BOA 06-23-2008 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES June 23, 2008 The Schertz Board of Adjustment convened on June 23, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. at the Municipal Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway Building #4, Schertz, Texas. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Earl Hartzog, Chairman Joe Potempa, Vice Chairman Darlene Price Norman Slocum Donald McQueen, Alternate Tony Wilenchik, City Council Liaison William Sommers, Planning and Zoning Liaison CITY STAFF Thomas Rhodes, Mitchell Planning Group Misty Nichols, Senior Planner Lesa Wood, Planning Technician BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT James Harden Leonard Weinand Jr., Alternate OTHERS PRESENT Robert Brockman, 1000 Elbel Tammy Colson, Chandler Signs Sam Macrum, Chandler Signs Jay Nielsen, Frost Bank 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Mr. Hartzog called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. 2. HEARING OF RESIDENTS Robert Brockman requested that the language on the public hearing information be changed. 3. Consider and act upon the Board of Adjustment minutes for April 28, 2008. Following reading of the agenda item, Mr. Slocum moved to approve the item. Mr. McQueen seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. BOA 2008-008 16895 IH 35 N Variance to Article IX, Section i, of the Unified Development Code (UDC) relating to the maximum area of a permitted wall sign for a business located on Lot 1, Block 13 of the Verde Enterprise Business Park, Unit 11, located on the southbound access road of IH-35 between Journeys Way and Enterprise Avenue and being commonly known as 16895 IH-35 N. Public hearing opened at 6:05 pm. Mr. Rhodes reviewed staff comments. Mr. Hartzog recognized the following citizen: . Jay Nielson, Frost Bank, introduced Tammy Colson and Sam Macrum, Chandler Signs, and advised the board that they are available to answer any questions and stated that he was asking for the second sign on the building. . Robert Brockman, had a few questions about the other sign being permitted on the property and if trees would be removed that were in the picture. There being no one else to speak the Public hearing closed at 6: 12 pm. Minutes Board of Adjustment June 23, 2008 Page I on Mr. Hartzog questioned staff about the various other signs permitted on the property. Mr. Rhodes advised the board to refer to site plan exhibit proved and explained the various signs. Mr. Slocum questioned why applicant did not maximize the primary sign? Sam Marcum, Chandler Signs, provided an exhibit of the proposed sign and discussed its size and stated that the size is all copyrighted in terms of what they have done in the past and with proportion of the logo to the word Frost. After a short discussion on the copyrighting of the sign and the ability to maximize the secondary sign, Mr. Slocum moved to disapprove the variance request. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Slocum, and Mr. Potempa. Voting Nay: Ms. Price, Mr. McQueen and Mr. Hartzog. Motion failed. Mr. McQueen moved to approve the variance request. Ms. Price seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Ms. Price, Mr. McQueen and Mr. Hartzog. Voting Nay: Mr. Slocum, and Mr. Potempa. Motion for approval failed to obtain 75% approval. Variance request denied. 5. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: A. Unified Development Code - Section IX Sign Standards Presentation and discussion regarding changes to Article IX of the UDC, Sign Standards. (T. Rhodes) Mr. Rhodes gave a presentation highlighting the sections of the UDC Article IX that had revisions. B. Board of Adjustment By-Laws Discussion and action regarding amending the Board of Adjustment By-Laws. Mr. Rhodes presented each section of the By-Laws followed by discussion and recommendation from the Board. 6. ITEMS BY COUNCIL, COMMISSION AND STAFF A. City Council Comments Mr. Wilenchik invited the Board to the Joint Worksession tomorrow June 24,2008. B. Planning Manager Comments Mr. Rhodes advised the Board that the Joint Worksession would include a presentation of the full Unified Development Code. C. Board of Adjustment Member Comments Mr. McQueen: No comments. Ms. Price: No comments. Mr. Slocum: No comments. Mr. Potempa: Minutes Board of Adjustment June 23, 2008 Page 2 on No comments. "'" Mr. Hartzog: Reminded the members of the calendars, member information list, sign ordinance and By-Laws provided in the packets. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:09 P.M. ~LUocci Recording Secretary, City of Schertz ......... ......... Minutes Board of Adjustment June 23, 2008 Page 3 of3