SSLGC 03-18-1999
On this, the 18th day of March, 1999, the Schertz/Seguin Local Government
Corporation convened at 1 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Schertz
Municipal Complex located at 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas with
the following members being present and in attendance:
Robin Dwyer
Ramon Cook
Jim Wolverton
Sidney Bauer
Gloria Rivera
constituting a majority of the persons appointed to the Board and a
quorum for the transaction of business, and notice of such meeting having
been duly given in accordance with the provisions of Texas law. Also in
attendance were Ken Greenwald, Kerry Sweatt and Jack Hamlett. Absent:
Eric Vordenbaum.
Due to the fact President Dwyer was going to be late, the meeting was
called to order by Vice-President Ramon Cook. The first order of business
was approval of minutes for the meeting of February 18, 1999. Director
Rivera moved to approve the minutes, as submitted, for the meeting of
February 18, 1999. Secretary Wolverton seconded the motion, which
carried by unanimous vote of all Directors present.
The second order of business was a report from the consultant regarding
the water study. Mr. Crockett Camp reported he had attended a Regional
Planning Group meeting this last week as an alternate for Director Rivera.
He asked them directly if the Schertz/Seguin Local Government
Corporation's Carrizo project was included on their agenda in the item they
had adopted some time ago for the Carrizo study, and their consultant told
him it was not. What they've adopted up to this point is the option that is
San Antonio only bringing water from the Carrizo. They are also looking at
what they call new options. The ones they've adopted have been part of
the Trans Texas Study. Vice-President Cook commented those are very
old - going back as far as 1957. Mr. Camp indicated they are going to
rehash the Trans Texas Study one more time.
Mr. Camp then went on to say one of the newer options included local
communities bringing water from the Carrizo and is worded as "local
communities located over the Carrizo" which our communities are not. He
spoke with their consultant about having a wording change that would
include communities like the Corporation's which are bringing water from
the Carrizo for local purposes. Mr. Camp indicated that where this leaves
the Corporation is that for the next few years the planning of the Regional
Planning Group is of little consequence to this project because the
Corporation will have water coming out of the pipe probably before their
plan is effective. If it turns out, however, that the Corporation has the
capacity to deliver more water than the immediate needs of their
communities, then that part should be considered for inclusion in the
Planning Group's plan so the Corporation has the capacity to bring more
water into the area. In his opinion, the Regional Planning Group has not
considered the Corporation's project by itself, because they consider it a
done deal. It is on their list of things that will be finished before their plan
comes out.
Mr. Camp recommended he stay the course with Director Rivera and keep
pushing so there's the option to continue the kind of work he's doing on
behalf of the Corporation so it's not just the City of San Antonio that can
bring water into the area. Mr. Hamlett asked, even if they consider it a
done deal, can't it be put on the agenda and considered as a project that is
there. Mr. Camp replied it's a strange situation - no one says no. It's like
walking into a really fine-feathered pillow and then you realize you've been
smothered. When you ask if our plan is there, then they answer no, your
plan is already done - you are on our list of projects already finished. Then
when you ask what happens if the Corporation brings in more water than
the Planning Group has considered, they answer you're in new option 2A.
We are not in option 2A because we are not in communities located over
the Carrizo. Mr. Camp said he then asked if option 2A could be amended
to include the Corporation and was told yes, but it remains to be seen.
Mr. Hamlett pointed out that the City of Seguin has another option which
needs to be in there. When the pipeline is installed, they have the ability to
use the water on the river. Mr. Camp agreed and also mentioned that
suppose they are not considered in that way and they need to go to the
Water Development Board in a few years to make a project, they may be
precluded from doing that if they are not part of this plan. For the
immediate needs of the Corporation's project, what the Regional Planning
Group is not doing won't stop that. Mr. Camp then reminded them he had
told them previously that the Water Development Board was very
interested to see if it's possible for them to participate in this project. They
may not be able to consider that five years down the road if the
Corporation is not part of this plan. In the next three years it won't have
much effect, but beyond that it will have a very definite effect. The
Corporation's very fortunate to have a Board member that's on the
Planning Group.
