BOA 12-08-2003
The Schertz Board of Adjustment convened a public hearing on Monday, December 8,
2003 at 6:30 P.M. in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway,
Schertz, Texas.
Earl Hartzog, Chairman
Ted Duigon, Vice Chairman
Peggy Brown
Kathy Hill
James C. Harden
Joe Potempa
William Sommers
Leonard Truitt - Building Official
Debbie Perrone, Recording
Robert Brockman
Royce Robeson
Reginna Agee
Ms. Frances Keresztury
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Chairman Hartzog called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Approval of the Minutes: Consider and take action on approval of the October
27,2003 minutes from the Board of Adjustment meeting.
Following review, Ms. Hill moved to approve the Minutes of the October 27, 2003
Board of Adjustment meeting. Ms. Brown seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vote unanimous.
3. Public Hearing Comments from Citizens
Mr. Robeson of 108 Patrick Henry shared his concerns over the letter sent to the
surrounding neighbors. He felt that more information should have been given
concerning the project being constructed. Otherwise, Mr. Robeson had no
objection of the variance being requested,
Mr. Truitt mentioned a correction to the property description. It should have read
Block: 5, Lot: 26.
Mr. Hartzog asked if the address provided in the public notice was correct? Mr.
Truitt replied it was correct.
Mr. Truitt made mention that the request was for a 12x16 storage building and only
lawn equipment and a few boxes would be stored in it.
Mr. Truitt informed the board that twenty-eight letters were mailed out to neighbors
within 200 feet of Ms. Frances Keresztury's property. Fourteen letters were
returned; twelve in favor and two opposed.
: 4. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action: On request for Ms. Frances
Keresztury to encroach five feet into the ten foot separation required between a
residence and a secondary structure at 101 Will Rogers, Greenfield Village, Block
1 Lot 6, to build a 192 square foot workshop (BOA 198-03)
Motion made by Ms. Hill to approve the request for Ms. Frances Keresztury to
encroach five feet into the ten foot separation required between a residence and a
secondary structure at 101 Will Rogers, Greenfield Village, Block 1 Lot 6, to build a
192 square foot workshop (BOA 198-03).
Mr. Duigon seconded the motion to approve Ms. Frances Keresztury to encroach
five feet into the ten foot separation required between a residence and a secondary
structure at 101 Will Rogers, Greenfield Village, Block 1 Lot 6, to build a 192
square foot workshop (BOA 198-03).
A vote was called. All were in favor. The motion carried.
5. Update the Board on Planning and Zoning Activity
Mr. Truitt updated the Board on the up coming 256-unit apartment building that will
have a connecting road off of Schertz Parkway. Plans have gone through
Planning and Zoning.
Discussion only. No action taken.
6. Adjournment
There being no further business, Chairman Hartzog adjourned the meeting at 7:00 P.M.
Chairman, Earl H
Recording Secretary, Board of Adjustment