LAB 05-10-1982 .,. "'. LI3?AR-:" AD\lI~:~RY 3Clt~D !:EETI~.~G The LibrLry Advipory Board held a 2peci~1 7:00 pill. :::.eeting ~-I- c.~. U the Library on May 10, at \ q <6').- E"I'\Tel:.,r: Ro::-er: brou_[;ht the =..~eetillG to order. GeoTge B,rv:rd fro:::. the LionE Cl ub -,,-Cc~ the ~Yl~r~)v' e of the Deetine:;. The Lions Club Eel'e rilling to help the Libr=-ry in Qny 1-;C.y they ccc.n and he "anted to see eX2.ctl:' ;'here ,;e needed help. Ruth Tienor briefed him on hc.w the Library 1,as ~ tc,rted e.:cd ~-here ,'~e ,~re tod~y. l:r. B2.rYlc_~~d. f:1I=.ze~.ted. tb.2:.t tile Libr~,r=.'- ~-_~E:.1:e a ~=:re~ e11tJ~tiorl to "t:]-i-S Lions Cll~b at thei~ :n.e~t ~~edrle::::d.{:tY. TIeeti11g. TOT1:r Pc:.lll~ on, Ii:[':.rgc:.ret Ri=-E:3;"" 8..Ilct Linn ~-Till attend the :::.eeting. eTHER B1JSIlT3S Linn ".U':')cTted tLe Seg-u,in Fublic Libc.r:; [',t COill:"lic:::ioner' 2 CooJ,rt in their request for additional funds. The Co=-=-i':sioner'~ Court voted to cive them 110,000 addition~l for t~i~ Fisc~l Ye~r. A CaE' of -t~~e y,i"br<'.ry's b'Ll,deet ,:as given b r-:r. GilDore \'7ho \.;ill be precenting it to City Council. ~r. Gilsc~e agreed -I- - (r- , T'P""'l"'C . e" 0 "u~'J"'''' _ -'.......l....... v \...;... __ __..L..._ to cupport - to cover the filling Tllesda~}"" r:Jld of the clerk 'Jo::ition -1-' , L-nat; Linn Thursd2Y evening c}lifts). Keetin; cfjsurned. ( ~- ~'; e~-<" co. ..L._ ,-,-, ....... s~e ~tt2ched for Jro')o-ed bUdcet) 100 FIRST STREET SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154 AC (512) 658-6011 SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY 5-5-82 PROPOSED LIBRARY BUDGET--1982-1983 ($1046) ... 3.35 ~er bour for 6 bour week clerk) SALARY 9146(8100 for 30 bour wee~,librarian and BOOKS 4854 PERIODICALS 400 AUDIOVISUAL 100 SUPPLIES 500 TRA VEL 400 MEMBERSHIPS 25 TOTAL $15,425 Mr. Gilmore will be presenting this budget _request to the City Council '. . ) SCHERTZ PUBLIC LI BRARY 100 FIRST STREET SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154 AC (512) 658-6011 1983 FY Library Budget SA LlillY $9,000 plus approx. $2,000 to hire a cle;-k for a 10 hour week at minimum l.;age roOKS $6,000 -~ PERIODICALS $400 AUDIOVISUAL $150 LIBRARY SUPPLIES $550 MEETIims AND TRAVEL $450 MEMBERSHIP $25 EQUIPMENT $2200 (typewriter and 16 rom film proj ector ) TOTAL $21,775 :. ~ .. SCHERTZ PUBLIC LI BRARY 100 FIRST STREET SCH ERTZ, TEXAS 78154 AC (512) 658-6011 FUTURE 3UDGET CONSIDERATIOjS: SAL~Y: The librarian should be hired for a 40 hour week and the clerk for a minimum of a 20 hour week to keep up with the increasing workload at the library. Librarian--$12,OOO Clerk--$4,OOO EQUIfME:IT: Y:.icrofilm reader--$600 roOKS, PERIODICALS AND AUDIOVISUAL HATERIALS: Additional funds will be needed in these areas to improve and update the present collection.