LAB 03-05-1990
The Library Advisory Board met on Monday, March 5, 1990, at 7:30
Merl,bet's pt'esent:
Connie Brison, Chairman
Marge Smith, Secretary
Jul i e Part'
Get'a ld Th I.wmarl
The minutes were presented.
minutes. Gerald seconded.
The treasu~er's report was
concerning the amount paid to
check to make sure the amount
we accept the treasurer's
cart' i ed.
Davi d At~rlesorl
Rut h T i erlot'
Maq;jat'et Ri ley
Mat'y McA II i st et.,
Ex-Officio - Gail Douglas,
David mClved
M.:,t i,:.rl passed.
accept the
presented. There was a question
Fullers Door Locks. Gail will
paid is correct. Gerald moved that
report. Ruth seconded. Motion
The dance and auction were discussed. Various suggestions were
made regarding a change in fund raising activities. Gail
suggested that we have the bClok stc.t'e ':' perl all yeat' and perhaps
not have an additional fund raiser each year. David volunteered
to look into the book store idea and report on it further at the
Y"lext meet i ng.
Librarian's Report:
Reported by Gail:
Ad ul t vc.lurnes
Juvenile volumes
Young adult volumes
Fi lmstl"'ips
Statistics for January:
Resident cards 75
Non-resident cards 29
Reciprocal cards 2
Statistics for February:
Resident cards 71
Non-res. cards 42
Reciprocal cat'ds c:
Fi nes, etc.
CopieH' fees
At t erld a rice
Ci t'cl.Ilat iOY"1
2, L~36
4, 2'+5
Fines, etc.
Cr:1 pi et' fees
Cit'culat iorr
E:, L~/+2
3, ~:399
Gail reported that they were having four story hours per week and
that the story hours ar~ very well attended.
Connie reported that invitations have been sent out for the open
house on Saturday, March 10. There will be a short program and
cookies and punch will be served.
A discussion was held concerning the laying of the used carpet In
the back area. Mary moved that we have the used carpet laid in
the back room. Ruth seconded. Motion carried.
Connie advised that there appeared to be some difficulty about
accepting the grant from the Minnie Piper Stevens foundation. We
have been asked to furnish them with a letter from the IRS. Earl
Sawyer, Mayor of Schertz, who was attending the board meeting,
suggested that the city attorney look into the matter and give us
some legal advice. H€'~ sug~Jested that Gail talk to l"flr'. S\-'Jeatt ter
pursue the matter further.
Connie will write a letter to Mr. Lanier
services as auctioneer. Ruth moved that
subscriptiern to show erur appreciation for Mr.
Mary seconded. Motion passed.
thanking him for his
we get a magazine
Lanier's services.
The book sale scheduled for March 30, March 31, and April 1,
1990, was discussed. David said that we would need some tables.
Margaret reported that table would be available from her church.
A werrk schedule was presented and volunteers were asked to sign
up to help with the book sale. Flyers advertising the book sale
were handed out, and everyone was asked to help distribute them.
Ruth moved that we adjourn.
Julie secorldec:l.
Mot i e,n C,3 'r-'Y' i f~d.
71L~ ~
Marge Smith, Secretary