LAB 11-07-1988 r' ;,. ''- e e e November 7, 1988 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary McAllister, Chairperson Julie Parr, Treasurer Ruth Tienor David Arneson Ex-Officio - Gail Douglas, Librarian and Marge Smith Jerry Thurman Margaret Riley Tony Paulson Adolph Aguilar, City Council Rep. Tony moved to accept the minutes. Julie seconded. MP. Tony moved to accept the treasurer's report. Marge seconded. MP. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Stats: Resident cards Non-resident cards ' User fees Reciprocal cards Reported by Gail: The Collection stands at: Adult, 10,650; YA, 594, Juvenile, 4013. Gail copied the letter for solicitations for the auction in February. Tony and Mike Perez met about building plans. Garrod Electronics sent a "friend". A consultant came for bid proposals. She charges $35.00 per hr.($500) Gail went to the Schertz Business Club meeting. They donated $250 for the building fund. Gail is working on her own yearly plan of projects for the Library. David picked up the A-frames from Seguin. By Nov. 15 the paperbacks will be entered on the computer. Gail was invited to the Jack-in-the-Box ground-breaking on Nov. 11. Gail was asked if she has received the pay raise. It should be reflected in the Nov. 15 paycheck. Her anniversary date in Nov. 7. 82 48 1 4 Fines, etc. Copier fees Attendance Circulation $200.70 $139.40 2916 4560 BUILDING COMMITTEE Tony talked to Mike Perez, and he scouted around for contractors. Hillert Air (Mr. DeKock) said that two 5-ton units are needed. A floor plan is needed before bids can be put out on the addition. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ruth read info on the J. Frank Dobie grant. Deadline is Feb. 15. Gail will write for the application. .1 NOMINATING COMMITTEE A two-year term was recommended (Jan. '89- David Arneson Marge Smith The committee's recommendation passed. A Dec. '90) for the following: Margaret Riley Gerald Thurman slate of officers will come in Dec. ! i;( ~- ,.', l' " ;';'1 . i ~..' '. ,:iltl...." , , ~...'rt'. ~ ~~. e OLD BUSINESS The dance/auction will be Feb. 4 at the V.F.W. Mary and Margaret met with Michelle Terlesky from the Humane Society. The V.F.W. will donate the hall and keep beer proceeds. Food can be served by us; we hire the band. Discussion followed on ticket sales. NEW BUSINESS New officers can be approved by city council on Dec. 20 according to Aggie. The mayor has proclaimed Nov. 14-20 as National Children's Book Week. There was discussion on the book sale dates. March 30-April 1 was suggested. We are not sure about the use of the community center because of SAFES workshop and training sessions. April 6-9 was alternate date suggested. Ruth moved to adjourn. Tony seconded. MP. Notes taken by Margaret e e ~ y November 7, 1988 TREASURER'S REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1988 CASH ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME Fine Money/Copier Fees Memorial Donations USA Today Schertz Business Club U:~er:~ Fee County Budget Allotment (2) Change from cashing CD DISBURSEMENTS County Budget Allotment to CD PRESENT BALANCE 01-7-83) CD Cashed ($13317,00 plus $82.11 Interest) Cc:.unty Budget Allotment CD Purchased (10-17-88) To Cash Account .$ 1369,50 $ 32, 10 75.00 10,00 2~)0. 00 10,00 2875,00 _______LQj~ .$ 3302.71 .$+ 3302.71 .$ 1437. ~50 :~- 14.:')7.50 .$ 3234,71 .$ 13399,11 $+ 142.7,50 .$ 1483(:",.61 :f-_=-l 4 CL3.l::' , 0 0 0,61