SYC 10-16-2006
October 16th, 2006
The October monthly meeting of the Schertz Youth Commission was called to order by Emily
Furillo, President, at 6:32 pm.
Jonette Ellis
Sharon Pennington
Emily Furillo
Travis Lewis
Katie Foehrkolb
Kaitlin Wasko
Nicki Stohr
Michael Slater
Megan Berg
Christopher Coronado
David Freimarck
Christina Eppel
City Liaison
Citizen Advisor
Vice President
Mrs. Ellis welcomes everyone to the meeting.
Chris motions to accept last months minutes, Katie seconds, a vote is called and a1f vote aye.
Nicki Stohr reintrodtlCeS herself and shows the commission the tloorplans of the new library that
was discussed at meeting. She also shares some.ofthe library's annual statistics,
including information ondiffereat computer statistics, head counts, total items veiisustotal items
checked out, andsl&D1er and winter reading programs. She discusses the new onfule':futoring
program that is accessible from the library webpage.
She informs the commission that it was time to make some decisions. First, the teen room of the
library needs a name. The ronuriission decided to set up collection boxes aromd locaJ schools,
papers, and city order for more youth to contribute ideas. Mrs. Eni'S and Mrs.
Pennington suggested that we honorothet students; i.e., Samantha Stritmatter or Jimi Carroll.
The naming will begin December 1 st and ,end January 31 st. Kaitlin volunteered to write the
naming contest explanation and Chris and David will put it on the website.
Mrs. Stohr ask~ for more suggestions for the library. Several suggestions includ~d lIlGvie
nights, concessions in the teen room,. research programs on the computers, and a display for
school required reading.
Mrs. Pennington discusses the Cibolo Youth Commission. She informs us that their commission
has a strict dress code for meetings and events. She asked us to consider the idea. The
commission agrees that school dress clothes (Le., polos and khakis ) are good for meetings.
Mrs. EJ:lis discussed all upcoming events:
. The Festival of Angels:
o Friday December 1 st, 6:30-9:30 pm
o Light~ parade, carolers, Santa, possibly SYC float?
o Raises. items for the Blue Santa program
o Raises clothing, toys, and food.
. Holiday Lock Up:
o Nevember 15th
. Christmas in the Park:
o December 2nd, 94 am
o SlideS in the snow, pony rides, trains, Santa
o Will have venders
. "Trunk or Treat"
o OCtober 31 st
Mrs. Ellis ends the meeting by saying she will invite the Asst. Police Chlef to the next meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 7 :49 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Foehrkolb
Schertz Youth Commission