SSLGC 04-15-1999
T-033 P.02/05 F-359
M~y.~ 3-99 09 :46
: On this, the 15th day of April, 1999, the Board of Directors (the Board) of the Schertz/Seguin
Local Government Colporation (the Corporation) convened at 1 :30 o'clock p.m. in the City COWlell
Cha~bers located at Seguin City Hall, 210 East Gonzales, Seguin, Texas, with the following
members being present and in attendance:
Robin D}\m
Ramon J. ~
Jim Wolverton
Sidney B~
Gloria Riv,m
Vice President
constituting a majority of the persons appointed to the Board and a qUOJ'UIn for the transaction of
business, and notice of such meeting having been duly given in accorwm.ce with the provisions of
Texas Law. Also, in auendanc:e were Ken Greenwald, Keny Sweatt, and Jack Hamlett. Eric
V ordenbaum. was absent.
The meeting was called tl) order by President Robin Dwyer. The: second order of business
was to consider and take action regarding Minutes of March 4, 1999 and March 18, 1999 meeting.
A motion was made by Director Gloria Rivera and seconded by Vice-Pr(~sident Ramon J. Cook to
approve the Minutes of the March 4, 1999 meeting. Upon a vote being called, such minutes were
Vice-President Ramon J.. Cook suggested Page 3, paragraph 4 "acre foot of water" be
corrected to "acre feet of water." A motion was made by Secretary Jim Wolverton and seconded by
Director Sidney Bauer to approve the Minutes of the March 18, 1999 meeting with the noted
correction. Upon a vote being called, such minutes were approved.
The third order of business presented to the Board was a report by Doug Faseler on potential
customers and projected quantities. Mr. Faseler provided a han,dout whil\.~h reflected a total of nine
entitles that ~re contacted to see if they would be interested as potential OJstomers with our project
and ~o provide what they might see as a need for additional water.
: Vice-President Ramon J. Cook asked if the figures reflected the gross that the communities
wo~ld need or is this the addition beyond the current supply.
. Mr. Faseler stated the cities of Marion, Live Oak, Garden Ridge, and Converse advised the
proj~tion is what they see as thl~ total ultimate water needs for their citil:~S in addition to what they
have now.
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I President Dwyer asked what time frame was used for the projc:ction. Is this a ten year
i Mr. FaseJer stated Garden Ridge projected theirs out as x number of homes per year for the
next twenty five years. The other entities did no indicate the number ofye:ars projected. The cities
look~d at undeveloped land area and what the land use assumptions are in cmnmercial and residential.
We h1ay receive additional information from the entities which have yet to respond and any
inforlnation received will be brought to the Boards attention. The City of Seguin's 3,000 acre feet
figure represents what the City has through GBRA at Canyon.
Mr. Hamlett stated Canyon has been a back up in drought conditions. Council has expressed
intertst in exploring an alternate source. The City pays whether we use thf~ water or not. It's a take
or p~y contract.
Mr. Sweatt advised the figure from Schertz is the additional over ,and above our pennit.
i The fourth order of business presented to the Board was a presentation by Carlos Brawner
on a potential financing source for the water project. Mr. Brawner of 112 E. College St. in Seguin,
Texas praised the Board for its foresight to proceed with obtaining an alternate water source for
SegUin and Guadalupe County. Mr. Bra\Wer presented the Board with a summary of a potential
fmancial source for the water project. Secretary Jim Wolverton sugg,ested the infonnation be
provided to the Boards legal advisor tor review and have the legal advisor make a reconnnendation
to the Board.
; The fifth order of business was a report by consultant on status of study and engineering
design. However, Crockett Camp advised his report would be discussed during the Executive
I Mr. Swean reported the Guadalupe County Underground Water Conservation District Bill
has J?een submitted by Representative Kempel and will be beard by TNROC next Wednesday (April
21, i 999) after adjournment of the session, Room 1.010 in the new extension of the capital. Mr.
Crockett Camp has advised he is available to attend just to see if there are any questions and to
repr~sent our interest at that time.
: Director Gloria Rivera provided an update to the SCTRWPG meeting. The report with the
new~options to be evaluated was submitted. On Apri127, 1999 there will be a workshop from nine
to titre where these options will be looked at in detail. The purpose is to deti~nnine which options will
be ffi.rther studied by the consultant.
