SSLGC 12-20-2007
On this the 20th day of December, 2007, the Schertz-Seguin Local Government Corporation
convened at 1:40 p.m. in the City of Seguin Council Chambers located at 210 E. Gonzales,
Seguin, Texas. The following members being present and in attendance:
Sydney Bauer
Ken Greenwald
Robin Dwyer
Patricia Ramirez
Betty Ann Matthies
Hal Baldwin
and the following directors being absent:
Jim Wolverton
constituting a majority of the persons appointed to the Board and a quorum for the
transaction of business, and notice of such meeting having been duly given in accordance
with the provisions of Texas law. Also in attendance were:
Alan Cockerell
Doug Faseler
Don Taylor
John Bierschwale
Susan Caddell
John Schraub
Dan Drugan
Georgia Hanks
Patrick Lindner
Crockett Camp
Bill Klemt
John Winkler
General Manager
Seguin City Manager
Schertz City Manager
Schertz Assistant City Manager
Seguin Director of Finance
Seguin Water Utility Manager
Water Systems Manager
Administrative Assistant
Legal Counsel (Davidson &. Troilo)
Hydrologist Consultant
Consultant (Bury&Parlners)
The first order of business was the callinS! of the meetioS! to order.
President Sydney Bauer called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m.
The second order of business was public comment.
General Manager Alan Cockerell introduced Ed Nelson who was recently hired by Schertz-
Seguin-Local Government Corporation (SSLGC) as an Operator I. Mr. Nelson's background
is in telecommunications. He was previously employed by Excel Communications. In
college he studied chemistry and biology which will assist him in his laboratory
responsibilities for SSLGC.
The third order of business was approval of the minutes for the board meetinf!" held on
November 15. 2007.
Secretary Robin Dwyer made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 15,
2007 meeting as written. Vice-President Ken Greenwald seconded the motion. Upon a
vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision.
The fourth order of business was presentation of the eeneral manaeer's report - Alan
A copy of Mr. Cockerell's written report was included in the board agenda packets. He
added the following items to his report:
Tour of SSLGC Facilities
A group which included Director Patricia Ramirez, Councilman David Scagliola,
representatives of Land Design Partners and City of Schertz staff was given a tour on
December 19, 2007, of SSLGC's wells, treatment plant, transmission line and Booster Pump
Station. Mr. Cockerell complimented Water Systems Manager Dan Dmgan and SSLGC
operators by stating he had received numerous comments from the tour group regarding how
neat and orderly the water treatment plant was.
Operations Report - WeB #5
Peerless Equipment, Ltd. is working on the installation of a stainless steel pump on Well #5.
It should be operational and in production in a few days. A summary of the total number of
stainless steel pumps that SSLGC has acquired to replace its cast iron pumps is as follows:
. pumps installed in Wells #1 and #6
. pump currently being installed in Well #5
· pump to be delivered in Febmary for WelJ, #8
. pump on order due to arrive in March
SSLGC will have a total of five stainless steel pumps, four in operation and one in inventory.
In the future three additional stainless steel pumps will be ordered to complete the project of
replacing cast iron pumps in all eight wells with stainless steel pumps. Cast iron pumps
which are repairable will be placed in inventory as spares.
SAWS Contested Case Hearing Mediation
An all-day mediation session was held November 27, 2007. A tentative agreement was
drafted at the end of the day. Continuation of the mediation session is to take place before
the end ofJanuary.
Consultant Bill K1emt and General Manager Cockerell will attend a GMA-13 meeting in
Pleasanton, January 9, 2008, to continue discussions on establishing Desired Future
Conditions (DFC's) for GMA-13. All Underground Districts normally send representatives
to the meeting.
Draft Discharge Permit
A statutory waiting period for comments is in effect for the draft discharge permit. Presently
no comments or changes have been issued and the permit appears ready for approval.
