LAB 09-13-1993
The LAB met In regular session on September 13, 1993.
MemDerB pfeBeDt~ Richard Cey.vantes! Mar'garet Riley, Jtllie
Parr. Connie Brison, Dan Schofield, Ruth Tienor, Mary
McAllister, and Gail Douglas, Librarian.
Citizens to be heard included Clemens High School students
Jason Markulin and Gary Timmons. They represented a
role-playing group who has requested use of the meeting room
eveI:'Y Saturday. Currently the RPG membership numbers about
sixteen (16), and when all attend, they need a large room in
which to run a campaign. Jason and Gary estimated that the
group is comprised of 50% writers. After questions and
discussion Richard thanked the two gentlemen for their presence
and patience and told them that the LAB would take their
request under advisement.
The meeting resumed with the presentation of the minutes frem
the last meeting. Mary moved to accept the minutes; Julie
seconded. Motion passed.
The treasurer's report was presented.
and Mary seconded. Motion passed.
Ruth moved to accept
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Librarian's Report:
Circulation is 73,000 through August for this year. Major
gains! Impressive! Monthly statistics were also viewed by LAB
The Library of Americ.:i has ten (10) more volumes avai lable.
Because of a matching grant LAB funds paid $150.00 for the ten
neH bO()}':::3.
The three Guadalupe COl1nty librariesl P!~opo3al was pl-'esen"ted to
Comrni s:::: ioners I Court and it passed.
The Schertz Publ ic Librdry budget for the ccming year 1:3
$112,000.00. Another ten (10) hours of clerical help was
approved, but it cannot be implemented until April 1st.
The Children's Programming Director position must be refilled;
it is alloted ten hours weekly.
There is a bond proposal for public safety concerning the fire
department. Because the library is adjacent, it will entail
landscaping, a joint flagpole area. and a change in the park nq
area. Barracks will be built for what will be the 24-hour f re
department facility. This bond propof.:;al could lihel}' include
library building improvements, such as the foyer installation
and bricking of the buiciling. Gail need:::: an architect';::;
rendering to submit. The library could be bricked at the same
time the fire department is buiclling. CooYdin,"ltion of brick
and style Gould be accomplished with ease,
Gail and Dan attended a policy workshop at Nsw BraUnItl~ 'Ii
AUgUBt: Ihty were provided good information via hand-oute,
Here we need to focus on two major library roles and one or two
rni noy YO leE; . L71.3 Inernbers' homevvork was to rate the ro I es on
the "Possible Library Roles" sheet that wa:::: distributed,
keepi ng in mi nd our miss i on sta ternent.. 'dhether we shou 1 d ch.3.nge
it, etc.
F~ec)/Gl ir19' :,,'li 11 c(itlti111Je tl-1:r.()tlg-l-1 ()c~t()l)el-' at l...ldrno v'la;:::te ori t'he
first and third Saturdays. Beyond October 1S questionable
because the Alamo Waste site has been sold to another business.
Cornrni t tee Eeports; None
Old Business: Ruth reported that Patti Lovelady IS receptive
to serving on the LAB again, finishing Sylvia Marbach's terTi!
through December, 1994. Ruth moved that we nominate Patti
Lovelady as a LAB member. Margaret seconded. Motion passed.
TIle LAB again expressed appreciation for the lovely cake
presented to us by Sandy; we enjoyed it at the meeting.
ii. vn:-i tten thank-you note was suggested.
New Business: Julie reported that Claire said the book store
had received a large number of Readers' Digest Condensed books.
Richard will take a look on Tuesday, September 14th. Also,
the book sale sign needs to be replaced. Perhaps the city
could help with a metal sign.
Other booK store considerations include the feasibility of haV$n9
Saturday sale hours as well. A great deal of material has ~
,:iccuff1ul a ted and need::: to be so ld. The b>:)ok ;:::tore cornmi t tee
will discuss the issue of Saturday hours and report to the LAB.
The LAB discussed the RFG request for the meeting room for
every Saturday. Every Saturday would violate meeting room
policy, Noise level of these fantasy games could possibly be a
problem for library patrons. Richard will attend an RPG
campaign on a Saturday and report to the LAB during our October
meeting. First and third Saturdays for a three-month trial
basie was among suggestions.
Ruth moved to adjourn. Julie seconded. Motion passed.
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