Mr. Camp stated he finds it difficult to have a clear proposal before this
Planning Group to vote on. He doesn't think there would be sentiment
against this project. Vice-President Cook observed that considering what
it's bringing along, the Planning Group's tail is pulling a big load already -
an economic load and is promising more. Mr. Camp added it's difficult to
get a focus. They managed to meet all day that day and no one knew, even
their facilitator, where they were. They basically had to quit without making
any decisions and tell the consultant to go back and redo the list. They did
not adopt any of the projects. When asked if it was part of the TNRCC, Mr.
Camp replied no, it's part of the Development Board. He than said the staff
of this Planning Group is the San Antonio River Authority and GBRA is
certainly a big part of that. The consultant is HDR who also did Trans
Texas. What the Corporation wants is enough recognition to get into one
of these plans so they're not forever precluded from working.
Director Rivera pointed put this is a new approach to planning. It is not
from the top down, it is from the bottom up. It is uncharted waters and the
procedures haven't been set in stone. It is a trial and error procedure and
she can imagine how hard it is to select options. At one of the meetings
they asked everyone to vote and select which options would be chosen. It
really wasn't the Corporation's option, it was the option of bringing water
from the Carrizo to San Antonio.
Mr. Camp noted there have been some questions about the population
figures they were using. Apparently the cities corrected, but they took it
out of the hide of the county. If they are going to have something in their
plan that is the Trans Texas option they adopted, which is basically that
San Antonio brings 90,000 acres of water from the Carrizo, what if the
Corporation's project has already taken a portion of that away. There's a
reason for them to have our project in their plan and we have to work with
the members of the Planning Group to understand that. The question is
what is their understanding of the potential of our project and shouldn't
they consider the potential of our project in their other plans. It includes
side issues like what will happen to Seguin surface water. Director Rivera
wondered if when all the options are chosen, would they be able to tell if
one option excludes another.
Mr. Camp commented the Manager of SAWS remarked it's fine they're
going to vote an all these tasks and have a scope of work and have a
budget, but has anyone added this up to see if comes to 600,000 acre feet
of water. It's fine to have all these separate projects, but until you've
added them together, you don't have any idea what the total is. Until the
Corporation's project is in there, they will not get a correct reading on the
Carrizzo option. They are a long way from getting where they need to be
until all these things are considered.
Mr. Sweatt noted the problem with planning calling it "from the ground up",
(and that's a great concept) is that this is the ground up and somebody
somewhere in the process is diffusing it. Director Rivera stated that's why
she was glad Mr. Camp could be there. The Planning Group has come a
long way, but there's still along way to go. The Corporation's project has a
lot of credibility and the timing of it is perfect. It is a step in the right
direction and the next hurdle is to get it into the options. That hasn't been
accomplished yet.
Keith Pate asked Mr. Camp what he feels the odds are for changing the
verbiage to get the Corporation's project on the Planning Group's agenda
and when that might be accomplished. Mr. Camp replied it is incumbent on
him to follow up on that. Mr. Pate said the reason he's asking is that
yesterday both the House and Senate Natural Resources had on their
agenda the bill to push the time line back four months. Mr. Camp explained
this is the time line on the entire Senate Bill 1 planning process. Vice-
President Cook commented it has already gone from the Senate to the
House for the changes in this particular Corporation. Mr. Camp, saying if
they're talking about the Guadalupe County group, he had checked a
couple of days ago and it had not been introduced yet. Mr. Sweatt
indicated Edmund Kuempel's office is waiting on the public notice now -
there is a requirement they post it so many days in the newspaper. Mr.