Water Usage
Water usage was the highest in November 2007 of any November since SSLGC began its
operation. However, the annual total usage is expected to be less than the previous year due
to reduced pU1i1ping in the summer months caused by excessive rainfall during that time.
Mr. Cockerell asked for additional questions regarding his report. With no further
discussion, President Bauer moved to Agenda Item #5.
The fifth order of business was the contract between SSLGC and Crockett Camp -
Crockett Camp. Proiect Mana2er.
General Manager Cockerell reported that a proposed contract from Mr. Camp had been
submitted. City managers and staff will review the contract at the next city managers"
meeting and present it to the Board at the January 1 Th board meeting.
The sixth order of business was the contract between SSLGc and Bill clemt - Alan
General Manager Cockerell reported that a proposed contract renewal from Mr. Klemt for
2008-2009 had been submitted. The contract is similar to the previous one and has few
changes. It includes a monthly retainer of$1,500, $65.00 per hour for other tasks as agreed
upon and mileage reimbursement at the current IRS rate.
Secretary Dwyer made a motion to approve the contract for consultant services
between SSLGc and Bill Klemt. Vice-President Greenwald seconded the motion. With
a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision.
The seventh order of business was off-peak water sales - Alan Cockerell. General
Manaeer. DODe Faseler. Seeuin City Manaf!"er and. Johnnv Bierschwale. Schertz
Assistant City Manaeer.
A draft contract for off-peak water sales was included in the board agenda packets. A
summary of water production costs, projected capital expenditures and revised water system
proforma are also included. Off-peak water sales were discussed at the last board meeting
and Mr. Cockerell and staff were directed to further investigate the program. A new draft
contract was handed out to board members for their review. Mr. Cockerell highlighted
changes which include a limit on the amount of water provided which is 1,000 gpm as in
current contracts with Selma and Universal City. The contract also shows a rate of $2.33 per
thousand gallons for fiscal year 2007-2008 and an adjustment in rate for fiscal year 2008-
2009, effective October 1, 2008.
President Bauer requested a change be made on page one, fourth paragraph, "... for a period
of one calendar to allow..." to "... for a period of one calendar vear to allow...."
Mr. Cockerell advised board members that cost projections were determined on estimated
water usage. Depreciation was not built into the water rate. Consultant John Winkler
advised board members that if neither city used any water, approximately 800.10 of the costs
would remain idle. Twenty percent of the costs is actual cost of pumping, e.g., utilities and
operations. Mr. Cockerell, reiterated that the Corporation Warlts to sell water during off..peak
seasons at the highest published rate it has in effect in order to use the 80% of bottom line
costs more effectively. No additional capital costs should be incurred. Both city managers
agreed that off-peak water sales would be a good opportunity for SSLGC to realize additional
revenue. .
Counsel Patrick Lindner added that because of the 1,000 gpm limitation in the agreement, the
section pertaining to acre feet per year would be deleted.
Secretary Dwyer made a motion to approve the off-peak water sales contract template
with the changes discussed and authorize the general manager to negotiate the
agreement with Selma, Springs mB and orlUniversal City for off-peak water sales.
Vice-President Greenwald seconded the motion. Upon a vote being caned, the motion
passed by unanimous decision.
The eiehth order of business was water lease contracts for Guadalupe Countv -
Crockett Camp. Project Manaeer.
President Bauer deferred Agenda Item #8 to Executive Session.
The ninth order of business was water lease contrncts for Gonzales countv - Crockett
Camp. Project Manuer
President Bauer deferred Ag~nda Item #9 to Executive Session.
The tenth order of business was Guadalupe Coontv proiect status - Alan CockerelL
General Manaeer and John Winkler. Bury+Partners.
Mr. Cockerell reported that design activities on the project are currently on hold and waiting
for additional water rights to be secured. The delay happens at a natural break between the
initial design phase and the detailed design phase for construction. A project recap and
summary of construction fund balances as of December 10, 2007, which also apply to
Agenda Item 11, were included in the board agenda packets.
