SSLGC 01-20-2000 MINUTES OF THE SCHERTZ/SEGUIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF GUADALUPE ~ SCHERTZ/SEGUIN LOCAL ~ GOVERNMENT CORPORATION ~ On this the 20th day of January, 2000, the Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation convened at 2: 18 p.m. in the City of Schertz Council Chambers, located at 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. There was not a quorum present yet and it was getting late, so Director Bauer started, at 2:18 p.m., with those things they could do without a vote. He moved down to Item 3 on the agenda - Introduction of engineering service personnel. Mr. Clay Roming introduced Joe Controla, electrical engineer, Stan Reed, structural engineer, John Burkhoff, one of the project engineers, Bob Davis who is involved with geotechnical work and quality control, and Joe Mosley and George Rubalcaba who are involved with the environmental work. At 2:23 p.m., President Robin Dwyer arrived at the meeting, apologizing profoundly for being late. Clay Roming once again introduced the engineering personnel, so President Dwyer could meet them. Director Rivera told the engineers she was pleased they were here. This project is important to our citizens and she is glad to know they are in good hands. The Corporation appreciates the work of the engineers. It is an historic project and she would like for the engineers to consider the Corporation a team. She asked that they keep the Corporation informed. President Dwyer, addressing the engineers, added that the chain of command is important here. Talk to the City Managers about problems. They have telephones and would like to hear from you. Director Bauer thanked the engineers for being at the meeting. There was now a quorum present with the following members being in attendance: Robin Dwyer Sidney Bauer Gloria Rivera President Director Director -1- constituting a majority of the persons appointed to the Board and a quorum for the transaction of business, and notice of such meeting having been duly given in accordance with the provisions of Texas law. Also in attendance were Ken Greenwald, Kerry Sweatt and Jack Hamlett. Absent: Vice-President Ramon Cook, Secretary Jim Wolverton and Eric Vordenbaum. President Dwyer called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. The second order of business was approval of minutes for the meetings of November 16, 1999, December 7, 1999 and December 22, 1999. Director Bauer asked that on page 3 of the November 16, 1999 minutes the last word in line 2 be changed from severable to several. Director Rivera asked that in those same minutes on page 8, paragraph 4, last sentence, everything after the word cost be deleted. President Dwyer suggested that the heading of the minutes for December 22, 1999 have the word Organizational deleted. Director Rivera moved to approve the minutes for the November 16, 1999 meeting as amended. Director Bauer seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present. Director Bauer moved to approve the minutes for the December 7, 1999 meeting as presented. Director Rivera seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present. President Dwyer moved to approve the minutes of the December 22, 1999 meeting as amended. Director Rivera seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present. The third order of business, Introduction of engineering service personnel, had been taken care of by Director Bauer before a quorum was present. The fourth order of business was consultant report on well field configuration and other matters relating to water supply project implementation. Mr. Crockett Camp distributed a map to the members at this time, which showed the properties and stated there are 7 points on the map. Mr. Camp mentioned the Gonzales District granted a permit to dig the well designated as point 3 on the map. Mr. Camp went on to say he had attended a meeting of the Gonzales District and got an answer from them about well design. The well is to be designed for 1,000 gallons per minute (averaged over a month), not to exceed 1260 gallons per minute. -2- Mr. Camp noted the meeting was mostly abouiviolations of rules regarding the Bustos well. BexarMet was represented. Mr. Camp said they are asking that instead of coming in one well at a time, they have a well field permitted and he felt like the request was favorably received. You have to be careful this is not used as a device for someone to go in and take control. Mr. Camp stated the well would be tested on February 3rd. President Dwyer asked if there will be a chemical analysis and Mr. Crockett replied yes - the State will put a camera down the well. It should be required that all wells be tested and he asked Mrs. Bustos if we could test hers and she answered no. Director Rivera asked if there was any press coverage of the meeting and Mr. Camp replied he didn't see anyone from the press. President Dwyer then asked if Mrs. Bustos had a presentation and Mr. Camp replied not much of one - it was very brief. President Dwyer inquired if Mr. Camp got the impression that Mrs. Bustos seemed to have any organized support and Mr. Camp replied no. President Dwyer asked who was at the meeting and Mr. Camp replied Tommy Cook, Walter Scott, Craig Heinz and Ron Hart. Director Rivera asked when the meeting took place and Mr. Camp answered this past Tuesday, January 18th. Director Rivera wanted to know if the atmosphere was cordial and Mr. Camp replied yes it was. Director Rivera then inquired about the purpose of the meeting and Mr. Camp answered to try and change some of the rules, specifically the spacing of the wells. This concluded Mr. Camp's report. The fifth order of business was to consider and take action on a resolution approving participation in Tex-Poollnvestment Program. Susan Caddell explained she would like for the Corporation to consider participation in the Tex-Pool Investment Program because it would give more liquidity and higher returns. If the resolution is approved, she would like to get an account set up. Director Bauer commented mostly schools and municipalities participate in these types of pools. Mr. Sweatt admitted they all use some form of investment and he sees no problem with using Tex-Pool. It will encourage diversification. President Dwyer asked about a Treasurerl Designated Representative. Mr. Hamlett indicated it would be him and Susan Caddell. Director Bauer moved to approve the resolution, as presented, approving participation in Tex-Pool Investment Program. Director Rivera seconded the motion, which carried with the unanimous vote of all Directors present. -~- The sixth order of business was an Executive Session called under Chapter 661 Local Government Code, Subsection 661.072, deliberation regarding real property, and Chapter 661, Subsection 661.071, regarding pending or contemplated litigation. An Executive Session was held from 3:12 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. The seventh order of business was to consider and take action as a result of Item #6. Director Rivera moved to approve the Treasurer's recommendation concerning the pipeline land acquisition team and implementation process. Director Bauer seconded the motion, which carried with the unanimous vote of all Directors present. The eighth order of business was Other Business. There was no old business, but there were several new items. Mr. Sweatt announced the next meeting of the Local Government Corporation would be February 17, 2000 at 1 :30 p.m. in Seguin. Director Rivera reported that as far as the Regional Planning Group, the options are being constructed. There are three approaches: (1) the local long and short range planning, (2) the cost, and (3) the conservation. Director Rivera also mentioned a public meeting would be held next Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at the Lion's Club in McQueeney at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Greenwald asked if there's anything worth attending for or is it just informational. Director Rivera felt it is important to attend - there may be projects of interest to someone. There being no further business offered, it was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a vote being taken, the motion carried by a unanimous vote of all Directors present and the meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m. -4- MINUTES APPROVED this the day of , 2000. Signatures of all Directors Robin Dwyer, President Ramon J. Cook, Vice-President Jim Wolverton, Secretary Sidney Bauer, Director Gloria Rivera, Director -5-