LAB 02-07-2005
The LAB met on February 7, 2005 with the following members/guests present:
Margaret Riley Ruth Tienor Pattie Lovelady Julie Parr
Mary McAllister Melissa Uhlhorn Gail Douglas
Minutes: Minutes were presented. Margaret moved to accept. Pattie seconded. Motion
Treasurer's Report: The December report was presented. The Book Store took in $4454.70
during the 2004 calendar year. $676.32 was collected during December. Due to the days that
money is deposited at City Hall a lesser amount is shown on the Dec. report. Julie
recommended that we move $5000 out of the cash balance into the investment account.
Mary made a motion to accept the treasurer's report and to move the $5000 into the
investment account. Margaret seconded. Motion carried.
Librarians' Report:
. Circulation number was 20,083 which is a 6% increase from January 2004.
. 14,014 people came into the library. 220 attended story time.
. 212 ~ volunteer hours and 12 restitution hours were logged.
. Melissa is renewing magazine subscriptions at this time. Also she is weeding the
computer, pet, needlecraft, and gardening sections. Many of the books are outdated.
. Shelving is up in the former Genealogy Room. Genealogy materials are now in the
study rooms.
. Melissa has begun work on the annual budget.
. Melissa filed for Lone Star moneys. Approximately $5300 will be received from
library funds (Federal funding). A $2500 grant from SAMS has been spent on books.
. Melissa is serving on an AALS committee that nominates outstanding libraries.
. A spring membership meeting is in Uvalde on March 18th.
. Nicki (Children's Librarian) worked with Girl Scout Troop 777 on story time. Also
she will also attend a Performers Showcase next week.
. A patron lost consciousness in the library. EMS was called. This incident pointed
out the need for library staff to always be "First Aid ready".
. Gail showed pictures of new outside lighting. Five 16 ft. poles with 2 lamps per pole
will be installed. Installation should begin next week. Pavers of various colors have
been delivered. This project should be completed in approximately 6 weeks.
. Gail reported that Fibar had sent a $5000 refund for the playscape as there was a
double payment in this amount. This money will return to the Park fund.
. A feasibility study for a YMCA in this area will be done.
Old Business: none
New Business: Customer Conduct Policy needs to be updated. Melissa will bring draft
copies of this and other necessary policies to future meetings.
Mary moved to adjourn the meeting. Julie seconded. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be March 7, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.
Cash Account
Balance Forward
Ending Balance
Investment Account
Balance Forward
January Interest
Ending Balance
- Bookstore
Memorial Donations CAW)
Miscellaneous Donations
Bank Interest
- Bookstore Sales Tax
$ 10251.44
$ 612.00
$ 100.00
$ 26.20
$+ 11.21
$ 749.41
$+ 749.41
$ 10954.46
$ 11581. 59
$+ 22.03
$ 11603.62