The eleventh order of business was Gonzales Countv project status I construction
contracts - Alan Cockerell. General Manaeer and John Winkler. Burv+Partners.
Mr. Cockerell referred to a letter from Bury+Partners which was included in the board
agenda packets and stated that one construction document was prepared by Bury+Partners for
the three projects based on the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee format.
These documents were reviewed by legal counsel, approved by the general manager and then
provided to prospective vendors for bids. Results of the bidding process for the construction
phase for the three projects were enclosed in the board agenda packets. Of the five bids
received by the submittal deadline, Bryan Construction Company provided the lowest bid of
$471,965.00. Mr. Cockerell referred to his manager's report and recapped material
purchases which were approved by the Board at the last board meeting as follows:
a) Filter Media Replacement - Hungerford & Teny is in the process of executing
contract documents.
b) Rate of Flow Controllers - Tonka has been given the authorization to proceed
by BPI.
c) Lime Slurry Tank - A change order was issued to reduce the cost of the RDP
tank from $131,000 to $115,000. The change was due to work by
Bury+Partners in further defining the requirements of the control panel, and
resulted in a savings of $16,000.
Mr. Cockerell requested approval to award a contract to Bryan Construction Company for the
construction phase of the three projects.
Director Patricia Ramirez made a motion to award the contract for construction of
improvements at Water Treatment Plant 1 to Bryan Constmction Company. Vice-
President Greenwald seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion passed
by unanimous decision.
The twelfth order of business was oresentation of consultant report - Crockett Camp.
Mr. Camp deferred Agenda Item #12 to Executive Session.
The thirteenth order or business was presentation of consultant report - Bill Klemt.
Hvdroloeist Consultant.
Mr. Klemt reported that he continues to work with GMA-13 on Ground Availability Model
Runs (GAMs) in order to predict Desirable Future Conditions (DFC). He is presently trying
to determine drawdown for particular amounts of pumpage for various projects which
include various models and model layers.
GCUWCD General Manager Barry Miller stated that input from all entities interested in
conserving Carrizo water, pumping Carrizo water and having water for Whooping Cranes is
. needed for accurate representation at the GMA-13 Meeting on January 9th. He added that
hopefully, a consensus group will be formed at the meeting to reach some balance of
concerns between SAWS requests for 200 ft of drawdown of Artesian pressure and the Sierra
Club's request that no water be taken because it interferes with Whooping Cranes.
Mr. Klemt is working to coordinate water level measurements in Guadalupe County and
Gonzales County. He plans to work with GCUWCD General Manager Barry Miller in
Gonzales County in January.
President Bauer closed General Session at 2:30p.m.
The fourteenth order of business was Executive Session called under Chapter 551'
Govemment Code. Subsection 551.071. to seek the advice of its attomev on legal
matters relatine to the Board of Director's ri~ts and liabilities under certain contracts.
Section 551.072. to deliberate the purchase of and/or sale of certain real estate. and
Section 551.074. for deliberations l'ef!"arding a specific officer or emplovee.
Executive Session was held from 2:45 p.m. to 3:19 p.m.
The fifteenth order of business was to consider and take action as a result of Aeenda
Item #14.
President Bauer opened General Session at 3:20 p.m.
No action was taken as a result of Executive Session.
The sixteenth order of business was additional Board of Directors discussion and/or
Director Ramirez reported that she had taken a tour of SSLGC' s Booster Pump Station and is
concerned about unusual pump noise. General Manager Cockerell stated that according to
SSLGC Water Systems Manager Dan Dmgan the noise has occurred since the plant was put
into operation. Mr. Cockerell will work with Bury+Partners Consultant John Winkler to
investigate Ms. Ramirez' concerns and report their observations at the next board meeting.
The next regular board meeting was scheduled January 17, 2007, in Schertz.
No additional discussion and/or comments were discussed.
The seventeenth order of business was adjournment.
President Bauer declared the meeting adjoumed at 3:25 p.m.
. 2008.
Robin Dwyer