Hamlett reported the public notice has been taken care of - they contacted
his office about it. He's also pretty sure they have the affidavit. He signed
the letter yesterday to send it and the notice forward. Mr. Camp related the
bill-filing deadline has passed, but it takes a two-thirds vote of the House
for them to introduce a bill. He has never known the House to fail to allow
a local bill to be introduced.
Mr. Camp then distributed copies of a poll that the Planning Group had
sent out saying it is not a statistically valid poll because they carefully
chose who it went to, so it was not a random group. Director Rivera
expressed the desire that everyone have a copy of the poll and fill out the
questionnaire and send it in. There was some discussion about the
questionnaire. Director Rivera then talked about a committee formed in
1997 called the Integrated Resource Planning Committee and explained
their purpose and some of their activities. Referring to the questionnaire,
Mr. Camp said he suspects that if you don't put your address on it and
something to identify yourself, it will not be counted.
Before concluding his report, Mr. Camp noted the Planning Group meets
once a month and he will plan to attend their next meeting and he and
Director Rivera will double team them. Director Rivera once again
expressed appreciation for Mr. Camp's attendance at the Regional Planning
Group meeting.
At this time, Secretary Wolverton reminded the Board they have a letter
from the Panda Group supporting their efforts on the water project. They
are ready, willing and able to meet when we feel it is appropriate. Keep in
mind they said they have a need for water and are ready to provide us any
assistance in developing a water supply. When the time is right, they
would like to come and speak to us. Vice-President Cook suggested
keeping them posted on the Corporation's progress and then pointed out
they did not mention the checkbook. Mr. Wolverton admitted they didn't
mention it specifically, but offered "any assistance" in developing a water
The next order of business was discussion of the time and frequency of
future meetings. Mr. Sweatt advised the Board they had a received a memo
in their packets. He thinks a meeting twice a month was appropriate at
first, but now feels a once-a-month-meeting would be satisfactory for them
to take care of business. His suggestion is that they alternate every other
month between the cities of Schertz and Seguin. Director Bauer asked Mr.
Camp if this would cause any trouble for him and Mr. Camp replied that if
something comes up, he would not hesitate to call a meeting. As a matter
of fact though, he thinks it may work better to have more time between
meetings. After some questions by Mr. Hamlett and subsequent
discussion, it was decided to have the once-a-month meeting on the third
Secretary Wolverton moved to revise the meeting schedule from the first
and third Thursdays of every month to only the third Thursday every month
and alternate that meeting between the cities of Schertz and Seguin, and to
start that change in the month of April. It was suggested by Director Rivera
he amend his motion to include the fact special meetings could be called
when necessary. Secretary Wolverton amended his motion as suggested.
Director Bauer seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote of
all Directors present.
President Dwyer arrived at the meeting tit 2:05 p.m. Before going into
Executive Session, the Board took a short break.
The third item of business was an Executive Session called under Chapter
551 Local Government Code, Subsection 551.072, deliberation regarding
real property. An Executive Session was held from 2:18 p.m. until 3:05 p.m.
The fourth item of business was to consider and take action as a result of
Item #4. Director Rivera moved to authorize Crockett Camp and Keith Pate
to negotiate on acquisition of property and land discussed in the
Executive Session and to report the results back to the Board. She also
included in her motion that Mr. Camp and Mr. Pate let the Executive
Director and the Treasurer know if they need something before the next
meeting. Secretary Wolverton seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous vote of all Directors present.
President Dwyer then asked if there was any other business for the Board
to consider. At this time it was verified that the next meeting will be held
on April 15, 1999 in Seguin at the usual time and place. There being no
further business offered, it was moved and seconded that the meeting be
adjourned. Upon a vote being taken, the motion carried by a unanimous
vote of all Directors present and the meeting was adjourned at 3: 12 p.m.
day of
Signatures of all Directors
Robin Dwyer, President
Ramon J. Cook, Vice-President
Jim Wolverton, Secretary
Sidney Bauer, Director
Gloria Rivera, Director