is an
article that will be in the next month's newsletter. Any changes
let Ernie know by next Tuesday November 19, at the Comprehensive
Plan meeting. There are other draft instruments for discussions.
The last item is the draft survey instrument that we need to work
on Tuesday night. The other item is a copy of the motion
information pertaining to P & Z action that Pia has discussed.
Ernie Evans reminded everyone next Tuesday night November 19th will
be the Comp Plan meeting for those of you who can be here Johnny
from the P/W will be here to make a presentation.
Ernie Evans mentioned for those of you who did not make it to
Austin last week it was a great trip. A lot of the things that Mr.
Veytia talked about tonight was presented at that conference. He
also made mention that the City had paid for 5 attendees, when in
fact only 2 attended. Pia Jarman suggested we write a letter
requesting a refund. The conference will either refund or say No.
We will not lose by writing.
Pia Jarman moved to adjourn the meeting. David Richmond seconded
the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
Chairman Ernie Evans adjourned the meeting at 10:05 p.m.
next regularly scheduled meeting
Chairman, Panning an
City of Schertz, Texas
, 1996 at 7:00
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Panning Secretary
City of Schertz, Texas