LAB 10-02-2000 . SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD (LAB) MINUTES The LAB met on October 2, 2000 with the following members present: Margaret Riley Mary McAllister Barbara Ricks Norma Head Pia Jarman Ruth Tienor Julie Parr Pattie Lovelady Gail Douglas . Minutes: The minutes for the September meeting were presented. Julie made the motion to accept the minutes. Pia seconded the motion. The motion passed. Treasurer's report: Julie stated that the treasurer's reports still have not been straightened out. She has not been able to contact Mr. Jain to discuss the problem. She did report that the September bookstore deposit was $242.68. Ruth made the motion to accept the report given. Pattie seconded the motion. The motion carried. Librarian's Report: - Gail reported that a Children's Librarian will be needed before next summer. - The grant money is in, so purchases will soon follow. - Problems with the DSL hook-up and FAX machine seem to be solved. - Gail spent about $2,000 on new children's books at the end of September. - Sandy and Gail will attend a Gates workshop on October 4. The new Gates computers should be in sometime after the workshop. - The statistics for September were down, but Gail is not sure why. - The wallpaper border to redecorate the children's area has not come in yet. Once it is received, work will begin. - Gail reported that the library budget was approved by the city. Lay Rep Report: Norma reported that she is on a committee for Continuing Education. She plans to attend a workshop on Dec.19, as well as Gail. They are required to attend the workshop in order to receive state funding. Nominating Committee: Nominations for new officers will be made in December. The committee asked those members whose terms expire this year whether they plan to stay on the LAB. New Business: Council Representative Norma Head reported that the city has hired a company to search for the new city manager. A report should be back by November 10. They are accepting applications, and the top 5 candidates will be interviewed. The heads of the various boards in the city will take part in the interviews and also give their input. Norma also reported that the SAFES budget is still being worked on. She also reported that landscaping around the new buildings will be worked on October 21. Anyone is welcome to help. Citizen's Report: Pia Jarman stated that T-shirts by the Schertz Humane Society are being sold NovA at the Seniors Bazaar. The motion to adjourn was made by Ruth and seconded by Mary. The next LAB . meeting will be on Monday November 6, at 7:00 p.m.