LAB 09-13-1999 SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD (LAB) MINUTES The LAB met on September 13, 1999 with the following members present: Margaret Riley Ruth Tienor Julie Parr Mary McAllister Juan Thorn Barbara Ricks Gail Douglas Minll+os' Tho mini ItOe!. fnr tho Allnlle!.t mootinn \Aloro nroe!.ontorl RI.th made tho motinn to .........."..... . Ill'"" "UII""",",,","'" IVI Il.. "'" I "\,A~UV'" III"V....I~ "W'-','" I""VVVII,"V\o.Ai. ''-.\0.1\,11 II \.'1" I I "1'-#11 Il.. accept the minutes as corrected. Julie seconded the motion. The motion carried. Treasurer's Report: The report for July was presented, however, no report was available for August. Julie reported that the balance as of July 31,1999 was $3,506.73. August bookstore deposits totaled $146.30. Mary made the motion to accept the report. Ruth seconded the motion. The motion carried. Librarian's Report: -Gail reported that Pattie Lovelady has resigned from the board. Plans to present Pattie with a plaque, certificate or some other form of recognition were discussed. - The library will be closed the week of September 20 for carpet installation. Gail and Sandy wiii be working to supervise the moving crews. The rest of the employees wiii be on vacation. Painting will be done during the early part of the week while the carpet crew prepares the floor for the new carpet. The moving crew is scheduled to pack everything up on Sunday and load it onto trailers. They win unpack on Saturday. - The computers will be stored in the study room to avoid being in the trailer for a week. Videos will be stored in the kitchen area. -All bookstore materials will be moved to the meeting room, which will be the new bookstore location. The bookstore will be called the Courtney Bookstore. -Ed Head will build a partition in the meeting room to allow for a break room. -The previous bookstore location will become the children's area. Volunteers will be needed in the new children's area. -Meetings scheduled through the rest of the year will be moved to other rooms of the library such as the genealogy room, etc. _Tho fO\lor Sh^U1rl bo filnie>hod by +ho ond Of ~o""'+ombor - I Ilv I ,vl I V IU v I 1I~llv . Lllv v I I Vvl-'\vl v. -While the carpet is being instaiied Gail and Sandy wiii work on the grant from L.e. R.A. , which needs to be completed by the end of September. -The new book drop hasn't come in but is expected this week. The bobcat owner's insurance is paying for the replacement at a cost of $2,138 for a unit of the same capacity. -The budget passed, but the library will not get $5,000from the county as was earlier planned. County Commissioner Jim Woolverton couldn't help with the $5,000. Gail was grateful for Pia Jarman's support of the program for city employees. -Regina will remain a part-time employee until October. She will become full-time when the new budget goes into effect. -Gail plans to eventually landscape the back area of the library as well as set up benches and a mesh shade cloth over the back door. This will allow the children's area to be expanded for outdoor programs. The motion to adjourn was made by Ruth and seconded by Julie. The next LAB moo+inn \Avil' ho ^n I\"^nrl.:l\l f"I...+^hor A 1 aaa .:1+ 7'0n ..... r'Y\ II vv\lIl~ ~ II....v VII ililvl UQ1, \Jv\V....vl "T, I;;J;;J;;J Q\ ,. V 1-'.111. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR AUGUST 1999 CASH ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME BOOKSTORE MISCELLANEOUS DONATIONS INSURANCE CHECK FOR BOOKDROP MEMORIAL DONATIONS CAW) $ 3506.73 $ 146.30 $ 54.70 $ 2138.00 $ 70.00 $ 2409.0D $+ 2409.00 DISBURSEMENTS BOOKSTORE SALES TAX TO INVESTMENT ACCOUNT $ 59.62 $ 2000.00 $ 2059.62 $- 2059.62 PRESENT BALANCE C8-31-99) $ 3856.11 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT 8-31-99 Interest FROM CASH ACCOUNT AUGUST BALANCE $ 16580.81 / $ 76.28 $ 2000.00 $ 18657.09