LAB 10-03-1988 e e e . 'I. LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES The Library Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, October 3, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. Members present: Margaret Riley Tony Paulson Jerry Thurman David Arneson Gail Douglas, Libr. Aggie Aguilar, City Council Rep. Mary McAllister, Chair Connie Brison, Secretary Julie Parr, Treasurer Ruth Tienor Ex-Officio Visitors present: City Manager Kerry Sweatt and his wife, Wanda Jean. Also, Mr. Bob Schwartz of GVEC. The minutes were presented. Tony moved to accept the minutes, excepting that Gail's classes are at UTSA, not in Austin. Ruth seconded. MP. Connie introduced Mr. and Mrs. Sweatt. He spoke briefly to the Board, encouraging teamwork and reinforcing his open door policy. Mr. Schwartz then made his presentation to the Board, out information packets about geothermal heat pumps. sketch of the Library and the addition with three (3) place. Cost on each unit is about $9,000. handing He had a units in Julie presented the treasurer's report. Margaret moved to accept it. Jerry seconded. MP. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Stats: Resident cards 82 Nonresident 39 User fees 0 Reciprocal cards 3 Fines, etc. Copier fees Attendance Circulation $185.75 $109.60 2377 4384 Reported by Gail: The Collection stands at: Adult, 10.597; YA, 595; Juvenile, 3958. e e e ;0 The new computer is operable, but the wire must be adjusted in length. Data is in and working well. There are several cQanges in the workroom arrangement. Vera did get results on overdues as the #1 priority. Several books came back. Mr. Sweatt is working on the ordinance about overdue books. Complete automation of SPL 1S quite possible within three years. Gail's reference course is very helpful; she will apply knowledge to the Collection. The order for children's books came to $800.00. Fiction and bestsellers will be chiefly considered now. Gail and Connie attended the SAALS meeting. PUBLIC RELATIONS/PUBLICITY Connie reported that she and Gail have a working lunch planned on the "Library Limelight" newspaper articles on volunteers and/or library sections. POLICY Meeting room scheduling is sometimes difficult. Gail currently gives a form to the person intending to get the key from the dispatcher. BUILDING Discussion was held during Mr. Schwartz's visit. He answered questions, etc. A five-ton unit for the addition is $1800 per ton, or $9,000 for that particular unit. Installing a damper to shut off the faulty unit in the meeting room during non-use might be considered. Caution was expressed about the use of the polybutyl pipes used for geothermal pumps. The shifting base and caliche here could cause breakage in that kind of pipe. It was decided to contact more local AC people for estimates, including Bill Tibbs of Universal Air, Hillert's (now owned by Mr. DeKoch), and Bantz Air Conditioning. e e e w , , OLD BUSINESS Jerry and Ruth had some info on the Humane Society's hoedown at the V.F.W. They collected $849.00 with $300.00 going to the band. Some was due to a small raffle. H.S. was pleased and has rescheduled for the same time next year. Del Richerson of the V.F.W. does everything - advertizing, getting bands, etc. We just need someone to sit at the door. Ruth will talk to Nolan Edwards there about booking the V.F.W. and the details for a jamboree for the Library. Michelle and other H.S. members would like a Thursday meeting with some of us to discuss the dance/auction. Mary, Margaret, and Ruth will meet with them. David has a larger truck and said that he would be glad to pick up the A-frames in Seguin. We will give Jim Shriver of Schertz Business Club a list of items needed, like ceiling fans, cost of wiring the addition, etc. to consider as donations. NEW BUSINESS Mary appointed Julie and Tony to the Nominating Committee to address the issue of board members with expiring terms. They will report on that status at the LAB's November meeting. At the December meeting they will submit a slate of officers for 1989. As there was no other business, Tony moved to adjourn. Ruth seconded. MP. ~~ ~'l~ Connie Brison, Secretary e TRE.~SURERfC: REPOR'[ (:...;ISl{ AC:C:O{JIJT .F'}~~EV I CJrJ;~: E',ltl"i'~}TC~Ii I I'>JC~~OI,{E Fine Money/Copier Fees Donat ion:=:; Meeting Room Rental Fee Change from cashiIlg CD D I;=:BUPE;E~IENTS C:omlJu_Ad.cl !SUI)i31~ ~3tor--(~ County Bud,'3st, Alloi::;rrl";nt to CD e PRESEN1,' BALANCE (1 0-:}-8(3) - -... -. . . .~, c .'--'" -'. :, .--_, . - ~, - -~ ~- -- _ "_ __. u _ ~.~ T, J. ~~ ~~ fj 4 ' rJ C) T:> _L u I rL t e T--!~ .':=,:: t: :; L:~~ ~2 -. - ...;--..,. ~ 'Ct,. Po. i. _i. ':.J ~, In:.~'= Ii t: !~'ri Pur~c;tla.:3ecl (Cj-:-1 () mr)F\ ) .L Cl c.~ :3. .':::; l~ P:. (:: C: 0 U rl t e c; I..~.~~ t- CJ 1) e 1-- :'~~: I~}? I' I~ I-'LE J~R 1 (.;) E~ e 5f) ~3 4. . ~:; ~5 ~?5, 00 ~~O. 00 ________~LQ2 .h :1) ?~;). 27 445,00 .____~_i}_Q_L_.~_5JJ_ 1) 1432,50 1 ~~ [3 ':~ ',i. .}) ~_._- -. .~. -- - - '{',+ '7(~? ~:? ~-=-___14 :lZ~_:2-.~ ,$ 13E59. 50 ., ,--\ ,-, .-...- , - - -. - -, , ..;, .c:.... '._'''::'' .::' <_'::-'