I Director Gloria Rivera requested everyone to refer to page 42 oftlle handouts. The project
has been identified and included in these options. There is tremendous cll)mpetition. If anyone has
any temarks which might have a n.egative impact please let me know so that .[ may talk about the issue
at tHe April 27th meeting.
! There was a discussion of the major water providers. TWDB was required to issue a
definition of what a major water provider is. The definition is "an entity which delivers and sells a
s~ficant amount of raw or treated water for municipal and/or manufactw:ing use on a wholesale or
retail basis. The entity can bel public or private, nonprofit, or for pill'Ofit. Examples include:
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municipalities with wholesale customers, river authorities, or 'Water distdcts. There is a list of the
major water providers. Some cities were eliminated because they did not meet the criteria.
: The SCTRWPG also defined what the significant amount of raw water is and the figure
agreed upon was 500 acre feet per year. Based upon that criteria the City ofVictona was eliminated
as well Bexar, Medina, and AtascOsa counties. The list is available if anyone is interested in looking
at it~ A point was brought up that Schertz/Seguin should be included hi this list. There was an
ameridment to the approved list to state the list is going to be dynamic. The criteria accepted was the
major provider be an entity which is currently and actually delivering and selling water. At this point
we ~ not be included in the list but there is room for US to be included as we begin delivery and
selfuig of the water.
: Director Gloria Rivera questioned since the City of Seguin is selling to Springs Hill are they
a pr~vider? :Mr. Hamllet stated the City of Seguin currently sells to Springs Hill in an emergency,
nothing on a regular basis.
, Director Gloria Rivera reported when someone is looking for water they can refer to the list
and look by division and/or provider. Ifwe are not on the list, we would :[1ot be widely known as a
provider. The last item to report is there was a letter that needed to be arlswered about support for
the Junior Rights not to become transferred. The support did not pass.
Director Sidney Bauer questioned what authority the SCTRWPG has over what this Board
is plimning.
, Director Gloria Rivera said for the short run the group does not impact us. Today the group
has no authority. Everyone is encouraged to panicipate in a process that i~;: starting from the ground
up. yie want to have open the option for expansion. If our expansion is not included in this regional
plan: then there is nothing to prevent someone from infringing in our projl::ct.
, Mr. Crockett Camp stated funding is one issue, the other issue which does not affect this
proj~ now but there is a part in there that after 2001 it effects water rights pennitting. We do not
req~ a permit to go get private property but there are some water providers which are attempting
to work outside of these regional planning groups. It's our recommendation that you not take that
course but that you work within it and contribute to it so that all those options are open to the future.
This keeps our possibilities open. Right now we talk about the State's panicipation with TWDB
havIng an interest in participating as a partner if they got the funding in this legislature. Right now
there is no prohibition but once the door closes after the first plan is approved and that time runs,
those kinds of assistance from TWDB would not be available and we could lose a very valuable
partner in developing water supplies for the future. These are important but do not have an
imniediate impact.
President Dwyer called for an adjournment of the regular session at 2:30 p.rn. with Board
members going into an executive session. The executive session adjoum(:,d and the regular meeting
was resumed at 4:06 p.m.
I President Dwyer advised there would be no action taken on the de:iiberation of real property.
Ho~ever I would. entertain a motion that we direct consultants' Camp & Pape to identifY properties
to t~e Board and present. Specific property with area, price and terms S~) Board could take formal
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action. The motion was made by Director Sidney Bauer and seconded by Secretary Jim Wolvenon.
Upon. a vote being called, the motion was approved.
i President Dwyer appointed an Executive Committee to assist in negotiations. The Committee
will donsist ofKeny Sweatt~ Jack Hamlett and Robin Dwyer. However, irlt the absence of President
Dwy~ any member of the Board is designated. No further discussion. No objection.
I Director Gloria Rivera made a motion for Secretary Jim Wolverton to authorize the Executive
Comnuttee to authorize the consultants to make a decision concerning ttle price and terms. Vice-
Pre~ent Ramon Cook seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion was approved.
: President Dwyer asked if there was any other business for the Board to consider and, none
heinS offered, it was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. 'Upon a vote being taken.,
the motion carried by a unanimous vote of all Directors present and the meeting was adjourned at
MINUTES APPROVED, this the 20th day ofMay~ 1999.
Signatures of all Directors
Robin Dwyer, President
Ramon 1. Cook. Vice President
Jim Wolverton, Secretary
Sidney Bauer, Director
Gloria Rivera, Director