BOA 07-06-2004
The Schertz Board of Adjustment convened a public hearing on Tuesday, July 6, 2004 at 6:30 P.M. in
the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Earl Hartzog, Chairman
Joe Potempa
Kathy Hill
Peggy Brown, Alternate
William Sommers, P&Z Commissioner
Misty Nichols, Planning Technician
Jonette Ellis, Planning Technician
Ted Duigon, Vice Chairman
James C. Harden
Loreen Askew, Wilshire Homes
1. Call to OrderlRoll Call
Chairman Hartzog called the meeting to order at 6: 14 p.m.
B0A2004-005 ,
Public Hearing on a reqnest for an 8.5-inch encroachment of the side-building setback of Lot 4,
Block 2 of Jonas Woods, Unit 3,2497 Jane Addams Drive.
Applicant: Wilshire Homes
Close Public Hearing
Chairman Hartzog opened the meeting for a public hearing.
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments and stated that two letters of notification were mailed and one was
returned favorable to the request. She also stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission had voted to
recommend approval of the request with a vote of 5-1.
Mr. Sommers stated he voted against the request and would provide the Board his reason if they wished.
Mr. Hartzog inquired if there are trees on the lot and if any were going to be saved. ~. ~ichols stated
that trees within the setbacks are not mitigated. Ms. Askew stated that the fJiC~~e'" 'home owner is
buying the lot because of the trees and it was their intention to save as many as possible.
There being no one else to speak, Chairman Hartzog closed the Public Hearing at 6: 17 p.m.
3. B0A2004-005
Discuss and take appropriate action for a request for an 8.5-inch encroachment of the side-
Board of Adjustment - Minutes
July 6, 2004
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building setback of Lot 4, Block 2 of Jonas Woods, Unit 3, 2497 JaneAddams Drive.
Applicant: Wilshire Homes
There being no discussion, Ms. Hill moved to approve the request and grant a variance to encroach 8.5-
inches into the side yard setback on the west side of the lot. Ms. Brown seconded the motion. Motion
carried. Vote unanimous.
4. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the minutes for the June 14, 2004 Board of
Adjustment meeting.
Following review, Mr. Potempa moved to approve the minutes of the June 14,2004 Board of Adjustment
meeting. Ms. Hill seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
5. Items by Commissioners and City Staff
Mr. Potempa: Asked that the Board of Adjustment meetings be posted on the marquee in front of City
Hall. Mr. Potempa also inquired about bandit signs and if they were prohibited in the City. Mr. Truitt
stated that approximately 200 bandit signs are collected each month and that the ordinance is still in
Mr. Hartzog: Stated that he was forwarding a memo to the Mayor and City Council to re-appoint the
members with terms expiring. He also thanked staff for the eventful 4th of July Jubilee celebration and
mentioned that he had heard that 50,000 people attended the parade.
6. Adjournment
There being no further business, Chairman Hartzog adjourned the meeting at 6:26 p.m.
Chairman, Earl Hartzog
Recording Secretary, Board of Adjustment
Board of Adjustment - Minutes
July 6, 2004
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